Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/certbot/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/certbot/__pycache__/configuration.cpython-312.pyc |
� M/�e�J � �* � d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z ddl mZ ddlZddl mZ dd l mZ dd lmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ej* e� Z G d � dej0 � Z G d� d� Zdeddfd�Zdedefd�Zy)z$Certbot user-supplied configuration.� N)�Any)�Dict)�List)�Optional)�parse)�errors)�util)� constants)�misc)�osc �� � e Zd ZdZ ej � Z ej � Z ej � Z ej � Z ej � Z y)�ArgumentSourcez;Enum for describing where a configuration argument was set.N)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__�enum�auto�COMMAND_LINE�CONFIG_FILE�DEFAULT�ENV_VAR�RUNTIME� � �7/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/certbot/configuration.pyr r sU � �E��4�9�9�;�L�4��$�)�)�+�K�6��d�i�i�k�G�N��d�i�i�k�G�;��d�i�i�k�G�0r r c � � e Zd ZdZdej ddfd�Zdeee f ddfd�Z dedefd �Zdeee f fd �Zdeddfd�Zedeeee f fd �� Zdede fd�Zdede ddfd�Zedefd�� Zej, deddfd�� Zedee fd�� Zej, deddfd�� Zedefd�� Zej, deddfd�� Zedefd�� Zej, deddfd�� Zedefd�� Zej, deddfd�� Zedefd �� Zedefd!�� Zedefd"�� Zedefd#�� Zedefd$�� Z edefd%�� Z!edefd&�� Z"edefd'�� Z#edefd(�� Z$edefd)�� Z%edefd*�� Z&edefd+�� Z'edefd,�� Z(ede)e fd-�� Z*edefd.�� Z+edefd/�� Z,edefd0�� Z-edee fd1�� Z.edefd2�� Z/d3edefd4�Z0edefd5�� Z1edefd6�� Z2edefd7�� Z3edefd8�� Z4edefd9�� Z5edefd:�� Z6edefd;�� Z7edefd<�� Z8edefd=�� Z9d>e dd fd?�Z:y)@�NamespaceConfiga4 Configuration wrapper around :class:`argparse.Namespace`. Please note that the following attributes are dynamically resolved using :attr:`~certbot.configuration.NamespaceConfig.work_dir` and relative paths defined in :py:mod:`certbot._internal.constants`: - `accounts_dir` - `csr_dir` - `in_progress_dir` - `key_dir` - `temp_checkpoint_dir` And the following paths are dynamically resolved using :attr:`~certbot.configuration.NamespaceConfig.config_dir` and relative paths defined in :py:mod:`certbot._internal.constants`: - `default_archive_dir` - `live_dir` - `renewal_configs_dir` :ivar namespace: Namespace typically produced by :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args`. :type namespace: :class:`argparse.Namespace` � namespace�returnNc �4 � | t j | d|� t j | dd � t j | di � t j j | j j � | j _ t j j | j j � | j _ t j j | j j � | j _ t | � y )Nr �_argument_sources�_previously_accessed_mutables) �object�__setattr__r �path�abspathr � config_dir�work_dir�logs_dir�_check_config_sanity)�selfr s r �__init__zNamespaceConfig.__init__A s� � �����4��i�8����4�!4�d�;����4�!@�"�E�$&�G�G�O�O�D�N�N�4M�4M�$N����!�"$�'�'�/�/�$�.�.�2I�2I�"J�����"$�'�'�/�/�$�.�.�2I�2I�"J����� �T�"r �argument_sourcesc �2 � t j | d|� y)al Associate the NamespaceConfig with a dictionary describing where each of its arguments came from, e.g. `{ 'email': ArgumentSource.CONFIG_FILE }`. This is necessary for making runtime evaluations on whether an argument was specified by the user or not (see `set_by_user`). For an example of how to build such a dictionary, see `certbot._internal.cli.helpful.HelpfulArgumentParser._build_sources_dict` :ivar argument_sources: dictionary of argument names to their :class:`ArgumentSource` :type argument_sources: :class:`Dict[str, ArgumentSource]` r"