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ؒ�eU+���dZddlmZmZddlZddlZddlmZmZm	Z	m
mZmZe	dd��Z
ddlmZdd	lmZneZej(d
kDrd�ZneZGd�d
e�Ze�ZGd�de�ZGd�de�Zd�Zd�ZddlmZd�Z gd�Z!y)z0
Versions for Python packages.

See L{Version}.
contravariant)�Literal)�Distribution��c��||kry||k(ryy)z�
        Compare two objects.

        Returns a negative number if C{a < b}, zero if they are equal, and a
        positive number if C{a > b}.
        ���r��)�a�bs  �6/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/incremental/__init__.py�_cmpr!s��
�!�V���c�N�eZdZdZd�Zejdk\r
d�Zd�Zd�Z	d�Z
yy)	�_Infz:
    An object that is bigger than all other objects.
        @param other: Another object.
        @type other: any

        @return: 0 if other is inf, 1 otherwise.
        @rtype: C{int}
        rr)�_inf��self�others  r�__cmp__z_Inf.__cmp__>s���D�=��rrc�*�|j|�dkS�Nr�r!rs  r�__lt__z_Inf.__lt__L����<�<��&��*�*rc�*�|j|�dkSr#r$rs  r�__le__z_Inf.__le__O����<�<��&�!�+�+rc�*�|j|�dkDSr#r$rs  r�__gt__z_Inf.__gt__Rr&rc�*�|j|�dk\Sr#r$rs  r�__ge__z_Inf.__ge__Ur)rN)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__r!�sys�version_infor%r(r+r-rrrrr9s5���
����4��	+�	,�	+�	,� rrc��eZdZdZy)�IncomparableVersionsz-
    Two versions could not be compared.
    N)r.r/r0r1rrrr5r5\s��rr5c��eZdZdZ				dd�Zed��Zd�ZeZeZ	eZ
d�Zd�Zd�Z
ejd	k\rd
�Zd�Zd�Zd
    An encapsulation of a version for a project, with support for outputting
    PEP-440 compatible version strings.

    This class supports the standard major.minor.micro[rcN] scheme of
    Nc	��|r
|rtd��|r |s|}tjdtd��|dk(r|s|s|s|s|rtd��||_||_||_||_||_||_	||_
        @param package: Name of the package that this is a version of.
        @type package: C{str}
        @param major: The major version number.
        @type major: C{int} or C{str} (for the "NEXT" symbol)
        @param minor: The minor version number.
        @type minor: C{int}
        @param micro: The micro version number.
        @type micro: C{int}
        @param release_candidate: The release candidate number.
        @type release_candidate: C{int}
        @param prerelease: The prerelease number. (Deprecated)
        @type prerelease: C{int}
        @param post: The postrelease number.
        @type post: C{int}
        @param dev: The development release number.
        @type dev: C{int}
        z Please only return one of these.zvPassing prerelease to incremental.Version was deprecated in Incremental 16.9.0. Please pass release_candidate instead.���
stacklevel�NEXTz;When using NEXT, all other values except Package must be 0.N)�
ValueError�warnings�warn�DeprecationWarning�package�major�minor�micro�release_candidate�post�dev)	rrArBrCrDrE�
prereleaserFrGs	         r�__init__zVersion.__init__ks���:���?�@�@�
� 1� *���M�M�-�#��
��F�?���!2�d�c� �Q��������
�!2�����	���rc�T�tjdtd��f|jS)NzuAccessing incremental.Version.prerelease was deprecated in Incremental 16.9.0. Use Version.release_candidate instead.r9r:)r>r?r@rE�rs rrHzVersion.prerelease�s.���
�	��%�%�%rc�>�|jdk(r|jS|j�d}nd|j��}|j�d}nd|j��}|j�d}nd|j��}d|j|j|j
        Return a PEP440-compatible "public" representation of this L{Version}.


          - 14.4.0
          - 1.2.3rc1
          - 14.2.1rc1dev9
          - 16.04.0dev0
        r<�z.rcz.postz.devz%r.%d.%d%s%s%s)rBrErFrGrCrD)r�rcrFrGs    r�publiczVersion.public�s����:�:����:�:���!�!�)��B�*�!�2�2�4�B��9�9���D��!%�	�	�+�D��8�8���C��#�h�h�(�C��4�:�:�t�z�z�4�:�:�r�4�QT�"U�U�Urc	�H�|j�d}nd|j��}|j�d}nd|j��}|j�d}nd|j��}d|jj|j
|j|j|j|||fzS)NrMz, release_candidate=z, post=z, dev=z%s(%r, %r, %d, %d%s%s%s))	rErFrG�	__class__r.rArBrCrD)rrErFrGs    r�__repr__zVersion.__repr__�s����!�!�)� "��*�=A�<R�<R� T���9�9���D��#'�)�)�-�D��8�8���C��!%���*�C�)��N�N�#�#��L�L��J�J��J�J��J�J����	-
, version �]�rA�shortrKs r�__str__zVersion.__str__�s��%)�\�\�4�:�:�<�@�@rc	�\�t||j�stS|jj	�|jj	�k7r$t|j�d|j����|jdk(rt}n|j}|j�t}n|j}|j�d}n|j}|j�t}n|j}|jdk(rt}n|j}|j�t}n|j}|j�d}n|j}|j�t}	n|j}	t||j|j|||f||j|j|||	f�}
        Compare two versions, considering major versions, minor versions, micro
        versions, then release candidates, then postreleases, then dev
        releases. Package names are case insensitive.

        A version with a release candidate is always less than a version
        without a release candidate. If both versions have release candidates,
        they will be included in the comparison.

        Likewise, a version with a dev release is always less than a version
        without a dev release. If both versions have dev releases, they will
        be included in the comparison.

        @param other: Another version.
        @type other: L{Version}

        @return: NotImplemented when the other object is not a Version, or one
            of -1, 0, or 1.

        @raise IncomparableVersions: when the package names of the versions
        z != r<r)�
isinstancerQ�NotImplementedrA�lowerr5rBrrErFrGrrCrD)rr rBrErFrG�
othermajor�otherrc�	otherpost�otherdev�xs           rr!zVersion.__cmp__�sb��.�%����0�!�!��<�<����5�=�=�#6�#6�#8�8�&�T�\�\�5�=�=�'Q�R�R��:�:����E��J�J�E��!�!�)� $�� $� 6� 6���9�9���D��9�9�D��8�8���C��(�(�C��;�;�&� ��J����J��"�"�*��G��-�-�G��:�:���I��
�I��9�9���H��y�y�H��
�,=�t�S�I�
����e�k�k�7�I�x�P�
���rrc�B�|j|�}|tur|S|dk(Sr#�r!r[�rr �cs   r�__eq__zVersion.__eq__;�&�����U�#�A��N�"�����6�Mrc�B�|j|�}|tur|S|dk7Sr#rcrds   r�__ne__zVersion.__ne__Argrc�B�|j|�}|tur|S|dkSr#rcrds   rr%zVersion.__lt__G�&�����U�#�A��N�"����q�5�Lrc�B�|j|�}|tur|S|dkSr#rcrds   rr(zVersion.__le__Mrgrc�B�|j|�}|tur|S|dkDSr#rcrds   rr+zVersion.__gt__Srkrc�B�|j|�}|tur|S|dk\Sr#rcrds   rr-zVersion.__ge__Yrgr)NNNN)r.r/r0r1rI�propertyrHrO�baserW�localrRrXr!r2r3rfrir%r(r+r-rrrr7r7bs������
��5�n�&��&�V�>�D��E��E�
�8A�H�T���4��	�	�	�	�	�	�A rr7c�D�|j�d|j���}|S)z�
    Get a friendly string for the given version object.

    @param version: A L{Version} object.
    @return: A string containing the package and short version number.
    � rV)�version�results  r�getVersionStringrv`s�� �������
9�F��Mrc�l�|syddlm}|j|�}|j�|j�D]a}|ddk(s�i}t	|d�5}t|j
�|�ddd�|dj�|j_	ytd��#1swY�9xYw)	zF
    Get the version from the package listed in the Distribution.
    Nr)�build_pyr�_versionr9�__version__zNo _version.py found.)�distutils.commandrx�finalize_options�find_all_modules�open�exec�readrO�metadatart�	Exception)�dist�keyword�valuerx�
sp_command�item�version_file�fs        r�_get_versionr�ks�����*��"�"�4�(�J����!��+�+�-�����7�j� ��L��d�1�g��
-�%1��$?�$F�$F�$H�D�M�M�!����+�

-�s�B*�*B3	r)rzc�*�tj�S)N)rzrOrrr�_setuptools_versionr��s������r)rzr7rv)"r1�
__future__rrr2r>�typingrrrrr	r
_Distribution�objectr3r�cmprr�	TypeErrorr5r7rvr�ryrzr��__all__rrr�<module>r�s����1�
�T��&���)�<��M����d��� �D�,�6�,�@�v���9��{�f�{�|�-�2"� �9�r

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0