Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/aptsources/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/aptsources/__pycache__/sourceslist.cpython-312.pyc |
� \�e� � � � d dl Z d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dl Z d dl mZmZm Z d dlmZmZmZmZmZ d dlZddlmZ ddlmZmZ ed� Zg d�Zd ed edefd�Zd ee dee fd�Z G d� de!� Z" G d� de!� Z# G d� de!ee � Z$dedefd�Z%d+d�Z& G d� d� Z' G d� d� Z( G d� d� Z)ee)e'f Z*ee)e'e(f Z+ G d� d� Z, G d � d!� Z- G d"� d#� Z.e/d$k( r� ej` � e-� Z1e1D ]% Z2 ejf d%e2j9 � z � �' ed&d'� Z4 ejf d(e4z � ejf ed)d'� � ejf ed&d*� � yy),� N)�Callable�Iterable�Iterator)�Any�Generic�Optional�TypeVar�Union� )�_deb822)�DistInfo�Template�T)� is_mirror�Deb822SourceEntry�SourceEntry�NullMatcher�SourcesList�SourceEntryMatcher� master_uri�compare_uri�returnc � � |j d� }| j d� } || k( ry |j d� d }| j d� d }d|v r||j d� dz d |k( ryy# t $ r Y yw xY w)z�check if the given add_url is idential or a mirror of orig_uri e.g.: master_uri = archive.ubuntu.com compare_uri = de.archive.ubuntu.com -> True z/ Tz//r F�.N)�rstrip�split� IndexError�index)r r �compare_srv� master_srvs �8/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/aptsources/sourceslist.pyr r ; s� � � �$�$�T�*�K��"�"�4�(�J��j� ���!�'�'��-�a�0���%�%�d�+�A�.� � �k��k�+�*;�*;�C�*@�1�*D�*F�G�:�U���� � ���s �(A2 �2 A>�=A>�sc �* � t t | � � S )a- simple and efficient way to return uniq collection This is not intended for use with a SourceList. It is provided for internal use only. It does not have a leading underscore to not break any old code that uses it; but it should not be used in new code (and is not listed in __all__).)�list�set)r"