Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/certbot/compat/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/certbot/compat/__pycache__/misc.cpython-312.pyc |
� M/�e$ � �x � d Z ddlmZ ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlm Z ddl mZ ddlm Z ddlmZ dd lmZ dd lmZ ddlmZ dZ ej2 e� Zerg d�ng Zd$d�Zd$d�Zdedee de fd�Z!dddd�Z"dddd�Z#de de fd�Z$de de fd�Z% d%d e d!e d"ee& de e'e e f fd#�Z(y# e$ r d ZY �lw xY w)&zk This compat module handles various platform specific calls that do not fall into one particular category. � )�absolute_importN)�Optional)�Tuple)�errors)�os)�error)�shell)�GetStdHandle)�STD_OUTPUT_HANDLEFT)z /usr/sbinz/usr/local/binz/usr/local/sbin�returnc �j � t s-t j � dk( rt j d� �yy)z� On Windows, raise if current shell does not have the administrative rights. Do nothing on Linux. :raises .errors.Error: If the current shell does not have administrative rights on Windows. r zAError, certbot must be run on a shell with administrative rights.N)� POSIX_MODE� shellwin32� IsUserAnAdminr �Error� � �5/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/certbot/compat/misc.py�+raise_for_non_administrative_windows_rightsr ! s. � � �*�2�2�4��9��l�l�^�_�_� :�:r c �� � t ryd} t t � }|r#|j |j � | z � yy# t $ r t j dd�� Y yw xY w)zR On Windows, ensure that Console Virtual Terminal Sequences are enabled. N� zFailed to set console modeT)�exc_info)r r r �SetConsoleMode�GetConsoleMode� pywinerror�logger�debug)�"ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING�hs r �prepare_virtual_consoler , sj � � �� *0�&�B��*�+��� ���Q�-�-�/�2T�T�U� ��� B����1�D��A�B�s �3A � A#�"A#�timeout�promptc �> � t j t j gg g | � \ }}}|s0t j dj |r |� � �d� � �|d j � S # t $ r! t j j � cY S w xY w)a( Read user input to return the first line entered, or raise after specified timeout. :param float timeout: The timeout in seconds given to the user. :param str prompt: The prompt message to display to the user. :returns: The first line entered by the user. :rtype: str z,Timed out waiting for answer to prompt '{0}'� r )�select�sys�stdinr r �format�readline�OSError)r! r"