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Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/dateutil/tz/__pycache__/_common.cpython-312.pyc


ӝ�`�2���ddlmZddlmZddlmZmZmZed�ZddgZd�Z	e
ed�rdd�ZnGd	�d
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�de�ZGd�de�Zy)�)�PY2��wraps)�datetime�	timedelta�tzinfo�tzname_in_python2�enfoldc�>��trt���fd��}|S�S)z�Change unicode output into bytestrings in Python 2

    tzname() API changed in Python 3. It used to return bytes, but was changed
    to unicode strings
    c�<���|i|��}|�|j�}|S�N)�encode)�args�kwargs�name�namefuncs   ��5/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dateutil/tz/_common.py�adjust_encodingz*tzname_in_python2.<locals>.adjust_encodings(����T�,�V�,�D����{�{�}���K�)rr)rrs` rr	r	
s+����	�x��	�
�	����r�foldc�&�|j|��S)�
        Provides a unified interface for assigning the ``fold`` attribute to
        datetimes both before and after the implementation of PEP-495.

        :param fold:
            The value for the ``fold`` attribute in the returned datetime. This
            should be either 0 or 1.

            Returns an object for which ``getattr(dt, 'fold', 0)`` returns
            ``fold`` for all versions of Python. In versions prior to
            Python 3.6, this is a ``_DatetimeWithFold`` object, which is a
            subclass of :py:class:`datetime.datetime` with the ``fold``
            attribute added, if ``fold`` is 1.

        .. versionadded:: 2.6.0
        �r��replace)�dtrs  rr
        This is a class designed to provide a PEP 495-compliant interface for
        Python versions before 3.6. It is used only for dates in a fold, so
        the ``fold`` attribute is fixed at ``1``.

        .. versionadded:: 2.6.0
        �c��d}t||�D](\}}||vrtdj|���|||<�*|D]}||vs�t||�||<�|j	dd�r|j
nt}|di|��S)a�
            Return a datetime with the same attributes, except for those
            attributes given new values by whichever keyword arguments are
            specified. Note that tzinfo=None can be specified to create a naive
            datetime from an aware datetime with no conversion of date and time

            This is reimplemented in ``_DatetimeWithFold`` because pypy3 will
            return a ``datetime.datetime`` even if ``fold`` is unchanged.
            )�year�month�day�hour�minute�second�microsecondrzDuplicate argument: {}r�r)�zip�	TypeError�format�getattr�get�	__class__r)�selfrr�argnames�arg�argname�dt_classs       rrz_DatetimeWithFold.replaceDs����H�
!$�D�(� 3�
&���W��f�$�#�$<�$C�$C�G�$L�M�M�"%��w��	
&�$�
=�*0���F�A�)>�t�~�~�H�H��%�f�%�%rc��y)Nr(r�r/s rrz_DatetimeWithFold.foldbs��rN)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__�	__slots__r�propertyrrrrrr:s'��	��	�	&�<
�	�
�	rrc��t|dd�|k(r|S|j�dd}||j|jfz
}|rt	|�St|�S)rrrN�)r,�	timetupler'rrr)rrrs   rr
fs[��$�2�v�q�!�T�)��I��|�|�~�b�q�!���������+�+���$�d�+�+��T�?�"rc�.��t���fd��}|S)z�
    The CPython version of ``fromutc`` checks that the input is a ``datetime``
    object and that ``self`` is attached as its ``tzinfo``.
    c�~��t|t�std��|j|urt	d���||�S)N�&fromutc() requires a datetime argument�dt.tzinfo is not self)�
ValueError)r/r�fs  �r�fromutcz)_validate_fromutc_inputs.<locals>.fromutc�s=����"�h�'��D�E�E�
�9�9�D� ��4�5�5���r�{�rr)rErFs` r�_validate_fromutc_inputsrG�s"���
�1�X�����Nrc�8�eZdZdZd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zed��Z	y)�_tzinfoz=
    Base class for all ``dateutil`` ``tzinfo`` objects.
    c���|j|��}t|d��}t|d��}|j�|j�k(}|jd��|jd��k(}|xr|S)�6
        Whether or not the "wall time" of a given datetime is ambiguous in this

        :param dt:
            A :py:class:`datetime.datetime`, naive or time zone aware.

            Returns ``True`` if ambiguous, ``False`` otherwise.

        .. versionadded:: 2.6.0
�	utcoffset)r/r�wall_0�wall_1�same_offset�same_dts      r�is_ambiguousz_tzinfo.is_ambiguous�su���Z�Z�t�Z�
        Determine the fold status of a "wall" datetime, given a representation
        of the same datetime as a (naive) UTC datetime. This is calculated based
        on the assumption that ``dt.utcoffset() - dt.dst()`` is constant for all
        datetimes, and that this offset is the actual number of hours separating
        ``dt_utc`` and ``dt_wall``.

        :param dt_utc:
            Representation of the datetime as UTC

        :param dt_wall:
            Representation of the datetime as "wall time". This parameter must
            either have a `fold` attribute or have a fold-naive
            :class:`datetime.tzinfo` attached, otherwise the calculation may
delta_wall�_folds     r�_fold_statusz_tzinfo._fold_status�sR��"���W�%� �6�)�J��
�v�'7�'7�'9�F�J�J�L�'H�I�J�E����E��rc��t|dd�S)Nrr)r,�r/rs  rrYz
        Given a timezone-aware datetime in a given timezone, calculates a
        timezone-aware datetime in a new timezone.

        Since this is the one time that we *know* we have an unambiguous
        datetime object, we take this opportunity to determine whether the
        datetime is ambiguous and in a "fold" state (e.g. if it's the first
        occurrence, chronologically, of the ambiguous datetime).

        :param dt:
            A timezone-aware :class:`datetime.datetime` object.
        z0fromutc() requires a non-None utcoffset() resultz*fromutc() requires a non-None dst() resultr(rz;fromutc(): dt.dst gave inconsistent results; cannot convert)rMrDrUr
)r/r�dtoff�dtdst�deltas     r�_fromutcz_tzinfo._fromutc�s���������=��&�'�
'�������=��I�J�J���
)r/rrWrYs    rrFz_tzinfo.fromutc�s5���-�-��#���!�!�"�g�.���g�E�*�*rN)
r6r7r8r9rRrZrYrbrGrFrrrrIrI�s0���+�2�2&�#�J�+��+rrIc��eZdZdZd�Zd�Zd�Zed��Zd�Z	d�Z
d�Zd	�Ze
��ZdZd�Zd
    This is an abstract base class for time zones represented by an annual
    transition into and out of DST. Child classes should implement the following

        * ``__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)``
        * ``transitions(self, year)`` - this is expected to return a tuple of
          datetimes representing the DST on and off transitions in standard

    A fully initialized ``tzrangebase`` subclass should also provide the
    following attributes:
        * ``hasdst``: Boolean whether or not the zone uses DST.
        * ``_dst_offset`` / ``_std_offset``: :class:`datetime.timedelta` objects
          representing the respective UTC offsets.
        * ``_dst_abbr`` / ``_std_abbr``: Strings representing the timezone short
          abbreviations in DST and STD, respectively.
        * ``_hasdst``: Whether or not the zone has DST.

    .. versionadded:: 2.6.0
    c��td��)Nz%tzrangebase is an abstract base class)�NotImplementedErrorr5s r�__init__ztzrangebase.__init__!s��!�"I�J�Jrc�^�|j|�}|�y|r|jS|jSr
)�_isdst�_dst_offset�_std_offset�r/r�isdsts   rrMztzrangebase.utcoffset$s2�����B����=��
��#�#�#��#�#�#rc�R�|j|�}|�y|r|jStSr
)rj�_dst_base_offset�ZEROrms   rrUztzrangebase.dst.s+�����B����=��
��(�(�(��Krc�T�|j|�r|jS|jSr
)rj�	_dst_abbr�	_std_abbrr\s  r�tznameztzrangebase.tzname8s!���;�;�r�?��>�>�!��>�>�!rc��t|t�std��|j|urt	d��|j|j�}|�||j|�zS|\}}||jz}||jz}||f}|jd��}|j||�}|r||jz}n||jz}t|xr|j|��}	t||	��S)z, Given a datetime in UTC, return local time rArBNrLr)rCrr*rrD�transitionsr!rMrlr�_naive_isdstrkrTrRr
          rrFztzrangebase.fromutc?s���"�h�'��D�E�E�
�9�9�D� ��4�5�5��&�&�r�w�w�/��������r�*�*�*�$�
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$���r�7�C�$�"7�"7�7�7�8�7�8rc���|jsy|�y|j|j�}|�y|jd��}|j	||�}|s#|j|�r|j
|�S|S)NFrL)r}rwr!rrxrRrY)r/rrwrns    rrjztzrangebase._isdstvs{���{�{��
$���!�!�"�k�2����*�*�2�.��z�z�"�~�%�%��Lrc��|\}}|jd��}||kr||cxkxr|k}|Sc}|S||cxkxr|knc}|S)NrLr)r/rrwryrzrns      rrxztzrangebase._naive_isdst�s_��#�
$���6�>��R�(�&�(�E���	)�E����"�,�u�,�,�E��rc�4�|j|jz
)rkrlr5s rrpztzrangebase._dst_base_offset�s�����$�"2�"2�2�2rNc��||k(Sr
r)r/�others  r�__ne__ztzrangebase.__ne__�s���E�M�"�"rc�4�d|jjzS)Nz%s(...))r.r6r5s r�__repr__ztzrangebase.__repr__�s���4�>�>�2�2�2�2r)r6r7r8r9rhrMrUr	rurFrRrjrxr;rp�__hash__r�r��object�
__reduce__rrrreresr���*K�$���"��"�+�B9�,�*
��3��3��H�#�3��"�"�JrreN)r()�sixr�	functoolsrrrrrq�__all__r	�hasattrr

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0