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@ia�`���ddlZ	ddlmZddlZddlmZddlm	Z	m
mZmZdZ
ejd�ZddlmZmZmZmZmZddlmZGd	�d
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�de�ZGd�de�Zy#e$r	ddlmZY�vwxYw)�N)�RLock)�process_introspection_data)�
DBusException�IntrospectionParserException�MissingErrorHandlerException�MissingReplyHandlerException�restructuredtextzdbus.proxies)�BUS_DAEMON_IFACE�BUS_DAEMON_NAME�BUS_DAEMON_PATH�INTROSPECTABLE_IFACE�
LOCAL_PATH)�is_py2c�"�eZdZdZd�Zd�Zd�Zy)�_DeferredMethodzXA proxy method which will only get called once we have its
    introspection reply.
_proxy_method�_method_name�_append�_block)�self�proxy_method�append�blocks    �./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dbus/proxies.py�__init__z_DeferredMethod.__init__8s&��)���(�5�5���������c��d|vs|jdd�r|j|j||�y|j�|j|i|��S)N�
reply_handler�ignore_replyF)�getrrr�r�args�keywordss   r�__call__z_DeferredMethod.__call__?sT���x�'��L�L���/��L�L��+�+�T�8�<��
�K�K�M�%�4�%�%�t�8�x�8�8rc�>�|j|j||�yr)rrr#s   r�
call_asyncz_DeferredMethod.call_asyncJs�����T�'�'��x�8rN��__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__rr&r(�rrrr4s����	9�9rrc�"�eZdZdZd�Zd�Zd�Zy)�_ProxyMethodz�A proxy method.

    Typically a member of a ProxyObject. Calls to the
    method produce messages that travel over the Bus and are routed
    to a specific named Service.
y)Nz1Methods may not be called on the reserved path %s)rr�_proxy�_connection�_named_service�_object_path�_dbus_bindings�validate_member_namer�validate_interface_name�_dbus_interface)r�proxy�
connection�bus_name�object_path�method_name�ifaces       rrz_ProxyMethod.__init__Usw���*�$��!*�,6�!7�8�
8� %���)���'���*����+�+�K�8�*������2�2�5�9�$��rc
z}|jjj|d�}|s|�C|jj|j|j||j
||fi|��S)	Nr �
error_handlerr!F�	signaturez6ignore_reply and reply_handler cannot be used together�dbus_interface�.)�poprr�	TypeErrorr9rr2�_introspect_method_mapr"r3r(r4r5�
call_blocking)	rr$r%r rAr!rBrC�keys	         rr&z_ProxyMethod.__call__is|�� ���_�d�;�
� ���_�d�;�
��|�|�N�E�:���L�L��d�3�	��$�
�(A��$�2�4�4��&�2�4�4���!0�1�1�"���&6��8L�8L�M�����%��'�'��$�s�*�T�->�->�>�����:�:�>�>�s�D�I�I��=�4�'�D���'�'��(;�(;�(,�(9�(9�(6�(,�(9�(9�(1�(,�(5�(5�
4�2�4�#�#�1�1�$�2E�2E�26�2C�2C�2@�26�2C�2C�2;�26�>�5=�
��|jdd�}|jdd�}|jdd�}|jd|j�}|�G|r|dz|jz}n|j}|jjj|d�}|jj|j|j||j||||fi|��y)Nr rArBrCrD)
rEr9rr2rGr"r3r(r4r5)rr$r%r rArBrCrIs        rr(z_ProxyMethod.call_async�s��� ���_�d�;�
� ���_�d�;�
��L�L��d�3�	�!���&6��8L�8L�M�����$�s�*�T�->�->�>���'�'�����:�:�>�>�s�D�I�I�#����#�#�D�$7�$7�$(�$5�$5�$2�$(�$5�$5�$-�$(�$1�$1�	0�'/�	0rNr)r.rrr0r0Ns���%�(*>�X0rr0c��eZdZdZeZeZdZdZ	dZ
		dd�Zed�ddd�Z
ed	�ddd
�Zed�ddd�Zdd
�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zdd�Zd�ZeZy)�ProxyObjectz�A proxy to the remote Object.

    A ProxyObject is provided by the Bus. ProxyObjects
    have member functions, and can be called like normal Python objects.
    r��Nc��|jdd�}|�$|�td��|}ddlm}|dtd��|jd	d�}	|	�$|�td
��|	}ddlm}|dtd��|r+tdd
��z��|r|j�||_|�tj|�|x|_|_tj|�||_|s|j|�|_d|_g|_i|_t'�|_|r|jt*k(r|j,|_y|j0|_|j3�|_y)a�Initialize the proxy object.

            `conn` : `dbus.connection.Connection`
                The bus or connection on which to find this object.
                The keyword argument `bus` is a deprecated alias for this.
            `bus_name` : str
                A bus name for the application owning the object, to be used
                as the destination for method calls and the sender for
                signal matches. The keyword argument ``named_service`` is a
                deprecated alias for this.
            `object_path` : str
                The object path at which the application exports the object
            `introspect` : bool
                If true (default), attempt to introspect the remote
                object to find out supported methods and their signatures
            `follow_name_owner_changes` : bool
                If true (default is false) and the `bus_name` is a
                well-known name, follow ownership changes for that name
        �busNz%conn and bus cannot both be specifiedr)�warnz`Passing the bus parameter to ProxyObject by name is deprecated: please use positional parametersrN)�
named_servicez3bus_name and named_service cannot both be specifiedzjPassing the named_service parameter to ProxyObject by name is deprecated: please use positional parametersz>ProxyObject.__init__ does not take these keyword arguments: %sz, )rErF�warningsrQ�DeprecationWarning�join�keys�_require_main_loop�_busr6�validate_bus_namer4�_requested_bus_name�validate_object_path�__dbus_object_path__�activate_name_owner�_pending_introspect�_pending_introspect_queuerGr�_introspect_lockr� INTROSPECT_STATE_DONT_INTROSPECT�_introspect_state�'INTROSPECT_STATE_INTROSPECT_IN_PROGRESS�_Introspect)
          rrzProxyObject.__init__�s���,�j�j���%���?���� G�H�H��D�%��@�#��
��$��#��!,�-�-�$�H�%��C�#��
3���4�"�i�i����
8�%�
�#�#�%���	����,�,�X�6�:B�A���d�6��+�+�K�8�$/��!�(�"&�":�":�8�"D�D��$(�� �)+��&�&(��#�!&�����T�6�6�*�D�%)�%J�%J�D�"�%)�%Q�%Q�D�"�'+�'7�'7�'9�D�$rc��|jSr)r4�rs r�<lambda>zProxyObject.<lambda>s��T�%8�%8�ra�The bus name to which this proxy is bound. (Read-only,
            may change.)

            If the proxy was instantiated using a unique name, this property
            is that unique name.

            If the proxy was instantiated with a well-known name and with
            ``follow_name_owner_changes`` set false (the default), this
            property is the unique name of the connection that owned that
            well-known name when the proxy was instantiated, which might
            not actually own the requested well-known name any more.

            If the proxy was instantiated with a well-known name and with
            ``follow_name_owner_changes`` set true, this property is that
            well-known name.
            c��|jSr)r[rks rrlzProxyObject.<lambda> s��t�/G�/G�rz[The bus name which was requested when this proxy was
            c��|jSr)r]rks rrlzProxyObject.<lambda>&s���(A�(A�rzThe object-path of this proxy.c�n�|jj|f|||j|jd�|��S)axArrange for the given function to be called when the given signal
        is received.

            `signal_name` : str
                The name of the signal
            `handler_function` : callable
                A function to be called when the signal is emitted by
                the remote object. Its positional arguments will be the
                arguments of the signal; optionally, it may be given
                keyword arguments as described below.
            `dbus_interface` : str
                Optional interface with which to qualify the signal name.
                If None (the default) the handler will be called whenever a
                signal of the given member name is received, whatever
                its interface.
            `utf8_strings` : bool
                If True, the handler function will receive any string
                arguments as dbus.UTF8String objects (a subclass of str
                guaranteed to be UTF-8). If False (default) it will receive
                any string arguments as dbus.String objects (a subclass of
            `byte_arrays` : bool
                If True, the handler function will receive any byte-array
                arguments as dbus.ByteArray objects (a subclass of str).
                If False (default) it will receive any byte-array
                arguments as a dbus.Array of dbus.Byte (subclasses of:
                a list of ints).
            `sender_keyword` : str
                If not None (the default), the handler function will receive
                the unique name of the sending endpoint as a keyword
                argument with this name
            `destination_keyword` : str
                If not None (the default), the handler function will receive
                the bus name of the destination (or None if the signal is a
                broadcast, as is usual) as a keyword argument with this name.
            `interface_keyword` : str
                If not None (the default), the handler function will receive
                the signal interface as a keyword argument with this name.
            `member_keyword` : str
                If not None (the default), the handler function will receive
                the signal name as a keyword argument with this name.
            `path_keyword` : str
                If not None (the default), the handler function will receive
                the object-path of the sending object as a keyword argument
                with this name
            `message_keyword` : str
                If not None (the default), the handler function will receive
                the `dbus.lowlevel.SignalMessage` as a keyword argument with
                this name.
            `arg...` : unicode or UTF-8 str
                If there are additional keyword parameters of the form
                ``arg``\ *n*, match only signals where the *n*\ th argument
                is the value given for that keyword parameter. As of this time
                only string arguments can be matched (in particular,
                object paths and signatures can't).
        )�signal_namerCr<�path)rY�add_signal_receiverr4r]�rrp�handler_functionrCr%s     r�connect_to_signalzProxyObject.connect_to_signal2sH��x	&��	�	�%�%�&6�	2�2=�5C�/3�/B�/B�+/�+D�+D�		2�
)1�	2�	2rc
|jfddi|��S)N�
�_introspect_reply_handler�_introspect_error_handler)rris  rrezProxyObject._Introspectusf����#�t�y�y�#�#�D�$7�$7�$(�$=�$=�$8�,��B�$(�$B�$B�$(�$B�$B�	G�
@F�G�	Grc�L�|jD]\}}}||i|���g|_yr)r`)rrr$r%s    r�_introspect_execute_queuez%ProxyObject._introspect_execute_queue~s5��/3�.L�.L�	,�*�\�4���$�+�(�+�	,�)+��&rc��|jj�		t|�|_|j|_d|_	|j�|jj
�wxYwr)ra�acquirerrGrr{�release� INTROSPECT_STATE_INTROSPECT_DONErcr_r})r�data�es   rrzz%ProxyObject._introspect_reply_handler�s������%�%�'�	,�
&*�%J�%J�D�"�'+�D�$��*�*�,��!�!�)�)�+��0�
�!�!�)�)�+��
�!�!�)�)�+�s.�A0�(B1�0	B.�9B)�
|jj|jj|�|jj�	tjd�|j|_
d|_|j�|jj!�y#|jj!�wxYw)Nz$Introspect error on %s:%s: %s.%s: %sz'Executing introspect queue due to error)�logging�basicConfig�_logger�errorr4r]�	__class__r+r*rar�debugrbrcr_r}r�)rr�s  rr{z%ProxyObject._introspect_error_handler�s��������
�<��)�)�4�+D�+D��o�o�0�0�%�/�/�2J�2J��	�	
���%�%�'�	,��M�M�C�D�%)�%J�%J�D�"�'+�D�$��*�*�,��!�!�)�)�+��D�!�!�)�)�+�s�=C�C:c��|jj�	|j�|jj�|jj	�y#|jj	�wxYwr)rarr_rr�rks r�_introspect_blockzProxyObject._introspect_block�s^�����%�%�'�	,��'�'�3��(�(�.�.�0�
�!�!�)�)�+��D�!�!�)�)�+�s�&A�A9c�,�|jj�	|j|jk(r|jj|||f�n||i|��|jj
�wxYwr)rarrcrdr`rr�)r�callbackr$ris    r�_introspect_add_to_queuez$ProxyObject._introspect_add_to_queue�s|�����%�%�'�	,��%�%��)U�)U�U��.�.�5�5�x��v�6N�O��$�)�&�)��!�!�)�)�+��D�!�!�)�)�+�s�AA7�7Bc�~�|jd�r|jd�rt|��|j|�S�N�__)�
startswith�endswith�AttributeError�get_dbus_method�r�members  r�__getattr__zProxyObject.__getattr__�s7�����T�"�v���t�'<� ��(�(��'�'��/�/rc���|j||j|j|j||�}|j|j
||j|j�}|S)a,Return a proxy method representing the given D-Bus method. The
        returned proxy method can be called in the usual way. For instance, ::

            proxy.get_dbus_method("Foo", dbus_interface='com.example.Bar')(123)

        is equivalent to::

            proxy.Foo(123, dbus_interface='com.example.Bar')

        or even::

            getattr(proxy, "Foo")(123, dbus_interface='com.example.Bar')

        However, using `get_dbus_method` is the only way to call D-Bus
        methods with certain awkward names - if the author of a service
        implements a method called ``connect_to_signal`` or even
        ``__getattr__``, you'll need to use `get_dbus_method` to call them.

        For services which follow the D-Bus convention of CamelCaseMethodNames
        this won't be a problem.
        )	�ProxyMethodClassrYr4r]rcrd�DeferredMethodClassr�r�)rr�rC�rets    rr�zProxyObject.get_dbus_method�st��.�#�#�D�$�)�)�$(�$7�$7�$(�$=�$=�v�$2�4���!�!�T�%Q�%Q�Q��*�*�3��0M�0M�+/�+A�+A�C�C��
rc�b�d|j|j|jt|�fzS)Nz&<ProxyObject wrapping %s %s %s at %#x>)rYr4r]�idrks r�__repr__zProxyObject.__repr__�s4��7��I�I�t�*�*�D�,E�,E�r�$�x�9Q�Q�	Qr)NNNTFr)r*r+r,r-r0r�rr�rbrdr�r�propertyr<�requested_bus_namer=rurer}rzr{r�r�r�r�r��__str__r.rrrLrL�s����
��H�$"�"G��$�
����A��$�0�2�K�A2�FG�,�
,�0�$�LQ��GrrLc��eZdZdZd�Zed�ddd�ZeZed�ddd�Zed�ddd	�Z	ed
ed�ddd
�Z	dd�Zd�Z
dd�Zd�ZeZy)�	Interfacez�An interface into a remote object.

    An Interface can be used to wrap ProxyObjects
    so that calls can be routed to their correct
    D-Bus interface.
    c�r�t|t�r|j|_||_y||_||_y)a:Construct a proxy for the given interface on the given object.

            `object` : `dbus.proxies.ProxyObject` or `dbus.Interface`
                The remote object or another of its interfaces
            `dbus_interface` : str
                An interface the `object` implements
isinstancer��proxy_object�_objr9)r�objectrCs   rrzInterface.__init__�s6���f�i�(��+�+�D�I� .����D�I�-��rc�.�|jjSr)r�r=rks rrlzInterface.<lambda>s�����)>�)>�rNz.The D-Bus object path of the underlying objectc�.�|jjSr)r�r<rks rrlzInterface.<lambda>s��d�i�i�&8�&8�rz:The bus name to which the underlying proxy object is boundc�.�|jjSr)r�r�rks rrlzInterface.<lambda>	s���	�	�0L�0L�rzGThe bus name which was requested when the underlying object was createdc��|jSr)r�rks rrlzInterface.<lambda>
��$�)�)�rzThe underlying proxy objectc��|jSr)r9rks rrlzInterface.<lambda>s��D�,@�,@�rzThe D-Bus interface representedc�\�|s|j}|jj|||fi|��S)aaArrange for a function to be called when the given signal is

        The parameters and keyword arguments are the same as for
        `dbus.proxies.ProxyObject.connect_to_signal`, except that if
        `dbus_interface` is None (the default), the D-Bus interface that
        was passed to the `Interface` constructor is used.
        )r9r�rurss     rruzInterface.connect_to_signals>���!�1�1�N�*�t�y�y�*�*�;�8H�+9�G�=E�G�	Grc��|jd�r|jd�rt|��|jj	||j
�Sr�)r�r�r�r�r�r9r�s  rr�zInterface.__getattr__"sC�����T�"�v���t�'<� ��(�(��9�9�,�,�V�T�5I�5I�J�Jrc�V�|�|j}|jj||�S)a&Return a proxy method representing the given D-Bus method.

        This is the same as `dbus.proxies.ProxyObject.get_dbus_method`
        except that if `dbus_interface` is None (the default),
        the D-Bus interface that was passed to the `Interface` constructor
        is used.
        )r9r�r�)rr�rCs   rr�zInterface.get_dbus_method(s,���!�!�1�1�N��y�y�(�(���@�@rc�L�d|j|jt|�fzS)Nz%<Interface %r implementing %r at %#x>)r�r9r�rks rr�zInterface.__repr__4s)��6��	�	�4�'�'��D��83�3�	3rr)r*r+r,r-rr�r=r]r<r�r�rCrur�r�r�r�r.rrr�r��s����
.��>��d�L�N�K�&���8�$��$�%�H�"�#L�#'��$C�D���3�T�4�>�@�L��@�$��D�F�N�*.�G� K�
A�3��Grr�)r��	threadingr�ImportError�dummy_threadingr6�dbus._expat_introspect_parserr�dbus.exceptionsrrrr�
__docformat__�	getLoggerr�r
rrr
r�dbus._compatrrr0r�rLr�r.rr�<module>r�s���8�&���D�"�"�#�
+���� �9�9�4]0�]0�@{�&�{�|	K��K��Y�&�%�&�s�A5�5B�B

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0