Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/janitor/plugincore/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/janitor/plugincore/__pycache__/manager.cpython-312.pyc |
� QKf� � �r � e Zd gZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl m Z dZee u reneZ G d� d � Zy)� PluginManager� N)�Plugin� c �@ � e Zd ZdZd� Zd� Zed� � Zd� Zd� Z d d�Z y) r z�Find and load plugins. Plugins are stored in files named '*_plugin.py' in the list of directories given to the constructor. c � � || _ t |t � r#t dj t |� � � �t |� | _ d | _ y )NzExpected sequence, got {}) �_app� isinstance� STR_TYPES� TypeError�format�type�list�_plugin_dirs�_plugins)�self�app�plugin_dirss �</usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/janitor/plugincore/manager.py�__init__zPluginManager.__init__) sK � ��� � �k�9�-��+�2�2�4��3D�E�� � !��-����� � c # �$ K � | j D ]� } t j |� D �cg c] }|j d� r|�� }}t j dj |t j |� � � t |� D ]$ }t j j ||� �� �& �� yc c}w # t $ rL}|j t j k7 r� t j dj |� � Y d}~��d}~ww xY w�w)z4Return all filenames in which plugins may be stored.z _plugin.pyzNo such plugin directory: {}NzPlugin modules in {}: {})r �os�listdir�endswith�OSError�errno�ENOENT�logging�debugr �SPACE�join�sorted�path)r �dirname�filename� basenames�errors r �get_plugin_fileszPluginManager.get_plugin_files4 s� � �� � �(�(� 6�G� � %'�J�J�w�$7�� ��(�(��6� �� � � �M�M�*�1�1��U�Z�Z� �2�� � #�9�-� 6���g�g�l�l�7�H�5�5� 6�% 6���� � ��;�;�%�,�,�.��� � �<�C�C�G�L�M��� �sA �D�B8�B3�B8�A-D�3B8�8 D �AD�D�D � Dc # �>