Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/LanguageSelector/gtk/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/LanguageSelector/gtk/GtkLanguageSelector.py |
# (c) 2005 Canonical # Author: Michael Vogt <michael.vogt@ubuntu.com> # # Released under the GPL # from __future__ import print_function import gettext import grp import locale import os import pwd import re import subprocess import sys import time from gettext import gettext as _ import gi gi.require_version('Gdk', '3.0') gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import GObject, Gdk, Gtk #, Pango import apt import aptdaemon.client from defer import inline_callbacks from aptdaemon.enums import * from aptdaemon.gtk3widgets import AptProgressDialog from LanguageSelector.LanguageSelector import * from LanguageSelector.ImConfig import ImConfig from LanguageSelector.macros import * from LanguageSelector.utils import language2locale from LanguageSelector.LangCache import ExceptionPkgCacheBroken (LIST_LANG, # language (i18n/human-readable) LIST_LANG_INFO # the short country code (e.g. de, pt_BR) ) = range(2) (LANGTREEVIEW_LANGUAGE, LANGTREEVIEW_CODE) = range(2) (IM_CHOICE, IM_NAME) = range(2) def xor(a,b): " helper to simplify the reading " return a ^ b def blockSignals(f): " decorator to ensure that the signals are blocked " def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): args[0]._blockSignals = True res = f(*args, **kwargs) args[0]._blockSignals = False return res return wrapper def honorBlockedSignals(f): " decorator to ensure that the signals are blocked " def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if args[0]._blockSignals: return res = f(*args, **kwargs) return res return wrapper def insensitive(f): """ decorator to ensure that a given function is run insensitive warning: this will not stack well so don't use it for nested stuff (a @insensitive func calling a @insensitve one) """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): args[0].setSensitive(False) res = f(*args, **kwargs) args[0].setSensitive(True) return res return wrapper # intervals of the start up progress # 3x caching and menu creation STEPS_UPDATE_CACHE = [33, 66, 100] class GtkProgress(apt.progress.base.OpProgress): def __init__(self, host_window, progressbar, parent, steps=STEPS_UPDATE_CACHE): # used for the "one run progressbar" self.steps = steps[:] self.base = 0 self.old = 0 self.next = int(self.steps.pop(0)) self._parent = parent self._window = host_window self._progressbar = progressbar self._window.realize() host_window.get_window().set_functions(Gdk.WMFunction.MOVE) self._window.set_transient_for(parent) def update(self, percent=None): #print(percent) #print(self.Op) #print(self.SubOp) self._window.show() self._parent.set_sensitive(False) if percent is None: self.old = 0 self._progressbar.pulse() else: # if the old percent was higher, a new progress was started if self.old > percent: # set the borders to the next interval self.base = self.next try: self.next = int(self.steps.pop(0)) except: pass progress = self.base + percent/100 * (self.next - self.base) self.old = percent self._progressbar.set_fraction(progress/100.0) while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() def done(self): self._parent.set_sensitive(True) def hide(self): self._window.hide() class GtkLanguageSelector(LanguageSelectorBase): def __init__(self, datadir, options): LanguageSelectorBase.__init__(self, datadir) self._datadir = datadir self.widgets = Gtk.Builder() self.widgets.set_translation_domain('language-selector') self.widgets.add_from_file(datadir+"/data/LanguageSelector.ui") self.widgets.connect_signals(self) try: in_grp_admin = grp.getgrnam("admin")[2] in os.getgroups() except KeyError: in_grp_admin = False try: in_grp_sudo = grp.getgrnam("sudo")[2] in os.getgroups() except KeyError: in_grp_sudo = False self.is_admin = (os.getuid() == 0 or in_grp_sudo or in_grp_admin) # see if we have any other human users on this system self.has_other_users = False num = 0 for l in pwd.getpwall(): if l.pw_uid >= 500 and l.pw_uid < 65534: num += 1 if num >= 2: self.has_other_users = True break #build the comboboxes (with model) combo = self.combobox_locale_chooser model = Gtk.ListStore(GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_STRING) cell = Gtk.CellRendererText() combo.pack_start(cell, True) combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', LANGTREEVIEW_LANGUAGE) combo.set_model(model) # self.combo_syslang_dirty = False # combo = self.combobox_user_language # model = Gtk.ListStore(GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_STRING) # cell = Gtk.CellRendererText() # combo.pack_start(cell, True) # combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', COMBO_LANGUAGE) # combo.set_model(model) # self.combo_userlang_dirty = False self.options = options # get aptdaemon client self.ac = aptdaemon.client.AptClient() combo = self.combobox_input_method model = Gtk.ListStore(GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_STRING) cell = Gtk.CellRendererText() combo.pack_start(cell, True) combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', IM_NAME) combo.set_model(model) self.ImConfig = ImConfig() self._blockSignals = False # build the treeview self.setupLanguageTreeView() self.setupInstallerTreeView() self.updateLanguageView() # self.updateUserDefaultCombo() self.updateLocaleChooserCombo() self.check_input_methods() # self.updateSyncButton() # apply button self.button_apply.set_sensitive(False) # 'Apply System-Wide...' and 'Install/Remove Languages...' buttons # # Distinction depending on the is_admin test dropped as a # temporary(?) fix of https://launchpad.net/bugs/1008344 # if self.is_admin: self.button_apply_system_wide_languages.set_sensitive(True) self.button_install_remove_languages.set_sensitive(True) self.button_apply_system_wide_locale.set_sensitive(True) # else: # self.button_apply_system_wide_languages.set_sensitive(False) # self.button_install_remove_languages.set_sensitive(False) # self.button_apply_system_wide_locale.set_sensitive(False) # show it self.window_main.show() self.setSensitive(False) if self.is_admin: # check if the package list is up-to-date if not self._cache.havePackageLists: d = Gtk.MessageDialog(message_type=Gtk.MessageType.INFO, buttons=Gtk.ButtonsType.CANCEL) d.set_modal(True) d.set_transient_for(self.window_main) d.set_markup("<big><b>%s</b></big>\n\n%s" % ( _("No language information available"), _("The system does not have information about the " "available languages yet. Do you want to perform " "a network update to get them now? "))) d.set_title=("") d.add_button(_("_Update"), Gtk.ResponseType.YES) res = d.run() d.destroy() if res == Gtk.ResponseType.YES: self.setSensitive(False) self.update() self.updateLanguageView() self.setSensitive(True) # see if something is missing if self.options.verify_installed: self.verifyInstalledLangPacks() if not self.ImConfig.available(): self.combobox_input_method.set_sensitive(False) self.setSensitive(True) def __getattr__(self, name): '''Convenient access to GtkBuilder objects''' o = self.widgets.get_object(name) if o is None: raise AttributeError('No such widget: ' + name) return o def setSensitive(self, value): win = self.window_main.get_window() if value: self.window_main.set_sensitive(True) if win: win.set_cursor(None) else: self.window_main.set_sensitive(False) if win: win.set_cursor(Gdk.Cursor(Gdk.CursorType.WATCH)) while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() # @blockSignals # def updateSyncButton(self): # " check if the sync languages button should be enabled or not " # button = self.checkbutton_sync_languages # combo = self.combobox_system_language # # no admin user, gray out # if self.is_admin == False: # button.set_active(False) # button.set_sensitive(False) # combo.set_sensitive(False) # return # # admin user, check stuff # button.set_sensitive(True) # combo.set_sensitive(True) # # do not enable the keep the same button if the system has other # # users or if the language settings are inconsistent already # userlang = self.combobox_user_language.get_active() # systemlang = self.combobox_system_language.get_active() # if (not self.has_other_users and userlang == systemlang): # button.set_active(True) # else: # button.set_active(False) def setupInstallerTreeView(self): """ do all the treeview setup here """ def toggle_cell_func(column, cell, model, iter, data): langInfo = model.get_value(iter, LIST_LANG_INFO) # check for active and inconsitent inconsistent = langInfo.inconsistent #if inconsistent: # print("%s is inconsistent" % langInfo.language) cell.set_property("active", langInfo.fullInstalled) cell.set_property("inconsistent", inconsistent) def lang_view_func(cell_layout, renderer, model, iter, data): langInfo = model.get_value(iter, LIST_LANG_INFO) langName = model.get_value(iter, LIST_LANG) if (langInfo.changes) : markup = "<b>%s</b>" % langName else: markup = "%s" % langName renderer.set_property("markup", markup) renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Language"), renderer, text=LIST_LANG) column.set_property("expand", True) column.set_cell_data_func (renderer, lang_view_func, None) self.treeview_languages.append_column(column) renderer= Gtk.CellRendererToggle() renderer.connect("toggled", self.on_toggled) column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Installed"), renderer) column.set_cell_data_func (renderer, toggle_cell_func, None) self.treeview_languages.append_column(column) # build the store self._langlist = Gtk.ListStore(str, GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT) self.treeview_languages.set_model(self._langlist) def setupLanguageTreeView(self): """ do all the treeview setup here """ def lang_view_func(cell_layout, renderer, model, iter, data): langInfo = model.get_value(iter, LANGTREEVIEW_CODE) greyFlag = False myiter = model.get_iter_first() while myiter: str = model.get_value(myiter,LANGTREEVIEW_CODE) if str == langInfo: greyFlag = False break if str == "en": greyFlag = True break myiter = model.iter_next(myiter) if greyFlag: markup = "<span foreground=\"grey\">%s</span>" \ % self._localeinfo.translate(langInfo, native=True, allCountries=True) else: markup = "%s" % self._localeinfo.translate(langInfo, native=True, allCountries=True) renderer.set_property("markup", markup) renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Language"), renderer, text=LANGTREEVIEW_LANGUAGE) column.set_property("expand", True) column.set_cell_data_func (renderer, lang_view_func, None) self.treeview_locales.append_column(column) # build the store self._language_options = Gtk.ListStore(GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_STRING) self.treeview_locales.set_model(self._language_options) def _get_langinfo_on_cursor(self): (path, column) = self.treeview_languages.get_cursor() if not path: return None iter = self._langlist.get_iter(path) langInfo = self._langlist.get_value(iter, LIST_LANG_INFO) return langInfo def debug_pkg_status(self): langInfo = self._get_langinfo_on_cursor() for pkg in langInfo.languagePkgList.items() : print("%s, available: %s, installed: %s, doChange: %s" % (pkg[0], pkg[1].available, pkg[1].installed, pkg[1].doChange)) print("inconsistent? : %s" % langInfo.inconsistent) def check_status(self): changed = False countInstall = 0 countRemove = 0 for (lang, langInfo) in self._langlist: if langInfo.changes: changed = True for item in langInfo.languagePkgList.values(): if item.doChange: if item.installed: countRemove = countRemove + 1 else: countInstall = countInstall + 1 #print("%(INSTALL)d to install, %(REMOVE)d to remove" % (countInstall, countRemove)) # Translators: %(INSTALL)d is parsed; either keep it exactly as is or remove it entirely, but don't translate "INSTALL". textInstall = gettext.ngettext("%(INSTALL)d to install", "%(INSTALL)d to install", countInstall) % {'INSTALL': countInstall} # Translators: %(REMOVE)d is parsed; either keep it exactly as is or remove it entirely, but don't translate "REMOVE". textRemove = gettext.ngettext("%(REMOVE)d to remove", "%(REMOVE)d to remove", countRemove) % {'REMOVE': countRemove} if countRemove == 0 and countInstall == 0: self.label_install_remove.set_text("") elif countRemove == 0: self.label_install_remove.set_text(textInstall) elif countInstall == 0: self.label_install_remove.set_text(textRemove) else: # Translators: this string will concatenate the "%n to install" and "%n to remove" strings, you can replace the comma if you need to. self.label_install_remove.set_text(_("%s, %s") % (textInstall, textRemove)) if changed: self.button_apply.set_sensitive(True) else: self.button_apply.set_sensitive(False) # @honorBlockedSignals # @insensitive # def on_combobox_system_language_changed(self, widget): # #print("on_combobox_system_language_changed()") # if self.writeSystemDefaultLang(): # # queue a restart of gdm (if it is runing) to make the new # # locales usable # gdmscript = "/etc/init.d/gdm" # if os.path.exists("/var/run/gdm.pid") and os.path.exists(gdmscript): # self.runAsRoot(["invoke-rc.d","gdm","reload"]) # self.updateSystemDefaultCombo() # if self.checkbutton_sync_languages.get_active() == True: # self.combobox_user_language.set_active(self.combobox_system_language.get_active()) # self.updateUserDefaultCombo() # @honorBlockedSignals # @insensitive # def on_combobox_user_language_changed(self, widget): # #print("on_combobox_user_language_changed()") # self.check_input_methods() # self.writeUserDefaultLang() # self.updateUserDefaultCombo() # if self.checkbutton_sync_languages.get_active() == True: # self.combobox_system_language.set_active(self.combobox_user_language.get_active()) # self.updateSystemDefaultCombo() @blockSignals def check_input_methods(self): if not self.ImConfig.available(): return combo = self.combobox_input_method model = combo.get_model() if not model: return model.clear() # find the default currentIM = self.ImConfig.getCurrentInputMethod() # find out about the other options names = dict(none=_('none'), xim='XIM', ibus='IBus', scim='SCIM', thai='Thai', fcitx='Fcitx 4', fcitx5='Fcitx 5') for (i, IM) in enumerate(self.ImConfig.getAvailableInputMethods()): name = names[IM] if IM in names else IM iter = model.append() model.set_value(iter, IM_CHOICE, IM) model.set_value(iter, IM_NAME, name) if IM == currentIM: combo.set_active(i) # self.check_status() # def writeInputMethodConfig(self): # """ # write new input method defaults - currently we only support all_ALL # """ # combo = self.combobox_user_language # model = combo.get_model() # if combo.get_active() < 0: # return # (lang, code) = model[combo.get_active()] # # check if we need to do something # new_value = self.checkbutton_enable_input_methods.get_active() # if self.imSwitch.enabledForLocale(code) != new_value: # if new_value: # self.imSwitch.enable(code) # else: # self.imSwitch.disable(code) # #self.showRebootRequired() # #self.checkReloginNotification() # @honorBlockedSignals # def on_checkbutton_enable_input_methods_toggled(self, widget): # #print("on_checkbutton_enable_input_methods_toggled()") # active = self.checkbutton_enable_input_methods.get_active() # self.combo_userlang_dirty = True # self.setSensitive(False) # self.writeInputMethodConfig() # self.setSensitive(True) # @honorBlockedSignals # def on_checkbutton_sync_languages_toggled(self, widget): # #print("on_checkbutton_sync_languages_toggled()") # if self.checkbutton_sync_languages.get_active() == True: # self.combobox_user_language.set_active(self.combobox_system_language.get_active()) # self.updateSystemDefaultCombo() def build_commit_lists(self): print(self._cache.get_changes()) try: for (lang, langInfo) in self._langlist: self._cache.tryChangeDetails(langInfo) except ExceptionPkgCacheBroken: self.error( _("Software database is broken"), _("It is impossible to install or remove any software. " "Please use the package manager \"Synaptic\" or run " "\"sudo apt-get install -f\" in a terminal to fix " "this issue at first.")) sys.exit(1) (to_inst, to_rm) = self._cache.getChangesList() #print("inst: %s" % to_inst) #print("rm: %s" % to_rm) print(self._cache.get_changes()) return (to_inst, to_rm) def error(self, summary, msg): d = Gtk.MessageDialog(message_type=Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, buttons=Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE) d.set_modal(True) d.set_transient_for(self.window_main) d.set_markup("<big><b>%s</b></big>\n\n%s" % (summary, msg)) d.set_title=("") d.run() d.destroy() def _show_error_dialog(self, error): msg = str(error) self.error(msg, "") def verify_commit_lists(self, inst_list, rm_list): """ verify if the selected package can actually be installed """ res = True try: for pkg in inst_list: if pkg in self._cache: self._cache[pkg].mark_install() for pkg in rm_list: if pkg in self._cache: self._cache[pkg].mark_delete() except SystemError: res = False # undo the selections self._cache.clear() if self._cache._depcache.broken_count != 0: self.error(_("Could not install the selected language support"), _("This is perhaps a bug of this application. Please " "file a bug report at " "https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-selector/+filebug")) # something went pretty bad, re-get a cache progress = GtkProgress(self.dialog_progress, self.progressbar_cache, self.window_main) self._cache = apt.Cache(self._localeinfo, progress) progress.hide() res = False return res def commitAllChanges(self): """ commit helper, builds the commit lists, verifies it returns the number of install/removed packages """ self.setSensitive(False) # install the new packages (if any) (inst_list, rm_list) = self.build_commit_lists() if not self.verify_commit_lists(inst_list, rm_list): self.error( _("Could not install the full language support"), _("Usually this is related to an error in your " "software archive or software manager. Check your " "preferences in Software Sources (click the icon " "at the very right of the top bar and select " "\"System Settings... -> Software Sources\").")) self.setSensitive(True) return 0 #print("inst_list: %s " % inst_list) #print("rm_list: %s " % rm_list) self.commit(inst_list, rm_list) self.setSensitive(True) return len(inst_list)+len(rm_list) def _run_transaction(self, transaction): dia = AptProgressDialog(transaction) dia.set_transient_for(self.window_main) dia.connect("finished", self._on_finished) dia.run(error_handler=self._on_error) def _wait_for_aptdaemon_finish(self): while not self._transaction_finished: while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() time.sleep(0.02) def _on_finished(self, dialog): dialog.hide() self._transaction_finished = True def _on_error(self, error): if hasattr(error, 'get_dbus_name') and error.get_dbus_name() == \ 'org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.NotAuthorized': self.error( _("Could not install the full language support"), _('Failed to authorize to install packages.')) else: self.error( _("Could not install the full language support"), str(error)) self._transaction_finished = True def update_aptdaemon(self): self._transaction_finished = False self._update_aptdaemon() self._wait_for_aptdaemon_finish() @inline_callbacks def _update_aptdaemon(self): try: trans = yield self.ac.update_cache(defer=True) self._run_transaction(trans) except Exception as e: self._show_error_dialog(e) def commit_aptdaemon(self, inst, rm): self._transaction_finished = False self._commit_aptdaemon(inst, rm) self._wait_for_aptdaemon_finish() @inline_callbacks def _commit_aptdaemon(self, inst, rm): if len(inst) == 0 and len(rm) == 0: return try: trans = yield self.ac.commit_packages( install=inst, reinstall=[], remove=rm, purge=[], upgrade=[], downgrade=[], defer=True) self._run_transaction(trans) except Exception as e: self._show_error_dialog(e) # we default with update/commit to aptdaemon update = update_aptdaemon commit = commit_aptdaemon def hide_on_delete(self, widget, event): return Gtk.Widget.hide_on_delete(widget) def verifyInstalledLangPacks(self): """ called at the start to inform about possible missing langpacks (e.g. gnome/kde langpack transition) """ #print("verifyInstalledLangPacks") missing = self.getMissingLangPacks() #print("Missing: %s " % missing) if len(missing) > 0: # FIXME: add "details" d = Gtk.MessageDialog(message_type=Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION) d.set_modal(True) d.set_transient_for(self.window_main) d.set_markup("<big><b>%s</b></big>\n\n%s" % ( _("The language support is not installed completely"), _("Some translations or writing aids available for your " "chosen languages are not installed yet. Do you want " "to install them now?"))) d.add_buttons(_("_Remind Me Later"), Gtk.ResponseType.NO, _("_Install"), Gtk.ResponseType.YES) d.set_default_response(Gtk.ResponseType.YES) d.set_title("") expander = Gtk.Expander.new(_("Details")) scroll = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC) scroll.set_min_content_height(130) textview = Gtk.TextView() textview.set_cursor_visible(False) textview.set_editable(False) buf = textview.get_buffer() pkgs = "" for pkg in missing: pkgs += "%s\n" % pkg buf.set_text(pkgs, -1) buf.place_cursor(buf.get_start_iter()) expander.add(scroll) scroll.add(textview) d.get_message_area().pack_start(expander, True, True, 0) expander.show_all() res = d.run() d.destroy() if res == Gtk.ResponseType.YES: self.setSensitive(False) self.commit(missing, []) self.updateLanguageView() self.setSensitive(True) def updateLanguageView(self): #print("updateLanguageView()") self._langlist.clear() progress = GtkProgress(self.dialog_progress, self.progressbar_cache, self.window_main) try: if self.is_admin: self.openCache(progress) progress.hide() else: self.openCache(None) except ExceptionPkgCacheBroken: self.error( _("Software database is broken"), _("It is impossible to install or remove any software. " "Please use the package manager \"Synaptic\" or run " "\"sudo apt-get install -f\" in a terminal to fix " "this issue at first.")) sys.exit(1) languageList = self._cache.getLanguageInformation() #print("ll size: ", len(languageList)) #print("ll type: ", type(languageList)) for lang in languageList: #print("langInfo: %s (%s)" % (lang.language, lang.languageCode)) #inconsistent = lang.inconsistent #if inconsistent: # print("inconsistent", lang.language) # hack for Vietnamese users; see https://launchpad.net/bugs/783090 # Even if calling self._localeinfo.translate() with native=True triggers # a UnicodeWarning for Norwegian Bokmaal, the output should be correct. lang_name = None if 'LANGUAGE' in os.environ: current_language = os.environ['LANGUAGE'] if re.match('vi[^a-z]', current_language): lang_name = self._localeinfo.translate(lang.languageCode, native=True) if not lang_name: lang_name = self._localeinfo.translate(lang.languageCode) self._langlist.append([lang_name, lang]) self._langlist.set_sort_column_id(LIST_LANG, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING) def writeSystemFormats(self): combo = self.combobox_locale_chooser model = combo.get_model() if combo.get_active() < 0: return False (lang, code) = model[combo.get_active()] old_code = self._localeinfo.getSystemDefaultLanguage()[0] # no changes, nothing to do macr = macros.LangpackMacros(self._datadir, old_code) if macr["LOCALE"] == code: return False self.writeSysFormatsSetting(sysFormats=code) return True def writeUserFormats(self): combo = self.combobox_locale_chooser model = combo.get_model() if combo.get_active() < 0: return (lang, code) = model[combo.get_active()] temp = self._localeinfo.getUserDefaultLanguage()[0] if temp == None: old_code = self._localeinfo.getSystemDefaultLanguage()[0] else: old_code = temp # no changes, nothing to do macr = macros.LangpackMacros(self._datadir, old_code) if macr["LOCALE"] == code: return False self.writeUserFormatsSetting(userFormats=code) return True def writeSystemLanguage(self, languageString): (formats_locale, old_string) = self._localeinfo.getSystemDefaultLanguage() # no changes, nothing to do if old_string == languageString: return False self.writeSysLanguageSetting(sysLanguage=languageString) if self._localeinfo.isSetSystemFormats(): return True # set the system formats (certain LC_* variables) explicitly # in order to prevent surprises when LANG is changed self.writeSysFormatsSetting(sysFormats=formats_locale) return True def writeUserLanguage(self, languageString): temp = self._localeinfo.getUserDefaultLanguage()[1] if len(temp) == 0: old_string = self._localeinfo.getSystemDefaultLanguage()[1] else: old_string = temp # no changes, nothing to do if old_string == languageString: return False self.writeUserLanguageSetting(userLanguage=languageString) return True @blockSignals def updateLocaleChooserCombo(self): #print("updateLocaleChooserCombo()") combo = self.combobox_locale_chooser #XXX get_cell_renderers does not exist in GTK3 #cell = combo.get_child().get_cell_renderers()[0] # FIXME: use something else than a hardcoded value here #cell.set_property("wrap-width",300) #cell.set_property("wrap-mode",Pango.WRAP_WORD) model = combo.get_model() if not model: return model.clear() # find the default defaultLangName = None (defaultLangCode, languageString) = self._localeinfo.getUserDefaultLanguage() if len(defaultLangCode) == 0: defaultLangCode = self._localeinfo.getSystemDefaultLanguage()[0] if len(defaultLangCode) > 0: macr = macros.LangpackMacros(self._datadir, defaultLangCode) defaultLangCode = macr["LOCALE"] defaultLangName = self._localeinfo.translate(defaultLangCode, native=True) # find out about the other options """ languages for message translation """ self._language_options.clear() options = subprocess.check_output( ['/usr/share/language-tools/language-options'], universal_newlines=True) mylist = [] for (i, option) in enumerate( options.split("\n") ): mylist.append([self._localeinfo.translate(option, native=True), option]) if len(languageString) > 0: self.userEnvLanguage = languageString languages = languageString.split(":") else: if 'LANGUAGE' in os.environ: self.userEnvLanguage = os.environ.get("LANGUAGE") languages = self.userEnvLanguage.split(":") else: self.userEnvLanguage = self._localeinfo.makeEnvString(defaultLangCode) languages = self.userEnvLanguage.split(":") mylist_sorted = self.bubbleSort(mylist, languages) for i in mylist_sorted: self._language_options.append(i) """ locales for misc. format preferences """ for (i, loc) in enumerate( self._localeinfo.generated_locales() ): iter = model.append() model.set_value(iter, LANGTREEVIEW_LANGUAGE, self._localeinfo.translate(loc, native=True)) model.set_value(iter, LANGTREEVIEW_CODE, loc) if (defaultLangName and self._localeinfo.translate(loc, native=True) == defaultLangName): combo.set_active(i) self.updateExampleBox() def bubbleSort(self, sortlist, presort=None): """ Sort the list 'sortlist' using bubble sort. Optionally, if a list 'presort' is given, put this list first and bubble sort the rest. """ for i in range(0,len(sortlist)-1): for j in range(0,len(sortlist)-1): data1 = sortlist[j][1] data2 = sortlist[j+1][1] try: v1 = presort.index(data1) except: v1 = 100000 try: v2 = presort.index(data2) except: v2 = 100000 if (v1>v2): sortlist[j],sortlist[j+1] = sortlist[j+1], sortlist[j] elif (v1 >= 100000 and v2 >= 100000 and data1 > data2): sortlist[j],sortlist[j+1] = sortlist[j+1], sortlist[j] return sortlist # # reset the state of the apply button # self.combo_syslang_dirty = False # self.check_status() # FIXME: updateUserDefaultCombo and updateSystemDefaultCombo # duplicate too much code # @blockSignals # def updateUserDefaultCombo(self): # #print("updateUserDefault()") # combo = self.combobox_user_language # cell = combo.get_child().get_cell_renderers()[0] # # FIXME: use something else than a hardcoded value here # cell.set_property("wrap-width",300) # cell.set_property("wrap-mode",Pango.WRAP_WORD) # model = combo.get_model() # model.clear() # # find the default # defaultLangName = None # defaultLangCode = self.getUserDefaultLanguage() # if defaultLangCode == None: # defaultLangCode = self.getSystemDefaultLanguage() # if defaultLangCode: # defaultLangName = self._localeinfo.translate(defaultLangCode) # # find out about the other options # for (i, loc) in enumerate(self._localeinfo.generated_locales()): # iter = model.append() # model.set(iter, # COMBO_LANGUAGE,self._localeinfo.translate(loc), # COMBO_CODE, loc) # if (defaultLangName and # self._localeinfo.translate(loc) == defaultLangName): # combo.set_active(i) # # # reset the state of the apply button # self.combo_userlang_dirty = False # self.check_status() def updateExampleBox(self): combo = self.combobox_locale_chooser model = combo.get_model() if combo.get_active() < 0: return self.label_example_currency.set_text('') self.label_example_number.set_text('') self.label_example_date.set_text('') (lang, code) = model[combo.get_active()] macr = macros.LangpackMacros(self._datadir, code) mylocale = macr["SYSLOCALE"] try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, mylocale) except locale.Error: self.label_example_date.set_text('[ ' + _("Failed to apply the '%s' format\n" "choice. The examples may show up if you\n" "close and re-open Language Support.") % mylocale + ' ]') return self.label_example_currency.set_text(locale.currency(20457.99, grouping=True)) self.label_example_number.set_text(locale.format_string("%.2f", 1234567.89, grouping=True)) self.label_example_date.set_text(time.strftime(locale.nl_langinfo(locale.D_T_FMT))) #################################################### # window_installer signal handlers # #################################################### def on_treeview_languages_row_activated(self, treeview, path, view_column): self.on_toggled(None, path.to_string()) # the global toggle def on_toggled(self, renderer, path_string): """ called when on install toggle """ iter = self._langlist.get_iter_from_string(path_string) langInfo = self._langlist.get_value(iter, LIST_LANG_INFO) # special handling for inconsistent state if langInfo.inconsistent : for pkg in langInfo.languagePkgList.values() : if (pkg.available and not pkg.installed) : pkg.doChange = True elif langInfo.fullInstalled : for pkg in langInfo.languagePkgList.values() : if (pkg.available) : if (not pkg.installed and pkg.doChange) : pkg.doChange = False elif (pkg.installed and not pkg.doChange) : pkg.doChange = True else : for pkg in langInfo.languagePkgList.values() : if (pkg.available) : if (pkg.installed and pkg.doChange) : pkg.doChange = False elif (not pkg.installed and not pkg.doChange) : pkg.doChange = True self.check_status() self.treeview_languages.queue_draw() #self.debug_pkg_status() def on_button_cancel_clicked(self, widget): #print("button_cancel") self.window_installer.hide() def on_button_apply_clicked(self, widget): self.window_installer.hide() if self.commitAllChanges() > 0: self.updateLanguageView() self.updateLocaleChooserCombo() #self.updateSystemDefaultCombo() #################################################### # window_main signal handlers # #################################################### def on_delete_event(self, event, data): app = self.window_main.get_application() if app: app.remove_window(self.window_main) def on_button_quit_clicked(self, widget): app = self.window_main.get_application() if app: app.remove_window(self.window_main) @honorBlockedSignals def on_window_main_key_press_event(self, widget, event): keyname = Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) if event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK and keyname == "w": app = self.window_main.get_application() if app: app.remove_window(self.window_main) if (event.get_state() | Gdk.ModifierType.MOD2_MASK) == Gdk.ModifierType.MOD2_MASK and keyname == "Escape": app = self.window_main.get_application() if app: app.remove_window(self.window_main) return None #################################################### # window_main signal handlers (Language tab) # #################################################### # @honorBlockedSignals # def on_treeview_locales_drag_failed(self, widget): # return None # @honorBlockedSignals # def on_treeview_locales_drag_begin(self, widget): # return None # @honorBlockedSignals # def on_treeview_locales_drag_drop(self, widget): # return None @honorBlockedSignals def on_treeview_locales_drag_end(self, widget, drag_content): #print("on_treeview_locales_drag_end") model = widget.get_model() myiter = model.get_iter_first() envLanguage = "" while myiter: str = model.get_value(myiter,LANGTREEVIEW_CODE) if (envLanguage != ""): envLanguage = envLanguage + ":" envLanguage = envLanguage + str if str == "en": break myiter = model.iter_next(myiter) #print(envLanguage) self.writeUserLanguage(envLanguage) self.userEnvLanguage = envLanguage self.check_input_methods() self.updateLocaleChooserCombo() #os.environ["LANGUAGE"]=envLanguage # @honorBlockedSignals # def on_treeview_locales_drag_leave(self, widget): # return None # @honorBlockedSignals # def on_treeview_locales_drag_data_received(self, widget): # return None @honorBlockedSignals @insensitive def on_button_apply_system_wide_languages_clicked(self, widget): self.writeSystemLanguage(self.userEnvLanguage) return None def on_button_install_remove_languages_clicked(self, widget): self.window_installer.show() @honorBlockedSignals def on_combobox_input_method_changed(self, widget): combo = self.combobox_input_method model = combo.get_model() if combo.get_active() < 0: return (IM_choice, IM_name) = model[combo.get_active()] self.ImConfig.setInputMethod(IM_choice) #################################################### # window_main signal handlers (Text tab) # #################################################### @honorBlockedSignals @insensitive def on_combobox_locale_chooser_changed(self, widget): self.check_input_methods() self.writeUserFormats() self.updateLocaleChooserCombo() self.updateExampleBox() @honorBlockedSignals @insensitive def on_button_apply_system_wide_locale_clicked(self, widget): self.writeSystemFormats() return None