Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/cloudinit/config/__pycache__/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/cloudinit/config/__pycache__/cc_apk_configure.cpython-312.pyc


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eje�ZdZd	Zd
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d�Zd�Zy)z0Apk Configure: Configures apk repositories file.�N)�
temp_utils�	templater�util)�Cloud)�Config)�
MetaSchema)�PER_INSTANCEz+https://alpine.global.ssl.fastly.net/alpinea## template:jinja
# Created by cloud-init
# This file is written on first boot of an instance

{{ alpine_baseurl }}/{{ alpine_version }}/main
{% if community_enabled -%}
{{ alpine_baseurl }}/{{ alpine_version }}/community
{% endif -%}
{% if testing_enabled -%}
{% if alpine_version != 'edge' %}
# Testing - using with non-Edge installation may cause problems!
{% endif %}
{{ alpine_baseurl }}/edge/testing
{% endif %}
{% if local_repo != '' %}

# Local repo
{{ local_repo }}/{{ alpine_version }}
{% endif %}

�cc_apk_configure�alpine�	apk_repos)�id�distros�	frequency�activate_by_schema_keys�meta�name�cfg�cloud�args�returnc��|jd�}|stjd|�ytj|dd�rtjd|�y|jd�}|stjd|�y|jd	�}|stjd
|�y|jdd�}t|||�y)
    Call to handle apk_repos sections in cloud-config file.

    @param name: The module name "apk_configure" from cloud.cfg
    @param cfg: A nested dict containing the entire cloud config contents.
    @param cloud: The CloudInit object in use.
    @param log: Pre-initialized Python logger object to use for logging.
    @param _args: Any module arguments from cloud.cfg
    rz6Skipping module named %s, no 'apk_repos' section foundN�preserve_repositoriesFz8Skipping module named %s, 'preserve_repositories' is set�alpine_repoz>Skipping module named %s, no 'alpine_repo' configuration found�versionz@Skipping module named %s, 'version' not specified in alpine_repo�local_repo_base_url�)�get�LOG�debugr�get_cfg_option_bool�_write_repositories_file)rrrr�apk_sectionr�alpine_version�
local_repos        �C/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_apk_configure.py�handler&>s����'�'�+�&�K���	�	�D�d�	
�	�����-D�e�L��	�	�F��	
�	�
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�	����!6��;�J��[�.�*�E�c�r�d}|jdt�}|||jd�|jd�|d�}tjdd��}|d	}t	j
|t�
�tjd|�tj|||�t	j|�y)
    Write the /etc/apk/repositories file with the specified entries.

    @param alpine_repo: A nested dict of the alpine_repo configuration.
    @param alpine_version: A string of the Alpine version to use.
    @param local_repo: A string containing the base URL of a local repo.
    z/etc/apk/repositories�base_url�community_enabled�testing_enabled)�alpine_baseurlr#r*r+r$ztemplate_name-z.tmpl)�prefix�suffix�)�contentz3Generating Alpine repository configuration file: %sN)r�DEFAULT_MIRRORr�mkstempr�
write_file�REPOSITORIES_TEMPLATErrr�render_to_file�del_file)rr#r$�	repo_filer,�params�tfile�template_fns        r%r!r!ss���(�I� �_�_�Z��@�N�)�(�(�_�_�-@�A�&�?�?�+<�=� ��F�
���&6�w�G�E���(�K��O�O�K�)>�?��I�I�C�Y�O�
���[�)�V�<��M�M�+�r')�__doc__�logging�	cloudinitrrr�cloudinit.cloudr�cloudinit.configr�cloudinit.config.schemar�cloudinit.settingsr	�	getLogger�__name__rr1r4r�__annotations__�str�listr&r!�r'r%�<module>rHs���7��1�1�!�#�.�+��g����!��?����>��z�� +�}�	��j��2F��2F�6�2F�%�2F�t�2F��2F�jr'

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0