Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/debian/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/debian/__pycache__/debfile.cpython-312.pyc |
� Cf�c�K � � � d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddl m Z mZmZm Z mZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZ ddlmZ ddlmZmZmZ dd lmZ dd lm Z dZ!dZ"g d �Z#dZ$g d�Z%dZ&dZ'dZ(dZ) G d� de� Z* G d� de+� Z, G d� de,� Z- G d� de,� Z. G d� de� Z/e0dk( rH e/ejb d � � Z2e2jf ji � Z4 e5e4jm d� � yy# e$ r dZesd� ZY ��w xY w)!zX Representation of Debian binary package (.deb) files Debfile Classes =============== � N)�Path)�Any�BinaryIO�Dict�IO�Iterator�List�Optional�Text�TypeVar�Union�overload� TYPE_CHECKING)�LiteralFc � � y �N� )�fs �0/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/debian/debfile.py�<lambda>r 9 s � � )�ArFile�ArError�ArMember)� Changelog)�Deb822zdata.tarzcontrol.tar)�gz�bz2�xz�lzma�zstz debian-binary)�preinst�postinst�prerm�postrm�config�controlzusr/share/doc/%s/changelog.gzz$usr/share/doc/%s/changelog.Debian.gz�md5sumsc � � e Zd Zy)�DebErrorN��__name__� __module__�__qualname__r r r r* r* M s � �r r* c � � e Zd ZdZd� Zd� Zed� � Zd� Zdd�Z e dd�� Ze dd �� Zdd �Ze dd�� Ze dd�� Z dd �Zd� Z d� Zd� Zd� Zy)�DebParta� 'Part' of a .deb binary package. A .deb package is considered as made of 2 parts: a 'data' part (corresponding to the possibly compressed 'data.tar' archive embedded in a .deb) and a 'control' part (the 'control.tar.gz' archive). Each of them is represented by an instance of this class. Each archive should be a compressed tar archive although an uncompressed data.tar is permitted; supported compression formats are: .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar.xz . When referring to file members of the underlying .tar.gz archive, file names can be specified in one of 3 formats "file", "./file", "/file". In all cases the file is considered relative to the root of the archive. For the control part the preferred mechanism is the first one (as in deb.control.get_content('control') ); for the data part the preferred mechanism is the third one (as in deb.data.get_file('/etc/vim/vimrc') ). c � � || _ d | _ y r )�_DebPart__member� _DebPart__tgz)�self�members r �__init__zDebPart.__init__c s � ��� ��� r c � � � � fd�}� j ��� j j }t j j |� d dd }|t v s|t k( s |t k( rE|dk( r |ddg� }n� j } t j |d�� � _ � j S t d |z � �� j S # t j t j f$ r}t d |z � �d}~ww xY w)z�Return a TarFile object corresponding to this part of a .deb package. Despite the name, this method gives access to various kind of compressed tar archives, not only gzipped ones. c �� ��� dd l }dd l�|j | |j |j d�fd��� }|j �j j � � d }|j dk7 r+t d dj | � �d |j �d�� �t j |� S # t t f$ r&}t ddj | � �d|�d�� �d }~ww xY w)Nr Fc �P �� � j � j � j � S r )�signal�SIGPIPE�SIG_DFL)r: s �r r z9DebPart.tgz.<locals>._custom_decompress.<locals>.<lambda>} s �� ��M�M�&�.�.�&�.�.�A� r )�stdin�stdout�universal_newlines� preexec_fnzerror while running command '� z' as subprocess: '�'z command 'z' has failed with code ')� subprocessr: �Popen�PIPE�OSError� ValueErrorr* �join�communicater2 �read� returncode�io�BytesIO)�command_listrC �proc�e�datar: r4 s @�r �_custom_decompressz'DebPart.tgz.<locals>._custom_decompressq s� �� � <�!�� "�'�'� �$�/�/�*�/�/�',� B� (� �� �#�#�D�M�M�$6�$6�$8�9�!�<�D����!�#�� #���� 6���� I� J� J� �:�:�d�#�#�� �Z�(� <�� #���� 6�� ;� <� <�� <�s �5B4 �4C)�!C$�$C)N� r! �unzstdz--stdoutzr:*)�fileobj�modez#tarfile has returned an error: '%s'z"part '%s' has unexpected extension)r3 r2 �name�os�path�splitext� PART_EXTS� DATA_PART� CTRL_PART�tarfile�open� ReadError�CompressionErrorr* )r4 rR rW � extension�bufferrP s ` r �tgzzDebPart.tgzh s� �� � $�4 �:�:���=�=�%�%�D����(�(��.�q�1�!�"�5�I��I�%���):�d�i�>O� ��%�/��:�0F�G�F�!�]�]�F�N�!(���f�5�!I�D�J� �z�z�� �C�d�J�K�K��z�z��� �)�)�7�+C�+C�D� N�"�#H�1�#L�M�M��N�s �C �#C=�*C8�8C=c � � t | � j dd� } | j d� r| S | j d� rd| z S d| z S )zw try (not so hard) to obtain a member file name in a form that is stored in the .tar.gz, i.e. starting with ./ �\�/z./�.)�str�replace� startswith)�fnames r �__normalize_memberzDebPart.__normalize_member� sO � � �E� �"�"�4��-�����D�!��L����C� ���;���e�|�r c �j � g }|j d� dd D ]� }|j |� t j j dj |� � }t j |� }| j � j |� }|j � s��|j j d� r(|j j d� }|j }��|j |d<