Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/cloudinit/analyze/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/cloudinit/analyze/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-312.pyc |
� �f% � � � d dl Z d dlZd dlZd dlmZ d dlmZ d dlmZmZ d dl m Z dd�Zd� Zd� Z d � Zd � Zd� Zd� Zd eddfd�Zedk( r0 e� Zej+ � Zej. \ ZZ eee� yy)� N)�datetime)�IO)�dump�show)� json_dumpsc �b � | st j dd�� } | j dd�� }d|_ |j dd � � }|j ddd ddd�� |j ddd ddd�� |j dt f�� |j dd� � }|j ddd ddd�� |j ddd ddd�� |j ddd ddd�� |j dt f�� |j d d!� � }|j ddd ddd"�� |j ddd ddd�� |j d t f�� |j d#d$� � }|j ddd ddd"�� |j ddd ddd�� |j d#t f�� | S )%Nzcloudinit-analyzez,Devel tool: Analyze cloud-init logs and data)�prog�description�Subcommands� subcommand)�title�destT�blamez5Print list of executed stages ordered by time to init)�helpz-iz--infile�store�infilez/var/log/cloud-init.logzspecify where to read input.)�actionr �defaultr z-oz --outfile�outfile�-zspecify where to write output. )r r z.Print list of in-order events during executionz-fz--format�print_formatz%I%D @%Es +%dszspecify formatting of output.zspecify where to write output.r z%Dump cloud-init events in JSON formatzspecify where to read input. �bootz2Print list of boot times for kernel and cloud-init)�argparse�ArgumentParser�add_subparsers�required� add_parser�add_argument�set_defaults� analyze_blame�analyze_show�analyze_dump�analyze_boot)�parser� subparsers�parser_blame�parser_show�parser_dump�parser_boots �</usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cloudinit/analyze/__init__.py� get_parserr+ sj � ���(�(�$�F� �� �&�&�]��&�N�J��J���(�(��M� )� �L� ������ �)� +� � � ������ �� .� � � ���g�}�%=��>��'�'��E� (� �K� ������ � � ,� � � ������ �)� +� � � ������ �� -� � � ���V�\�$:��;��'�'��<� (� �K� ������ �)� ,� � � ������ �� .� � � ���V�\�$:��;��'�'��I� (� �K� ������ �)� ,� � � ������ �� -� � � ���V�\�$:��;��M� c � � t |� \ }}t j � }|\ }}}}t j |� } t j |� } t j |� } t |� D �cg c] }|d dk( r d|d v r|�� c}d } t j | d � }d}d }d }t j |t j |t j |i}||z }||z }| | |||||||d� }|j || j di |��� t ||� |S c c}w # t $ r d}t j }Y ��w xY w) a� Report a list of how long different boot operations took. For Example: -- Most Recent Boot Record -- Kernel Started at: <time> Kernel ended boot at: <time> Kernel time to boot (seconds): <time> Cloud-init activated by systemd at: <time> Time between Kernel end boot and Cloud-init activation (seconds):<time> Cloud-init start: <time> �namez init-localzstarting searchr ���� timestampz4Could not find init-local log-line in cloud-init.logz�Your Linux distro or container does not support this functionality. You must be running a Kernel Telemetry supported distro. Please check https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/analyze.html for more information on supported distros. a* -- Most Recent Boot Record -- Kernel Started at: {k_s_t} Kernel ended boot at: {k_e_t} Kernel time to boot (seconds): {k_r} Cloud-init activated by systemd at: {ci_sysd_t} Time between Kernel end boot and Cloud-init activation (seconds): {bt_r} Cloud-init start: {ci_start} z�-- Most Recent Container Boot Record -- Container started at: {k_s_t} Cloud-init activated by systemd at: {ci_sysd_t} Cloud-init start: {ci_start} ) �k_s_t�k_e_t�k_r�bt_r�k_e�k_s�ci_sysd� ci_sysd_t�ci_start� ) �configure_ior �dist_check_timestampr �utcfromtimestamp�_get_events� IndexError� FAIL_CODE�CONTAINER_CODE�SUCCESS_CODE�write�format�clean_io)r. �args�infh�outfh�kernel_info�status_code�kernel_start� kernel_end� ci_sysd_start�kernel_start_timestamp�kernel_end_timestamp�ci_sysd_start_timestamp�e�last_init_localr9 �FAILURE_MSG�SUCCESS_MSG� CONTAINER_MSG� status_map�kernel_runtime�between_process_runtime�kwargss r* r# r# t s� � � �t�$�K�D�%��+�+�-�K�;F�8�K��z�=�%�6�6�|�D��#�4�4�Z�@��&�7�7� �F�� %� !��&� ����y�L�(�!�Q�}�%5�5� � � ��� �,�,�_�[�-I�J�� .� � -� � -� � �������]����;��J� �,�.�N�+�j�8�� (�%��'��� �,�� �F� �K�K�.� �;�'�.�.�8��8�9��T�5�����{ �� � %�I���n�n��%�s$ �* D2 �7D-�D2 �-D2 �2E�Ec �� � t |� \ }}d}t j dt j � }d}t t j t |� |� � D ]q \ }}t t |j |� d�� }|j d|dz z � |j dj |� dz � |j d� �s |j d |dz z � t ||� y )az Report a list of records sorted by largest time delta. For example: 30.210s (init-local) searching for datasource 8.706s (init-network) reading and applying user-data 166ms (modules-config) .... 807us (modules-final) ... We generate event records parsing cloud-init logs, formatting the output and sorting by record data ('delta') z %ds (%n)z(^\s+\d+\.\d+)r T)�reverse�-- Boot Record %02d -- � � �%d boot records analyzed N)r; �re�compile� MULTILINE� enumerater �show_eventsr>