Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/attr/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/attr/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-312.pyc |
� ��e� � � � d dl Z d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlmZmZ d dlmZ ej � dk( Z ej dd dk\ Zej dd dk\ Z ej dd dk\ Zej dd d k\ Zej dk r d d lmZ nd d lmZ G d� d� Z ej* � Zd � Zy# e$ r eZY �(w xY w)� N)�Mapping�Sequence)� _GenericAlias�PyPy� )� � )r � )r � )r � )�Protocolc �( � e Zd ZdZdgZd� Zd� Zd� Zy)�_AnnotationExtractorz^ Extract type annotations from a callable, returning None whenever there is none. �sigc �r � t j |� | _ y # t t f$ r d | _ Y y w xY w)N)�inspect� signaturer � ValueError� TypeError)�self�callables �./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/attr/_compat.py�__init__z_AnnotationExtractor.__init__$ s4 � � ��(�(��2�D�H���I�&� ��D�H� �s � �6�6c �� � | j syt | j j j � � }|r8|d j t j j ur|d j S y)zU Return the type annotation of the first argument if it's not empty. Nr )r �list� parameters�values� annotationr � Parameter�empty)r �paramss r �get_first_param_typez)_AnnotationExtractor.get_first_param_type* s^ � � �x�x���d�h�h�)�)�0�0�2�3���f�Q�i�*�*�'�2C�2C�2I�2I�I��!�9�'�'�'�� c � � | j rF| j j t j j ur| j j S y)z; Return the return type if it's not empty. N)r �return_annotationr � Signaturer )r s r �get_return_typez$_AnnotationExtractor.get_return_type7 s<