Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/launchpadlib/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/launchpadlib/__pycache__/credentials.cpython-312.pyc |
� �ΔaZy � �< � d dl mZ eZg d�Z d dlmZ d dl Z d dl Z d dlZd dlmZ d dl Z d dlmZ d dlZ d dlmZ d dlmZ d dlZd d lmZmZ d d lmZ eeu reZneZd dl m!Z! d dl"m#Z$m%Z%m&Z&m'Z' d d l(m)Z) dZ*dZ+dZ,dZ-dZ.e/e0e1fZ2d� Z3d� Z4 G d� de&� Z5 G d� de$� Z# G d� de$� Z6 G d� de7� Z8 G d� de8� Z9 G d� d e8� Z: G d!� d"e8� Z; G d#� d$e7� Z< G d%� d&e<� Z= G d'� d(e=� Z> G d)� d*e?� Z@ G d+� d,e@� ZA G d-� d.e@� ZB G d/� d0eB� ZC G d1� d2eB� ZD G d3� d4eD� ZE G d5� d6e@� ZF G d7� d8e@� ZG G d9� d:e@� ZH G d;� d<e@� ZIy# e$ r d dlmZ Y ��aw xY w# e$ r d dlmZ Y ��Lw xY w# e$ r d dlmZ Y ��Ww xY w)=� )�print_function)�AccessToken�AnonymousAccessToken� AuthorizeRequestTokenWithBrowser�CredentialStore�RequestTokenAuthorizationEngine�Consumer�Credentials)�StringION)�select)�stdin)� urlencode)�urljoin)� b64decode� b64encode)�parse_qs)� HTTPError)r r �OAuthAuthorizer�SystemWideConsumer)�urisz+request-tokenz +access-tokenz+authorize-token� i� c �T � t t j j dd� � S )z�Whether the user has disabled SSL certificate connection. Some testing servers have broken certificates. Rather than raising an error, we allow an environment variable, ``LP_DISABLE_SSL_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION`` to disable the check. �%LP_DISABLE_SSL_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATIONF)�bool�os�environ�get� � �:/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/launchpadlib/credentials.py�$_ssl_certificate_validation_disabledr! V s � � �� � ���F��N�O�Or c � � t � }t j |�� j | d|t |� �� \ }}|j dk7 rt ||� �||fS )z�POST to ``url`` with ``headers`` and a body of urlencoded ``params``. Wraps it up to make sure we avoid the SSL certificate validation if our environment tells us to. Also, raises an error on non-200 statuses. )�"disable_ssl_certificate_validation�POST)�method�headers�body�� )r! �httplib2�Http�requestr �statusr )�urlr&