Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /lib/file/
Upload File :
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Current File : //lib/file/magic.mgc

�a?	 =//Brain Vision Data Exchange Marker File, VersionBiosig/Brainvision Marker filebiosig/brainvision =.zFileId=TMSi PortiLab sample log file

Version=Biosig/TMSiLOGbiosig/tmsilog =+}Synergy89(&88)&888&8888=?~CRawDataElement=UCRawDataBufferBiosig/SYNERGYbiosig/synergy =+.Brain Vision V-Amp Data Header File VersionBiosig/Brainvision V-Amp file =&-Brain Vision Data Exchange Header FileBiosig/Brainvision data file =&MetaView Service Assurance Export FileMetaView SAS export='Version x/, version %c =%	-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----OpenSSH private key (with password) =$DFS File
SmartVersion binary patch file =#-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----OpenSSH private key ="-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----=" 

=AUX=.gentoo-manifest=DATA=.gentoo-manifest=DIST=.gentoo-manifest=EBUILD=.gentoo-manifest=MANIFEST=. gentoo-manifest ="1-----BEGIN AGE ENCRYPTED FILE-----age encrypted file, ASCII armored ="Novell Message Librarian Data FileNovell message librarian datamsg =!jX5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR=#!k-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*EICAR virus test files =!ATES MEDICA SOFT. EEG for WindowsBiosig/ATES MEDICA SOFT. EEG for Windowsbiosig/ates = i���SketchUp ModelSketchUp Modelapplication/vnd.sketchup.skpskp = NetImmerse File Format, Version=!n NetImmerse game engine file=
"[0-9a-z.]+, version %s =�SC68 Music-file / (c) (BeN)jamisc68 Atari ST music =�C64 tape image fileT64 tape Imagex
$�Entries:%ix(�Name:%.24s =�C64S tape image fileT64 tape Imagex
$�Entries:%ix(�Name:%.24s =1.0 Fri Feb 3 09:55:56 MET 1995Erlang JAM file - version 4.3 =>(*This is a Mathematica binary Mathematica binary file>XAfrom %s =---BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-PGP private key blockapplication/pgp-keysasc =B# Bazaar merge directive formatBazaar merge directive =_** This file contains an SQLiteSQLite 2.x databaseapplication/x-sqlite2sqlite/sqlite2/db =�Cobalt Networks Inc.
Firmware vPaged COBALT boot romx&�V%.4s =8�	USE LYNX TO DISSOLVE THIS FILELyNX archiveapplication/x-commodore-lnxlnx=V�	
�	[0-9]{1,5}%s directory blocks=
�	[^
]{1,24}, signature "%s"=
�	[0-9]{1,3}, %s files ==<Maker Intermediate Print FileFrameMaker IPL fileapplication/x-mif =Gamebryo File Format, Version Gamebryo game engine file=
[0-9a-z.]+, version %s =---BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-PGP public key blockapplication/pgp-keysasc=

=.pgp ='-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-PGP signed messagetext/PGPasc =innotek VirtualBox Disk Image%s =aSNES-SPC700 Sound File Data vSNES SPC700 sound file=b0.30, version %s=#c, without ID666 tag=#d, with ID666 tag>.e, song "%.32s">Nf, game "%.32s" =# ipl generated from max fileGTA Item Placement data (IPL), used in GTA III/VC =x@PJL ENTER LANGUAGE=FWUPDATE2HP Printer firmware updateful2 =%old timezone data =&old timezone data ='old timezone data =(old timezone data =)old timezone data =*old timezone data =Tue Jan 22 14:32:44 MET 1991Erlang JAM file - version 4.2 =OTue Jan 22 14:32:44 MET 1991Erlang JAM file - version 4.2 =:%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-FontPostScript Type 1 font text =wStart/Stop parameter header:Caris ASCII project summary =1002003old ACE/gr binary file>'- version %c =4	@CorelBMF

Corel CorporationCorel GALLERY Clipartimage/x-corel-bmfbmf =,<stata_dta><header><release>Stata Data File=-[0-9]+(Release %s) =�Inno Setup Uninstall Log (b)InnoSetup Logapplication/x-innosetupdat>�%.7sx��%s=@{x@%-.38sx@, version %#xxH	, %u bytes<@�x
��, %sx
�, "%s">@�x�, %-.9s=�+���x\%-.9s=+���x, %-.42s =;Gamebryo KFM File Version Gamebryo game engine animation File=
[0-9a-z.]+, version %s =;SVN-fs-dump-format-version:Subversion dumpfile><(version: %s) =-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----OpenSSH private key (no password) =	-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----PEM certificate =(*^

::[	frontEndVersion ==.wolfram@=�"@#! /usr/bin/env runhaskellHaskell script executable =�Warcraft III recorded game%s =Identification_InformationFGDC ASCII metadata =A# Bazaar revision bundle vBazaar Bundle =
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQPEM certificate request =?nut/multimedia containerNUT multimedia container =
!# This is a shell archiveshell archive textapplication/octet-stream =#! /usr/local/bin/clojureClojure script text executabletext/x-clojure@={"@#! /usr/bin/env execlinebexecline script text executabletext/x-execline =hAVG7_ANTIVIRUS_VAULT_FILEAVG 7 Antivirus vault file data =# ACE/gr fit description ACE/gr fit description file =Paint Shop Pro Image FilePaint Shop Pro Image File =,-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-PGP signatureapplication/pgp-signatureasc=

=.1pgp =�Windows Registry Editor =�Version 5.00

Windows Registry text (Win2K or above)text/x-ms-regeditreg =wPOLY SAMPLE FILEversion Biosig/TMS32biosig/tms32 =5	ACTApricotdiskimagefloppy image data (ApriDisk) =�5
East_Side_InvertationaQuake I save: ddm4 East side invertationa =�`Ph`P@@@@@@@@Linux S390=�@
����=�����hZ10 64bit kernel=����Z9-109 64bit kernel=�� Z990 64bit kernel=�Z900 64bit kernel=��ȀZ10 32bit kernel=��ȀZ9-109 32bit kernel=�� Z990 32bit kernel=��Z900 32bit kernel =O(***********************Mathematica 3.0 notebook =�# abook addressbook fileabook address bookapplication/x-abook-addressbook =�@��ࡱ�AAFB
OM+4�AAF legacy file using MS Structured Storage=�	(512B sectors)=�(4kB sectors) =�@��ࡱ�
+4AAF file using MS Structured Storage=�	(512B sectors)=�(4kB sectors) =�DOS Client Message File:Novell DOS client messagemsg> ! %c! %c! %c! %c! %c! %c! %c	! 	 %c
 %c!" %c!# %c
 %c=, Tranx, tran version %s!
, terminated by %#2.2xx%2.2x!e, at 0x65 %#x!f, at 0x66 %#x =�bsjbpdb v1.0Microsoft Roslyn C# debugging symbols version 1.0 =
BDNetscape Address book =-----BEGIN ECDSA PRIVATEPEM ECDSA private key =;        -:    0:Source:=<�        -:    0:Graph:==�        -:    0:Data:GCOV coverage report =�FICHIER GUITAR PRO v3.Guitar Pro Ver. 3 Tablature =�Junglevision Patch FileJunglevision instrument data =#! /usr/bin/env clojureClojure script text executabletext/x-clojure =j// <!-- <mdb:mork:z v="Mozilla Mork databasexk, version %.3s =+Kate Swap File 2.0Kate swap file =�5
The_Incinerator_PlantQuake I save: d7 The incinerator plant =�5
Takahiro_LaboratoriesQuake I save: d12 Takahiro laboratories =# ACE/gr parameter fileACE/gr ascii file =DAFETF NAIF DAF ENCODEDNASA SPICE file (transfer format) =# Netscape folder cacheNetscape folder cache =NetWare Loadable ModuleNetWare Loadable Modulenlm =-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-PGP messageapplication/pgp-encryptedasc=

=.%pgp =1<map version="freeplaneFreeplane documentapplication/x-freeplane =7<SCRIBUSUTF8NEW VersionScribus Documentapplication/x-scribus =�GF1PATCH110ID#000002GUS patch =�GF1PATCH100ID#000002Old GUS	patch =Winamp EQ library file%sx�%.4s =TGALILEO EEG TRACE FILEBiosig/Galileo biosig/galileo =�798x13x10x1ax84Biosig/File exchange format (FEF)biosig/fef =#!/usr/bin/env clojureClojure script text executabletext/x-clojure@="@#! /usr/local/bin/tcshTenex C shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript@=7"@#! /usr/local/bin/nawknew awk script text executabletext/x-nawk@=="@#! /usr/local/bin/gawkGNU awk script text executabletext/x-gawk@=V"@#! /usr/local/bin/bashBourne-Again shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript =XB@#! /usr/local/bin/bashBourne-Again shell script executable (binary data)text/x-shellscript@=_"@#! /usr/local/bin/fishfish shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript@=�"@#! /usr/bin/env runghcGHC script executable =+age-encryption.org/v1
age encrypted file=,�^[^ ]+, %s recipient=-scrypt=.@[0-9]+$(N=2**%s)=/
-> , among others =<list>
<protocol bbn-mDiamond Multimedia Document =}�FreeBSD/i386 a.out core file>~from '%s' =W5
the_Slipgate_ComplexQuake I save: e1m1 The slipgate complex =X5
Castle_of_the_DamnedQuake I save: e1m2 Castle of the damned =e5
the_Dismal_OublietteQuake I save: e2m6 The dismal oubliette =i5
Satan's_Dark_DelightQuake I save: e3m4 Satan's dark delight =n5
The_Tower_of_DespairQuake I save: e4m2 The tower of despair =o5
The_Elder_God_ShrineQuake I save: e4m3 The elder god shrine =u5
Shub-Niggurath's_PitQuake I save: end Shub-Niggurath's pit =�5
The_Gremlin's_DomainQuake I save: hip2m6 The gremlin's domain (secret) =�5
the_Edge_of_OblivionQuake I save: hipdm1 The edge of oblivion (secret) =�5
The_Seventh_PrecinctQuake I save: ddm1 The seventh precinct@=3 Signature-Version: 1.0JAR Signature FileSF =D(|SYSTEM|::|VERSION| 'CLISP byte-compiled Lisp program text =SWriteNow@Maple worksheet, but weird =-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATEPEM RSA private key =-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATEPEM DSA private key =.@Bochs Virtual HD ImageBochs disk image,x /type %s,x00subtype %s =�WINE REGISTRY Version WINE registry textx�, version %stext/x-wine-extension-regreg@=*  <?xml=!�xmlns=="['"]http://www.w3.org/ns/ttmlTTML subtitlesapplication/ttml+xmlttml =$Inno Setup Messages (=8&InnoSetup messagesapplication/x-innosetup-msgmsgx+, version %.5s!-)%cx@/, %u messagesx@6=8(u)(UTF-16),xP9%sx;(ASCII),xP<%s =�	Unison archive formatUnison archive format =zKaydara FBX Binary  Kaydara FBX model,
x{version %dfbx =#! /usr/local/bin/cljClojure script text executabletext/x-clojure@=&"@#! /usr/local/bin/zshPaul Falstad's zsh script text executabletext/x-shellscript@=/"@#! /usr/local/bin/ashNeil Brown's ash script text executabletext/x-shellscript@=u"@#! /command/execlinebexecline script text executabletext/x-execline@=y"@#! /usr/bin/execlinebexecline script text executabletext/x-execline@=�"@#! /usr/bin/env juliaJulia script executable =qCopyright (c) 199Adobe Multiple Master font =r
Copyright (c) 199Adobe Multiple Master font =^5
The_House_of_ChthonQuake I save: e1m7 The house of Chthon =f5
Termination_CentralQuake I save: e3m1 Termination central =l5
Chambers_of_TormentQuake I save: e3m6 Chambers of torment =y5
Place_of_Two_DeathsQuake I save: dm1 Place of two deaths =�5
The_Pumping_StationQuake I save: hip1m1 The pumping station =�5
The_Black_CathedralQuake I save: hip2m2 The black cathedral =�5
The_Underwater_BaseQuake I save: d8 The underwater base =
# xvgr parameter fileACE/gr ascii file =# xmgr parameter fileACE/gr ascii file =AThis is a BitMap fileLisp Machine bit-array-file@=1 Manifest-Version: 1.0JAR ManifestMF@= #!/usr/bin/env nodejsNode.js script executableapplication/javascript =�fMust have DOS versionDR-DOS executable (COM)application/x-dosexeccom =
-----BEGIN EC PRIVATEPEM EC private key =--=</Begin HP Signed=Klabel_HPBBatch=�iLO 4=dHPIMAGEHPE iLO4 firmware update image,x#version %s=Klabel_HPE-HPB-BMC-ILO5-4096=p HPIMAGEHPE iLO5 firmware update image,x�!version %s =# CAR archive headerSAPCAR archive data =�DIGI Booster module%s>�%c>�%c>�%c>�%c>b�, "%s" =�Extended Instrument:Fast Tracker II Instrument@=1"@#! /usr/local/bin/aeNeil Brown's ae script text executabletext/x-shellscript@=Z"@#! /usr/bin/env bashBourne-Again shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript@=c"@#! /usr/bin/env fishfish shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript =]5
The_Door_To_ChthonQuake I save: e1m6 The door to Chthon =a5
the_Crypt_of_DecayQuake I save: e2m3 The crypt of decay (dopefish lives!) =d5
the_Wizard's_ManseQuake I save: e2m5 The wizard's manse =h5
the_Tomb_of_TerrorQuake I save: e3m3 The tomb of terror =p5
the_Palace_of_HateQuake I save: e4m4 The palace of hate =z5
ClaustrophobopolisQuake I save: dm2 Claustrophobopolis ={5
The_Abandoned_BaseQuake I save: dm3 The abandoned base =# Grace project fileGrace project file=	@version (version> %c>!.%.2s>#.%.2s) =d��
skiplist fileCyrus skiplist DB =e��
twoskip fileCyrus twoskip DB =�@Nullsoft AVS Preset Winamp plug in =(�?3�W5�i4%A�PGP sig =)�?3�W6�i4%A�PGP sig =*�?3�W7�i4%A�PGP sig =+�?3�W8�i4%A�PGP sig =,�?3�W9�i4%A�PGP sig =0@MDIF�&@}MS Windows special zipped file =#! /usr/bin/env perlPerl script text executabletext/x-perl =# PaCkAgE DaTaStReAmpkg Datastream (SVR4)application/x-svr4-package =�MV - CPCEMU Disk-FilAmstrad/Spectrum .DSK data =�EXTENDED CPC DSK FilAmstrad/Spectrum Extended .DSK data =PuTTY-User-Key-File-PuTTY Private Key Fileapplication/x-putty-private-keyppkx!, version %.1sx#, algorithm %s= %
Encryption: , Encryptionx&%s=	(Comment: x)"%s" =L�FMS Windows shortcutapplication/x-ms-shortcutlnk=�, Item id list present=�, Points to a file or directory=�, Has Description string=�, Has Relative path=�, Has Working directory=�  , Has command line arguments=�@@, Iconx8� number=%d=���, Unicoded=�, NoLinkInfo=�, HasEnvironment=L���x�"%s"=�, RunInSeparateProcess=�, HasDarwinID=L���x�"%s"=�  , RunAsUser=�@@, HasExpIcon=L���x�"%s"=���, NoPidlAlias=�, RunWithShimLayer=�, ForceNoLinkTrack=�=L��`�Xx�, MachineID %0.16s=�, EnableTargetMetadata=�, DisableLinkPathTracking=�  , DisableKnownFolderTracking=� =L���x1�KnownFolderID %s=�@@, DisableKnownFolderAlias=���, AllowLinkToLink=�, UnaliasOnSave=�, PreferEnvironmentPath=�, KeepLocalIDListForUNCTarget=�, Read-Only=�, Hidden=�, System=�, Reserved1=�, Directory=�  , Archive=�@@, Reserved2=���, Normal=�, Temporary=�, Sparse=�, Reparse point=�, Compressed=�, Offline=�  , NeedIndexed=�@@, Encrypted!+�, ctime=%s!+$�, atime=%s!+,�, mtime=%sx4�, length=%u, window=x<�=<showmaximized=<showminnoactivex<normal>
@, hot keyx@%c=A+SHIFT=A	+CONTROL=A
L, IDListSize %#4.4x=.Nlnk-item	>



L'	x
LN)�x+x-, LocalBasePath "%s" =6<SCRIBUSUTF8 VersionScribus Document =XInterplay MVE FileInterplay MVE Movie =�!<arch>
__________EMIPS archiveapplication/x-archive=�Uwith MIPS Ucode members=�Lwith MIPSEL members=�Bwith MIPSEB members=�Land an EL hash table=�Band an EB hash table=�X-- out of date =�0123456789012345BZhEXP1 archive data =bCreative Voice FileCreative Labs voice dataaudio/x-unknown=e>f- version %d>g.%d =�Sharp JisakuMelodySHARP Cell-Phone ringing Melody=�Ver01.00Ver. 1.00x �, %d tracks =ALPHA-TRACE-MEDICALBiosig/alpha trace biosig/alpha =
#! /usr/bin/clojureClojure script text executabletext/x-clojure =#! /usr/bin/env cljClojure script text executabletext/x-clojure@=("@#! /usr/bin/env zshPaul Falstad's zsh script text executabletext/x-shellscript =!<arch>
________64EAlpha archive=X-- out of date =Z5
the_Grisly_GrottoQuake I save: e1m4 The grisly grotto =c5
the_Ebon_FortressQuake I save: e2m4 The ebon fortress =j5
the_Haunted_HallsQuake I save: e3m7 The haunted halls (secret) =m5
the_Sewage_SystemQuake I save: e4m1 The sewage system =r5
the_Nameless_CityQuake I save: e4m8 The nameless city (secret) =�5
Research_FacilityQuake I save: hip1m4 Research facility@= #!/usr/bin/env nodeNode.js script executableapplication/javascript@= [KDE Desktop Entry]KDE desktop entryapplication/x-kdelnk =CPCBNEW-LibModule-V1KiCad Footprint (Legacy)mod =#!/usr/bin/env perlPerl script text executabletext/x-perl =�MV - CPC format DisAmstrad/Spectrum DU54 .DSK data =
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256OpenSSH ECDSA public key =ecdsa-sha2-nistp384OpenSSH ECDSA public key =ecdsa-sha2-nistp521OpenSSH ECDSA public key =�Client UrlCache MMFInternet Explorer cache file>�version %s =           ML4D '92Smith Corona PWP=, single spaced=	, 1.5 spaced=
, double spaced=B, letter=T, legal=
F, A4 =�d=$�e=8�j����Biosig/FIFFbiosig/fiff =#SOUND SAMPLE DATA Sample Vision file =�[Equalizer preset]XMMS equalizer preset =#!/usr/bin/env cljClojure script text executabletext/x-clojure@="@#! /usr/local/tcshTenex C shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript@=R"@#! /usr/local/bashBourne-Again shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript =TB@#! /usr/local/bashBourne-Again shell script executable (binary data)text/x-shellscript =
BY SNK CORPORATIONNeo Geo Pocketapplication/x-neo-geo-pocket-rom=#ColorxROM image>$: "%.12s"x
!, NEOP%04X=�(debug mode enabled) =
�MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =�MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =�MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =
�MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =�MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =�MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =�MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =�MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =�MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =

�HDD Raw Copy Tool%sx


�- HD model: %sx

�serial: %simgc =[5
Ziggurat_VertigoQuake I save: e1m8 Ziggurat vertigo (secret) =_5
the_InstallationQuake I save: e2m1 The installation =`5
the_Ogre_CitadelQuake I save: e2m2 The ogre citadel =�5
Storage_FacilityQuake I save: hip1m2 Storage facility =�5
Military_ComplexQuake I save: hip1m5 Military complex (secret) =�5
The_Genetics_LabQuake I save: d11 The genetics lab (secret)@=� MainOrBonus = MAINGTA2 single player map listing (test1.seq) =I# GIMP Curves FileGIMP curve filetext/x-gimp-curve/txt P=
+ II*CRCanon CR2 raw image dataimage/x-canon-cr2x
#, version %d.x$%d =�Imagefile version-iff image data>
�%s =*�������������JPEG image dataimage/jpeg8BIMJPEGjpeg/jpg/jpe/jfif=.jpeg =;# LAMMPS data fileLAMMPS data file=<written by OVITOwritten by OVITO =C(SYSTEM::VERSION 'CLISP byte-compiled Lisp program (pre 2004-03-27) ="ExecROM patchfileMSX ExecROM patchfilex#v%dx$.%dx%, contains %d patches =%!PS-AdobeFont-1.xPostScript Type 1 font program datafont/x-postscript-pfbpfb=:>(%s)! :="�/FontName /=

IHDRPNG image data (CgBI)image/pngpng=. �png-ihdr =JAVA PROFILE 1.0.=<1Java HPROF dump,x�created %s =(kicad_symbol_lib= KiCad Symbol Librarykicad_sym=!(version=" =#[0-9.]+(Version %s) =MUGICIAN/SOFTEYESMugician Module sound file =_d13:announce-listBitTorrent fileapplication/x-bittorrenttorrent@=w"@#! /bin/execlinebexecline script text executabletext/x-execline =�#!/usr/bin/pdmenuPdmenu configuration file text =%!PS-AdobeFont-1.PostScript Type 1 font text>(%s) =�minidump FreeBSD/FreeBSD kernel minidump=�powerpc>�for %s,> �%s,=@�big endian,x@�version %dx@�little endian,x@�version %dx�>�for %s,=�big endian,x�version %dx�little endian,x�version %d =�5
SECRET_MISSIONSQuake I save: d3b Secret missions =�5
Takahiro_TowersQuake I save: d2 Takahiro towers =�5
SANDRA'S_LADDERQuake I save: ddm7 Sandra's ladder 

IHDRPNG image dataimage/pngpng=.�png-ihdr@="#!/usr/bin/nodejsNode.js script executableapplication/javascript@= # KDE Config FileKDE config fileapplication/x-kdelnk =i
## <SHAREFILE=Maple something =l
## <SHAREFILE=Maple something =�1.00 .0000.0000MSVC .wsp version 1.0000.0000 =-TRSNIFF data    Sniffer capture file=!.(compressed)x
/- version %dx
0.%d= 1(Token Ring)= 2(Ethernet)= 3(ARCNET)= 4(StarLAN)= 5(PC Network broadband)= 6(LocalTalk)= 7(Znet)= 8(Internetwork Analyzer)= 9	(FDDI)= :
(ATM) =�screen mode id:i:Remote Desktop Protocol connectiontext/x-ms-rdprdp=1, window mode=2, full screen mode =�HWP Document FileHancom HWP (Hangul Word Processor) file, version 3.0hwp@=+t <?xml version "XMLtext/xml@=+w <?xml version="XMLtext/xml>z %.3s document text={<xsl:stylesheet(XSL stylesheet)=|<xsl:stylesheet(XSL stylesheet)@=+} <?xml version='XMLtext/xml>� %.3s document text=�<xsl:stylesheet(XSL stylesheet)=�<xsl:stylesheet(XSL stylesheet) =�V3.0            =	 �[PatInfo]Biosig/Sigmabiosig/sigma =<
bcachefs =?
bcachefs = 6��`7b�?�=��HPE iLO2 firmware update image=DdHPE iLO1 firmware update image =@�="�LPEmbedded OpenType (EOT)!R�xT�, %s familyapplication/vnd.ms-fontobject =&EESchema-LIBRARY=' KiCad Symbol Library (Legacy)lib=)Version=* x+(Version %s) =�Microsoft C/C++ =�
MSVC program databaseapplication/x-ms-pdbpdb=	�([0-9.]+)ver %s=
�x �, %dx(�*%d bytes!
�x,�, %dx
2�*%d bytes =�=��8D����=P�8=p�=2�())=0!�#$IY��=8!��0�H$4JJMSX Kanji Font�=APK Sig Block 42APK Signing Block =�	collection.anki2Anki APKG file =1~0&�u�f����b�lMicrosoft ASFvideo/x-ms-asf>�=
.�asf-object =�Extended Module:Fasttracker II module sound dataaudio/x-mod>�Title: "%s" =�SIDPLAY INFOFILESidplay info file = NIST_1A
NIST SPHERE file =�RAD by REALiTY!!RAD Adlib Tracker Module RAD =� $Bf$90Biosig/UNIPRObiosig/unipro =�798x1ax84Biosig/File exchange format (FEF)biosig/fef =�#VRML V1.0 asciiVRML 1 filemodel/vrmlwrl@="@#! /usr/bin/tcshTenex C shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript@=5"@#! /usr/bin/nawknew awk script text executabletext/x-nawk@=;"#! /usr/bin/gawkGNU awk script text executabletext/x-gawk@=N"@#! /usr/bin/bashBourne-Again shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript =PB@#! /usr/bin/bashBourne-Again shell script executable (binary data)text/x-shellscript@=a"@#! /usr/bin/fishfish shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript =�XPCOM
XPConnect Typelibx�version %dx�.%d =�SEGADISCSYSTEM  Sega Mega CD disc imageapplication/x-sega-cd-rom=.�sega-mega-drive-headerx�, 2048-byte sectors =�SEGABOOTDISC    Sega Mega CD disc imageapplication/x-sega-cd-rom=.�sega-mega-drive-headerx�, 2048-byte sectors =�SEGADISCSYSTEM  Sega Mega CD disc imageapplication/x-sega-cd-rom=.�sega-mega-drive-headerx�, 2352-byte sectors =�SEGABOOTDISC    Sega Mega CD disc imageapplication/x-sega-cd-rom=.�sega-mega-drive-headerx�, 2352-byte sectors =�SEGA SEGASATURN Sega Saturn disc imageapplication/x-saturn-rom=.�sega-saturn-disc-headerx�(2048-byte sectors) =�SEGA SEGASATURN Sega Saturn disc imageapplication/x-saturn-rom=.�sega-saturn-disc-headerx�(2352-byte sectors) =�SEGA SEGAKATANA Sega Dreamcast disc imageapplication/x-dc-rom=.�sega-dreamcast-disc-headerx�(2048-byte sectors) =�SEGA SEGAKATANA Sega Dreamcast disc imageapplication/x-dc-rom=.�sega-dreamcast-disc-headerx�(2352-byte sectors) =@(#)ADF DatabaseCGNS Advanced Data Format =7ntfsclone-imagentfsclone image,x8version %d.x9%d,x:cluster size %d,x;device size %lld,x<%lld total clusters,x&=%lld clusters in use =�VoIP Startup andAculab VoIP firmwarex#�format %s =&%PS-AdobeFont-1.PostScript Type 1 font program datafont/x-postscript-pfbpfb>*(%s) =,<MakerScreenFontFrameMaker Font fileapplication/x-mif=.1.01(%s) =Y5
the_NecropolisQuake I save: e1m3 The necropolis =�5
Ancient_RealmsQuake I save: hip2m1 Ancient realms =�5
Armagon's_LairQuake I save: hipend Armagon's lair =�5
Into_The_FloodQuake I save: d4 Into the flood =�5
SlaughterhouseQuake I save: ddm5 Slaughterhouse =sSwath Data File:mbsystem info cache =GnomeKeyring

GNOME keyring=	, major version 0=
, minor version 0=, crypto type 0 (AES)>, crypto type %u (unknown)=
, hash type 0 (MD5)>, hash type %u (unknown)=����, name NULL
!�����>�, name too long for file's pstring type�<�x
�, name "%s"x, last modified %sx, created %s
&x, locked if idle for %u seconds^, not locked if idlex, hash iterations %ux, salt %llux4, %u item(s) =7GOBJ
G-IR binary databasex8, v%dx9.%dx:, %d entriesx;/%d local =�PC Research, Incgroup 3 fax data=�, normal resolution (204x98 DPI)=�, fine resolution (204x196 DPI) =TPaRtImAgE-VoLuMePartImage= U0.6.1file version %s>`V��������volume %d>Ytype %s>Zdevice %s,>[original filename %s,=D']not compressed=D'^gzip compressed=D'_bzip2 compressed>D'`compressed with unknown algorithm> a0.6.1file version %s< b0.6.1file version %s ={	GARMIN BITMAP 01Garmin Bitmap filesrf>/�	0, version %4.4s>
U�	, %dxx
S�	%d =KarmaRHD VersionKarma Data Structure Versionx	%u =5LAMMPS data fileLAMMPS data file=6CGCMM stylewritten by TopoTools=7msi2lmpwritten by msi2lmp=8via write_datawritten by LAMMPS =qLinuxGuestRecordXen saved domain=r(namexs(name %s) =wLinuxGuestRecordXen saved domain=y(name(namexz%s...) =bookmarkMacOS Alias file =h#
## <SHAREFILE=Maple something =k#
## <SHAREFILE=Maple something =m# 
## <DESCRIBE>Maple something anomalous. =PC Research, IncDigifax-G3-File=, fine resolution=	, normal resolution =	XPCOM
Mozilla XUL fastload data =q�MICROSOFT PIFEXWindows Program Information Fileapplication/x-dosexecpif>$� for %.63s>e�, directory=%.64s>��, parameters=%.64s=��UWINDOWS VMM 4.0
�PIFMGR.DLL, icon=%s�>
�PIFMGR.DLL, icon=%s
>���<�Terminal, font=%.32s�>�Terminal, font=%.32s
>��<�Lucida Console, TrueTypeFont=%.32s�>�Lucida Console, TrueTypeFont=%.32s=��UWINDOWS NT  3.1, Windows NT-style=��UCONFIG  SYS 4.0 +CONFIG.SYS=��UAUTOEXECBAT 4.0 +AUTOEXEC.BAT =StartFontMetricsASCII font metrics =OpenTimestampsOpenTimestamps=Proof����蒔Proof =�(a(gCanon Bubble Jet BJC formatted data =�@(RREMOTE1PEpson Stylus Color 460 data =# v2 git bundle
Git bundle =3riff.����(��Sony Wave64 RIFF data=6wave�����O�ۊ, WAVE 64 audioaudio/x-w64=(9fmt �����O�ۊ=

:, mono=

;, stereo>

<, %d channels>=%d Hz =BRF64����WAVEds64MBWF/RF64 audioaudio/x-wav=(Dfmt =
E, mono=
F, stereo>
G, %d channels>H%d Hz =	 !NTITLE
 REMARKCNS ASCII electron density map =8MMXMAR Area Detector Image,>09Compressed(%d),>L:%d headers,>P;%d x>T<%d,>`=%d bits/pixel =u#pmlogconf-setupPCP pmlogconf config>v(V.%1.1s) =�ObserverPktBuffeNetwork Instruments Observer capture file =-- H2 0.5/B -- 
H2 Database file =�BEA TUXEDO DES mask data =Interpress/XeroxXerox InterPress data=/(version>%s) =�LibvirtQemudSaveLibvirt QEMU Suspend Imagex�, version %ux�, XML length %u=�, running=�, compressed =�LibvirtQemudPartLibvirt QEMU partial Suspend Image =1�R\{�اM��Sx�)��Microsoft OneNoteapplication/onenoteone =1�/�C��vL���W"v_Microsoft OneNote Revision Store File =.EESchema-DOCLIB=/ KiCad Symbol Library Documentation (Legacy)dcm=1Version=2 x3(Version %s) =
BEGIN:vcalendar=�=�VERSION=Q:2.0iCalendar calendar=
:VFREEBUSYfile, with Free/Busy componenttext/calendar????iFBfifbx#=%�:VALARMfile, with ALARM componenttext/calendar????iCalicsalarm/icsx,filetext/calendar????iCalicsx4vCalendar calendar filetext/x-vcalendarvcsx;vCalendar calendar file, without VERSIONtext/x-vcalendarics/vcs!C

, without CRLF@= <?xml version="= e<!doctype htmlXHTML document text>!(version %.3s)text/html@=# <?xml version='=$e<!doctype htmlXHTML document text>%(version %.3s)text/html@=' <?xml version="=(e<htmlbroken XHTML document text>)(version %.3s)text/html =lSQLite format 3>nSQLite 3.xapplication/vnd.sqlite3!D}�	�\databasesqlite/sqlite3/db/db3/dbe/sdb/help=D�	�\databasemaple=<�NTM_(Monotone source repository)!<�NTM_=D�Q(Fossil checkout)=D�Q(Fossil global configuration)=D�Q(Fossil repository)=D�bDeB(Bentley Systems BeSQLite Database)=D�nLeB(Bentley Systems Localization File)=D�GKPG(OGC GeoPackage file)=D�01PG(OGC GeoPackage version 1.0 file)=D�irsE(Esri Spatially-Enabled Database)=D�XBPM(MBTiles tileset)=D��	�\(Maple Workbook)xD�!D�, application id %u!<�, user version %dx`�, last written using SQLite version %d!�, page size %u!�, writer version %u!�, read version %u!�, unused bytes %u!�@, maximum payload %u!� , minimum payload %u!� , leaf payload %ux�, file counter %ux�, database pages %u! �, 1st free page %u!$�, free pages %ux(�, cookie %#xx,�, schema %u!0�, cache page size %u!4�, largest root page %ux8�=8�, UTF-8=8�, UTF-16 little endian=8�, UTF-16 big endianx8�x8�, unknown %#x encoding!@�, vacuum mode %u!H�, reserved %#llxx\�, version-valid-for %u =: SIDMON II - THESidmon 2.0 Module sound file =2@ANDROID BACKUP
Android Backupapplication/x-google-abab>9, version %s=;0
, Not-Compressed=<1
, Compressed=?none
, Not-Encrypted= Gustar; contains=.Htar-file!Lnone=&M^([^n
]|n[^o]|no[^n]|non[^e]|none.+).*, Encrypted (%s) =:_SGI_SoundTrackSGI SoundTrack project file =#A#S#C#S#S#L#V#3Synthesizer Generator or Kimwitu data =%A#S#C#S#S#L#HUBKimwitu++ data =**** FRITZ!Box FRITZ!Box configuration backupapplication/x-avm-exportexportxof %-.4s=)�FirmwareVersion=, firmware versionx%s=)OEM=, oemx%s=	)1Language=, languagex%s=)]tmp.cfgx, %s =NEmbla data fileBiosig/Emblabiosig/embla =yVIC20 CARTRIDGECommodore VIC-20 cartridge= z,! {x | : "%.32s",=}generic cartridge=~Mega-Cart=Behr Bonz=�Vic Flash Plugin=�UltiMem=�Final Expansion =�PLUS4 CARTRIDGECommodore 16/Plus4 cartridge! �x � : "%.32s" =�#VRML V2.0 utf8ISO/IEC 14772 VRML 97 filemodel/vrmlwrl =#! /usr/bin/cljClojure script text executabletext/x-clojure@=$"@#! /usr/bin/zshPaul Falstad's zsh script text executabletext/x-shellscript@=-"@#! /usr/bin/ashNeil Brown's ash script text executabletext/x-shellscript@=B"@#! /usr/bin/awkawk script text executabletext/x-awk(=*�7zXZXZ compressed data, checksumapplication/x-xzxz=NONE=CRC32=CRC64=
SHA-256 =
IMA IKUNOUJYUKUSamsung Pico ROM imageapplication/x-sega-pico-rom=.sega-mega-drive-header =�Standard Jet DBMicrosoft Access Databaseapplication/x-msaccess =�Standard ACE DBMicrosoft Access Databaseapplication/x-msaccess =g5
Vaults_of_ZinQuake I save: e3m2 Vaults of Zin =q5
Hell's_AtriumQuake I save: e4m5 Hell's atrium =s5
The_Pain_MazeQuake I save: e4m6 The pain maze =|5
The_Bad_PlaceQuake I save: dm4 The bad place =~5
The_Dark_ZoneQuake I save: dm6 The dark zone =�5
the_Lost_MineQuake I save: hip1m3 The lost mine =�5
The_CatacombsQuake I save: hip2m3 The catacombs =�5
Mortum's_KeepQuake I save: hip2m5 Mortum's keep =�5
BACK_2_MALICEQuake I save: d4b Back to Malice =�5
Nuclear_PlantQuake I save: d6 Nuclear plant =�5
Takahiro_BaseQuake I save: d9 Takahiro base =�5
Stayin'_AliveQuake I save: d13 Stayin' alive =�5
Crazy_Eights!Quake I save: ddm3 Crazy eights! =.FUJIFILMCCD-RAWFujifilm RAF raw image dataimage/x-fuji-rafrafx1, format version %4.4sx2, camera %s@="#!/usr/bin/nodeNode.js script executableapplication/javascript =LammpS RestartTLAMMPS binary restart filex
(rev %d),x Version %s,=Little Endian=Big Endian =[$ANSIBLE_VAULT;Ansible Vault=\[0-9]+\.[0-9]+, version %s=];=	^[A-Z0-9]+, encryption %s =FMMAPBF�Mathematica PBF (fonts I think)!=**IDENTIFICATIONBecker & Hickl PMS Data Filex+(%d data blocks)sdt =Borland C++ ProMSVC .ide ==glfHeadMagic();GLF_TEXT =q#pmieconf-rulesPCP pmieconf rules>r(V.%1.1s) =
version=SPECjbbSPECjbb< :%.4s<%:v%.4s raw result text =SSH PRIVATE KEYOpenSSH RSA1 private key,>version %s =+�<?xml version==
��<!DOCTYPE X3DX3D (Extensible 3D) model, XML documentmodel/x3d+xmlx3d=��<COLLADACOLLADA model, XML documentmodel/vnd.collada+xmldae=3��xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/3dmanufacturing3MF (3D Manufacturing Format) model, XML documentmodel/3mf3mf=��<amfAMF (Additive Manufacturing Format) model, XML documentapplication/x-amfamf =Y!<arch>
debian=[-splitpart of multipart Debian packageapplication/vnd.debian.binary-packagedeb/udeb=_-binaryDebian binary packageapplication/vnd.debian.binary-packagedeb/udeb/ipkxdUnknown Debian package>Df(format %s)=Di2.0
>Hl, with %.15s=	nO>	data.tar., data compressionxq%.2s
!s �!t/�xv%c
!w �!x/�xz%c=D|2.1
x, %sx�%sx�, MD5 %sx�, unsplitted size %sx�, part length %sx�, part %sx�, %s =�MAS_UTrack_V00>�/0ultratracker V1.%.1s module sound dataaudio/x-mod =�BANDAI SFC-ADX!�SFC-ADX BACKUPSufami Turbo ROM image:x� "%.14s"x0�, ID %02Xx1�%02Xx2�%02X>3�, series index %u=4�[SlowROM]=4�[FastROM]=5�[SRAM]=5�[Special] =<?xml version==
eml-[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]+eml://ecoinformatics.org/%s=onedcx/v[0-9]\.[0-9]+https://ns.dataone.org/metadata/schema/onedcx/v1.0=fgdcFGDC-STD-001-1998=mercury/terms/v[0-9]\.[0-9]https://purl.org/ornl/schema/mercury/terms/v1.0=isotc211=eng;USAhttps://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd=gov\.noaa\.nodc:[0-9]+https://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd-noaa=/!pangaea\.dataset[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]+https://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd-pangaeatext/xml =&<?xml version=='rdf=(openarchiveshttps://www.openarchives.org/ore/termsapplication/rdf+xml =L(sym_lib_table=M
KiCad Symbol Library Table=N
KiCad Symbol Library Table=O KiCad Symbol Library Table@= Content-Type: >%s =<?xml version==['" 	]*[0-9.]+['" 	]*=<svgSVG Scalable Vector Graphics imageimage/svg+xmlsvg=<gnc-v2GnuCash fileapplication/x-gnucash@= <?xml version==['" 	]*[0-9.]+['" 	]*=<urlsetXML Sitemap document textapplication/xml-sitemap =<?xml version==['" 	]*[0-9.]+['" 	]*=<osmOpenStreetMap XML data =�<?xml version==�['" 	]*[0-9.]+['" 	]*=�<pefPortable Embosser Formatapplication/x-pef+xml =lHyperTerminal =m1.0 -- HyperTerminal data fileMS Windows HyperTerminal profileapplication/x-ms-htht =AON4artofnoiseArt Of Noise Module sound file =�
Version:VivoVivo video data =+4
Material exchange container formatapplication/mxfmxf =�LUCAM-RECORDERSER video sequenceser=�, bayer: mono=�, bayer: RGGB=�	, bayer: GRBG=�
, bayer: GBRG=�, bayer: BGGR=�, bayer: CYYM=�, bayer: YCMY=�, bayer: YMCY=�, bayer: MYYC=�d, bayer: RGB=�e, bayer: BGR=�, big-endian=�, little-endianx�, width: %dx�, height: %dx"�, %d bitx&�, frames: %d =(           LBR archive data =lC128 CARTRIDGECommodore 128 cartridge= m,! nx o : "%.32s",=pgeneric cartridge=qWarpspeed128=r, REU support=s, REU support, with I/O and ROM banking =uCBM2 CARTRIDGECommodore CBM-II cartridge! vx w : "%.32s" =�C64S tape fileT64 tape Imagex
$�Entries:%ix(�Name:%.24s =]*NINTENDO-HVC*Famicom Disk System disk image:application/x-fds-disk=._nintendo-fds-disk-info-block =ToKyO CaBiNeT
Tokyo Cabinetx
 (%s)= , Hashapplication/x-tokyocabinet-hash= , B+ treeapplication/x-tokyocabinet-btree= , Fixed-lengthapplication/x-tokyocabinet-fixed= , Tableapplication/x-tokyocabinet-table&!, [open]&!, [fatal]x", apow=%dx#, fpow=%d&$, [large]&$, [deflate]&$, [bzip]&$, [tcbs]&$, [excodec]x(, bnum=%lldx0 , rnum=%lldx8!, fsiz=%lld =+ToKyO CaBiNeT
TokyoCabinet databasex,(version %s) =V5
IntroductionQuake I save: start Introduction =k5
Wind_TunnelsQuake I save: e3m5 Wind tunnels =�5
The_GauntletQuake I save: hip3m4 The gauntlet =�5
The_HospitalQuake I save: d10 The hospital (secret) =�5
A_Rat's_LifeQuake I save: d3 A rat's life =IIHEAPCCDRCanon CIFF raw image dataimage/x-canon-crwx
, version %d.x
%d =?ITEM: TIMESTEPLAMMPS text mode dump,=@[0-9]+First time step: %s =@DUMPEDGNUEMACSGNU/Emacs pdumper image@= Relay-Version:old news textmessage/rfc822 =#@BABYL OPTIONS:Emacs RMAILmessage/x-gnu-rmail/ =j## <SHAREFILE=Maple something <=+%PDF-PDF document (UTF-8)application/pdfpdfx , version %cx!.%c=."pdf =<!DOCTYPE RCC>Qt Resource Collection file =policy_module(SE Linux policy module source =policy_module(SE Linux policy module source@=6%<!doctype htmlHTML document texttext/html =�<!DOCTYPE qgisQGIS XML document 2=+�bplist00=��WebMainResourceApple Safari Webarchiveapplication/x-webarchive =
Picture Magic=�PICTUREMAGIC-01	Sega 32X ROM imageapplication/x-genesis-32x-rom=.sega-mega-drive-header =
KiCad Footprint Library Table=
KiCad Footprint Library Table=
U KiCad Footprint Library Table@=
	%s =
c%-12345X@PJL=d'%!PJL encapsulated PostScript document text =
6(C) STEPANYUKARS-Sfx archive data =
IBnkBankxJ, version %uxK.%uxL.%u =
c<CUD-FM-File>CFF Song =
�BEGIN:IMELODYiMelody Ringtone Format =
BlockHashLocBlockHashLoc recovery info,x
	version %dbhl =
CTIME=Biosig/WCPbiosig/wcp =
C64 CARTRIDGECommodore 64 cartridge= ,! x  : "%.32s",==16 KB game=8 KB game=UltiMax mode=RAM/disabled=Action Replay=KCS Power Cartridge=Final Cartridge III=Simons' BASIC=Ocean type 1=Expert Cartridge= Fun Play, Power Play=!Super Games="	Atomic Power=#
Epyx Fastload=$Westermann Learning=%Rex Utility=&
Final Cartridge I='Magic Formel=(C64 Game System, System 3=)Warp Speed=*Dinamic=+Zaxxon / Super Zaxxon (Sega)=,Magic Desk, Domark, HES Australia=-Super Snapshot V5=.Comal-80=/Structured BASIC=0Ross=1Dela EP64=2Dela EP7x8=3Dela EP256=4Rex EP256=5Mikro Assembler=6Final Cartridge Plus=7Action Replay 4=8Stardos=9 EasyFlash=:!EasyFlash Xbank=;"Capture=<#Action Replay 3==$=>Nordic Replay!?Retro Replay=@%MMC64=A&MMC Replay=B'IDE64=C(Super Snapshot V4=D)IEEE-488=E*Game Killer=F+Prophet64=G,EXOS=H-Freeze Frame=I.Freeze Machine=J/Snapshot64=K0Super Explode V5.0=L1Magic Voice=M2Action Replay 2=N3MACH 5=O4Diashow-Maker=P5Pagefox=Q6Kingsoft=R7Silverrock 128K Cartridge=S8Formel 64=T9=UHucky!VRGCD=W:RR-Net MK3=X;EasyCalc=Y<GMod2=Z=MAX Basic=[>GMod3=\?ZIPP-CODE 48=]@Blackbox V8=^ABlackbox V3=_BBlackbox V4=`CREX RAM-Floppy=aDBIS-Plus=bESD-BOX=cFMultiMAX=dGBlackbox V9=eHLt. Kernal Host Adaptor=fIRAMLink=gJH.E.R.O.=hKIEEE Flash! 64=iLTurtle Graphics II=jMFreeze Frame MK2 =
�SplineFontDB:Spline Font Databaseapplication/vnd.font-fontforge-sfdx�version %s =
Azure_AgonyQuake I save: e4m7 Azure agony =
The_CisternQuake I save: dm5 The cistern =
the_Crypt__Quake I save: hip2m4 The crypt =
Tur_TormentQuake I save: hip3m1 Tur torment =
PandemoniumQuake I save: hip3m2 Pandemonium =
The_AcademyQuake I save: start The academy =
The_FoundryQuake I save: d7b The foundry =
B.O.S.S._HQQuake I save: d14 B.O.S.S. HQ =
Sub_StationQuake I save: ddm2 Sub station@=
 GIMP GradientGIMP gradient datatext/x-gimp-ggrggr =
'<gmr:WorkbookGnumeric spreadsheetapplication/x-gnumeric@=
u	 [BitmapInfo2]Polar Monitor Bitmap textimage/x-polar-monitor-bitmap@=

"#!/bin/nodejsNode.js script executableapplication/javascript@=
$delivered-to:SMTP mail textmessage/rfc822@=
+ MIME-Version:MIME entity text =
-��2R��@�"PGP sig =
OASIS Stream file =
%-12345X%!PSPostScript document =
Q%-12345X@PJLHP Printer Job Language data =
Z%-12345X@PJLHP Printer Job Language data>[%s>\%s>]%s>^%s =
spmieconf-pmiePCP pmie config>t(V.%1.1s) =
:%.2s=_SSL_SSL<:v%.4s raw result text<:v%.4s raw result text =
]#SUNPC_CONFIGSunPC 4.0 Properties Values =
[Adblock PlusAdblock Plus=[0-9.]+%sxrules file=
dVersion:=[0-9]+, version %s =�Packed File =�Personal NetWare Packed Fileapplication/x-novell-compress??_x�, was "%.12s"x�with %u bytes =Dmakedumpfile=E=FKDUMP   Flattened kdump compressed dump=.Gkdump-compressed-dump =��KEYB   =�`�MS-DOS KEYBoard Layout file =�Windows Registry Editor =2�Version 5.00

Windows Registry little-endian text (Win2K or above)text/x-ms-regeditreg =STADS2 save/gTADS!T
saved game data, CORRUPTED=U
 V%s saved game dataapplication/x-tads =�DVDVIDEO-VTSVideo title set,video/x-ifoifo/bupx!�v%x =�DVDVIDEO-VMGVideo manager,video/x-ifoifo/bupx!�v%x =�xMovieSetterMovieSetter movie =�xSceneEditorMovieSetter movie =L�H�,�����Apple ProDOS ProBoot Image=M&N�����xO, Volume /%sx
)P, %u Blocks=Q&R�����xS, Volume /%sx
)T, %u Blocks =U�� {�)	��0Apple ProDOS ProBoot Image=V&W�����xX, Volume /%sx
)Y, %u Blocks=Z&[�����x\, Volume /%sx
)], %u Blocks =^J�4�=� {�	�Apple ProDOS ProBoot Image=_&`�����xa, Volume /%sx
)b, %u Blocks=c&d�����xe, Volume /%sx
)f, %u Blocks =i��� /� X� @Apple ProDOS Unbootable Image=j&k�����xl, Volume /%sx
)m, %u Blocks=n&o�����xp, Volume /%sx
)q, %u Blocks =r8�L	x�C�Apple ProDOS Unbootable Image=s&t�����xu, Volume /%sx
)v, %u Blocks=w&x�����xy, Volume /%sx
)z, %u Blocks =�!tk0�]Apple ][ Disk Image =� X���x��Apple ][ Disk Image =� X��Q��T��+Apple ][ Disk Image =� �� ���+���Apple ][ Disk Image =� �� ��L%h�Apple ][ Disk Image =� �� ��L-h�Apple ][ Disk Image =�8�*��3��Apple ][ Disk Image =�8�L2��C�Apple ][ Disk Image =�L�*��+�Apple ][ Disk Image =�L`	��+JJJApple ][ Disk Image =�L����Apple ][ Disk Image =�L�	��+JJJApple ][ Disk Image =��������)Apple ][ Disk Image =�����   4�Apple ][ Disk Image =��'���,���Apple ][ Disk Image =��+�Q�ꪽ�� Apple ][ Disk Image =��'�H�
H�Apple ][ Disk Image =��+��� X���Apple ][ Disk Image =��+��� X��%�Apple ][ Disk Image =��������Apple ][ Disk Image =�������Apple ][ Disk Image =��\���ƍ�IApple ][ Disk Image =��`� /� X�Apple ][ Disk Image =��`� I�
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FileVersion			Biosig/ETG4000biosig/etg4000 =�C64-TAPE-RAWC64 Raw Tape File (.tap),x�Version:%u,x�Length:%u cycles@="@#! /bin/tcshTenex C shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript@=3"@#! /bin/nawknew awk script text executabletext/x-nawk@=9"@#! /bin/gawkGNU awk script text executabletext/x-gawk@=J"@#! /bin/bashBourne-Again shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript =LB@#! /bin/bashBourne-Again shell script executable (binary data)text/x-shellscript =
SAMSUNG PICOSamsung Pico ROM imageapplication/x-sega-pico-rom=.sega-mega-drive-header =�LDLINUX SYS SYSLINUX loaderx�(older version %-4.4s) =��Marvell Libertas firmware =�btrfs-streamBTRFS stream file =�*dvdisaster*dvdisaster error correction file =\5
Gloom_KeepQuake I save: e1m5 Gloom keep =b5
UnderearthQuake I save: e2m7 Underearth (secret) =�5
Command_HQQuake I save: start Command HQ =�KenSilvermanBuild engine group filex�containing %d files@= GIMP PaletteGIMP palette datatext/x-gimp-gplgpl P=+GIF8GIF image dataimage/gif8BIMGIFfgif=7a, version 8%s,=9a, version 8%s,>
%d x>
%d =�@(#)SunPHIGSSunPHIGS=(�SunBinbinary= �archivearchive =��KTX 11�

Khronos KTX texture=�(little-endian)=.�khronos-ktx-endian-header=�(big-endian)=.�^khronos-ktx-endian-header =�
�KTX 20�

Khronos KTX2 texturex�
, %u>�
x %u>�
x %u> �
, %u layers>$�
, %u faces>(�
, %u mipmaps>,�
khronos-ktx2-supercompression>�
,=.�
khronos-ktx2-vkFormat =tjP  
JPEG 2000=jp2 Part 1 (JP2)image/jp2jp2=�jpx Part 2 (JPX)image/jpxjpf/jpx=�jpm Part 6 (JPM)image/jpmjpm=�mjp2Part 3 (MJ2)video/mj2mj2/mjp2 =�JXL 
JPEG XL containerimage/jxljxl@=$return-path:SMTP mail textmessage/rfc822 =zCyrSBytecodeCyrus sieve bytecode data,={version 1, big-endian=|version 1, little-endianx}version %d, network-endian =K
<HELP NAME=Maple help file with extra carriage return at start (yuck) =1@ITSF`MS Windows HtmlHelp Dataapplication/vnd.ms-htmlhelpchm =�DTJPCH0C�Microsoft Visual C .pch <=+
%PDF-PDF documentapplication/pdfpdfx, version %cx.%c=.pdf =Playdate IMGPlaydate image data=��(compressed)x%d xx%d=�(uncompressed)x
%d xx
%d =Playdate IMTPlaydate image data set=��(compressed)x%d xx%d,x%d cells=�(uncompressed)xtile grid %d xx%d ="Playdate STRPlaydate localization strings=#��(compressed)=$�(uncompressed) ='Playdate AUDPlaydate audio filex(���%d Hz,=)unsigned, 8-bit PCM, 1 channel=*unsigned, 8-bit PCM, 2 channel=+signed, 16-bit little-endian PCM, 1 channel=,signed, 16-bit little-endian PCM, 1 channel=-4-bit ADPCM, 1 channel=.4-bit ADPCM, 2 channel =1Playdate VIDPlaydate video filex
2%d xx
4%d frames,x#5%.2f FPS =9Playdate PDZPlaydate executable package =K*PPD-Adobe: PPD filexL, version %sapplication/vnd.cups-ppdppd@= /1 :pserver:cvs password text file =U0 HEADGEDCOM genealogy texttext/vnd.familysearch.gedcomged=YeVERSversionx[%sx\, UTF-16 (without BOM) big-endian text =^0 HEADGEDCOM genealogy texttext/vnd.familysearch.gedcomged=beVERSversionxd%sxe, UTF-16 (without BOM) little-endian text =## <summary>SE Linux policy interface source =;#Inventor V2Open Inventor 2.0 file =CglsBeginGLS(GLS_TEXT =j#pmdahotprocPCP pmdahotproc config=
kVersion>l(V%-3.3s)@=� //Maya ASCIIAlias Maya Ascii File,>
�version %s =v�HP/UX 9.x nettl capture fileapplication/x-nettltrc0/trc1 =#!teapot
xdrteapot work sheet (XDR format) =Joy!peffpwpcheader for PowerPC PEF executable =�tfMR
MS Windows help cache =,<map versionFreemind documentapplication/x-freemind =bT3-image
cTADS 3 game data (format version %d) =+(*^

::[	=.,wolfram =/(*^

::[	=.0wolfram =Jbegin:vcard!
LVERSION:ENDvCard visiting cardtext/vcard????vCrdvcf/vcard=T�version:xV, version %-.3s!W2.1!
XVERSION:, 2nd line does not start with VERSION:!ZBEGIN, not up case!^

, lines not separated by CRLF =.DAFSA@PSL_=
Public Suffix List data (optimized)>
/<:(Version %c) =�AMOS Basic AMOS Basic source code=�V, tested=�v, untested =�NuppelVideoMythTV NuppelVideox�v%sx�(%dx�x%d),=$�Pprogressive,=$�Iinterlaced,x&(�aspect:%.2f,x&0�fps:%.2f =�typedstreamNeXT/Apple typedstream data, big endianx�, version %d<�=
���������x�, system %d =�streamtypedNeXT/Apple typedstream data, little endianx�, version %d<�=
�, system %d =[d8:announceBitTorrent fileapplication/x-bittorrenttorrent =�OctaMEDCmprOctaMED Soundstudio compressed file =�WOPL3-INSTWOPL instrumentx
�, version %u =�WOPL3-BANKWOPL instrument bankx
�, version %u@="@#! /bin/cshC shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript@="@#! /bin/kshKorn shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript =B@#! /bin/kshKorn shell script executable (binary data)text/x-shellscript@=""@#! /bin/zshPaul Falstad's zsh script text executabletext/x-shellscript@=+"@#! /bin/ashNeil Brown's ash script text executabletext/x-shellscript@=@"@#! /bin/awkawk script text executabletext/x-awk =mscdocumentMessage Sequence Chart (document) =%\[depot\]
Quick Database Manager, little endian =&\[DEPOT\]
Quick Database Manager, big endian =*]ELFELF=_invalid class=`32-bit=a64-bit=binvalid byte order=cLSB=.delf-le=eMSB=.f^elf-le=g(SYSV)=h(HP-UX)=i(NetBSD)=j(GNU/Linux)=k(GNU/Hurd)=l(86Open)=m(Solaris)=n(Monterey)=o(IRIX)=p	(FreeBSD)=q
(Tru64)=r(Novell Modesto)=s(OpenBSD)=t
(OpenVMS)=u(HP NonStop Kernel)=v(AROS Research Operating System)=w(FenixOS)=x(Nuxi CloudABI)=ya(ARM)=z�������(Cafe OS)={��������(embedded) =�
SYSLINUX SYSLINUX loaderx�(version %-4.4s) =+%!FontType1PostScript Type 1 font program data =.%!FontType1PostScript Type 1 font program datafont/x-postscript-pfbpfb>3(%s) =�5%!FontType1PostScript Type 1 font program datafont/x-postscript-pfbpfb>�9(%s) =1ClamAV-VDB:Clam AntiVirus=�3 databaseapplication/x-clamav-database=
<(with buildtime)cld/cvd/clamtmp/cudx�Afileapplication/x-clamavinfo>D=F^[^:]{0,23}, %s=
H^[^:]{1,6}, version %s=J^[^:]{1,10}, %s signatures=
L^[^:]{1,4}, level %s=O^[^:]{1,32}=R^[^:]{1,255}=T^[^:]{1,32}, builder %s	=W^[^:]{1,10}=�Z =�^, with=._tar-file!�a=c�, with x)d =qAntiVir QuaAvira AntiVir quarantinedapplication/x-avira-quaqua=�uSUSPICIOUS_FILEx�w%s!�xSUSPICIOUS_FILEx�z%sx<|at %s!�~SUSPICIOUS_FILEx�, category "%s" =�5
The_FloodQuake I save: d5 The flood =�5
SHOWDOWN!Quake I save: d15 Showdown! F=+7MM*TIFF image data, big-endianimage/tifftif/tiff=	.;^tiff_ifd F=+<II*TIFF image data, little-endianimage/tifftif/tiff=.@tiff_ifd =
Radiance HDR image dataimage/vnd.radiance =pgscriptverIslandWrite document@="#!/bin/nodeNode.js script executableapplication/javascript =5make configLinux make config build file (old) =J<HELP NAME=Maple help file =	�RABBITGRAPHRabbitGraph file <=+%PDF-PDF documentapplication/pdfpdfx, version %cx.%c=.pdf <=+&%FDF-FDF documentapplication/vnd.fdfpdfx*, version %cx+.%c =ACROSS&DOWNPUZ crossword puzzlex,
%d xx-%d,x
.%d clues,=
plain text solution!
scrambled solution =&Spreadsheetsc spreadsheet fileapplication/x-sc =$divert(-1)
sendmail m4 text file =:#Inventor VIRIS Inventor 1.0 file =Eiptrace 1.0AIX iptrace capture file =Fiptrace 2.0AIX iptrace capture file =ssh-ed25519OpenSSH ED25519 public key =<����ncursesncurses6 screen image =
filedesc://Internet Archive Fileapplication/x-ia-arc=
> version %c@d=+�
msgstrGNU gettext message catalogue texttext/x-po ]=++@--- =.-diff-unified@]=+/.+--- =.9diff-unified =
TADS 3 saved game data (format versionx
h%cxi%cxj%cx
a=b��=c�DOS/MBR boot sectorxd, code offset %#x+2=e�x
f, code offset %#x+3>g, OEM-ID "%-.8s"=iIHC cached by Windows 9M>
j, Bytes/sector %u<
l, Bytes/sector %u>
m, sectors/cluster %u=Rpfat32!
q , reserved sectors %u!Rsfat32>
t, reserved sectors %u>w, FATs %u=y, FAT  %u>z>
{, root entries %u>
}, sectors %u (volumes <=32 MB)>�, Media descriptor %#x<��, Media descriptor %#x>
�, sectors/FAT %ux
�, sectors/track %u>�, heads %u=�, heads %u>
� =&�V>�, hidden sectors %u> �, sectors %u (volumes > 32 MB)!R�fat32!$��	!$�, physical drive %#x>%�, reserved %#x!&�), dos < 4.0 BootSector (%#x)=&��(	x'�, serial number %#x=&�)	<+�NO NAME, label: "%11.11s"	>+�NO NAME, label: "%11.11s"	=+�NO NAME, unlabeled!R�fat32=6�FAT12, FAT (12 bit)=6�FAT16, FAT (16 bit)x6�<��, FAT (12 bit by descriptor)=��> ���, FAT (16 bit by descriptor+sectors)x �, FAT (12 bit by descriptor+sectors)=��=�	��, FAT (12 bit by descriptor+geometry)x�, FAT (1Y bit by descriptor)=��=���, FAT (12 bit by descriptor+geometry)x�, FAT (1Y bit by descriptor)x�, FAT (12 bit by descriptor)=R�fat32, FAT (32 bit)x$�, sectors/FAT %u>
(�, extension flags %#x>
*�, fsVersion %u>,�, rootdir cluster %u>
0�, infoSector %u<
0�, infoSector %u=
2���, no Backup boot sector=
2�, no Backup boot sectorx2�x
2�, Backup boot sector %u>4�, reserved1 %#x>8�, reserved2 %#x><�, reserved3 %#x!@��>@�, physical drive %#x>A�, reserved %#x!B�), dos < 4.0 BootSector (%#x)=B�)xC�, serial number %#x<G�NO NAME, label: "%11.11s">G�NO NAME, label: "%11.11s"=G�NO NAME, unlabeled!��!6�FAT16=
���, followed by FATapplication/x-ima=�=
�; NTFS	>
�, sectors/track %u	!$��, physical drive %#x	>(, sectors %lld	>0, $MFT start cluster %lld	>8, $MFTMirror start cluster %lld	<@
<@�, clusters/RecordSegment %d
>@, bytes/RecordSegment 2^(-1*%i)	<D
<D�, clusters/index block %d
>D, bytes/index block 2^(-1*%i)	xH, serial number 0%llx	>P, checksum %#x		x

=������$; containsimg/bin/ntfs=.ntfs-sector2 =
,selections=!-and=%.layersx+/reMarkable tablet notebook lines, 1404 x 1872, %x page(s) =
2reMarkable=3.lines=4file,=5version=x 6reMarkable tablet page (v%c), 1404 x 1872,x+7%d layer(s) =

 KiCad Schematic Documentkicad_sch/kicad_sch-bak=(version= =[0-9.]+(Version %s) =
7 KiCad Board Layoutkicad_pcb/kicad_pcb-bak=9(version=: =;[0-9.]+(Version %s) =
~HEADER    =^.{40}=�[0-9]{2}-[A-Z]{3}-[0-9]{2} {3}=�[A-Z0-9]{4}.{14}$=�[A-Z0-9]{4}Protein Data Bank data, ID Code %schemical/x-pdb=�[0-9]{2}-[A-Z]{3}-[0-9]{2}, %s =
saved game data, CORRUPTED=
>]%s saved game dataapplication/x-tads =
e## versioncatalog translation =
NõFélxåNuLIB archive data =
*Dirk PaehlDPA archive data =
bd7:commentBitTorrent fileapplication/x-bittorrenttorrent =
�rLockStreamLockStream Embedded file (mostly MP3 on old Nokia phones) =
%HeaderLen=Biosig/BCI2000 =
B(C) CED 87Biosig/CED SMR biosig/ced-smr =
*MegaCad23MegaCAD 2D/3D drawing@=
"@#! /bin/shPOSIX shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript =
	B@#! /bin/shPOSIX shell script executable (binary data)text/x-shellscript=*
# This script was generated using Makeself, self-executable archivex5, Makeself %s@=
G"@#! /bin/rcPlan 9 rc shell script text executable =
��sNaPpYsnappy framed dataapplication/x-snappy-framed =
�	<CPM_Disk>disk image data (YAZE) =
<MakerFileFrameMaker documentapplication/x-mif=5.5(5.5=5.0(5.0=4.0(4.0=3.0(3.0=2.0(2.0=1.0(1.0x%c) =
�Boom�Boom or linuxdoom demo@=
� [MapFiles]GTA2 multiplayer map metadata (MMP) =
�%% TDR 2.0IVS Fledermaus TDR file =
�BitmapfileHP Bitmapfile =
�ARF_BEGARFPHIGS clear text archive =
K1.4OiCEDraw graphicimage/x-idfidf =
�NSWAP-SPACELinux old swap file, 4k page size =
�OSWAP-SPACELinux old swap file, 8k page size =
�?PSWAP-SPACELinux old swap file, 16k page size =
�QSWAP-SPACELinux old swap file, 32k page size =
��RSWAP-SPACELinux old swap file, 64k page size =
�eSWAPSPACE2Linux swap file, 4k page size,=
.flinux-swap =
�gSWAPSPACE2Linux swap file, 8k page size,=
.hlinux-swap =
�?iSWAPSPACE2Linux swap file, 16k page size,=
.jlinux-swap =
�kSWAPSPACE2Linux swap file, 32k page size,=
.llinux-swap =
��mSWAPSPACE2Linux swap file, 64k page size,=
.nlinux-swap =
�xSWAPSPACE2Linux swap file, 4k page size,=
.ylinux-swap=.�zlinux-hibernate =
�{SWAPSPACE2Linux swap file, 8k page size,=
.|linux-swap=.�}linux-hibernate =
�?~SWAPSPACE2Linux swap file, 16k page size,=
.linux-swap=.�?�linux-hibernate =
��SWAPSPACE2Linux swap file, 32k page size,=
.�linux-swap=.��linux-hibernate =
��SWAPSPACE2Linux swap file, 64k page size,=

 Forward tomail forwarding textmessage/rfc822 =
MeTaSt00r3Metastore data file,x
version %0llx =
<�W CollisCOM executable for MS-DOS, Compack compressedapplication/x-dosexeccom =
	�GERBILCLIPFirst Choice database =
Octave-1-LOctave binary data (little endian) =
Octave-1-BOctave binary data (big endian) =
:perl-storeperl Storable (v0.6) data>;(net-order %d)&<(network-ordered)==(major 1)=>(major 1) =
�@document(Imagen printer=
�language impress(imPRESS data)=
�language daisy(daisywheel text)=
�language diablo(daisywheel text)=
�language printer(line printer emulation)=
�language tektronix(Tektronix 4014 emulation) =
���ABCDEFGHHP LaserJet 1000 series downloadable firmware =
FTNCHEK_ Pproject file for ftnchek=
1version 2.7=
	2version 2.8 to 2.10=

3version 2.11 or later =
:-) OriginBRIX Electron Density Map>�0, Sigma:%.12s =
18 !NTITLEXPLOR ASCII Electron Density Map =
'R-AXIS4   R-Axis Area Detector Image:<(Little-endian, IP #%d,>)Size=%dx>*%d<+Big-endian, IP #%d,>,Size=%dx>-%d =
/RAXIS     R-Axis Area Detector Image, Win32:<0Little-endian, IP #%d,>1Size=%dx>2%d<3Big-endian, IP #%d,>4Size=%dx>5%d =
U2FsdGVkX1openssl enc'd data with salted password, base64 encoded =
+SFDU_LABELVICAR label file =
PaintShop Pro color palettepal/PspPalette!
�0100, version %.4sx�, %.3s colors 7=+�HdrSLinux kernel/dat/bin/lnx=
��U�������x86 boot executable>
�version %s,=
��root_dev %#X,>
��swap_dev %#X,>
��RAMdisksize %u KB,=
����������Normal VGA=
����������Extended VGA=
����������Prompt for Videomode>
��Video mode %d =	��+����JJ=�x�Apple DOS 3.%u Unbootable Imagex�, Volume #%03ux4�, %u Tracksx5�, %u Sectorsx
6�, %u bytes per sector =	��`�L��=

�Apple Pascal Imagex
��, Volume %s:x
�, %u Blocksx
�, %u Files =	������	�=�Apple Diversi Dos Imagex�, Volume %ux4�, %u Tracksx5�, %u Sectorsx
6�, %u bytes per sector =	x
YAFFS filesystem root entry (little endian)=.|
yaffs =	)(*^

::[	=.*wolfram =	3(*^
::[	=.4wolfram =	5(*^

::[	=.6wolfram =	ETADS2 binTADS!	F
game data, CORRUPTED=	G
H%s game dataapplication/x-tads =	KTADS2 rscTADS!	L
resource data, CORRUPTED=	M
N%s resource dataapplication/x-tads =	h@databaseAmigaGuide file =	sBud1Apple Desktop Services Store =	Ngtktalog GTKtalog catalog data,=
O3version 3=Pzg(gzipped)!Qzg(not gzipped)>
R3version %s =	&�MaDoKaN96XMS Adlib Module>�Composer: "%s" =	(TFMX-SONGTFMX module sound data =	e_A2moduleA2M Song =	��LZO

lzop compressed datalzo<	�@	=	������- version 0.x	��%03x,=
�LZO1X-999,=�os: MS-DOS=�os: Amiga=�os: VMS=�os: Unix=�os: Atari=�os: OS/2=�os: MacOS=�
os: Tops/20=�os: WinNT=�os: Win32>	�9	=	������- version 0.=	������- version 1.=	������ - version 2.x	��%03x,=�LZO1X-1,=�LZO1X-1(15),=�LZO1X-999,=�os: MS-DOS=�os: Amiga=�os: VMS=�os: Unix=�os: Atari=�os: OS/2=�os: MacOS=�
os: Tops/20=�os: WinNT=�os: Win32 =	VimCrypt~Vim encrypted file data=	01!with zip cryptmethod=	02!with blowfish cryptmethod=	03!with blowfish2 cryptmethod =	�SBMBAKUP_Smart Boot Manager backup filex	�, version %-5.5s=�_x�%-.1s=�_.x�%-.1s=�_.x�%-.1s=�x�, from drive %#x>�x�, from drive %s=�U��x)�; contains =	�PNCIHISKNorton Utilities disc image data=��U���x)�; contains =	
��	DOS floppy 360k=
�U�������, DOS/MBR hard disk boot sector =	��	DOS floppy 720k=
�U�������, DOS/MBR hard disk boot sector =	@�	DOS floppy 1440k=
�U�������, DOS/MBR hard disk boot sector =	��	DOS floppy 720k, IBM=
�U�������, DOS/MBR hard disk boot sector =	@�	DOS floppy 1440k, mkdosfs=
�U�������, DOS/MBR hard disk boot sector =	��	Atari-ST floppy 360k =	��	Atari-ST floppy 720k =	4�ReIsEr2FsReiserFS V3.6 =	4�ReIsEr3FsReiserFS V3.6.19x
,�block size %d&
2�(mounted or unclean)x�num blocks %d=@�tea hash=@�yura hash=@�r5 hash 2=+�DISODelta ISO datax�version %d =	�OracleCFSOracle Clustered Filesystem,x�rev %dx�.%d,x0�label: %.64s,x��mountpoint: %.128s =	�OracleCFSOracle Clustered Filesystem,x�rev %dx�.%d,x0�label: %.64s,x��mountpoint: %.128s =	��DECFILE11Files-11 On-Disk Structurex
�(ODS-%d);=��ARSX-11, VAX/VMS or OpenVMS VAX file system;=��B=
�VAX/VMS or OpenVMS file system;=
�OpenVMS Alpha or Itanium file system;x��volume label is '%-12.12s' =	;AGD2����Macromedia Freehand 7 Document =	<AGD3����Macromedia Freehand 8 Document =	>AGD4����Macromedia Freehand 9 Document =	1<BookFileFrameMaker Book fileapplication/x-mif=
6%c) =	�5
The_LabQuake I save: d1 The lab =	�5
Area_33Quake I save: d1b Area 33 =	7SIMPLE  =FITS image dataimage/fitsfits/fts=m:8, 8-bit, character or unsigned binary integer=l;16, 16-bit, two's complement binary integer=k< 32, 32-bit, two's complement binary integer=k=-32, 32-bit, floating point, single precision=k>-64, 64-bit, floating point, double precision@=	 N#! rnewsmailed, batched news textmessage/rfc822@=	) Received:RFC 822 mail textmessage/rfc822 =	�CRYPTEDDovecot encrypted messagex	�, dcrypt version %d =	I<PACKAGE=Maple help file =	V{VERSION Maple worksheet>	Wversion %.1s.>X%.1s =	�@WordPro
�Lotus WordProapplication/vnd.lotus-wordpro =		�GERBILDOCFirst Choice document =	�!<spell2>MKS Spell hash list =	HWB�Microsoft Visual C .APS file =	 �MSVC .res =	���MSVC .res =	��0�MSVC .res =	StartFontASCII font bits =	g#pmloggerPCP pmlogger config=
hVersion>i(V%1.1s) =	wpmlogconfPCP pmlogger config>x(V.%1.1s) =	<!SQ DTD>Compiled SGML rules file>	Type %s =	
<!SQ A/E>A/E SGML Document binary>	Type %s =	<!SQ STS>A/E SGML binary styles file>	Type %s =	PLUS3DOSSpectrum +3 data=- BASIC program=
- number array=- character array=- memory block=@(screen)=- Tasword document=TAPEFILE- ZXT tapefile #=+��CD001=.�cdrom A=+�P4=	�P4[ 	
]=.�netpbmx�, rawbits, bitmapimage/x-portable-bitmappbm A=+�P5=	�P5[ 	
]=.�netpbmx�, rawbits, greymapimage/x-portable-greymappgm A=+�P6=	�P6[ 	
]=.�netpbmx�, rawbits, pixmapimage/x-portable-pixmapppm/pnm A=+�P7!��=�@WIDTHNetpbm PAM image file, size =image/x-portable-arbitrarymappamx�%s=�@HEIGHTxx�%s!
, %#x at offset 2 instead new line A=
+�U�������DOS/MBR boot sector=OSBSOS/BS MBR=3��м|MS-MBR="��PP�=$�,DOS 2=	�%Author - Author:x'"%s"=(�="+u�Z=�|�,NEC 3.3x"-,D0S version 3.3-7.0=I1Invalid partition tableenglish=I2Ung�ltige Partitionstabellegerman=I3Table de partition invalidefrench=I4Tabela de parti�ao inv�lidaportuguese=I5Tabla de partici�n no v�lidaspanish="I6Tavola delle partizioni non validaitalian>I7at offset %#x>I8"%s">t?at offset %#x>t@"%s">yGat offset %#x>yH"%s"=K|��PP=M���ˤ�9M=<�RInvalid partition tableenglish=<�SUng�ltige Partitionstabellegerman=<�TTable de partition erron�efrench=<�U���ࠢ��쭠� ⠡���russianx<Vat offset %#x+0xFF><�W"%s"x�\at offset 0x1%x>�]"%s"x�bat offset 0x1%x>�c"%s"=f���ˤ�XP=�h���cD,english=�i���nH,german>�lat offset 0x1%x>�m"%s">�pat offset 0x1%x>�q"%s">�tat offset 0x1%x>�u"%s"=x�|�؎�=�{PCT��f;uVista=�}����zbenglish>��at offset 0x1%x>��"%s">��at offset 0x1%x>��"%s">��at offset 0x1%x>��"%s"=��uAPCT��fWindows 7=������{cenglish>��at offset 0x1%x>��"%s">��at offset 0x1%x>��"%s">��at offset 0x1%x>��"%s">��, disk signature %#-.4x=
��>��, createdx��with driveID %#xx��at %xx��:%xx��:%x=��Ў0��=�؎���MS-MBR,D0S version 3.21 spanish=��Invalid partition table$=��No Operating System$=��Operating System load error$, DR-DOS MBR, Version 7.01 to 7.03=��Invalid partition table$=��No operating system$=��Operating system load error$, DR-DOS MBR, Version 7.01 to 7.03=V�Invalid partition table$=n�No operating system$=��Operating system load error$, DR-DOS MBR, version 7.01 to 7.03='�NEWLDR=.�Bad PT $=6�No OS $==�OS load err$=I�Moved or missing IBMBIO.LDR

=f�Press any key to continue.

$=��Copyright (c) 1984,1998=
��Caldera Inc., DR-DOS MBR (IBMBIO.LDR)=
E�Default: F, FREE-DOS MBR=@�no active partition found=`�read error while reading drive, FREE-DOS Beta 0.9 MBR=	�� Error!
=z�Virus!=��Booting =��HD1/, Ranish MBR (=��Writing changes...2.37x��,%#x dots>��,virus check>��,partition %c!��Writing changes...=��virus check,x��%#x seconds>��,partition<�� %x=�� askx��)=j�MBR Error 
=x�ress any key to =��boot from floppy..., Acronis MBR=5�No bootable partition found
=S�I/O Error reading boot sector
, Visopsys MBR=]�No bootable partition found
={�I/O Error reading boot sector
, simple Visopsys MBR=@�SBML=+�SMART BTMGR=
��SBMK Bad!
, Smart Boot Manager>�, version %s=~�XOSLLOADXCF, eXtended Operating System Loader=�LILO, LInux i386 boot LOader=x�LILO, version 22.3.4 SuSe=��LILO, version 22.5.8 Debian=V�<Geom<A�>>�; GRand Unified Bootloaderx>, stage1 version %#x<@�, boot drive %#x>A, LBA flag %#x<
B�, stage2 address %#x>
B�, stage2 address %#x>D	, 1st sector stage2 %#x<
, stage2 segment %#x>
H, stage2 segment %#x=�
GeomHard DiskRead Error=�stage1, GRUB version 0.5.95=~GeomHard DiskRead Error=xGRUB , GRUB version 0.93 or 1.94=GeomHard DiskRead Error=yGRUB , GRUB version 0.94=�GeomHard DiskRead Error={GRUB , GRUB version 0.95 or 0.96=�GeomHard DiskRead Error=�GRUB , GRUB version 0.97=WGeomRead Error=ALoading stage1.5, GRUB version x.y=|GeomHard DiskRead Error=vGRUB , GRUB version n.m=�chksum ERROR!, Gujin bootloader=BCDL=� BCDL    BIN, Bootable CD Loader (1.50Z)!#IHISK!%�������!'HdrS!�)Be Boot Loader=+��	=-���؎�1�=.�.partition-table!0��!2RRaA!5�fF�f�!7N�fF�f	!9

>�==.�>partition-table=�DNon-system disk, =�Epress any key..., Acronis Startup Recovery Loaderx�I=.�JDOS-filename=�LFDBOOT Version =�M
No Systemdisk. =�NBooting from harddisk.

=�OCannot load from harddisk.

=PInsert Systemdisk =#Qand press any key.

, FDBOOT harddisk Bootloader>�R, version %-3s=�SBootsector from C.H. Hochst�=�WBootsector from C.H. Hochst=$XNo Systemdisk. Booting from harddisk=�ZCannot load from harddisk.=$�\�Insert Systemdisk and press any key.=�^`Disk formatted with WinImage , WinImage harddisk Bootloaderx`, version %-4.4s	=a	=b	=c�	=e�S	=f|	=h�	=i"	=	j�		=
	=l	=mV=
n�, mkdosfs boot message display
	=sw>wt"%-s"=�uPlease try to install FreeDOS , DOS Emulator boot message display=gzThis is not a bootable disk. =�{Please insert a bootable =�|floppy and
=�}press any key to try again...
, FREE-DOS message display=BSolaris Boot Sector=c�Incomplete MDBoot load.=Y�Version, Sun Solaris Bootloaderxa�version %c=��OS/2 !! SYS01475
=��OS/2 !! SYS02025
=��OS/2 !! SYS02027
=��OS2BOOT    , IBM OS/2 Warp bootloader=��OS/2 !! SYS01475
=��OS/2 !! SYS02025
=��OS/2 !! SYS02027
=��OS2BOOT    , IBM OS/2 Warp Bootloader=p�This disk is not bootable
=��If you wish to make it bootable=��run the DOS program SYS =
��after the
=��system has been loaded
=��Please insert a DOS diskette =�into
 the drive and =$�strike any key..., IBM OS/2 Warp message display=��NTLDR is missing�
��Disk error�
=��Press any key to restart
, Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader>���x��%-.5s>���x��%-.3s>���>�� .%-.3s>s� >p��xp�%-.5s>u��xu�%-.3s>x��xx�.%-.3s=��NTLDR nicht gefunden�
=��Neustart mit beliebiger Taste
, Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader (german)>���x��%-.5s>���x��%-.3s>���>�� .%-.3s={�>p��xp�%-.5s>u��xu�%-.3s=��NTLDR fehlt�
=��Neustart mit beliebiger Taste
, Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader (2.german)>���x��%-.5s>���x��%-.3s>���>�� .%-.3s>s� >p��xp�%-.5s>u��xu�%-.3s>x��xx�.%-.3s=��NTLDR fehlt�
=��Neustart: Taste dr�cken
, Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader (3.german)>s� >p��xp�%-.5s>u��xu�%-.3s>x��xx�.%-.3s>���x��%-.5s>���x��%-.3s>���>�� .%-.3s=��Datentr�ger entfernen�
=��Neustart: Taste dr�cken
, Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader (4.german)={�>p��xp�%-.5s>u��xu�%-.3s>x��xx�.%-.3s>���x��%-.5s>���x��%-.3s>���>�� .%-.3s=��Fehler beim Lesen =��des Datentr�gers=��NTLDR fehlt=��NTLDR ist komprimiert=��Neustart mit Strg+Alt+Entf
, Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader NTFS (german)=9�A disk read error occurred.
=Y�A kernel file is missing =r�from the disk.
=��NTLDR is compressed=��Insert a system diskette =��and restart
the system.
, Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader NTFS>���=��Invalid system disk�
=�Disk I/O error=�Replace the disk, and =
�press any key, Microsoft Windows 98 Bootloader>��x� %-.2s>��	x�%-.5s
>��x�	%-.1s>�
�+x�%-.5s	>��
x�%-.3s>��	x�.%-.3s=�Invalid system disk�
=�Disk I/O error�
=�Replace the disk, and =�then press any key
, Microsoft Windows 98 Bootloader=�Ungueltiges System �
=�E/A-Fehler    �
=�Datentraeger wechseln und =�Taste druecken
, Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME Bootloader (german)>��x�%-.5s>��	x� %-.1s
>�!�x�"%-.1s>�#�
x�$%-.1s>�%�x�&.%-.3s>�(�orx�) %-.2s>�*�	x�+%-.5s
>�,�x�-%-.1s>�.�x�/.%-.3s>�1�+x�2%-.5s	>�3�
x�4%-.3s>�5�	x�6.%-.3s=�8Ungueltiges System �
=�9E/A-Fehler    �
=�:Datentraeger wechseln und =�;Taste druecken
, Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME Bootloader (German)>�=�x�>%-.7s>�?�	x�@%-.1s>�A�x�B.%-.3s>�D�orx�E %-.2s>�F�	x�G%-.6s>�H�x�I.%-.3s>�K�+x�L%-.5s	>�M�
x�N%-.3s>�O�	x�P.%-.3s=�RUngueltiges System �
=�SE/A-Fehler    �
=�TDatentraeger wechseln und =�UTaste druecken
, Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME Bootloader (GERMAN)x�W%-.2s>�X�x�Y%-.5s>�Z�	x�[%-.1s>�\�x�].%-.3s>�^�+x�_%-.5s>�`�x�a%-.2s>�b�	x�c%-.1s>�d�x�e.%-.3s>�f�=�gKein System oder =�hLaufwerksfehler=�iWechseln und Taste dr�cken, Microsoft DOS Bootloader (german)x�k %-.2s>�l�x�m%-.6s>�n�x�o.%-.3s>�q�+x�r%-.5s>�s�	x�t%-.3s>�u�x�v.%-.3s=xx)Non-System disk or =�y)disk error
=�z)Replace and =�{)press ,=�|)strike , old=�})any key when ready
MS or PC-DOS bootloader=��x� %-.2s�>���x�%-.4s	�>��
�x�%-.2s>��.�x�%-.3s>��+�x�%-.5s�>��	�x�%-.1s
�>���x�%-.2s>��.�x�%-.3s=��Cannot load from harddisk.

=��Insert Systemdisk =��and press any key.

, MS (2.11) DOS bootloader=6�SYS=D�VASKK=��NEWLDR, DR-DOS Bootloader (LOADER.SYS)=b�Press a key to retry
=x�Cannot find file 
=��Disk read error
=��Loading ..., DR-DOS (3.41) Bootloader>,��x,� %-.6s>2��x2�%-.2s>4��x4�.%-.3s=F�IBMBIO  COM=��Cannot load DOS! =��Any key to retry, DR-DOS Bootloader=��Cannot load DOS =��press key to retry, Open-DOS Bootloader=��KERNEL  SYS=:�BOOT error!, FREE-DOS Bootloader=��KERNEL  SYS=
1�BOOT err!, Free-DOS Bootloader=��KERNEL  SYS=?�BOOT error!, FREE-DOS 0.5 Bootloader=��Loading FreeDOS>��, FREE-DOS 0.95,1.0 Bootloader>���x�� %-.6s>���x��%-.1s>���x��%-.1s>���x��.%-.3s=K�Error!.0, FREE-DOS 1.0 bootloader=}�Loading FreeDOS...
=7�BOOT error!
, FREE-DOS bootloader>���x�� %-.6s>���x��%-.1s>���x��%-.1s>���x��.%-.3s=|�FreeDOS=K� err, FREE-DOS BETa 0.9 Bootloader>���x�� %-.6s>���x��%-.1s>���x��%-.1s>���x��.%-.3s=M� err, FREE-DOS BEta 0.9 Bootloader>���x�� %-.6s>���x��%-.1s>���x��%-.1s>���x��.%-.3s=N� err, FREE-DOS Beta 0.9 Bootloader>���x�� %-.6s>���x��%-.1s>���x��%-.1s>���x��.%-.3s=P�Error! =W�Hit a key to reboot., FREE-DOS Beta 0.9sr1 Bootloader>���x�� %-.6s>���x��%-.1s>���x��%-.1s>���x��.%-.3s=��=F�I/O Error reading =X�Visopsys loader
=i�Press any key to continue.
, Visopsys loader>��M>��E<��S=�BootProg>��, COM/EXE Bootloader=.�DOS-filename=�RENF, FAT (12 bit)=�	RENF, FAT (16 bit)=RRaA=�rrAa, FSInfosector<�����, %u free clusters<�����, last allocated cluster %u==�>�=�=�<� =�!, extended partition table=�", extended partition table (LBA)=�#, extended partition table (last)='WEV�����, BSD disklabel@=5+%^export (function|class|default|const|var|let|async) JavaScript sourceapplication/javascriptjs =;=	<Digital Symphony sequence (RISC OS),x=version %d,=
>1 line,!
?%d lines,=
@1 position!
A%d positions=	BDigital Symphony pattern data (RISC OS),xCversion %d,=

D1 pattern!

E%d patterns =^�I7 ط=_��^�N�Windows Television DVR Media =�J�i�'�=���=�ڊApple ][ QBoot Image =�J�i�'�=���=�ڊApple ][ 0Boot Image =�v��<
APT cache data, version %ux
.%u, 64 bit big-endian=.apt-cache-64bit-be =!�v��<
APT cache data, version %ux

#.%u, 64 bit little-endian=.$^apt-cache-64bit-be =
@�Z@_CCF= CCFPhilips Pronto IR remote control CCF =�mTMR SEGA=.�nsega-master-system-rom-header =�?oTMR SEGA=.�?psega-master-system-rom-header =�qTMR SEGA=.�rsega-master-system-rom-header =�WIIDISC=�=T�=�3����Nintendo GameCube disc image (WDFv1 format):application/x-gamecube-rom=.8�nintendo-gcn-disc-common=X���]Nintendo Wii disc image (WDFv1 format):application/x-wii-rom=.8�nintendo-gcn-disc-common=�=�=�3����Nintendo GameCube disc image (WDFv2 format):application/x-gamecube-rom=.�nintendo-gcn-disc-common=���]Nintendo Wii disc image (WDFv2 format):application/x-wii-rom=.�nintendo-gcn-disc-common(=���|����@|��=	w��ISOLINUX isolinux Loaderx�(version %-4.4s)(=��|�Ў�1x
�=	���Error 
NetBSD mbr>��,Serial %#-.8x=��G�ZRR,bootselector=��f��f�f�:�2�BZR�,boot extended=0�7���@,serial IO=��jNo active partition=�Disk read error=�No operating system,verbose=}�ZR��,CHS=	��T��U�AZR�,LBA-check=&����=	�����������=���Error x�,"%s"=.��partition-table(=���X��X�	=����؎�1�=x�No operating system
=��Disk error
AdvanceMAME mbr(=��1���@�1����=
��NDTmbr�=�1234FTurton mbr (x
�	�Version<=%u=
��,TestDisk	<
�	!
�,%u/18 seconds<
,floppy %#x	>

�,drive %#x	>
�	!

�,%u/18 seconds<
�,floppy %#x	>
��,drive %#xx) =MANIFEST=.gentoo-manifest =������x	x
EDID data, version %u.x%u =�AT&TFORM=�DJVMDjVu multiple page documentimage/vnd.djvu=�DJVUDjVu image or single page documentimage/vnd.djvu=�DJVIDjVu shared documentimage/vnd.djvu=�THUMDjVu page thumbnailsimage/vnd.djvu =	�HDF

!	MATLABHierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 512 bytes user blockapplication/x-hdf5h5/hdf5/hdf/he5 =EESchema= =		Schematic= KiCad Schematic Document (Legacy)sch/bak=Version= x (Version %s) =��������=DUMPATOMLAMMPS atom style binary dumpx(rev %d),=Little Endian,xFirst time step: %lld =��������=DUMPATOMLAMMPS atom style binary dumpx(rev %d),=Big Endian,xFirst time step: %lld =#��������=
$DUMPCUSTOMLAMMPS custom style binary dumpx%(rev %d),=&Little Endian,x'First time step: %lld =*��������=
+DUMPCUSTOMLAMMPS custom style binary dumpx,(rev %d),=-Big Endian,x.First time step: %lld =�LPKSHHRH=��>�> �>(�>0�>8�>@�Journal fileapplication/x-linux-journal!��@B, %s=��empty=�,	=��offlinejournal~	!��offlinejournal/journal~=�,	=��onlinejournal~	!��onlinejournal=�, archivedjournal=�, sealed=�, compressed!�, compressed lz4!�, keyed hash siphash24!�, compressed zstd!�, compact!X�, header size %#llx>��, entries %#llx =�=�ƅs�NEʂe�H�m�BCache=�cache device=�backing device=�cache device=�backing device>H�0, label "%.32s"x(�, uuid %08xx,�-%04xx.�-%04xx0�-%04xx2�-%08xx6�%04xx8�, set uuid %08xx<�-%04xx>�-%04xx@�-%04xxB�-%08xxF�%04x =4
=.wolfram =4	=.wolfram =1(*^
::[	=.2wolfram =7(*^
::[	=.8wolfram(=����������!�!
�=.�msdos-driver(=@�=.Amsdos-driver(=C����2=.Dmsdos-driver(=E��=.Fmsdos-driver(=H��=.Imsdos-driver(=K������=.Lmsdos-driver(=M������=.Nmsdos-driver(=P������z=.Qmsdos-driver(=S������"=.Tmsdos-driver =��BACKUP =
�x	�DOS 3.3 backup control file, sequence %d=���, last disk =	��ࡱ�!��OLE 2 Compound Document=��, big-endian="jbjb: Microsoft Word Documentapplication/mswordMSWDWDBNdoc=
, v%ux
.%ux0, SecID %#x!
 , exponent of short stream %u>,!, %u FAT sectors!<$����, Mini FAT start sector %#x!@&, %u Mini FAT sector>@(s!D+����, DIFAT start sector %#x>H-, %u DIFAT sectors>05too big for FILE_BYTES_MAX = 1 MiB=
7, blocksize 4096	x09=.�:ole2-directory=
<		x0?=.�@ole2-directory =<�d�=�!�`���Qt Translation file =SSHKRL
=OpenSSH key/certificate revocation list, format %ux, version %llxx, generated %s =Rvhdxfile=TheadMicrosoft Disk Image eXtendedvhdxxY, by %.256sx], sequence %#llx>0e, log id %#llxx8f-%llx>
@h, LogVersion %#x!
Bj, Version %#x>Dl, LogLength %u MB!Hn, LogOffset %#llx!Hploge, NO Log Signature=Hqloge; LOG>Hu, EntryLength %u KB!H}, Reserved %#x!�regi, 1st region INVALID=�regi; regionx�, %u entries=.�vhdx-idx �, at %#llxx,�, Required %u=.0�vhdx-idx@�, at %#llxxL�, Required %u!�regi, 2nd region INVALID =EMSWIM=.Fwim-archive =HWLPWM=.Iwim-archive = Maestro
RISC OS music filex!version %dx#type %d ='
Digital Symphony sound sample (RISC OS),x(version %d,x
	)�named "%s",=	*8-bit logarithmic=	+LZW-compressed linear=	,8-bit linear signed=	-16-bit linear signed=	.SigmaDelta-compressed linear=	/SigmaDelta-compressed logarithmic>	0unknown format =2Digital Symphony song (RISC OS),x3version %d,=	41 voice,!	5%d voices,=

61 track,!

7%d tracks,=
81 pattern!
9%d patterns =AMANDA: AMANDA=TAPESTART DATEtape header file,=X>	 Unused %s>
 DATE %s=FILE dump file,>
 DATE %s =!Synth4.0Synthesis Module sound file =�AMOS ProAMOS Basic source code=�V, tested=�v, untested =ANDROID!Android bootimg=LOKI, LOKI'd= (boot)= (recovery)>, kernel> (%#x)>, ramdisk> (%#x)>, second stage> (%#x)>$ , page size: %d>&!0, name: %s>@"0, cmdline (%s) =SARMovie
ARMovie =�package0Newton package, NOS 1.x,&������AutoRemove,&�@CopyProtect,&NoCompression,&Relocation,&UseFasterCompression,xversion %d =package1Newton package, NOS 2.x,&�����AutoRemove,&@CopyProtect,&NoCompression,&	Relocation,&
UseFasterCompression,xversion %d =
package4Newton package,=NOS 1.x,=	NOS 2.x,&�����AutoRemove,&@CopyProtect,&NoCompression, =�bplist00Apple binary property listapplication/x-bplist =APNTGMPNTMacPaint image data =PBLAPPPebble application =�GNU tar-GNU tar incremental snapshot data=�[0-9]\.[0-9]+-[0-9]+version %s =�!<arch>
current ar archiveapplication/x-archivea/lib/ar=	�__.SYMDEFrandom library=D�__.SYMDEF SORTEDrandom library=D�- PA-RISC1.0 relocatable library=D�- PA-RISC1.1 relocatable library=D�- PA-RISC1.2 relocatable library=D�- PA-RISC2.0 relocatable library =�!<thin>
thin archive with=D�no symbol entries=D�%d symbol entry>D�%d symbol entries =�archiveRISC OS archive (ArcFS format) =�ArchiveRISC OS archive (ArcFS format) =�
CAZIPCAZIP compressed fileapplication/x-compress-cazip??_/?_/_ =�e]�TSComp archive data =CAR 2.00SAPCAR archive data =CAR 2.01SAPCAR archive dataapplication/vnd.sarsar =�WINIMAGEWinImage archive data =��@_w�
PAQ archive data =DRar!RAR archive data, v5application/x-rarrar =VPKPKZip multi-volume archive data, at least PKZIP v2.50 to extractapplication/zipzip/cbz =�PK00PKZip archive dataapplication/zipzip/cbz(=�x%Foxit add-on/updateapplication/x-fzipfzip =�KGB_archKGB Archiver filex
�with compression level %.1s =S	LRFBBeB ebook data, unencryptedxT	, version %d=$U	, front-to-back=$V	, back-to-frontx*W	, (%dx,x,X	%d)(=�	 ��$�Acronis True Image backupapplication/x-acronis-tibtib =�!Scream!ScreamTracker Module sound data>�Title: "%s" =�!SCREAM!Screamtracker 2 module sound dataaudio/x-mod =�BMOD2STMScreamtracker 2 module sound dataaudio/x-mod =�OKTASONGOktalyzer module data =�MODINFO1Open Cubic Player Module Information MDZ =PRAWADATARdosPlay RAW =Vmpu401trMPU-401 Trakker =iZXAYEMULSpectrum 128 tune(=�����A�Garmin Voice Processing Module (encrypted)audio/x-vpm-garminvpm =�ADRVPACKAProSys	module =�cyd!songKlystrack song>�, version %u>�x
���, title %s =�cyd!instKlystrack instrument =�#OPL_II#DMX OP2 instrument data =&BCI2000VBiosig/BCI2000biosig/bci2000 =*�BIOSEMIBiosig/Biosemi data formatbiosig/bdf =60       Biosig/EDF: European Data formatbiosig/edf ==DATABiosig/Heka Patchmaster =>DAT1Biosig/Heka Patchmaster =?DAT2Biosig/Heka Patchmasterbiosig/heka =ECFWBBiosig/CFWBbiosig/cfwb =KEBS�

Biosig/EBSbiosig/ebs =[ISHNE1.0Biosig/ISHNEbiosig/ishne =_@  MFER Biosig/MFER =cNEURALEVBiosig/NEV =qSCPECGBiosig/SCP-ECG format CEN 1064:2005/ISO 11073:91064biosig/scpecg =CRBLCR=x86=alpha=x86-64=ARMxcontext data (little endian, version %d) =CRBLCR=SPARC=ppc=ppc64=ARMEB=SPARC64xcontext data (big endian, version %d) =btsnoopBTSnoopxversion %d,=	�Unencapsulated HCI=
�HCI UART (H4)=�HCI BCSP=�HCI Serial (H5)x
type %d =���fBurp project save file =GOOF----Guile Object=LE, little endian=BE, big endian=4, 32bit=8, 64bit=
.\.., bytecode v%s =�GCR-1541GCR Imagex�version: %ix	�tracks: %i =�C64ImagePC64 Freezer Image =0;; HSF VOpenHSF (Hoops Stream Format)=
1	V[.0-9]{4,5} %shsf =�� tClaris works dictionary =�qpress10qpress compressed dataapplication/x-qpress =��LCU�UCL compressed data =v
�ff��Game Boy ROM imageapplication/x-gameboy-rom=Cy����������������>4z: "%.15s"!C{����������������>4|: "%.16s"xL}(Rev.%02u)=K�3=F�=C�����������������[SGB+CGB]!C�����������������[SGB]!F�=C�����������������[CGB]=C�����������������[CGB ONLY]!K�3=C�����������������[CGB]=C�����������������[CGB ONLY]=G�[ROM ONLY]=G�[MBC1]=G�[MBC1+RAM]=G�[MBC1+RAM+BATT]=G�[MBC2]=G�[MBC2+BATTERY]=G�[ROM+RAM]=G�	[ROM+RAM+BATTERY]=G�[MMM01]=G�[MMM01+SRAM]=G�
[MMM01+SRAM+BATT]=G�[MBC3+TIMER+BATT]=G�[MBC3+TIMER+RAM+BATT]=G�[MBC3]=G�[MBC3+RAM]=G�[MBC3+RAM+BATT]=G�[MBC5]=G�[MBC5+RAM]=G�BC5+RAM+BATT]=G�[MBC5+RUMBLE]=G�[MBC5+RUMBLE+SRAM]=G�[MBC5+RUMBLE+SRAM+BATT]=G���������[Pocket Camera]=G���������[Bandai TAMA5]=G���������[Hudson HuC-3]=G���������[Hudson HuC-1]=H�, ROM: 256Kbit=H�, ROM: 512Kbit=H�, ROM: 1Mbit=H�, ROM: 2Mbit=H�, ROM: 4Mbit=H�, ROM: 8Mbit=H�, ROM: 16Mbit=H�, ROM: 32Mbit=H�R, ROM: 9Mbit=H�S, ROM: 10Mbit=H�T, ROM: 12Mbit=I�, RAM: 16Kbit=I�, RAM: 64Kbit=I�, RAM: 256Kbit=I�, RAM: 1Mbit=I�, RAM: 512Kbit =�@7�Nintendo 64 ROM imageapplication/x-n64-rom> �: "%.20s"x;�(%.4sx?�, Rev.%02u) =�@�7Nintendo 64 ROM image (V64)application/x-n64-rom =�7�@Nintendo 64 ROM image (wordswapped)application/x-n64-rom =��7@Nintendo 64 ROM image (32-bit byteswapped)application/x-n64-rom =�!��iQ��$Game Boy Advance ROM imageapplication/x-gba-rom>��: "%.12s"x��(%.6sx��, Rev.%02u) =��!��iQ��$Nintendo DS ROM imageapplication/x-nintendo-ds-rom>�: "%.12s"x�(%.6sx�, Rev.%02u)=�(DSi enhanced)=�(DSi only)< �@(homebrew)> ��?=@�(multiboot)!@�=@������(decrypted)!@������=�(encrypted)!�(mask ROM) =���p�O`�Nintendo DS Slot-2 ROM image (PassMe)application/x-nintendo-ds-rom =PS-X EXESony Playstation executablexPC=%#08x,!GP=%#08x,!.text=[%#08x,x%#x],! .data=[%#08x,x$%#x],!(.bss=[%#08x,x,%#x],!0Stack=%#08x,=0No Stack!,!4StackSize=%#x,xq(%s) =VCBMDNintendo 3DS Banner Model Data =G�rforpl�LLVM raw profile data,xHversion %d =K�rforpl�LLVM raw profile data,xLversion %d (big-endian) =U�lprofi�LLVM indexed profile data,xVversion %d =Y�lprofi�LLVM indexed profile data,xZversion %d (big-endian)�=W���$uG�LevelDB table data =�TDB fileTDB database= �m&version 6, little-endianx$�hash size %d bytes =:hopperdbHopper database = @BSDIFF40bsdiff(1) patch file =4!<PDF>!
profiling data file =������Extended display identification data dumpapplication/x-edid-dump=Version 1<	.%d=
Version 2=.0 =�ͫErlang DETS file =�PNCIUNDONorton Disk Doctor UnDo file =�-rom1fs-romfs filesystem, version 1x�%d bytes,x�named %s.(=�10R�MMA�HAMMER filesystem (little-endian),x��volume %dx��(of %d),xP�name %s,x��version %u,x��flags %#x(=� 2MAHHAMMER2 filesystem (little-endian),x;�volume %d,x(�@size %lluGB,x0�version %u,x4�flags %#x =4�ReIsErFsReiserFS V3.5 =�ESTFBINREST flat binary = �ORCLDISKOracle ASM Volume,x(�Disk Name: %0.12s = �ORCLCLRDOracle ASM Volume (cleared),x(�Disk Name: %0.12s = �ORCLDISKOracle ASM Volume,x(�Disk Name: %0.12s = �ORCLCLRDOracle ASM Volume (cleared),x(�Disk Name: %0.12s =�CPQRFBLOCompaq/HP RILOE floppy image =�DAAPowerISO Direct-Access-Archive =@�_BHRfS_MBTRFS Filesystem>+�label "%s",x��sectorsize %d,x��nodesize %d,x��leafsize %d,x �UUID=%08x-x$�%04x-x&�%04x-x(�%04x-x*�%04xx,�%08x,xx�%lld/xp�%lld bytes used,x��%lld devices =�	ReFSReFS filesystem image =�	EVF	
�EWF/Expert Witness/EnCase image file format =<MIFFileFrameMaker MIF (ASCII) fileapplication/vnd.mifmif/framemifx	 (%.3s=">)!#>%c)=
%#x&"%s" =�SCRSHOT_scrshot(1) screenshot,x�version %d,=	�%d bytes in header,x
�%d chars wide byx�%d chars high =�5
Area44Quake I save: d1c Area 44 =�5
DOMINOQuake I save: ddm6 Domino =�MComprHDMAME CHD compressed hard disk image,x�version %u =�MAMEINPMAME input recordingx�at %s,x
�format version %d.x
�%d,x�%s driver,x �%s =cSB2100DRSeaBeam 2100 DR multibeam sonar =dSB2100PRSeaBeam 2100 PR multibeam sonar =gimp xcfGIMP XCF image data,image/x-xcfxcf=	fileversion 0,=	 vversion>
!%s,x"%u xx#%u,=$RGB Color=%Greyscale=&Indexed Color>'Unknown Image Type. =gtktalogGNOME Catalogue (gtktalog)>
version %s =.GVariantGVariant Database file,x0version %d =�EFI PARTGPT data structure (nonstandard: at LBA 0)=	.�gpt-tablex�(sector size unknown) =��h�Vulkan trace file, little-endianx
, version %d =��h�Vulkan trace file, big-endianx, version %d =�msgcat01HP NLS message catalog,>�%d messages =4`�������IBM NETDATA file =0xabcdefAIX message catalog =�%bitmapFBM image data=�1, mono=�3, color =�NJPL1I00PDS (JPL) image data =�LBLSIZE=PDS (VICAR) image data =�
SMJPEGSMJPEGx�%d.x data=�_SND,>%d Hz=8-bit=16-bit=NONEuncompressed=mono=stereo= 	_VID,>(%d frames>,(%d x>.
%d)=_VID,>%d frames>(%d x>%d) =$C��g�Webshots Desktop .wbz file =(CKD_P370Hercules CKD DASD image filex), %d heads per cylinderx*, track size %d bytesx+, device type 33%2.2X =-CKD_C370Hercules compressed CKD DASD image filex., %d heads per cylinderx/, track size %d bytesx0, device type 33%2.2Xx(1, %d total cylinders=-2, no compression=-3, ZLIB compression=-4, BZ2 compression =6CKD_S370Hercules CKD DASD shadow filex7, %d heads per cylinderx8, track size %d bytesx9, device type 33%2.2X =;CKD_P064Hercules CKD64 DASD image filex<, %d heads per cylinderx=, track size %d bytesx>, device type 33%2.2X =@CKD_C064Hercules compressed CKD64 DASD image filexA, %d heads per cylinderxB, track size %d bytesxC, device type 33%2.2XxD, %d total cylinders=IE, no compression=IF, ZLIB compression=IG, BZ2 compression =ICKD_S064Hercules CKD64 DASD shadow filexJ, %d heads per cylinderxK, track size %d bytesxL, device type 33%2.2X =	�HDF

Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) dataapplication/x-hdf5h5/hdf5/hdf/he5 =	�HDF

Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 1k user blockapplication/x-hdf5h5/hdf5/hdf/he5 =!	�HDF

Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 2k user blockapplication/x-hdf5h5/hdf5/hdf/he5 =%	�HDF

Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 4k user blockapplication/x-hdf5h5/hdf5/hdf/he5 =�	HDMV0100AVCHD Clip Information(=Z(
, hard tiling=c*
��, tiling present=c+
@@, codestream presentxc,
8, spatial xform==c-
8 BT=c2
��, short headerxf6
, %dxh7
�, long headerxf9
, %xxj:
, bitdepth==e<
(reserved 5)=eB

(reserved %d)=eH
(reserved %d)=eI

(reserved %d)=eJ
(reserved %d)=eK
�, colorfmt==eM
� YWV422=eP
��(reserved %#x) =�
farbfeldfarbfeld image data,x�
%dxx�
%d =�@DDS |Microsoft DirectDraw Surface (DDS):=.�ms-directdraw-surface =�ASTM-E57ASTM E57 three-dimensional modelmodel/e57e57 =
	DrawFileIslandDraw document =G���Hermes JavaScript bytecodexH, version %d =1LAMMPS (LAMMPS log file=2[0-9]+ [A-Za-z]+ [0-9]+written by version %s =����ظ�Linux=
��x86 boot sector=��of a kernel from the dawn of time!=��؎�����version 0.99-1.1.42=��؎�����for memtest86!
��x86 kernel>
��RAMdisksize=%u KB>
��vga=%d=��؎�����version 1.1.43-1.1.45=�́�=�
�ZZ�Uversion 1.1.46-1.2.13,1.3.0=�
�ZZ�Uversion 1.3.1,2=�
�ZZ�Uversion 1.3.3-1.3.30=�
�ZZ�Uversion 1.3.31-1.3.41=+�ZZ�Uversion 1.3.42-1.3.45=�
�ZZ�Uversion 1.3.46-1.3.72=�HdrS>
��=�, zImage=�, bzImage>
�, version %s =T@LVM2 001LVM2 PV (Linux Logical Volume Manager)�=. Ulvm2 =W@LVM2 001LVM2 PV (Linux Logical Volume Manager)�=. Xlvm2 =Z@LVM2 001LVM2 PV (Linux Logical Volume Manager)�=. [lvm2 =]@LVM2 001LVM2 PV (Linux Logical Volume Manager)�=. ^lvm2 ="mlocatemlocate databasex#, version %d=
$, require visibilityx%, root %s =7KDUMP   Kdump compressed dump=.8kdump-compressed-dump =QE2UNDO02e2fsck undo file, version 2x,R, undo file is=,Snot finished=,Tfinishedx0U, undo file features:=0Vlacks filesystem offset=0Whas filesystem offsetx@Xat %#llx =fGRUBLAYOGRUB Keyboardapplication/x-grub-keyboardgkb!j
, version %u!\mq>\n@, english q is %c!|qy>|r@, english y is %c =�BOMStoreMac OS X bill of materials (BOM) file@= # Magic magic text file for file(1) cmdtext/x-file/@=	 #! rnewsbatched news textmessage/rfc822 =#%Modulemodulefiletext/x-modulefile =mozLz40Mozilla lz4 compressed dataapplication/x-lz4+jsonjsonlz4/mozlz4x, originally %u bytes =$@	Microsoft Excel Worksheetapplication/vnd.ms-excelXCELXLS4xls =�@WordProLotus WordProapplication/vnd.lotus-wordpro ="@8tz3 ms-works file =#@8tz3 ms-works file =$@8tz3 ms-works file =	�GERBILDBFirst Choice database =�!<spell>MKS Spell hash list (old format)(=.LN:MS Advisor help file =?@MSCFMicrosoft Cabinet archive data=,F�.diag, Diagnosticapplication/vnd.ms-cab-compresseddiagcab=,L,png.pub, Publisher Packed and Goapplication/vnd.ms-cab-compressedpuz=
,Pppview32.exe, PowerPoint Viewer Packed and Goapplication/vnd.ms-powerpointppz=
,W�gadget.xml, Windows Desktop Gadgetapplication/x-windows-gadgetgadget=,^)
content.ini, IncrediMailapplication/x-incredimail=,aSFlavor.htmecardimf=,d�.swfskinims=	,g\anim.im3animationimax,j=,ktthumbecard, image, notifier or skinimf/imi/imn/imsx,nemoticons or soundime/imwx,q	xs�=wPackageInfo.xml, Device Metadata Packageapplication/vnd.ms-cab-compresseddevicemetadata-ms�={_accrpt_.snp, Access report snapshotapplication/msaccesssnp�=manifest.xsf, InfoPath Form Templateapplication/vnd.ms-cab-compressedxsn=�.000, WinCE installapplication/vnd.ms-cab-compressedcab�=�wsusscan.cab, Microsoft Standalone Updateapplication/vnd.ms-cab-compressedmsu�x��=��.=�ppt>
�, PowerPoint Packed and Goapplication/vnd.ms-powerpointppz=
�, one packed PowerPointapplication/vnd.ms-cab-compressedpp_=�theme, Windowsapplication/x-windows-themepack=�Panoram8deskthemepack!�Panoram7 or 8themepack/deskthemepack	x�Theme Pack=�one, OneNote Packageapplication/msonenoteonepkgx�=��=�wsusscan.cab, Microsoft Standalone Updateapplication/vnd.ms-cab-compressedmsux�>
�, manyapplication/vnd.ms-cab-compressedcab=
�	=
�, Windows 2000/XP setupapplication/vnd.ms-cab-compressed_/?_/??_	!
�, singleapplication/vnd.ms-cab-compressedcab�x�=
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�, manyapplication/vnd.ms-cab-compressedcabx�, %u bytes=
�, 1 file>
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�	x�=��=.�cab-file!� version %#x>
�, %u cffolders>
�, flags %#x>
 �, ID %ux
"�, number %u&
�, extra bytes>
$�%u in head>&�%u in folder>'�%u in data block>

, previous=

, next=
, previousx$%sxdisk %sx, next %sxdisk %s=
.cab-folder =[@MSCEMicrosoft WinCE install header=\, architecture-independent=]g, Hitachi SH3=^h, Hitachi SH4=_
, StrongARM=`�, MIPS R4000=a', Hitachi SH3=b', Hitachi SH3E=c', Hitachi SH4=dq, ARM 7TDMI=
4e, 1 file>
4f, %u files=
8g, 1 registry entry>
8h, %u registry entries =�@ITOLITLSMicrosoft Reader eBook Datax�, version %uapplication/x-ms-reader =@�޺�}tMSX cassette archive =SX961999Net2phone =JGAOL ART image =JGAOL ART image =n+2

NIfTI-2 neuroimaging data,image/x.niftinii=.nifti2 =ni2

NIfTI-2 neuroimaging data header,image/x.niftihdr=.nifti2 =Caml1999OCaml=Xexec file=Iinterface file (.cmi)=Oobject file (.cmo)=	Alibrary file (.cma)=
Ynative object file (.cmx)=Znative library file (.cmxa)=Mabstract syntax tree implementation file=
Nabstract syntax tree interface file>	(Version %3.3s) =ORICDISKOric Image =MFM_DISKOric Image ==�MKMSGFOS/2 help messageapplication/x-os2-msgmsgxA'%.3s'x
C, %u messages>

E, 1st number %u=G, 32-bit!
J, version %u>
M, at %#x index=Ox
Q, at %#x�xU%c-typexV%s=Xx

Z, number %u	x

\at %#x�x


h, at %#x	x
!m, at %#x	x
#q, at %#x	x
#r%c-typexs%s=uxw, at %#x	xx%c-typexy%sx#{, at %#x	x#|%c-typex}%sx', AT %#x	x'�%c-typex�%s!
�, at %#x countryinfo>
�, at %#x next!�, RESERVED %#x =.
�os2-msg-info =�����OS/2 INIapplication/x-os2-iniini =<4SDocSilXiSiloX E-book>5"%s" =<9BOOKMOBIMobipocket E-bookapplication/x-mobipocket-ebookxNB>PC"%s"=
.Daportisdoc>NhE, version %d!NF, codepage %d>NG, encrypted (type %d) =<JTEXtREAdAportisDoc/PalmDOC E-book>K"%s"=
.Laportisdoc =<QBVokBDICBDicty PalmOS document>R"%s" =<SDB99DBOSDB PalmOS document>T"%s" =<UvIMGViewFireViewer/ImageViewer PalmOS document>V"%s" =<WPmDBPmDBHanDBase PalmOS document>X"%s" =<YInfoINDBInfoView PalmOS document>Z"%s" =<[ToGoToGoiSilo PalmOS document>\"%s" =<]JfDbJBasJFile PalmOS document>^"%s" =<_JfDbJFilJFile Pro PalmOS document>`"%s" =<aDATALSdbList PalmOS document>b"%s" =<cMdb1Mdb1MobileDB PalmOS document>d"%s" =<ePNRdPPrsPeanutPress PalmOS document>f"%s" =<gDataPlkrPlucker PalmOS document>h"%s" =<iDataSprdQuickSheet PalmOS document>j"%s" =<kSM01SMemSuperMemo PalmOS document>l"%s" =<mTEXtTlDcTealDoc PalmOS document>n"%s" =<oInfoTlIfTealInfo PalmOS document>p"%s" =<qDataTlMlTealMeal PalmOS document>r"%s" =<sDataTlPtTealPaint PalmOS document>t"%s" =<udataTDBPThinkDB PalmOS document>v"%s" =<wTdatTideTides PalmOS document>x"%s" =<yToRaTRPWTomeRaider PalmOS document>z"%s" =<�BOOKMOBIMobipocket E-book>�"%s" =�PBC

Parrot bytecodex@	%d.xH
%d,>%d byte words,=little-endian,=
big-endian,= IEEE-754 8 byte double floats,= x86 12 byte long double floats,= IEEE-754 16 byte long double floats,= MIPS 16 byte long double floats,= AIX 16 byte long double floats,= 4-byte floats,x(Parrot %d.x0%d.x8%d =@MAKI02  Maki-chan v2 image,xsystem ID: %cx	%cx

=+D256x212, 19268 fixed YJK colors
=/�16 paletted RGB colors
=0�8 paletted RGB colors
=1�16 fixed RGB colors
=2�8 fixed RGB colors
=3��256 paletted RGB colors
=4��256 fixed MSX-SCR8 colors=5, 2:1 dot aspect ratio =M�Z�\���Hash::SharedMem master file, big-endian<N>O, line size 2^%d byte>P, page size 2^%d byte&
R, max fanout %d =S�Z�\���Hash::SharedMem master file, little-endian<T>U, line size 2^%d byte>	V, page size 2^%d byte&
X, max fanout %d =Y�G^��ړ�Hash::SharedMem data file, big-endian<Z>[, line size 2^%d byte>\, page size 2^%d byte&
^, max fanout %d =_�G^��ړ�Hash::SharedMem data file, little-endian<`>a, line size 2^%d byte>	b, page size 2^%d byte&
d, max fanout %d =POLYSAVEPoly/ML saved statexversion %u =POLYMODUPoly/ML saved modulexversion %u =qv4cdataQV4 compiled unitqmlcx, version %dx, Qt %dx
.%dx.%d =v�`��rpmsg Restricted Permission Message =\PLOT%%84Plot84 plotting file=4
, Little-endian=7, Big-endian =.CrshDumpIRIX vmcore dump of>$/'%s' =2SGIAUDITSGI Audit filex3- version %dx	4.%d =6WNGZWZSCWingz compiled script =7WNGZWZSSWingz spreadsheet =8WNGZWZHPWingz help file =[PCPFolioPCP=	\Version:Archive Folio>](V.%s) =^#pmchartPCP pmchart view=	_Version>`(V%-3.3s) =a#kmchartPCP pmchart view=	bVersion>c(V.%s) =�MAYAFOR4Alias Maya Binary File,> �version %s scene =�MayaFOR4Alias Maya Binary File,> �version %s scene =NqNqNq`QL firmware executable (BCPL) =�B�4f"�RADCOM WAN/LAN Analyzer capture file =EZXTape!Spectrum .TZX dataapplication/x-spectrum-tzxtzx/cdtxJversion %dx	K.%dx
M; ID %#x=
Q, %u pilot pulsesx
Swith %u tstatesx

U, %u andx
W%u sync tstatesx
Y, %u zero tstatesx
[, %u one tstatesx], use %u bit>_sx
a, %u ms pausexc���, %u data bytes =
d (pause)x
f%u ms=
m2(archive info)x
o, %#x bytesx
qwith %u (type) text parts<s	(%d)>t��������x
w�%s<y	(%d)�>z��������x
{�%s<}	(%d)	�>~��������
�%s<�	(%d)�>���������
��%s<�	(%d)�>���������x
��%s<�	(%d)�>���������x
��%s<�	(%d)�>���������x
��%s =�SINCLAIRSpectrum .SCL Betadisk image =��� �c�SQLite Rollback Journal =ssh-dss OpenSSH DSA public key =ssh-rsa OpenSSH RSA public key =Salted__openssl enc'd data with salted password =
**TI80**TI-80 Graphing Calculator File. =**TI81**TI-81 Graphing Calculator File. =**TI73**TI-73 Graphing Calculator=;(real number)=;(list)=;(matrix)=;(equation)=;(string)=;(program)=;(assembly program)=;(picture)=;(gdb)=;(complex number)=;(window settings)=;(zoom)=;(table setup)=; (backup) =$**TI82**TI-82 Graphing Calculator=;%(real)=;&(list)=;'(matrix)=;((Y-variable)=;)(program)=;*(protected prgm)=;+(picture)=;,(gdb)=;-(window settings)=;.(window settings)=;/
(table setup)=;0(screenshot)=;1(backup) =5**TI83**TI-83 Graphing Calculator=;6(real)=;7(list)=;8(matrix)=;9(Y-variable)=;:(string)=;;(program)=;<(protected prgm)=;=(picture)=;>(gdb)=;?(window settings)=;@(window settings)=;A
(table setup)=;B(screenshot)=;C(backup) =G**TI83F*TI-83+ Graphing Calculator=;H(real number)=;I(list)=;J(matrix)=;K(equation)=;L(string)=;M(program)=;N(assembly program)=;O(picture)=;P(gdb)=;Q(complex number)=;R(window settings)=;S(zoom)=;T(table setup)=;U(backup)=;V(application variable)=;W(group of variable) =\**TI85**TI-85 Graphing Calculator=;](real number)=;^(complex number)=;_(real vector)=;`(complex vector)=;a(real list)=;b(complex list)=;c(real matrix)=;d(complex matrix)=;e(real constant)=;f	(complex constant)=;g
(equation)=;h(string)=;i
(function GDB)=;j(polar GDB)=;k(parametric GDB)=;l(diffeq GDB)=;m(picture)=;n(program)=;o(range)=;p(window settings)=;q(window settings)=;r(window settings)=;s(window settings)=;t(zoom)=;u(backup)=;v(unknown)=;w*(equation)=2xZS4- ZShell Version 4 File.=2yZS3- ZShell Version 3 File. =}**TI86**TI-86 Graphing Calculator=;~(real number)=;(complex number)=;�(real vector)=;�(complex vector)=;�(real list)=;�(complex list)=;�(real matrix)=;�(complex matrix)=;�(real constant)=;�	(complex constant)=;�
(equation)=;�(string)=;�
(function GDB)=;�(polar GDB)=;�(parametric GDB)=;�(diffeq GDB)=;�(picture)=;�(program)=;�(range)=;�(window settings)=;�(window settings)=;�(window settings)=;�(window settings)=;�(zoom)=;�(backup)=;�(unknown)=;�*(equation) =�**TI89**TI-89 Graphing Calculator=H�(expression)=H�(list)=H�(matrix)=H�
(data)=H�(text)=H�(string)=H�
(graphic data base)=H�(figure)=H�(picture)=H�(program)=H�(function)=H�(macro)=H�(zipped)=H�!(assembler) =�**TI92**TI-92 Graphing Calculator=H�(expression)=H�(list)=H�(matrix)=H�
(data)=H�(text)=H�(string)=H�
(graphic data base)=H�(figure)=H�(picture)=H�(program)=H�(function)=H�(macro)=H�(backup) =�**TI92P*TI-92+/V200 Graphing Calculator=H�(expression)=H�(list)=H�(matrix)=H�
(data)=H�(text)=H�(string)=H�
(graphic data base)=H�(figure)=H�(picture)=H�(program)=H�(function)=H�(macro)=H�(zipped)=H�!(assembler) =�**TIFL**TI-XX Graphing Calculator (FLASH)>�- Revision %dx	�.%d,>�Revision date %02xx
�/%02xx�/%04x,>�/0name: '%s',=0�tdevice: TI-73,=0�sdevice: TI-83+,=0���������device: TI-89,=0���������device: TI-92+,=1�#type: OS upgrade,=1�$type: application,=1�%type: certificate,=1�>type: license,>J�size: %d bytes =PXR-USDCUSD cratex, version %x.x	
%xusd =	LBLSIZE=VICAR image data= 
BYTE, 8 bits  = VAX byte= HALF, 16 bits = VAX word     = Fortran INTEGER*2= FULL, 32 bits = VAX longword = Fortran INTEGER*4= 
REAL, 32 bits = VAX longword = Fortran REAL*4= DOUB, 64 bits = VAX quadword = Fortran REAL*8= COMPLEX, 64 bits = VAX quadword = Fortran COMPLEX*8 =conectixMicrosoft Disk Image, Virtual Server or Virtual PCapplication/x-virtualbox-vhdvhdx!, Creator %-4.4sx $%xx"%.%xx$((=$)k2iWW2k=$* caMMacx$+0xx$,%8.8xx	.�Cm8) %sx03, %llu bytesx86, CHS %ux:9/%ux;</%u!<>, type %#x!TE, State %#x =ElfFileMS Windowsapplication/x-ms-evtxevtx=$Vista-8.1 Event Log!$10-11 Event Log, version x
&	%ux
*, %d chunksx (no. %d in use)>
, next record no. %d=, empty&x, DIRTY&x, FULL =%XDELTA%XDelta binary patch file 0.14 =%XDZ000%XDelta binary patch file 0.18 =%XDZ001%XDelta binary patch file 0.20 =	%XDZ002%XDelta binary patch file 1.0 =
%XDZ003%XDelta binary patch file 1.0.4 =%XDZ004%XDelta binary patch file 1.1 =xFSdump0xfsdump archivex(version %d) ='��ˬZFS snapshot (big-endian machine),x(version %u,= )type: NONE,= *type: META,= +type: ZFS,= ,type: ZVOL,= -type: OTHER,= .type: ANY,> /type: UNKNOWN (%u),x(0destination GUID: %02Xx)1%02Xx*2%02Xx+3%02Xx,4%02Xx-5%02Xx.6%02Xx/7%02X,>08>49x0:source GUID: %02Xx1;%02Xx2<%02Xx3=%02Xx4>%02Xx5?%02Xx6@%02Xx7A%02X,>8Bname: '%s' =E�˺�ZFS snapshot (little-endian machine),xFversion %u,= Gtype: NONE,= Htype: META,= Itype: ZFS,= Jtype: ZVOL,= Ktype: OTHER,= Ltype: ANY,> Mtype: UNKNOWN (%u),x/Ndestination GUID: %02Xx.O%02Xx-P%02Xx,Q%02Xx+R%02Xx*S%02Xx)T%02Xx(U%02X,>0V>4Wx7Xsource GUID: %02Xx6Y%02Xx5Z%02Xx4[%02Xx3\%02Xx2]%02Xx1^%02Xx0_%02X,>8`name: '%s' A=+��U�<

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]!	�000000000=.�netpbmx�, bitmapimage/x-portable-bitmappbm=�#x�%s@A=+�P2=	�P2[ 	
]=.�netpbmx�, greymapimage/x-portable-graymappgm@A=+�P3=	�P3[ 	
]=.�netpbmx�, pixmapimage/x-portable-pixmapppm =+/* CTF Common Trace Format (CTF) plain text metadata=[0-9]+\.[0-9]+, v%s@=� .class =�^\.super L.*;$disassembled Android DEX Java class (smali/baksmali)smali =TEDILZSS=U1=W	@.
<[ =.\edi-lzs
!p=.qedi-lzsxs=.tedi-lzsxv=.wedi-lzsxy=.zedi-lzs=~2EDI LZSS2 packedapplication/x-edi-pack-lzss??$/??_x�"%-0.13s"x�, %u bytesx�, data %#16.16llx... 2=+��������=�(c)CRICRI ADX ADPCM audioaudio/x-adxadxx�v%u=�, pre-set prediction coefficients=�, standard ADX=�, exponential scale=�, AHX (Dreamcast)=�, AHXx�, %u Hz=�>�+!�, looping=�>�7!$�, looping=�, encrypted =�OPCACHE=�PHP opcache filecache data =�DOSEMU=
~�U�������=��	=�DOS Emulator image>�, %u heads>�, %d sectors/track>�, %d cylindersx)��; contains =commit =	
[0-9a-f]+Git commit %s =>(module=? KiCad Footprintkicad_mod =G(export=H KiCad Netlistnet =�GARMIN <
�Garmin map,=	�GMPsubtileapplication/x-garmin-gpmgmpx
�%s=.�garmin-date=	�MDRaddress tableapplication/x-garmin-mdrmdr=	�NODroutingapplication/x-garmin-nodnod=.�garmin-date=	�NEThighwaysapplication/x-garmin-netnet=	�LBLlabelsapplication/x-garmin-lbllblx
�%sx�, coding type %#x=	�SRTsort tableapplication/x-garmin-srtsrt=.�garmin-date=	�TREtreeapplication/x-garmin-tretrex
�%sx%s=.garmin-datext, ID %#x=	TRFtraffic,application/x-garmin-trftrfx
1st %sx%s=	TYPtypesapplication/x-garmin-typtyp=.garmin-datex
, code page %u=	(RGNregionapplication/x-garmin-rgnrgnx
=, header length %#x =
rust=rustc Rust compiler metadatarmetax
, version %d =�REGEDIT=�
Windows Registry texttext/x-ms-regeditreg=�REGEDIT4(Win95 or above) =�FasdUASAppleScript compiled =	JRchiveJRC archive data ="DSIGDCCCrossePAC archive data =�PHILIPPPar archive data =�CMP0CMPCompressia archive data =w�,JAM JAM archive,>xversion %.4s=&y'->+zlabel %.11s,x'{serial %08x,>6|fstype %.8s =8Rar!RAR archive dataapplication/x-rarrar/cbr=	<t=.=rar-file-header=	?z=.@rar-file-header=	As=.Brar-archive-header =ed4:infoBitTorrent fileapplication/x-bittorrenttorrent =�**ACE**ACE archive dataapplication/x-ace-compressedace>�version %d=�, from MS-DOS=�, from OS/2=�, from Win/32=�, from Unix=�, from MacOS=�, from WinNT=�, from Primos=�, from AppleGS=�, from Atari=�	, from Vax/VMS=�
, from Amiga=�, from Nextx�, version %d to extract&
��, multiple volumes,x� (part %d),&
�, contains comment&
�, sfx&
�, small dictionary&
�, multi-volume&
�, contains AV-String=�*UNREGISTERED VERSION*(unregistered)&
� , with recovery record&
�@, locked&
��������, solid =y.RMFRealMedia fileapplication/vnd.rn-realmedia =�AMShdrVelvet Studio AMS Module v2.2 =�ExtremeExtreme Tracker AMS Module v1.3 =��NOA
NOA Nancy Codec Movie file =<<bbx>>BBx=	indexed file=
serial file=keyed file=
programx(LEVEL %d)>psaved=mkeyed file=
(sort)=(mkey) =BEETLEBeetle VM object file =2CEDFILEBiosig/CFS: Cambridge Electronic devices File format biosig/ced =BLENDERBlender3D,application/x-blenderblend=_saved as 32-bits=vlittle endianx	with version %c.x
X%.4d=Vbig endianx	with version %c.x
%cx %c=@!GLOB.xX"%.4d=#-saved as 64-bits=$vlittle endianx	%with version %c.x
`)%.4d=*Vbig endianx	+with version %c.x
,%cx-%c=D.GLOB.x`/%.4d =
!<bout>b.out archive=	__.SYMDEFrandom library =�C64FilePC64 Emulator file>�"%s" =�ZZZZZ3DO "Opera" file system =#scryptscrypt encrypted filex$, N=2**%dx%, r=%dx&, p=%d =Oaskw40askSam DB =7BEAM!Old Erlang BEAM file>	- version %d =iLO3 v HPE iLO3 firmware update image,xversion %s =�DRFONTDR-DOS code page font data collectionfont/x-drdos-cpicpi =�DOSFONTDOSFONT2 encrypted font data =LxD 203Linuxdoom savex , name=%sx,!, world=%s =�5
LimboQuake I save: hip3m3 Limbo =GtaSA29GTA Replay data (REP), used in GTA SA =^Start:-GeoSwatch auf text file =�$@MID@$elog journal entry =�LOCATEGNU findutils locate database data>�, format %s=�02 (frcode) =�IMGfileCIS 	compimg HP Bitmapfile =<aiaff>archive =<bigaf>archive (big format) =,PCD_IPIKodak Photo CD image pack file=-, landscape mode=., portrait mode=/, landscape mode=0, portrait mode =1PCD_OPAKodak Photo CD overview pack file =�CCSD3ZFPDS (CCSD) image data =9StuffItStuffIt Archiveapplication/x-stuffitSIT!SIT!@= Pipe tomail piping textmessage/rfc822@= Articlesaved news textmessage/news =
IMaple Vr4 libraryapplication/x-maple-liblib =mozLz4aMozilla lz4 compressed bookmark data =�@PKBGIBorland font>�%s =�@pkBGIBorland device>�%s =�RDC-megMegaDots>�/version %c>	�/.%c file =�@B000FF
Windows Embedded CE binary image =�Jetsam0Mallard BASIC Jetsam index data =BagpipeBagpipe=	ReaderReader>
(version %.3s)=Music WriterMusic Writer=:>
(version %.3s)=GoldGold=:>(version %.3s) =DAF/SPKNASA SPICE file (binary format)@<=+-%PDF-PDF documentapplication/pdfpdfx1, version %cx2.%c=.3pdf =EZD_MAPNEWEZD Electron Density Map =kbd!mapkbd map file>
Ver %d:>
with %d table(s) =.SYSTEMSHARC architecture file =.systemSHARC architecture file =GSTImGNU SmallTalk=	LE image versionx

%d.x	%d.x%d=BE image versionx%d.x	%d.x
%d =�RS-IDESpectrum .HDF hard disk imagex�, version %#02x =��

Unisig:=	UUIDx1
�%s =0xclbin2AMD/Xilinx accelerator AXLF (xclbin) filex01, %lld bytesx82, created %s>`30, shell "%.64s"x�4, uuid %08xx�5-%04xx�6-%04xx�7-%04xx�8-%08xx�9%04xx�9, %d sections =}�'�	�=~xApple DOS 3.%u Imagex�, Volume #%03ux4�, %u Tracksx5�, %u Sectorsx
6�, %u bytes per sector =�bplistx�CoreFoundation binary property list data, version %#cx�%c=�00=������=�, root type: null=�, root type: false boolean=�	, root type: true boolean=������, root type: integer=������ , root type: real=������0, root type: date=������@, root type: data=������P, root type: ascii string=������`, root type: unicode string=��������������, root type: uid (CORRUPT)=��������������, root type: array=�������������, root type: dictionary =WAUDIMG<
Garmin Voice Processing Moduleaudio/x-vpm-wav-garminvpmx], version %3.3sx_, %.2dx
g:%.2dx	i:%.2dxl, language ID %d>
x, at %#x	>
{%u bytes �=}RIFF�x) =�@pcxLib=*
�@Copyright(c)GenusMicroprogramming,Inc.pcxLib compressed <	-DryadData=.dryad-bibo/v[0-9]\.[0-9]https://datadryad.org/profile/v3.1text/xml =DWARFS=*@=
DWARFSDwarFS File System Image=
.dwarfsversion=.dwarfscompression =�=
�=�BOpenVMS backup saveset datax(�(block size %d,>1�original name '%s',=�VAX generated)=�AXP generated)=�I64 generated) =�
YAFFS filesystem root entry (big endian)=.�
^yaffs =EBUILD=.gentoo-manifest =�STTT=.�gem_info =�GARMIN=
�dGARMIN firmware (version 1.0) =�q�=�Stirling Technologies,InstallShield Uninstall Script =�@AB>
�@MSX device BIOS>
�, devhdl=%#04x =8�netbsd=.�ktrace@= WEBVTT=�[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{3} -->WebVTT subtitlestext/vttvtt =�MythTVMythTV NuppelVideoxv%sx(%dxx%d),=$Pprogressive,=$Iinterlaced,x&(aspect:%.2f,x&0fps:%.2f =	NuFileNuFile archive (apple ][) data =
N�F�l�NuFile archive (apple ][) data =*BEGINApplixware=WORDSWords Document=	GRAPHICSGraphic=
BUILDERBuilder Object =�070707ASCII cpio archive (pre-SVR4 or odc)application/x-cpiocpio/cpi/008/012 =�070701ASCII cpio archive (SVR4 with no CRC)application/x-cpiocpio =�070702ASCII cpio archive (SVR4 with CRC)application/x-cpio/cpio =��SBBSArc/BS2 archive data =LEOLZWPAKLeo archive data =&¨MP¨KBoom archive data =�FOXSQZFoxSQZ archive data =�@FTCOMPFTCOMP compressed archiveapplication/x-compress-ftcomp??_/??@/dll/drv/pk2/!�����, at beginning %#xx)�"%s" =�OctSquSquash archive data =��nrv�NRV archive data =KTPACTPac archive data =�VCLMTFStarView MetaFilex�, version %dx�, size %d =�LM8953Yamaha TX Wave=�Ilooped=��������non-looped=�33kHz=�50kHz=�16kHz =]ofTAZ!eXtra Simple Music =�[licq]LICQ configuration file =�ADLIB-AdLib instrument datax�, version %ux�.%u =ABF2Biosig/Axon Binary formatbiosig/abf2 =`@ MFR Biosig/MFERbiosig/mfer =dN.EV.Biosig/NEVbiosig/nev =
kPLEXONBiosig/Plexon v2.0biosig/plexon =tIAvSFoBiosig/SIGIFbiosig/sigif =fcscopecscope reference dataxgversion %.2s>l14=
md -q with inverted index=
nd -c text (non-compressed) =�CBMdPower 64 C64 Emulator Snapshot =�AC1.40DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 1.40image/vnd.dwg =�AC1.50DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 2.05image/vnd.dwg =�AC2.10DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 2.10image/vnd.dwg =�AC2.21DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 2.21image/vnd.dwg =�AC2.22DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 2.22image/vnd.dwg =�AC1001DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 2.22image/vnd.dwg =�AC1002DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 2.50image/vnd.dwg =�AC1003DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 2.60image/vnd.dwg =�AC1004DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 9image/vnd.dwg =�AC1006DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 10image/vnd.dwg =�AC1009DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 11/12image/vnd.dwg =�AC1012DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 13image/vnd.dwg =�AC1013DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 13c3image/vnd.dwg =�AC1014DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 14image/vnd.dwg =�AC1015DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD 2000image/vnd.dwg =�AC1018DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD 2004/2005/2006image/vnd.dwg =�AC1021DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD 2007/2008/2009image/vnd.dwg =�AC1024DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD 2010/2011/2012image/vnd.dwg =�AC1027DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD 2013-2017image/vnd.dwg =�AC1032DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD 2018/2019/2020image/vnd.dwg =�AC1035DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD 2021image/vnd.dwg =	{titleChord text file =ptabPower-Tab v3 Tablature File =ptabPower-Tab v4 Tablature File =RuneCTCitrus locale declaration for LC_CTYPE =CtrsMECitrus locale declaration for LC_MESSAGES =	CtrsMOCitrus locale declaration for LC_MONETARY =
CtrsNUCitrus locale declaration for LC_NUMERIC =CtrsTICitrus locale declaration for LC_TIME =�Claris Works palette files .plt =	$SuiteTTCN Abstract Test Suite=
%s=$SuiteId>

%s =submscMessage Sequence Chart (subchart) =7z��'7-zip archive data,xversion %dx.%dapplication/x-7z-compressed7z/cb7 =TMBSTV MUIbase DBxUversion %s =YNBCDB
NetBSD Constant DatabasexZ, version %dx[, for '%s'x\, datasize %dx], entries %dx ^, index %dx$_, seed %#x = b0VIM Vim swap file>!, version %s=."vimnanoswap ='b0nanoNano swap file=.(vimnanoswap =FCS1.0Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) data, version 1.0 =FCS2.0Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) data, version 2.0 =FCS3.0Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) data, version 3.0 =�CROMFSCROMFS>� version %2.2s,>� block data at %lld,>� fblock table at %lld,>� inode table at %lld,> � root at %lld,>(� fblock size = %d,>,� block size = %d,>0� bytes = %lld =����Ib�GTA1 in-game text (FXT), =�v9.6GTA2 replay file (REP),=
�[a-z0-9: ]+created on %s =bSB2100SeaBeam 2100 multibeam sonar =�# .PCDPoint Cloud Data =GIF94zZIF image (GIF+deflate alpha)image/x-unknown =FGF95aFGF image (GIF+deflate beta)image/x-unknown =�NJPL1IPDS (JPL) image data =�CCSD3ZPDS (CCSD) image data =���0SOAtari GED bitmap, 160x200image/x-atari-gedged =�B&W256ImageLab bitmapimage/x-ilabb_w/b&wx�, %ux�x %u =�P7 332XV thumbnail image dataimage/x-xv-thumbnailp7/gif/tif/xpm/jpg =-	XARA��Xara graphics file@=
 # xmcdxmcd database file for kscdtext/x-xmcd =Br�J�Linux/i386 PC Screen Font v2 data,xC%d characters,=Dno directory,!EUnicode directory,xF%dxGx%d =LUKS��LUKS encrypted file,application/x-raw-disk-image/luks/img/luksVolumeHeaderBackUpxver %d==.luks-v1>=.luks-v2 =MVR5
Maple Vr5 libraryapplication/x-maple-liblib =M7R0
IMaple Vr7 libraryapplication/x-maple-liblibx %sx%, %u string>'sx(1st '%s'!T-
, at 0x454 0x%x =M# daubMaple help file, old style =Q$�Maple worksheet =.MCAD	Mathcad document =ZMATLABMatlab vapplication/x-matlab-datamat=b55 mat-file!c5xd%.3s mat-file=~eMI(big endian)x|fversion %#04x=~gIM(little endian)x
|iversion %#04xx~k=
nPlatform: , platformxo%-0.2s!p,%c!q,%c!r,%c!s,%c!t,%c!u,%c	!v,%cxxxy"%s"="{	created on: , createdx|%-.24s =@ۥ-Microsoft Word 2.0 Documentapplication/msworddoc =�GERBILFirst Choice device file =�MIOPENMallard BASIC Jetsam data =�NUMPYNumPy array,xversion %dx.%d,x
	header length %d =/HSP�OS/2 INFapplication/x-os2-infinf>k20(%s) =3HSP�OS/2 HLPapplication/x-os2-hlphlp>k60(%s) =	@MAKI01Maki-chan v1.x
 %c image>@@@@, system ID:x%cx	
%cx%cx,, %dxx.%d=&, 16 paletted RGB colors=&, 8 fixed RGB colors=&, 2:1 dot aspect ratio =�@EJLEpson ESC/Page language printer data =,�NUMPYNumPy data fileapplication/x-numpy-datax., version %dx/.%dx
1, description %s =qresQt Binary Resource file =J{\urtfRich Text Format unicoded datatext/rtfrtf=.Nrtf-info =dpmviewPCP pmview config=eVersion>f(V%-3.3s)@=8$<html>HTML document texttext/html ='X imprSoftQuad troff Context intermediate for IMAGEN imPRESS =PiRivDBiRiver Database file>QVersion %s='RiHP-100[H Series] =0SymExeSymbOS executablex6	v%cx7
.%cx, name: %s =INFOqSymbOS DOX document =!SymVidSymbOS videox"v%cx#.%c =%TGIF Tgif file versionx%s =#usda USD ASCIIx, version %stext/plainusd =avaobjAVR assembler object code>version '%s' =�IIXPR3Intel Quark Express Document (English) =�IIXPRaIntel Quark Express Document (Korean) =�MMXPR3Motorola Quark Express Document (English)application/x-quark-xpress-3 =�MMXPRaMotorola Quark Express Document (Korean) =ZyXELZyXEL voice data=
- CELP encoding=

- ADPCM2 encoding=
- ADPCM3 encoding=
- ADPCM4 encoding=
- New ADPCM3 encoding=
with resync (=>+m@P[0-9][0-9]\.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\.[0-9]NAXOS CAD System file from version %s@=+!^(const|var|let).*=.*require\(JavaScript sourceapplication/javascriptjs@=+?�__BUNDLE_START_TIME__=React Native minified JavaScriptapplication/javascriptbundle/jsbundle =KPACK<M>	QADFS PackDir archive (RISC OS)xU, LZW %u-bits compressionapplication/x-acorn-68Epkd/binx	[, root "%s"x], load address %#xx_, exec address %#xx	a, attributes %#x xe, 1st object "%s" =�TVS
=�Version TeamViewer Session Filex�, version %s =�-lh0-=
.�lharc-file =�-lh1-=
.�lharc-file =�-lz2-=
.�lharc-file =�-lz3-=
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.lharc-file =/-pm0-=
.0lharc-file =2-pm1-=
.3lharc-file =5-pm2-=
.6lharc-file =����=
Claris clip art =����=
Claris clip art =�<?php=�[ 
]=�/* Smarty versionSmarty compiled template=�[0-9.]+, version %stext/x-php =TABLE=0,=�TUPLESData Interchange Formatapplication/x-difdif=
"!", generator or table name�x %s =	EXFAT=
U�������=n=o�=
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[0-9a-f]+Git tree %s =1HP-UX=2=3<=L4=X5D=�6=�7=�8=�9core file	>�:from '%s'	=�;- received SIGQUIT	=�<- received SIGILL	=�=- received SIGTRAP	=�>- received SIGABRT	=�?- received SIGEMT	=�@- received SIGFPE	=�A
- received SIGBUS	=�B- received SIGSEGV	=�C- received SIGSYS	=�D!- received SIGXCPU	=�E"- received SIGXFSZ=LG=XH=\I=`J=lKD=�Lcore file	>�Mfrom '%s'	=�N- received SIGQUIT	=�O- received SIGILL	=�P- received SIGTRAP	=�Q- received SIGABRT	=�R- received SIGEMT	=�S- received SIGFPE	=�T
- received SIGBUS	=�U- received SIGSEGV	=�V- received SIGSYS	=�W!- received SIGXCPU	=�X"- received SIGXFSZ =$ZHP-UX=[=\=]=^= _<=``=laD=�bcore file	>�cfrom '%s'	=�d- received SIGQUIT	=�e- received SIGILL	=�f- received SIGTRAP	=�g- received SIGABRT	=�h- received SIGEMT	=�i- received SIGFPE	=�j
- received SIGBUS	=�k- received SIGSEGV	=�l- received SIGSYS	=�m!- received SIGXCPU	=�n"- received SIGXFSZ =dpHP-UX=q=rD=Ts=`t<=�u=�v=�w=�xcore file	>Dyfrom '%s'	=�z- received SIGQUIT	=�{- received SIGILL	=�|- received SIGTRAP	=�}- received SIGABRT	=�~- received SIGEMT	=�- received SIGFPE	=��
- received SIGBUS	=��- received SIGSEGV	=��- received SIGSYS	=��!- received SIGXCPU	=��"- received SIGXFSZ =x�HP-UX=�=�=�=�= �D=h�=t�<=��core file	>X�from '%s'	=��- received SIGQUIT	=��- received SIGILL	=��- received SIGTRAP	=��- received SIGABRT	=��- received SIGEMT	=��- received SIGFPE	=��
- received SIGBUS	=��- received SIGSEGV	=��- received SIGSYS	=��!- received SIGXCPU	=��"- received SIGXFSZ=�=�D=T�=`�=d�=h�=t�,=��core file	>D�from '%s'	=��- received SIGQUIT	=��- received SIGILL	=��- received SIGTRAP	=��- received SIGABRT	=��- received SIGEMT	=��- received SIGFPE	=��
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Authors:ReStructuredText file=

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^\.\.[A-Za-z]ReStructuredText filerst =RSIC=
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WordPerfect documentapplication/vnd.wordperfectwpd/wpt/wkb/icr/tut/sty/tst/crs=	FWordPerfect dictionary=	GWordPerfect thesaurus=	H
WordPerfect block=	IWordPerfect rectangular block=	JWordPerfect column block=	KWordPerfect printer dataapplication/x-wordperfect-prsprs>
dQ�A"%s"=	TWordPerfect printer dataapplication/x-wordperfect-allall=	YWordPerfect driver resource dataapplication/x-wordperfect-drsdrs!
_F, at %#x index area=	`WordPerfect Overlay fileapplication/x-wordperfect-filfil=	jWordPerfect graphic imageimage/x-wordperfect-graphicswpg!u, at %#x document area=	vWordPerfect hyphenation code=	wWordPerfect hyphenation data=	xWordPerfect macro resource dataapplication/x-wordperfect-mrsmrs=	}WordPerfect hyphenation lex=	~WordPerfect wordlist=	WordPerfect equation resource dataapplication/x-wordperfect-qrsqrs	x�>�A(...%-.19s...)x�, at %#x document area=	�!WordPerfect spell rules=	�"WordPerfect dictionary rules=	�$WordPerfect Video Resourceapplication/x-wordperfect-vrsvrs> �A"%.23s"=	�'WordPerfect spell rules (Microlytics)=	�)WordPerfect Install optionsapplication/x-wordperfect-insins>�A"%.8s"=	�*WordPerfect Resourceapplication/x-wordperfect-irsirs>(�A"%.24s"=	�+WordPerfect settings file=	�,WordPerfect 3.5 documentapplication/vnd.wordperfect????WPD3wpd=	�-WordPerfect 4.2 document=	�EWordPerfect dialog file=	�FWordPerfect Writing Toolsapplication/x-wordperfect-cbtcbd/cbt=	�LWordPerfect button barx	�x	�Corel WordPerfect: Unknown filetype %d=�=	�Corel shell macro=	�
Corel shell definitionx	�x	�Corel Shell: Unknown filetype %d=�=	�Corel Notebook macro=	�Corel Notebook help file=	�Corel Notebook keyboard file=	�
Corel Notebook definitionx	�x	�Corel Notebook: Unknown filetype %d=�=	�Corel Calculator help filex	�x	�Corel Calculator: Unknown filetype %d=�x	�x	�Corel File Manager: Unknown filetype %d=�=	�Corel Calendar help file=	�
Corel Calendar data filex	�x	�Corel Calendar: Unknown filetype %d=�=	�Corel Editor macro=	�Corel Editor help file=	�Corel Editor keyboard file=	�Corel Editor macro resource filex	�x	�Corel Program Editor/Ed Editor: Unknown filetype %d=�=	�Corel Macro editor macro=	�Corel Macro editor help file=	�Corel Macro editor keyboard filex	�x	�Corel Macro Editor: Unknown filetype %d=�	x	�x	�Corel Plan Perfect: Unknown filetype %d=�
=	�Corel PlanPerfect macro=	�Corel PlanPerfect help file=	�Corel PlanPerfect keyboard file=	�
Corel PlanPerfect worksheet=	�Corel PlanPerfect printer definition=	�Corel PlanPerfect graphic definition=	�Corel PlanPerfect data=	Corel PlanPerfect temporary printer=	Corel PlanPerfect macro resource datax	x	Corel DataPerfect: Unknown filetype %d==	Corel Mail help file=	Corel Mail distribution list=	
Corel Mail out box=		Corel Mail in box=	
Corel Mail users archived mailbox=	Corel Mail archived message database=	Corel Mail archived attachmentsx	
x	Corel Mail: Unknown filetype %d==	Corel Printer temporary filex	x	Corel Printer: Unknown filetype %d=
=	Corel Scheduler help file=	
Corel Scheduler in file=	Corel Scheduler out filex	x	Corel Scheduler: Unknown filetype %d==	
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WordPerfect Presentationapplication/x-drawperfect-shwshw!0, at %#x document area!2, at 0xC %#x=	:Corel Presentationapplication/x-drawperfect-shwshw!A, at %#x document area!C, at 0xC %#x!E, at 0x10 %#xxG, %u bytes=	MCorel Presentation (embeded)application/x-corelpresentations/!T, at %#x document area!U, at 0xC %#x!W, at 0x10 %#xxY, %u bytesx	^x	_Corel DrawPerfect: Unknown filetype %d=ax	bx	cCorel LetterPerfect: Unknown filetype %d=e=	f
Corel Terminal resource data=	gCorel Terminal resource data=	h+Corel Terminal resource datax	ix	jCorel Terminal: Unknown filetype %d=l=	m
Corel loadable file=	nCorel GUI loadable text=	oCorel graphics resource data=	p
Corel printer settings file=	qCorel port definition file=	rCorel print queue parameters=	sCorel compressed filex	tx	uCorel loadable file: Unknown filetype %d=v, optimized for Intel=w, optimized for Non-Intel=y=	z
Corel Network service msg file=	{Corel Network service msg file=	|Corel Async gateway login msg=	}Corel GroupWise message filex	~x	Corel Network service: Unknown filetype %d=�=	�GroupWise admin domain database=	�GroupWise admin host database=	�GroupWise admin remote host database=	�GroupWise admin ADS deferment data filex	�x	�GroupWise: Unknown filetype %d=� =	�
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�, %u bytes=�!=	�
IntelliTAG (SGML) compiled DTDx	�x	�IntelliTAG: Unknown filetype %d=�"=	�Corel WordPerfect dictionary adviseapplication/x-wordperfect-advadvx
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�AmigaOS loadseg()ble executable/binary =�AmigaOS object/library data =FC14Future Composer 1.4 Module sound file =SMODFuture Composer 1.3 Module sound file ="ARP.The Holy Noise Module sound file =d�����AmigaOS outline tag =�RDSKRigid Disk Blockx��on %.24s =�KICKKickstart disk =�.KEYAmigaDOS script =�.keyAmigaDOS script =�AmSpAMOS Basic sprite bankx�, %d sprites =�AmIcAMOS Basic icon bankx�, %d icons =�AmBkAMOS Basic memory bankx�, bank number %dx����, length %d=�.{8}, type %s =�AmBsAMOS Basic memory banksx�, %d banks =�:�&���Android sparse imagex
�, version: %dx
�.%dx�, Total of %dx� %d-byte output blocks inx� %d input chunks. =�ı�����Android cryptfs footerx
�, version: %dx
�.%d =�vdexAndroid vdex file,>�000verifier deps version: %s,>�000dex section version: %s,>�number of dex files: %d,>�verifier deps size: %d =�wdexAndroid vdex file, being processed by dex2oat,>�000verifier deps version: %s,>�000dex section version: %s,>�number of dex files: %d,>�verifier deps size: %d(=�Android package resource table (ARSC)arsc!�, %d packages=�!�, %d string(s)!�, %d style(s)&�, sorted&, utf8 =MOVISilicon Graphics movie filevideo/x-sgi-movie =
moovApple QuickTimevideo/quicktime=mvhd movie (fast start)=mdra URL=cmov movie (fast start, compressed header)=rmra multiple URLs =mdatApple QuickTime movie (unoptimized)video/quicktime =wideApple QuickTime movie (unoptimized)video/quicktime =idscApple QuickTime image (fast start)image/x-quicktime =pckgApple QuickTime compressed archiveapplication/x-quicktime-player =%ftypISO Media='XAVC, MPEG v4 system, Sony XAVC Codecvideo/mp4x`), Audio "%.4s"xv*at %dHzx�+, Video "%.4s"x�,%dx�-x%d=.3g2, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP2video/3gpp2=0 v4 (H.263/AMR GSM 6.10)=1 v5 (H.263/AMR GSM 6.10)=2 v6 (ITU H.264/AMR GSM 6.10)=5a C.S0050-0 V1.0=6b C.S0050-0-A V1.0.0=7c C.S0050-0-B V1.0=83ge, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp=:, Release %d MBMS Extended Presentations=;, Release %d MBMS Extended Presentations=<	, Release %d MBMS Extended Presentations==3gf, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP=>	, Release %d File-delivery profile=?3gg, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp=A, Release %d General Profile=B	, Release %d General Profile=C3gh, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp=E	, Release %d Adaptive Streaming Profile=F3gm, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp=H	, Release %d Media Segment Profile=I3gp, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp=K, Release %d (non existent)=L, Release %d (non existent)=M, Release %d (non existent)=N, Release %d=O, Release %d=P, Release %d=Q, Release %d Streaming Servers=R3gr, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp=T, Release %d Progressive Download Profile=U	, Release %d Progressive Download Profile=V3gs, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp=X, Release %d Streaming Servers=Y, Release %d Streaming Servers=Z	, Release %d Streaming Servers=[3gt, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp=], Release %d Media Stream Recording Profile=^	, Release %d Media Stream Recording Profile=_ARRI, MPEG v4 system, ARRI Digital Cameravideo/mp4=aavc1, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP JVT AVC [ISO 14496-12:2005]video/mp4=cbbxm, Blinkbox Master File: H.264 video/16-bit LE LPCM audiovideo/mp4=eqt, Apple QuickTime movievideo/quicktime=gCAEP, Canon Digital Camera=hcaqv, Casio Digital Camera=iCDes, Convergent Design=jcaaa, CMAF Media Profile - AAC Adaptive Audio=kcaac, CMAF Media Profile - AAC Core=lcaqv, Casio Digital Camera	Casio=mccea, CMAF Supplemental Data - CEA-608/708=nccff, Common container file format=ocfhd, CMAF Media Profile - AVC HD=pcfsd, CMAF Media Profile - AVC SD=qchd1, CMAF Media Profile - HEVC HDR10=rchdf, CMAF Media Profile - AVC HDHF=schhd, CMAF Media Profile - HEVC HHD8=tchh1, CMAF Media Profile - HEVC HHD10=uclg1, CMAF Media Profile - HEVC HLG10=vcmfc, CMAF Track Format=wcmff, CMAF Fragment Format=xcmfl, CMAF Chunk Format=ycmfs, CMAF Segment Format=zcud1, CMAF Media Profile - HEVC UHD10={cud8, CMAF Media Profile - HEVC UHD8=|cwvt, CMAF Media Profile - WebVTT=}da0a, DMB MAF w/ MPEG Layer II aud, MOT slides, DLS, JPG/PNG/MNG=~da0b, DMB MAF, ext DA0A, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=da1a, DMB MAF audio with ER-BSAC audio, JPG/PNG/MNG images=�da1b, DMB MAF, ext da1a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=�da2a, DMB MAF aud w/ HE-AAC v2 aud, MOT slides, DLS, JPG/PNG/MNG=�da2b, DMB MAF, ext da2a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=�da3a, DMB MAF aud with HE-AAC aud, JPG/PNG/MNG images=�da3b, DMB MAF, ext da3a w/ BIFS, 3GPP, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=�dash, MPEG v4 system, Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTPvideo/mp4=�dby1, MP4 files with Dolby content=�dsms, Media Segment DASH conformant=�dts1, MP4 track file with audio codecs dtsc dtsh or dtse=�dts2, MP4 track file with audio codec dtsx=�dts3, MP4 track file with audio codec dtsy=�dxo$20, DxO ONE camera=�dmb1, DMB MAF supporting all the components defined in the spec=�dmpf, Digital Media Project=�drc1, Dirac (wavelet compression), encap in ISO base media (MP4)=�dv1a, DMB MAF vid w/ AVC vid, ER-BSAC aud, BIFS, JPG/PNG/MNG, TS=�dv1b, DMB MAF, ext dv1a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=�dv2a, DMB MAF vid w/ AVC vid, HE-AAC v2 aud, BIFS, JPG/PNG/MNG, TS=�dv2b, DMB MAF, ext dv2a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=�dv3a, DMB MAF vid w/ AVC vid, HE-AAC aud, BIFS, JPG/PNG/MNG, TS=�dv3b, DMB MAF, ext dv3a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=�dvr1, DVB (.DVB) over RTPvideo/vnd.dvb.file=�dvt1, DVB (.DVB) over MPEG-2 Transport Stream=�emsg, Event message box presentvideo/vnd.dvb.file=�F4V, Video for Adobe Flash Player 9+ (.F4V)video/mp4=�F4P, Protected Video for Adobe Flash Player 9+ (.F4P)video/mp4=�F4A, Audio for Adobe Flash Player 9+ (.F4A)audio/mp4=�F4B, Audio Book for Adobe Flash Player 9+ (.F4B)audio/mp4=�ifrm, Apple iFrame Specification, Version 8.1 Jan 2013=�im1i, CMAF Media Profile - IMSC1 Image=�im1t, CMAF Media Profile - IMSC1 Text=�isc2, ISMACryp 2.0 Encrypted File=�iso, MP4 Base Mediavideo/mp4mp4=�mv1 [ISO 14496-12:2003]=�2v2 [ISO 14496-12:2005]=�4v4=�5v5 =�6v6 =�isml, MP4 Base Media v2 [ISO 14496-12:2005]video/mp4=�J2P0, JPEG2000 Profile 0=�J2P1, JPEG2000 Profile 1=�jp2, JPEG 2000image/jp2=�JP2, JPEG 2000 Image (.JP2) [ISO 15444-1 ?]image/jp2=�JP20, Unknown, from GPAC samples (prob non-existent)=�jpm, JPEG 2000 Compound Image (.JPM) [ISO 15444-6]image/jpm=�jpsi, The JPSearch data interchange format=�jpx, JPEG 2000 w/ extensions (.JPX) [ISO 15444-2]image/jpx=�KDDI, 3GPP2 EZmovie for KDDI 3G cellphonesvideo/3gpp2=�LCAG,  Leica digital camera=�lmsg, Last Media Segment indicator for ISO base media file format.=�M4A, Apple iTunes ALAC/AAC-LC (.M4A) Audioaudio/x-m4a=�M4B, Apple iTunes ALAC/AAC-LC (.M4B) Audio Bookaudio/mp4=�M4P, Apple iTunes ALAC/AAC-LC (.M4P) AES Protected Audiovideo/mp4=�M4V, Apple iTunes Video (.M4V) Videovideo/x-m4v=�M4VH, Apple TV (.M4V)video/x-m4v=�M4VP, Apple iPhone (.M4V)video/x-m4v=�mj2s, Motion JPEG 2000 [ISO 15444-3] Simple Profilevideo/mj2=�mjp2, Motion JPEG 2000 [ISO 15444-3] General Profile=�MFSM, Media File for Samsung video Metadata=�MGSV, Sony Home and Mobile Multimedia Platform (HMMP)video/mj2=�mmp4, MPEG-4/3GPP Mobile Profile (.MP4 / .3GP) (for NTT)video/mp4=�mobi, MPEG-4, MOBI formatvideo/mp4=�mp21, MPEG-21 [ISO/IEC 21000-9]=�mp41, MP4 v1 [ISO 14496-1:ch13]video/mp4=�mp42, MP4 v2 [ISO 14496-14]video/mp4=�mp71, MP4 w/ MPEG-7 Metadata [per ISO 14496-12]=�mp7t, MPEG v4 system, MPEG v7 XML=�mp7b, MPEG v4 system, MPEG v7 binary XML=�mpuf, Compliance with the MMT Processing Unit format=�msdh, Media Segment conforming to ISO base media file format.=�msix, Media Segment conforming to ISO base media file format.=�mmp4, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP Mobilevideo/mp4=�MPPI, Photo Player, MAF [ISO/IEC 23000-3]=�mqt, Sony / Mobile QuickTime (.MQV) US Pat 7,477,830video/quicktime=�MSNV, MPEG-4 (.MP4) for SonyPSPaudio/mp4=�NDAS, MP4 v2 [ISO 14496-14] Nero Digital AAC Audioaudio/mp4=�NDSC, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero Cinema Profilevideo/mp4=�NDSH, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero HDTV Profilevideo/mp4=�NDSM, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero Mobile Profilevideo/mp4=�NDSP, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero Portable Profilevideo/mp4=�NDSS, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero Standard Profilevideo/mp4=�NDXC, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero Cinema Profilevideo/mp4=�NDXH, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero HDTV Profilevideo/mp4=�NDXM, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero Mobile Profilevideo/mp4=�NDXP, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero Portable Profilevideo/mp4=�NDXS, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero Standard Profile=�niko, Nikon Digital Cameravideo/mp4=odcf, OMA DCF DRM Format 2.0 (OMA-TS-DRM-DCF-V2_0-20060303-A)=opf2, OMA PDCF DRM Format 2.1 (OMA-TS-DRM-DCF-V2_1-20070724-C)=opx2, OMA PDCF DRM + XBS ext (OMA-TS-DRM_XBS-V1_0-20070529-C)=pana, Panasonic Digital Camera=piff, Protected Interoperable File Format=pnvi]b, Panasonic Video Intercom=qt, Apple QuickTime (.MOV/QT)video/quicktime=mif1, HEIF Imageimage/heif=
msf1, HEIF Image Sequenceimage/heif-sequence=heic, HEIF Image HEVC Main or Main Still Picture Profileimage/heic=heix, HEIF Image HEVC Main 10 Profileimage/heic=hevc, HEIF Image Sequenz HEVC Main or Main Still Picture Profileimage/heic-sequence=hevx, HEIF Image Sequence HEVC Main 10 Profileimage/heic-sequence=heim, HEIF Image L-HEVCimage/heif=heis, HEIF Image L-HEVCimage/heif=avic, HEIF Image AVCimage/heif= hevm, HEIF Image Sequence L-HEVCimage/heif-sequence="hevs, HEIF Image Sequence L-HEVCimage/heif-sequence=$avcs, HEIF Image Sequence AVCimage/heif-sequence=(avif, AVIF Imageimage/avif=*avis, AVIF Image Sequenceimage/avif=,risx, Representation Index Segment for MPEG-2 TS Segments=-ROSS, Ross Video=.sdv, SD Memory Card Video=/ssc1, Samsung stereo, single stream (patent pending)=0ssc2, Samsung stereo, dual stream (patent pending)=1SEAU, Sony Home and Mobile Multimedia Platform (HMMP)=2SEBK, Sony Home and Mobile Multimedia Platform (HMMP)=3senv, Video contents Sony Entertainment Network=4sims, Media Segment for Sub-Indexed Media Segment format=5sisx, Single Index Segment forindex MPEG-2 TS=6ssss, Subsegment Index Segment used to index MPEG-2 Segments=7uvvu, UltraViolet file brand for DECE Common Format =ADIFMPEG ADIF, AACaudio/x-hx-aac-adif&��������&
, VBR^
, CBR=, single stream= , 2 streams=!, 3 streams&", 4 or more streams&#, 8 or more streams&$��������, Copyrighted&
%@, Original Source&
& , Home Flag^'��������&(, VBR^), CBR=*, single stream=+, 2 streams=,, 3 streams&-, 4 or more streams&., 8 or more streams&/@, Original Stream(s)&0 , Home Source =��������DIFvideo/x-dv&�(DVCPRO) movie file^�(DV) movie file&���������(PAL)^���������(NTSC) =��MNGMNG video data,video/x-mng!�


x�%d xx�%d =��JNGJNG video data,video/x-jng!�


x�%d xx�%d =DNSVfNullsoft Video =IRED1REDCode Video =NAMVSMTV Multimedia File =dFILMSega FILM/CPK Multimedia,x e%d xxf%d =kTHPNintendo THP Multimedia =pBBCDBBC Dirac Video =�DKIFDuck IVF video filevideo/x-ivf>
�, version %dx�, codec %sx
�, %dx
�x%d>�, %d frames =a.out little-endian 32-bit executable>not stripped= j(uses BSD/OS shared libs) =a.out little-endian 32-bit pure executable>not stripped= j(uses BSD/OS shared libs) =a.out little-endian 32-bit demand paged pure executable>not stripped= j(uses BSD/OS shared libs) =&a.out big-endian 32-bit executable>'not stripped =)a.out big-endian 32-bit pure executable>*not stripped =,a.out big-endian 32-bit demand paged executable>-not stripped =PAR1Apache Parquet =l�APL workspace (Ken's original?) =AppleSingle encoded Macintosh file =AppleDouble encoded Macintosh file =�2IMGApple ][ 2IMG Disk Imagex/�=�XGS!, XGS=�CTKG, Catakig=�ShIm, Sheppy's ImageMaker=�SHEP, Sheppy's ImageMaker=�WOOF, Sweet 16=�B2TR, Bernie ][ the Rescue=�!nfc, ASIMOV2=�>BD<, Brutal Deluxe's Cadius=�CdrP, CiderPress=�Vi][, Virtual ][=�PRFS, ProFUSE=�FISH, FishWings=�RVLW, Revival for Windowsx�x�, Creator tag "%-4.4s"=�, DOS 3.3 sector order=�, Volume 254x�, Volume %u=�, ProDOS sector order=@�&D������xE�, Volume /%sx
i�, %u Blocks=�, NIB data =���������dApple Mechanic font =�caffCoreAudio Format audio file<�
version %dx� =�kychMac OS X Keychain File =������Mac OS X Code Requirement=�(opExpr)x�- %d bytes =������Mac OS X Code Requirement Set>�containing %d itemsx�- %d bytes =������Mac OS X Code Directoryx�version %x>�flags %#xx�- %d bytes =�������Mac OS X Detached Code Signature (non-executable)x�- %d bytes =�������Mac OS X Detached Code Signature>�(%d elements)x�- %d bytes = �NXSBApple File System (APFS)x$�, blocksize %u =2m�very old 32-bit-int little-endian archive =3m�very old 32-bit-int big-endian archive =9e�old 32-bit-int little-endian archive=	:__.SYMDEFrandom library =;e�old 32-bit-int big-endian archive=	<__.SYMDEFrandom library =A�PDP-11 old archive =B�PDP-11 4.0 archive =Il�apl workspace =N<ar>System V Release 1 ar archiveapplication/x-archive =���������ARC archive data, dynamic LZWapplication/x-arc =���������	ARC archive data, squashedapplication/x-arc =���������ARC archive data, uncompressedapplication/x-arc =���������ARC archive data, packedapplication/x-arc =���������ARC archive data, squeezedapplication/x-arc =���������ARC archive data, crunchedapplication/x-arc =���������
PAK archive dataapplication/x-arc =���������ARC+ archive dataapplication/x-arc =���������HHYP archive dataapplication/x-arc =�HPAKHPack archive data =��3HFHAP archive data =�MDmdMDCD archive data =�LIMLIM archive data =BSABSArc archive dataxversion %d =
PKReSOF archive data =XhDrX1 archive data =����� �vCDC Codec archive data =SChFChArc archive data =�-H2ODRY archive data =�,AR7AR7 archive data =�PPMZPPMZ archive data =�MP3MP3-Archiver archive data =�OZÝZET archive data =�gWARQ archive data =�Terse archive data =�AB2ABComp archive data =�]e�InstallShield Z archive Data =���������eDBTS archive data =�Ora ELI 5750 archive data =�FCQFC archive data =�QFQFC archive data =�sTaCLZS221 archive data =�IMP
IMP archive data =�s���Squish archive data =�����0BSSBX archive data =ISc(InstallShieldapplication/x-installshield!setup headerhdr=CABcabx, version %#x!!, volume_info %#x!#, offset %#x!&, descriptor size %#x =,BHBlakHole archive data =.BIX0BIX archive data ==PPFT archive data =A����PPMD archive data =E�����SMMSXiE archive data =G�����00zyDeepFreezer archive data =I<DC-DC archive data =ZAiAi32 archive dataapplication/x-compress-aiaix
_"%s"!a, at 5 %#x!b, at 6 %#x!c, at 7 %#x =fAiAi32 archive dataapplication/x-compress-aiaix
k"%s"=m, solid mode =uDMS!DMS archive data =w����EPC archive data =}rdqxReDuq archive data =GCAXGCA archive data =�a\WinHKI archive data =��BSGBSN archive data =��BSGBSN archive data =��BSGBSN archive data =�SZ
SZip archive data =�� jmXpack single archive dataxpa =j�������AHHA archive data=
k1 file,>
l%u files,=mfirst is type CPY=nfirst is type ASC=ofirst is type HSC=pfirst is type DIR=qfirst is type SPECIAL =tHPAKHPACK archive data =JRE~^RAR archive data (<v1.5)application/x-rarrar/cbr =OSQSHsquished archive data (Acorn RISCOS) =SUC2UC2 archive data =VPARPARity archive data=
0W- Index file>
0X- file number %d =���EET archiveapplication/x-eet =�RZIPrzip compressed datax�- version %dx�.%dx�(%d bytes) =�{dar archive,x�label "%.8xx�%.8xx�%.4x"=�Tend slice=�NNmulti-part=�SNmulti-part, with -S =�Symbian installation fileapplication/vnd.symbian.install=�m(EPOC release 3/4/5)=�:(EPOC release 6) =�z Symbian installation file (Symbian OS 9.x)x-epoc/x-sisx-app =�MPQMoPaQ (MPQ) archive =	xar!xar archiveapplication/x-xarxar/pkg/xip>	, header size %u>
	version %u,x	compressed TOC: %llu,=	no checksum=	SHA-1 checksum=	MD5 checksum=	SHA-256 checksum=	SHA-512 checksum>	unknown %#x checksum=	x	
x	�x)	, contains = 	x!	
x%	�x)'	, contains =)	x*	
x.	�x)/	, contains =1	x>2	
x6	�x)7	, contains  =;	PAR2Parity Archive Volume Set =@	BB02Bacula volumex	A	, started %s =N	7kStZPAQ file(=]	��Norton GHost image=_	, first file=a	, split filexc	id=%#x=e	, no compression=f	, fast compression (Z1)=g	, medium compression (Z2)>h	<i	, compression (Z%d-1)=j	!l	, password protected!,m	=
o	, sector copy=+q	, boot track=,s	, disc sector copy>�u	"%-.254s"=w	`U��x)x	; contains =}	Cr24Google Chrome extensionapplication/x-chrome-extensionx	, version %u =�	ALZALZ archive dataalz =�	EGGAEGG archive data,eggx�	version %ux�	.%u=�	"��=�	b��$, split=�	`��$, solidx�	, unknown =�	pQ9PAQ9A archive =*STAAster*x=	WORDWords Document=
GRAPGraphic=SPRESpreadsheet=MACRMacro =
2278Aster*x Version 2=6Words Document=5Graphic=2Spreadsheet=8Macro =.sndSun/NeXT audio data:=8-bit ISDN mu-law,audio/basic=8-bit linear PCM [REF-PCM],audio/basic=16-bit linear PCM,audio/basic=24-bit linear PCM,audio/basic=32-bit linear PCM,audio/basic=32-bit IEEE floating point,audio/basic=64-bit IEEE floating point,audio/basic=Fragmented sample data,=
DSP program,=8-bit fixed point,=16-bit fixed point,=
24-bit fixed point,=32-bit fixed point,= 16-bit linear with emphasis,=!16-bit linear compressed,="16-bit linear with emphasis and compression,=#Music kit DSP commands,=$8-bit ISDN mu-law compressed (CCITT G.721 ADPCM voice enc.),audio/x-adpcm=&compressed (8-bit CCITT G.722 ADPCM)='compressed (3-bit CCITT G.723.3 ADPCM),=(compressed (5-bit CCITT G.723.5 ADPCM),=)8-bit A-law (CCITT G.711),=*mono,=+stereo,=,quad,>-%d Hz =1.sdDEC audio data:=28-bit ISDN mu-law,audio/x-dec-basic=48-bit linear PCM [REF-PCM],audio/x-dec-basic=616-bit linear PCM,audio/x-dec-basic=824-bit linear PCM,audio/x-dec-basic=:32-bit linear PCM,audio/x-dec-basic=<32-bit IEEE floating point,audio/x-dec-basic=>64-bit IEEE floating point,audio/x-dec-basic=@Fragmented sample data,=A
DSP program,=B8-bit fixed point,=C16-bit fixed point,=D
24-bit fixed point,=E32-bit fixed point,=F16-bit linear with emphasis,=G16-bit linear compressed,=H16-bit linear with emphasis and compression,=IMusic kit DSP commands,=J8-bit ISDN mu-law compressed (CCITT G.721 ADPCM voice enc.),audio/x-dec-basic=Lcompressed (8-bit CCITT G.722 ADPCM)=Mcompressed (3-bit CCITT G.723.3 ADPCM),=Ncompressed (5-bit CCITT G.723.5 ADPCM),=O8-bit A-law (CCITT G.711),=Pmono,=Qstereo,=Rquad,>S%d Hz =VMThdStandard MIDI dataaudio/midixX(format %d)x
Yusing %d track>
Zsx[�at 1/%d>\�������SMPTE =^CTMFCreative Music (CMF) dataaudio/x-unknown =jKRTNMultiTrack sound dataxk- version %d =oEMODExtended MOD sound data,xp�����version %dxq.%d,x-r%d instruments=Ss(module)=St(song) =w�ar.RealAudio sound fileaudio/x-pn-realaudio =,�SCRMScreamTracker III Module sound data>�Title: "%s"audio/x-s3m =�UN05MikMod UNI format module sound data =8�!PM!4-channel Protracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>�Title: "%s" =8�M.K.4-channel Protracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>�Title: "%s" =8�M!K!4-channel Protracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>�Title: "%s" =8�FLT44-channel Startracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>�Title: "%s" =8�FLT88-channel Startracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>�Title: "%s" =8�4CHN4-channel Fasttracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>�Title: "%s" =8�6CHN6-channel Fasttracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>�Title: "%s" =8�8CHN8-channel Fasttracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>�Title: "%s" =8�CD818-channel Octalyser module sound dataaudio/x-mod>�Title: "%s" =8�OKTA8-channel Octalyzer module sound dataaudio/x-mod>�Title: "%s" =8�16CN16-channel Taketracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>�Title: "%s" =8�32CN32-channel Taketracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>�Title: "%s" =PSIDPlaySID v2.2+ (AMIGA) sidtune>w/ header v%d,=single song,>%d songs,>default song: %d>name: "%s">6author: "%s">Vcopyright: "%s" =
RSIDRSID sidtune PlaySID compatible>w/ header v%d,=single song,>
%d songs,>default song: %d>name: "%s">6author: "%s">Vcopyright: "%s" =�dIRCAM file (VAX little-endian) =d�IRCAM file (VAX big-endian) =�dIRCAM file (Sun big-endian) =d�IRCAM file (Sun little-endian) =�dIRCAM file (MIPS little-endian) =d�IRCAM file (MIPS big-endian) =�dIRCAM file (NeXT big-endian) =�dIRCAM file (NeXT big-endian) =d�IRCAM file (NeXT little-endian) =&2BITAudio Visual Research file,='mono,=(��������stereo,x)%d bits=*unsigned,=+��������signed,x,���%d Hz,=-no loop,=.��������loop,</�note %d,=0replay 5.485 KHz=1replay 8.084 KHz=2replay 10.971 KHz=3replay 16.168 KHz=4replay 21.942 KHz=5replay 32.336 KHz=6replay 43.885 KHz=7replay 47.261 KHz =SNSFEExtended NES Sound File=0Tauth>U("%s">Vby %s>W, copyright %s>X, ripped by %sxY), %d tracks,=Zdual PAL/NTSC=[=\PAL=]NTSC =iIMPMImpulse Tracker module sound data -audio/x-mod>k"%s"!
(lcompatible w/ITv%x!
*mcreated w/ITv%x =<pIM10Imago Orpheus module sound data ->q"%s" =wIMPSImpulse Tracker Sample&x16 bit^y8 bit&zstereo^{mono =|IMPIImpulse Tracker Instrument!
}ITv%x!~%d samples =L�SCRSScream Tracker Sample=�sample=�adlib melody>�adlib drum&�stereo^�mono&�16bit little endian^�8bit=�unpacked=�packed =�MMD0MED music file, version 0 =�MMD1OctaMED Pro music file, version 1 =�MMD3OctaMED Soundstudio music file, version 3 =�SymMSymphonie SymMOD music file =�DBM0DIGI Booster Pro Module>�V%X.x�%02X>�, "%s" =�FTMNFaceTheMusic module>�d, "%s" =�DDMFXtracker DMF Modulex�v%i>
�Title: "%s">+�Composer: "%s" =�DSMDynamic Studio Module DSM =�SONGDigiTrekker DTM Module =�DMDLDigiTrakker MDL Module =�PSMProtracker Studio PSM Module =,�PTMFPoly Tracker PTM Module>�Title: "%s" =�MT20MadTracker 2.0 Module MT2 =�RTMMRTM Module =�MMMDYamaha SMAF file =�fLaCFLAC audio bitstream dataaudio/flac>�, unknown version=�=��0, 4 bit=��P, 6 bit=��p, 8 bit=���, 12 bit=���, 16 bit=��p, 24 bit=�, mono=�, stereo=�, 3 channels=�, 4 channels=�, 5 channels=�
, 6 channels=�, 7 channels=, 8 channels=��, 11.025 kHz=��, 16 kHz=� b, 22.05 kHz=��, 24 kHz=��, 32 kHz=	�@�
, 44.1 kHz=
��, 48 kHz=��, 64 kHz=���, 88.2 kHz=
�p, 96 kHz=�@, 128 kHz=�+, 176.4 kHz=��., 192 kHz=��>, 256 kHz=�"V, 352.8 kHz=��], 384 kHz>, >4G samples=>, %u samples=, length unknown =VBOXVBOX voice message data =RB40RBS Song file=ReBorncreated by ReBorn=
% Propellerheadcreated by ReBirth =-MAC Monkey's Audio compressed formataudio/x-ape>
/�version %d	=
0�with fast compression	=
1�with normal compression	=
2�with high compression	=
3�with extra high compression	=
4�with insane compression=
5, mono=
6, stereox7, sample rate %d<
8�version %d=
9�with fast compression=
:�with normal compression=
;�with high compression=
<�with extra high compression=
=�with insane compression=

>, mono=

?, stereox@, sample rate %d =NCC2xCheeseCutter 2 song =XSAdTSurprise! Adlib TrackerxYVersion %d =[XAD!eXotic ADlib =_FMK!FM Kingtracker Song =�SNDHSNDH Atari ST music =�MPCKMusepack audio (MPCK)audio/x-musepack =<�SONGSoundFX Module sound file =�SCgfSuperCollider3 Synth Definition file,x�version %d =�TTA1True Audio Lossless Audio =�wvpkWavPack Lossless Audio =�IBKIBK instrument data =�2OPIBK instrument data, 2 operators =�4OPIBK instrument data, 4 operators =ARSTMNintendo Wii BRSTM audio fileaudio/x-brstmbrstm=E��������=.Fnintendo-wii-brstm-fields=
G��������=.H^nintendo-wii-brstm-fields =]CSTMNintendo 3DS BCSTM audio fileaudio/x-bcstmbcstm=
a��������=.bnintendo-3ds-bcstm-fields=c��������=.d^nintendo-3ds-bcstm-fields =jFSTMNintendo Wii U BFSTM audio fileaudio/x-bfstmbfstm=
o��������=.pnintendo-3ds-bcstm-fields=q��������=.r^nintendo-3ds-bcstm-fields =�CWAVNintendo 3DS BCWAV audio fileaudio/x-bcwavbcwav=
���������=.�nintendo-3ds-bcwav-fields=���������=.�^nintendo-3ds-bcwav-fields =�DSD DSDIFF audio bitstream dataaudio/x-dffdff=�FVER=�x�, 1 bit=��PROP=�SND=��CHNL=�, mono
=�=�SLFTSRGT, stereox�, 2 channels
=�=�SLFTSRGTLFE , 2.1 stereo=�SLFTSRGTC   , 3.0 stereox�, 3 channels
=�=�MLFTMRGTLS  RS  , 4.0 surround=�SLFTSRGTC   LFE , 3.1 stereox�, 4 channels
=�=�MLFTMRGTC   LS  RS  , 5.0 surround=�MLFTMRGTLFE LS  RS  , 4.1 surroundx�, 5 channels
=�=�MLFTMRGTC   LFE LS  RS  , 5.1 surroundx�, 6 channels>�, %u channels=��FS  x�,
=�D��x�D�"DSD %u"�x�%u Hz=��CMPR=�DSD , no compression=�DST , DST compressionx�, unknown compressionx�=�DIIN>�, "edited master" metadata=�ID3 =�ID3, ID3 version 2x�.%ux�.%ux�, ID3 missing (or unreachable)x�, unknown version =�DSD DSF audio bitstream dataaudio/x-dsfdsf=�fmt 
=�x�, 1 bit=�, mono=�, stereo=�, 3.0 stereo=�, 4.0 surround=�, 3.1 stereo=�, 5.0 surround=�, 5.1 surroundx�x�, %u channelsx�,
=�D��x�D�"DSD %u"
x�%u Hzx�=�, no compressionx�, unknown compressionx, ID3!=ID3version 2x.%ux.%uxunreachablexmissingx, unknown version =bFLTBFLT executablex	- version %d=
=$ram=$gotpic=$
gzip=$gzdata =TBISAMtools TBI (Tabix index format)=, with %d reference sequence>, with %d reference sequences&, using half-closed-half-open coordinates (BED style)^=, using closed and one based coordinates (GFF style)=, using SAM format=, using VCF formatx, sequence name column: %dx, region start column: %d= x!, region end column: %dx", comment character: %cx#, skip line count: %d =+BAMSAMtools BAM (Binary Sequence Alignment/Map)>,=-^[@]HD	.*VN:, with SAM header=.[0-9.]+ version %s>/, with %d reference sequences =6BAISAMtools BAI (BAM indexing format)>7, with %d reference sequences ==CRAMCRAM>>��������version %d.>?��������%d>@(identified as %s) =ABF Biosig/Axon Binary formatbiosig/abf2 =ATF	Biosig/Axon Text formatbiosig/atf =ADU1Biosig/Axona file formatbiosig/axona =ADU2Biosig/Axona file formatbiosig/axona =!AxGrBiosig/AXG ="axgxBiosig/AXGbiosig/axg =HDEMGBiosig/DEMGbiosig/demg =WIGORBiosig/IgorPro ITX filebiosig/igorpro =gNEX1Biosig/NEXbiosig/nex1 =jPLEXBiosig/Plexon v1.0 =n'��Biosig/RHD2000: Intan RHD2000 format =�����Biosig/Walter Graphtek =����Biosig/Walter Graphtek =�UU��Biosig/Walter Graphtekbiosig/walter-graphtek =68k Blit mpx/mux executable =bm�Birtual Machinex
, version %dx, program size %ux	, memory size %ux
, memory capacity %u =
i960 b.out relocatable object>not stripped =	�386 compact demand paged pure executable>
not stripped= j(uses shared libs) =���SPARC demand paged&��������<shared library=dynamically linked executable>dynamically linked executable^��������executable>not stripped=$�����(uses shared libs) =���SPARC pure&��������dynamically linked executable^��������executable>not stripped=$�����(uses shared libs) =���SPARC&��������dynamically linked executable^��������executable> not stripped=$!�����(uses shared libs) =NEKONekoVM bytecodex	(%d global symbols,x
%d global fields,x%d bytecode ops)application/x-nekovm-bytecode =MLRResilient Logic bytecodeapplication/vnd.resilient.logicx, version %dx.%d@=	+< namespace=6=^namespace[[:space:]]+[_[:alpha:]]{1,30}[[:space:]]*\{C++ source texttext/x-c++@=	+Z protected=[^[[:space:]]*protected:C++ source texttext/x-c++ =eAD64 Image =e	�AD71 Image =
D(D81 Image =dACX64 Image =	�PSURARC archive (c64) =��LB�����WRAptor packer (c64) =�GTS5GoatTracker 2 song>�, "%s">$� by %s>D� (C) %s>d�, %u subsong(s) =rglTFglTF binary modelxs, version %dxt, length %d bytesmodel/gltf-binaryglb =�ply
PLY model,ply=
�format ascii ASCII,=�[0-9.]+version %s=
�format binarybinary,=�_little_endian little endian,=�[0-9.]+version %s=�_big_endian big endian,=�[0-9.]+version %s =�#X3DX3D (Extensible 3D) model, VRML format=�V=�[0-9.]+, version %smodel/x3d+vrmlx3dv =:
�����JAR compressed with pack200,x;version %d.x<%dapplication/x-java-pack200 =@
�����JAR compressed with pack200,xAversion %d.xB%dapplication/x-java-pack200 =	������������cisco IOS microcode>
for '%s' =�������������cisco IOS experimental microcode>for '%s'@=+�<?phpPHP script texttext/x-php�=�GBMBPHP phar archive�=�with MD5 signaturephar�=�with SHA1 signaturephar�=�with SHA256 signaturephar�=�with SHA512 signaturephar�=�with OpenSSL signaturephar�=�with OpenSSL SHA256 signaturephar�=�with OpenSSL SHA512 signaturephar =�LZIPlzip compressed dataapplication/x-lziplzx�, version: %d =�XPKFAmiga xpkf.library compressed data =�PP11Power Packer 1.1 compressed data =�PP20Power Packer 2.0 compressed data,=�				fast compression=�

	mediocre compression=�
	good compression=�
	very good compression=�
	best compression ="LRZILRZIP compressed dataapplication/x-lrzipx$- version %dx%.%d=&, encrypted =)"MLZ4 compressed data (v1.4+)application/x-lz4lz4 =-!LLZ4 compressed data (v1.0-v1.3)application/x-lz4 =/!LLZ4 compressed data (v0.1-v0.9)application/x-lz4 =N"�/�����Zstandard compressed data (v0.2)application/zstdzst =Q#�/�����Zstandard compressed data (v0.3)application/zstdzst =T$�/�����Zstandard compressed data (v0.4)application/zstdzst =W%�/�����Zstandard compressed data (v0.5)application/zstdzst =Z&�/�����Zstandard compressed data (v0.6)application/zstdzst =]'�/�����Zstandard compressed data (v0.7)application/zstdzst=.`zstd-dictionary-id =a(�/�����Zstandard compressed data (v0.8+)application/zstdzst=.dzstd-dictionary-id =g7�0���Zstandard dictionaryapplication/x-std-dictionaryxi(ID %u) =tRZIPrzip compressed dataxu- version %dxv.%dxw(%d bytes) =yArCFreeArc archive <http://freearc.org> =|�TCDDACT compressed data>}��������(version %i.>~��������%i.>��������%i)>�, original size: %i bytes>�, block size: %i bytes =�4�UValve Pak filex�, version %ux�, %u entries =�SLIBSoftlib archivex
�, version %dx
�(contains %d files) =�bvx-lzfse encoded, no compression =�bvx1lzfse compressed, uncompressed tables =�bvx2lzfse compressed, compressed tables =�bvxnlzfse encoded, lzvn compressed =1NESNES ROM image (iNES)application/x-nes-rom=.3nes-rom-image-ines =6SENNES ROM image (Wii U Virtual Console)application/x-nes-rom=.8nes-rom-image-ines =fTNESNES ROM image (Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console)application/x-nes-rom=hd: FDS,=. inintendo-fds-disk-info-block!jd: TNES mapper %uxk, %ux8k PRGxl, %ux8k CHR=m[WRAM]=n	[H-mirror]=o	[V-mirror]=p[VRAM] =�(�!Sega Dreamcast VMU game image =�LCDiDream Animator file =&PSARSony PlayStation Archivepsarcx(, version %d.x)%d=*zlib, zlib compression=+lzma, LZMA compression=,, relative paths=-, absolute paths=., ignore case =2XBEHMicrosoft Xbox executableaudio/x-xbox-executablexbe=6x�7: "%.40s"x��8(%cx��9%c-x
��:%03u)=`�;��, all regions	!`�<��	>`�=(regions:	&`�>NA	&`�?Japan	&`�@Rest_of_World	&`�A�Manufacturer>`�B)=D
=E=F, not signed>G
>H>I, signed =MXIP0XIP, Microsoft Xbox data =NXTF0XTF, Microsoft Xbox data =mXEX2Microsoft Xbox 360 executableaudio/x-xbox360-executablexex=p=.qxbox-360-xex-execution-id=.xrxbox-360-xex-region-code =tXEX1Microsoft Xbox 360 executable (XEX1)audio/x-xbox360-executablexex=w=.xxbox-360-xex-execution-id=.Tyxbox-360-xex-region-code =�CON Microsoft Xbox 360 package (console-signed)=.�xbox-360-package =�LYNXLynx cartridgeapplication/x-atari-lynx-romlnx>
�, bank 0 %dk>
�, bank 1 %dk>
�, "%.32s">*�, "%.16s">:�, rotation %u =�BPS1BPS patch filebps =�UPS1UPS patch fileups =-SMVSNES9x input recordingx., version %d<0x1, recorded at %s>2, rerecorded %d timesx3, %d frames long>4, data for controller(s):&5#1&6#2&7#3&8#4&9#5^:, begins from snapshot&;, begins from reset^<, NTSC standard&=, PAL standard&>, settings:<@&AWIP1Timing&BLeft+Right&CVolumeEnvX&DFakeMute&E SyncSound>G&H��������NoCPUShutdown<I>J#!
 Kx L, metadata: "%s">M>$N, port 1:=$Ojoypad=$Pmouse=$QSuperScope=$RJustifier=$Smultitap>$T, port 2:=%Ujoypad=%Vmouse=%WSuperScope=%XJustifier=%Ymultitap>ZC!
@[x@\, metadata: "%s"&]@, ROM:x^CRC32 %#08xx_"%s" =cSCVMScummVM savegame>d"%s" =}=�3����Nintendo GameCube disc image:application/x-gamecube-rom=.nintendo-gcn-disc-common =���]Nintendo Wii disc image:=.�nintendo-gcn-disc-common =�WIANintendo=H�GameCubeapplication/x-gamecube-rom=H�Wiiapplication/x-wii-romxH�GameCube/WiixH�disc image (WIA format):=.X�nintendo-gcn-disc-common =�RVZNintendo=H�GameCubeapplication/x-gamecube-rom=H�Wiiapplication/x-wii-romxH�GameCube/WiixH�disc image (RVZ format):=.X�nintendo-gcn-disc-common =-NCCHNintendo 3DS=�.File Archive (CFA)=�/Executable Image (CXI)>P0: "%.16s"=�1x
2(Old3DS System Update v=.3nintendo-3ds-version-codex
6(New3DS System Update v=.7nintendo-3ds-version-codex
8)!�9!�:x;(v=.<nintendo-3ds-version-codex=)=�>(New3DS only) =CSMDHNintendo 3DS SMDH file!
DxE: "%.128s"!
�Fx�Gby %.128s=
IxJ: "%.128s"!
�Kx�Lby %.128s =Q3DSXNintendo 3DS Homebrew Application (3DSX) =�NSO0Nintendo Switch executable (NSO) =�PFS0Nintendo Switch partition filesystem (PFS0)x�, %d files =GConvex old-style object>
not stripped =KConvex old-style demand paged executable>not stripped =MConvex old-style pre-paged executable>not stripped =OConvex old-style pre-paged, non-swapped executable>not stripped =WCore file =!m�dump format, 4.2 or 4.3 BSD (IDC compatible) ="n�dump format, Convex Storage Manager by-reference dump ='�Convex SOFF=X(c1&X)c2&X*c2mp&X+parallel&X,intrinsic&X-demand paged&X.pre-paged&X/non-swapped&X0POSIX&T2�����executable&T3@object=T4 not stripped=T5native fpmode=T6ieee fpmode=T7undefined fpmode =9�Convex SOFF core =;�Convex SOFF checkpoint=X<c1&X=c2&X>c2mp&X?parallel&X@intrinsic&XAPOSIX=TCnative fpmode=TDieee fpmode=TEundefined fpmode =oncgGCC gcno coverage (-ftest-coverage),xversion %c.x%c ="oncgGCC gcno coverage (-ftest-coverage),x#version %c.x$%c (big-endian) =)adcgGCC gcda coverage (-fprofile-arcs),x*version %c.x+%c =.adcgGCC gcda coverage (-fprofile-arcs),x/version %c.x0%c (big-endian) =1VwpCracklib password index, little endian>(%i words)=("64-bit")>	��������(%i words) =
1VwpCracklib password index, big endian>��������(%i words) =�������Bitcoin=(�������reverse blockx	, size %uxblockx, size %u=
��� x, BIP9 0x%x!��� x, version 0x%xxL, %s UTC<X�, txcount %u=X�x
Y, txcount %u=X�xY, txcount %u=X�xY, txcount %lludat =	�������Common Trace Format (CTF) trace data (LE) =
�������Common Trace Format (CTF) trace data (BE) =
W�uCommon Trace Format (CTF) packetized metadata (LE)x#, v%dx$.%d =W�uCommon Trace Format (CTF) packetized metadata (BE)x#, v%dx$.%d =ACMPMap file for the AssaultCube FPS game =CUBEMap file for cube and cube2 engine games =�TCDDACT compressed data>��������(version %i.>��������$BS%i.>	��������$BS%i)>
$BS, original size: %i bytes>$BS, block size: %i bytes =͚WGNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, big endian, 32-bitapplication/x-gdbm =ΚWGNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, big endian, oldapplication/x-gdbm =ϚWGNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, big endian, 64-bitapplication/x-gdbm =͚WGNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, little endian, 32-bitapplication/x-gdbm =ΚWGNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, little endian, oldapplication/x-gdbm =ϚWGNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, little endian, 64-bitapplication/x-gdbm =GDBMGNU dbm 2.x databaseapplication/x-gdbm =#aBerkeley DBapplication/x-dbm=%�>&1.86<'1.85>((Hash, version %d, native byte-order)=)�>*1.86<+1.85>,(Hash, version %d, little-endian) =.aBerkeley DB=/�>01.86<11.85>2(Hash, version %d, big-endian)=3�>41.86<51.85>6(Hash, version %d, native byte-order) =8b1Berkeley DB 1.85/1.86>9(Btree, version %d, native byte-order) =:b1Berkeley DB 1.85/1.86>;(Btree, version %d, big-endian) =<b1Berkeley DB 1.85/1.86>=(Btree, version %d, little-endian) =?aBerkeley DB>@(Hash, version %d, native byte-order) =AaBerkeley DB>B(Hash, version %d, big-endian) =CaBerkeley DB>D(Hash, version %d, little-endian) =Fb1Berkeley DB>G(Btree, version %d, native byte-order) =Hb1Berkeley DB>I(Btree, version %d, big-endian) =Jb1Berkeley DB>K(Btree, version %d, little-endian) =MS"Berkeley DB>N(Queue, version %d, native byte-order) =OS"Berkeley DB>P(Queue, version %d, big-endian) =QS"Berkeley DB>R(Queue, version %d, little-endian) =U�	Berkeley DB>V(Log, version %d, native byte-order) =W�	Berkeley DB>X(Log, version %d, big-endian) =Y�	Berkeley DB>Z(Log, version %d, little-endian) =_@RRDRRDTool DBx`@version %s!
b16bit aligned=%
c/%��C+[big-endianxd32bit long (m68k)=
f!g32bit aligned=%h/%��C+[big-endian=i64bit long!j32bit long=&k/%��C+[little-endian=l64bit long!m32bit long (i386)=nC+[/%��middle-endian!o32bit long (arm)=q64bit aligned=%r/%��C+[big-endian=s64bit long (s390x)!t32bit long (hppa/mips/ppc/s390/SPARC)=&u/%��C+[little-endian=v64bit long (alpha/amd64/ia64)!w32bit long (armel/mipsel) =���|�����SE Linux policyx�v%d=�MLSx�%d symbolsx�%d ocons =0FS21Zope Object Database File Storage v3 (data) =1FS30Zope Object Database File Storage v4 (data) =4ZEC3Zope Object Database Client Cache File (data) =7IDA1IDA (Interactive Disassembler) database =DBPFMaxis Database Packed Filex	, version: %u.x
%ux$, files: %u!, created: %s!
, modified: %sapplication/x-maxis-dbpfdbpf/package/dat/sc4 =O6srrdiff network-delta data =Q6srrdiff network-delta signature dataxR(block length=%d,xSsignature strength=%d) =2��X image =Al�new-fs dump file (big endian),=.Bnew-dump-be =Dk�old-fs dump file (big endian),=.Eold-dump-be =Lk�old-fs dump file (little endian),=.M^old-dump-be =PTnew-fs dump file (ufs2, big endian),=.Qufs2-dump-be =STnew-fs dump file (ufs2, little endian),=
.T^ufs2-dump-be =��EEBML file=d@B�x, creator %.8s =@CT T602 document data,=0Kamenicky=1CP 852=	2KOI8-CS>
2unknown encoding =	7Psion Series 5=
9font file=:printer driver=;clipboard=
Bmulti-bitmap imageimage/x-epoc-mbm=japplication information file=m=}Sketch imageimage/x-epoc-sketch=~voice note=Word fileapplication/x-epoc-word=�OPL program (TextEd)application/x-epoc-opl=�Comms settings=�Sheet fileapplication/x-epoc-sheet=�EasyFax initialisation file=sOPO moduleapplication/x-epoc-opo=tOPL applicationapplication/x-epoc-app= �exported multi-bitmap image=!m="�Comms names =$APsion Series 5 ROM multi-bitmap image =&PPsion Series 5='mdatabase=(�Agenda fileapplication/x-epoc-agenda=*�Data fileapplication/x-epoc-data=,�Jotter fileapplication/x-epoc-jotter=.�ini file =0yPsion Series 5 binary:=1DLL=2Icomms hardware library=3Jcomms protocol library=4]OPX=5lapplication=6�DLL=7�logical device driver=8�physical device driver=9�file transfer protocol=:�file transfer protocol=;@printer definition=<Aprinter definition =>zPsion Series 5 executable =
'ESRI Shapefile==	=
==x
version %dxlength %d= type Null Shape= type Point= type PolyLine= type Polygon= type MultiPoint= type PointZ= 
type PolyLineZ= type PolygonZ= type MultiPointZ= type PointM= type PolyLineM= type PolygonM= type MultiPointM= type MultiPatch =�����PC formatted floppy with no filesystem =�FATXFATX filesystem data =�6Netboot image,=��������=�mode 2=�mode 3!��������unknown mode =��OS/2OS/2 Boot Manager(=��|pxelinux loader (version 2.13 or older)(=�f�f`pxelinux loader(=���pxelinux loader (version 3.70 or newer)(=V������NTFSbin=.!ntfs-sector2(=V$��NTFSbin=.'ntfs-sector2 =\%PTUnix Fast File system [v1] (little-endian),=.Qffsv1 =\%STUnix Fast File system [v1] (big-endian),=TLBALApple UFS VolumexUnamed %s,xVvolume label version %d,x	Wcreated on %s,=.X^ffsv1 =\�n8 Unix Fast File system [v2ea] (little-endian)=.�offsv2 =\�qTUnix Fast File system [v2] (little-endian)=.�rffsv2 =\�t8 Unix Fast File system [v2ea] (little-endian)=.�u^ffsv2 =\�wTUnix Fast File system [v2] (big-endian)=.�x^ffsv2 =\z8 Unix Fast File system [v2ea] (little-endian)=.{ffsv2 =\}TUnix Fast File system [v2] (little-endian)=.~ffsv2 =\�8 Unix Fast File system [v2ea] (little-endian)=.�^ffsv2 =\�TUnix Fast File system [v2] (big-endian)=.�^ffsv2 =� ���F2FS filesystemxl�, UUID=%08xxp�-%04xxr�-%04xxt�-%04xxv�-%08xxz�%04xx|�, volume name "%s" =�A��SGI disk label (volume header) =�BSFXSGI XFS filesystem datax�(blksz %d,xh�inosz %d,^d v1 dirs)&d v2 dirs) ='�FAtari-ST Minix kernel image=	��	, 720k floppy=		��	, 360k floppy =�E=�(Linux Compressed ROM File System data, little endianx�size %u&�version #2&�sorted_dirs&�hole_supportx �CRC %#x,x$�edition %u,x(�%u blocks,x,�%u files =�E=�(Linux Compressed ROM File System data, big endianx�size %u&�version #2&�sorted_dirs&�hole_supportx �CRC %#x,x$�edition %u,x(�%u blocks,x,�%u files =�V'u-boot legacy uImage,x %s,=Invalid os/=OpenBSD/=NetBSD/=FreeBSD/=4.4BSD/=Linux/=SVR4/=Esix/=	Solaris/=
SCO/=Dell/=
LynxOS/=VxWorks/=pSOS/=QNX/=Firmware/=RTEMS/=ARTOS/=Unity OS/=INTEGRITY/=Invalid CPU,=Alpha,=ARM,=Intel x86,=IA64,=MIPS,=MIPS 64-bit,=PowerPC,=IBM S390,= 	SuperH,=!
Sparc,="Sparc 64-bit,=#M68K,=$
Nios-32,=%MicroBlaze,=&Nios-II,='Blackfin,=(AVR32,=)STMicroelectronics ST200,=*Sandbox architecture,=+ANDES Technology NDS32,=,OpenRISC 1000,=-ARM 64-bit,=.DesignWare ARC,=/x86_64,=0Xtensa,=1RISC-V,=2Invalid Image=3Standalone Program=4OS Kernel Image=5RAMDisk Image=6Multi-File Image=7Firmware Image=8Script File=9Filesystem Image (any type)=:Binary Flat Device Tree BLOB=;(Not compressed),=<(gzip),==(bzip2),=>(lzma),x?%d bytes,x	@%s,xALoad Address: %#08X,xBEntry Point: %#08X,xCHeader CRC: %#08X,xDData CRC: %#08X =msqshSquashfs filesystem, big endian,=.nsquashfs =phsqsSquashfs filesystem, little endian,=	.q^squashfs =	DISODelta ISO data,x	version %d =	bLFS filesystem image=	version 1,x	 blocks %u,x	 blocks per segment %u,=	version 2,x	 fragments %u,x	 bytes per segment %u,x	 disk blocks %u,x 	 block size %u,x!	 fragment size %u,x"	 fragments per block %u,x #	 start for free list %u,x$$	 number of free blocks %d,x(%	 number of files %u,x,&	 blocks available for writing %d,x0'	 inodes in cache %d,x4(	 inode file disk address %#x,x8)	 inode file inode number %u,x<*	 address of last segment written %#x,x@+	 address of next segment to write %#x,xD,	 address of current segment written %#x =
��SCO UnixWare BFS filesystem = 
1SFBBE/OS BFS1 filesystemx$
, byte order %dx(
, block size %dx,
, block shift %dx0
, total blocks %lldx8
, used blocks %lld =
NeXTNeXT version 1 disklabel=.
next =
dlV1NeXT version 2 disklabel=.
next = 
dlV2NeXT version 3 disklabel=.!
next =E
�����EROFS filesystem>G
, compat:&H
, blocksize=%ux
, exslots=%ux10S
, uuid=%s>@T
0, name=%s>PU
, incompat:&PV
ZTAILPACKING =% POWER Secure Boot Container,x&version %ux'container size %llu=+�7zXZXZ compressed =,��POWER boot firmware=-0 H(PHYP entry point) =6FLVMacromedia Flash Videovideo/x-flv =FLIFFLIF<Himage datax	, %ux
x%u=1, 8-bit/color,=2, 16-bit/color,=
1, grayscale, non-interlaced=3, RGB, non-interlaced=4, RGBA, non-interlaced=A, grayscale=C, RGB, interlaced=D, RGBA, interlaced>H, animation data<�, %i framesx, %ux	x%u=1, 8-bit/color=2, 16-bit/color=�x, %i frames,x	, %uxx%u=1, 8-bit/color=2, 16-bit/color=Q, grayscale, non-interlaced= S, RGB, non-interlaced=!T, RGBA, non-interlaced="a, grayscale=#c, RGB, interlaced=$d, RGBA, interlaced =�fcpX11 Portable Compiled Font data,^�bit: LSB,&�bit: MSB,^�byte: LSB first&�byte: MSB first =�YlibGrx font data,x

�%dx(�%s =�NOF�����DOS code page font data collectionfont/x-dos-cpicpi =�AGEDOS code page font data =�DIVDOS code page font data (from Linux?) =�PFR1Portable Font Resource font data (new)>f�0: %s =�PFR0Portable Font Resource font data (old)>�version %d =�OTTOOpenType font dataapplication/vnd.ms-opentype =�wOFFWeb Open Font Formatfont/woff=.�woffx�, version %dx�.%d =�wOF2Web Open Font Format (Version 2)font/woff2woff2=.�woffx�, version %dx�.%d =. HPowerPC OpenFirmware FORTH Dictionary,x/Text length: %d bytes,x0Data length: %d bytes,x1BSS length: %d bytes,x2Symbol Table length: %d bytes,x3Entry Point: %#08X,x4Text Relocation Table length: %d bytes,x5Data Relocation Table length: %d bytes =7MIPS OpenFirmware FORTH Dictionary,x8Text length: %d bytes,x9Data length: %d bytes,x:BSS length: %d bytes,x;Symbol Table length: %d bytes,x<Entry Point: %#08X,x=Text Relocation Table length: %d bytes,x>Data Relocation Table length: %d bytes =L XcForth 32-bit Dictionary,xMSerial: %#08X,xNDictionary Start: %#08X,xODictionary Size: %d bytes,xPUser Area Start: %#08X,xQUser Area Size: %d bytes,xREntry Point: %#08X =/<MMLFrameMaker MML fileapplication/x-mif =M����FreeBSD/i386<N&O����������������shared library=P��������@PIC object=Q��������object>R�=S����������������dynamically linked executable=T��������executable>Unot stripped =W����FreeBSD/i386 pure<X&Y����������������shared library=Z��������@PIC object=[��������object>\�=]����������������dynamically linked executable=^��������executable>_not stripped =a����FreeBSD/i386 demand paged<b&c����������������shared library=d��������@PIC object=e��������object>f�=g����������������dynamically linked executable=h��������executable>inot stripped =k�����FreeBSD/i386 compact demand paged<l&m����������������shared library=n��������@PIC object=o��������object>p�=q����������������dynamically linked executable=r��������executable>snot stripped =�iHDLld.so hints file (Little Endian>�, version %d)<�) =�iHDLld.so hints file (Big Endian>�, version %d)<�) =IDP2Quake II 3D Model file,x	%u skin(s),x
(%u xx%u),x(%u frame(s),x
Frame size %u bytes,x%u vertices/frame,x%u texture coordinates,x %u triangles/frame =IBSPQuake=&II Map file (BSP)=.III Map file (BSP) =IDS2Quake II SP2 sprite file =�IWADdoom main IWAD datax�containing %d lumps =�PWADdoom patch PWAD datax�containing %d lumps =�HM3WWarcraft III map file =4��*�����Unreal Engine package (little-endian)xxx/tfc/upk/me1/u!
6, version %u!
.8upk_header =:��*�����Unreal Engine package (big-endian)xxx/tfc!<, version %u!=/%03u=.>^upk_header =�CIV6Sid Meier's Civilization VI saved game =��f�Syzygy DTZ tablebaseapplication/syzygy =�q�#]Syzygy WDL tablebaseapplication/syzygy(=�KGTA1 map layout (CMP),=�Level 1=�Level 2=�Level 3 =�GBMPGTA2/GBH map layout (GMP),x
�version %d(=�"GTA1 style data (GRX), 8 bit editor graphics(=�EGTA1 style data (GRY), 8 bit in-game graphics(=�PGTA1 style data (G24), 24 bit in-game graphics =�GBSTGTA2/GBH style data (STY), in-game graphics,x
�version %d(=�RenderWare data, v3.1.0.0, used in GTA III on PS2,=�texture archive (TXD)=�3D models (DFF)(=���RenderWare data, v3.1.0.1, used in GTA III on PC/PS2,=�texture archive (TXD)=�3D models (DFF)(=���RenderWare data, v3.2.0.0, used in GTA III on PC,=�texture archive (TXD)=�3D models (DFF)(=���RenderWare data, v3.3.0.0,=�texture archive (TXD)=�3D models (DFF)(=���RenderWare data, v3.3.0.2, used in GTA III PC and GTA VC PS2,=�texture archive (TXD)=�3D models (DFF)(=���RenderWare data, v3.4.0.0,=�texture archive (TXD)=�3D models (DFF)(=���RenderWare data, v3.4.0.3, used in GTA VC PC,=�texture archive (TXD)=3D models (DFF)(=��RenderWare data, v3.4.0.5, used in GTA III/VC on Android,=texture archive (TXD)=3D models (DFF)(=��RenderWare data, v3.5.0.0, used in GTA III/VC on Xbox,=texture archive (TXD)=3D models (DFF)(=��RenderWare data, v3.6.0.3, used in GTA SA,=texture archive (TXD)=	3D models (DFF) =@bnryGTA Item Placement data (IPL), used in GTA SA/IV,x%d items =TKEYGTA in-game text (GXT), version 2, used in GTA III = TABLGTA in-game text (GXT), version 3, used in GTA VC/LS/VCS =(VER2GTA archive (IMG), version 2, used in GTA SA,x)%d items(=0TRiGTA Drawable data (WDR), model and weapon data, used in GTA IV(=18RiGTA Windows Frag Type (WFT), vehicle models, used in GTA IV(=2�SiGTA Ped and LOD models (WDD), used in GTA IV(=3�SiGTA Windows Texture Dictionary (WTD), used in GTA IV =7TABLGTA in-game text (GXT),x
8version %d, used in GTA SA/IV =92GXTGTA in-game text (GXT2), used in GTA V(==SCR
GTA script (SCO), unencrypted, used in GTA IV,x>%d code bytes,x?%d static variables,x@%d global variables(=AscrGTA script (SCO), encrypted, used in GTA IVxB%d code bytes,xC%d static variables,xD%d global variables(=HR*N�GTA archive (IMG),xIversion %d, used in GTA IV,xJ%d items =gMTSMMinetest Schematicmtsxi, version %dxj, size [%dxk, %dx
l, %d] =gpchGCC precompiled headerx	(version %cx
%cx%c)=Cfor C=ofor Objective-C=+for C++=Ofor Objective-C++ =
$ gconv module configuration cache data =KEB Knudsen seismic KEL binary (KEB) -=
[-A-Z0-9]+Software: %s= V[0-9]+\.[0-9]+version %s =h$HSFXSE multibeam =vHDCSCaris multibeam sonar related data =�DSBBSurfer 6 binary grid filex
�, %dx
�x%dx&�, minx=%gx&�, maxx=%gx&�, miny=%gx& �, maxy=%gx&(�, minz=%gx&0�, maxz=%g =�LASFLIDAR point data records>�, version %u>�.%u>�, SYSID %s>:�, Generating Software %s =S�E����GEOS=(executable=(VMFile=(	binary=(
directory label<(unknown>(unknown>
, name "%s" =/GPATGIMP pattern data,x0%simage/x-gimp-patpat =9GIMPGIMP brush dataimage/x-gimp-gbrgbr = 	 glibc locale file LC_CTYPE =	 glibc locale file LC_NUMERIC =
 glibc locale file LC_TIME = glibc locale file LC_COLLATE = glibc locale file LC_MONETARY =
 glibc locale file LC_MESSAGES = glibc locale file LC_ALL = glibc locale file LC_PAPER = glibc locale file LC_NAME = glibc locale file LC_ADDRESS = glibc locale file LC_TELEPHONE = glibc locale file LC_MEASUREMENT = glibc locale file LC_IDENTIFICATION =$
������GStreamer binary registryx%, version %s =��GNU message catalog (little endian),xrevisionapplication/x-gettext-translationgmo/mox��%u.x��%ux, %u message> s=&��!', at %#x string table>)��!*0, at %#x string tablex$2, %u sysdep message>$3s	>O
xP�xR, %s	>T

x^'%s' =`��GNU message catalog (big endian),application/x-gettext-translationgmo/moxmrevision %d.>n%d,xo%d messages,x$p%d sysdep messages=q%d,xr%d messages =wgpgGPG key trust databasexxversion %d =
#Khronos SPIR-V binary, big-endianx, version %#08xx, generator %#08x =#Khronos SPIR-V binary, little-endianx, version %#08xx, generator %#08x =0
TML 0123 byte-order format =1
TML 1032 byte-order format =2
TML 2301 byte-order format =3
TML 3210 byte-order format =5PA-RISC1.1 relocatable object =6PA-RISC1.1 executable&�7dynamically linked=�80�Ndynamically linked>`9- not stripped =;PA-RISC1.1 shared executable=�<dynamically linked=�=0�Ndynamically linked>`>- not stripped =@PA-RISC1.1 demand-load executable=�Adynamically linked=�B0�Ndynamically linked>`C- not stripped =EPA-RISC1.1 shared library>`F- not stripped =H
PA-RISC1.1 dynamic load library>`I- not stripped =LPA-RISC2.0 relocatable object =NPA-RISC2.0 executable&�Odynamically linked=�P0�Ndynamically linked>`Q- not stripped =SPA-RISC2.0 shared executable&�Tdynamically linked=�U0�Ndynamically linked>`V- not stripped =XPA-RISC2.0 demand-load executable&�Ydynamically linked=�Z0�Ndynamically linked>`[- not stripped =]PA-RISC2.0 shared library>`^- not stripped =`
PA-RISC2.0 dynamic load library>`a- not stripped =dPA-RISC1.0 relocatable object =fPA-RISC1.0 executable=�gdynamically linked=�h0�Ndynamically linked>`i- not stripped =kPA-RISC1.0 shared executable=�ldynamically linked=�m0�Ndynamically linked>`n- not stripped =pPA-RISC1.0 demand-load executable=�qdynamically linked=�r0�Ndynamically linked>`s- not stripped =uPA-RISC1.0 shared library>`v- not stripped =x
PA-RISC1.0 dynamic load library>`y- not stripped =|HP s500 relocatable executable>}- version %d =HP s500 executable>�- version %d =�HP s500 pure executable>�- version %d =�HP s200 pure executable>�- version %d&������save fp regs&�@dynamically linked&� debuggable>$�not stripped =�HP s200 executable>�- version %d&������save fp regs&�@dynamically linked&� debuggable>$�not stripped =�HP s200 demand-load executable>�- version %d&������save fp regs&�@dynamically linked&� debuggable>$�not stripped =�HP s200 relocatable executable>�- version %d>�- highwater %d&������save fp regs&� debuggable&�PIC =�
HP s200 (2.x release) pure executable>�- version %d>$�not stripped =�
HP s200 (2.x release) executable>�- version %d>$�not stripped =�HP s200 shared library>�- version %d>�- highwater %d>$�not stripped =�
HP s200 dynamic load library>�- version %d>�- highwater %d>$�not stripped =�e�HP old archive =�e�
HP s200 old archive =�e�HP s200 old archive =�e�HP s500 old archive =��!XHP core file =���MHP-WINDOWS font>�- version %d =�compiled Lisp =�HPHPHP=�4848 binary=�4949 binary>�@- Rev %c=
��.(XLIB) =�AIX compiled message catalog =�k	AIX backup/restore format file =�o	AIX backup/restore format file =
FORMIFF data=AIFF, AIFF audioaudio/x-aiff=AIFC, AIFF-C compressed audioaudio/x-aiff=8SVX, 8SVX 8-bit sampled sound voiceaudio/x-aiff=16SV, 16SV 16-bit sampled sound voice=SAMP, SAMP sampled audio=MAUD, MAUD MacroSystem audio=SMUS, SMUS simple music=CMUS, CMUS complex music=ILBMBMHD, ILBM interleaved imagex, %d xx%d=RGBN, RGBN 12-bit RGB image= RGB8, RGB8 24-bit RGB image=!DEEP, DEEP TVPaint/XiPaint image="DR2D, DR2D 2-D object=#TDDD, TDDD 3-D rendering=$LWOB, LWOB 3-D object=%LWO2, LWO2 3-D object, v2=&LWLO, LWLO 3-D layered object='REAL, REAL Real3D rendering=(MC4D, MC4D MaxonCinema4D rendering=)ANIM, ANIM animation=*YAFA, YAFA animation=+SSA , SSA super smooth animation=,FANT, Fantavision animation=-ACBM, ACBM continuous image=.FAXX, FAXX fax image=/STFX, ST-Fax image=0IMAGIHDR, CD-i image=2FTXT, FTXT formatted text=3CTLG, CTLG message catalog=4PREF, PREF preferences=5DTYP, DTYP datatype description=6PTCH, PTCH binary patch=7AMFF, AMFF AmigaMetaFile format=8WZRD, WZRD StormWIZARD resource=9DOC , DOC desktop publishing document=:SWRT, SWRT Final Copy/Writer document=;WORD, ProWrite document=<WTXT, WTXT Wordworth document==WOWO, WOWO Wordworth document=>WVQA, Westwood Studios VQA Multimedia,x
?%d video frames,x
@%d xx
A%d=BMOVE, Wing Commander III Video=C_PC_, PC version=D3DO_, 3DO version=MIFRS, Blorb Interactive Fiction=NExecwith executable chunk=OIFZS, Z-machine or Glulx saved game file (Quetzal)application/x-blorb =.MDAMicroDesign data=0version 2=3version 3 =	.MDPMicroDesign page data=
0version 2=3version 3 =IIN1NIFF image dataimage/x-niff =�MM+Big TIFF image data, big-endianimage/tiff =�II+Big TIFF image data, little-endianimage/tiff =%�@�CMU window manager raster image data>&%d x>'%d,>(%d-bit =Q$�BArtisan image data=R, rectangular 24-bit=S, rectangular 8-bit with colormap=T, rectangular 32-bit (24-bit with matte) ={FIGDeskMate Drawingimage/x-deskmate-figfig =�GKSMGKS Metafile=�SunGKS, SunGKS =�Sfffstructured fax file(=�j�YSun raster image data>, %d x>%d,>%d-bit,=old format,=compressed,=RGB,=	TIFF,=
IFF,=��reserved for testing,=no colormap=
RGB colormap=raw colormap ="IT01FIT image datax#, %d xx$%d xx%%d ='IT02FIT image datax(, %d xx)%d xx*%d =�LDICMDICOM medical imaging dataapplication/dicomdcm/dicom/dic =�PDS_PDS image data =�pM85Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (hor)=�(white background)=��(black background) =�pM86Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (vert)=�(white background)=��(black background) =�NITFNational Imagery Transmission Format>�dated %.14s(=���GEM Metafile datax
�version %d =KiSSKISS/GS=colorx%d bitx
%d colorsx

%d groups= cellx%d bitx
%d xx

!+%d =OfSqueak image data(=i�h�:DCX multi-pageimage/x-dcxdcxxo, at %#x x)p(={�*_�Cineon image data>�|, %d x>�}%d =�MRMMinolta Dimage camera raw image data(=�v/1OpenEXR image data,image/x-exrx��version %d,^�storage: scanline&�storage: tiled=�compression, compression:
=�	dwab
>�	unknown=�dataWindow, dataWindow:
x�%d)=�displayWindow, displayWindow:
�lineOrder, lineOrder:
=�increasing y
=�decreasing y
=�random y
>�unknown =�SDPXDPX image data, big-endian,image/x-dpx=.�dpx_info =�XPDSDPX image data, little-endian,image/x-dpx=	.�^dpx_info(=	��Common Data Format (Version 3 or later) dataapplication/x-cdf(=	`��Common Data Format (Version 2.6 or 2.7) dataapplication/x-cdf(=	��Common Data Format (Version 2.5 or earlier) dataapplication/x-cdf(=	Hierarchical Data Format (version 4) dataapplication/x-hdfhdf/hdf4/h4 =:	CPC�Cartesian Perceptual Compression imageimage/x-cpicpi/cpc =F	C565OLPC firmware icon image datax
G	%u xx
H	%u =L	���Cytovision Metaphases file =M	��Cytovision Karyotype file =N	Cytovision FISH Probe file =O	�ھCytovision FLEX file =P	��Cytovision FLEX file =Q	���Cytovision RATS file =_	@PCO-PCO B16 image datax`	, %dxxa	%d=b	, short header=c	��������, extended header=d	, grayscale=$e	linear LUT=$f	logarithmic LUTxg	[%dx h	,%d]=i	, color=@j	linear LUT=@k	logarithmic LUTx(l	r[%dx,m	,%d]x0n	g[%dx4o	,%d]x8p	b[%dx<q	,%d] =�	XcurX11 cursor =�	MMOROlympus ORF raw image data, big-endianimage/x-olympus-orf =�	IIROOlympus ORF raw image data, little-endianimage/x-olympus-orf =�	IIRSOlympus ORF raw image data, little-endianimage/x-olympus-orf =
FOVbFoveon X3F raw image dataimage/x-x3fx

, version %d.x

, %dxx 
%d =
PDN3Paint.NET image dataimage/x-paintnet =$
FMRISO/IEC 19794-2 Format Minutiae Record (FMR) =^
BPG�BPG (Better Portable Graphics)image/bpg =c
icnsMac OS X iconimage/x-icns????icnsicns>g
, %d bytesxk
, "%4.4s" type(=�
`�MDEC video stream,x
%d =2GVRTSega GVR image:=.3sega-gvr-image-header =^ARRIARRI ARI image data,=_4Vxlittle-endian,=`xV4big-endian,xaversion %d,xb%dxxc%d =�
VTFValve Texture Formatx�
, %u>
x %u=�
x %u>
, %u framesx8�
, mipmaps: %u>4�
vtf-image-format =�
VTF3Valve Texture Format (PS3)x�
, %ux�
 x %u= , DXT1=  , DXT5(=��\ASTCx	%ux
x%u>x%ux���texture, %ux
���x %u>
���x %u =DanMicrosoft Paint image data (version 1.x)x
x %d) = LinSMicrosoft Paint image data (version 2.0)x
"x %d) =tPVRPowerVR 3.0 texture:xu%u xxv%u> wx %uxx,=y=.zpvr3-pixel-format!{!|%c!}%u!	~%c!
�%c!�%u!�%c!�%u=�, sRGB=�, premultiplied alpha =�RVPPowerVR 3.0 texture: BE,x�%u xx�%u> �x %ux�,=�=.�pvr3-pixel-format!�!�%c!�%u!
�%c!�%u!	�%c!
�%u!�%c!�%u=�, sRGB=�, premultiplied alpha =�XPR0Microsoft Xbox XPR0 texturex�, format:=.�xbox-xpr-pixel-format =�ILDAILDA Image Data Transfer Format=�3D Coordinates with Indexed Color=�2D Coordinates with Indexed Color=�Color Palette=�3D Coordinates with True Color=�2D Coordinates with True Color>�0, palette %s>�0, company %s>�, number of records %dx�, palette number %d>�, number of frames %d>�, projector number %d(=���Z��Lepton image filex�(version %d) =�qktkApple QuickTake 100 Raw Image=	.quicktake(=d����eLWCorel Draw Pictureapplication/vnd.corel-drawcdr=le, version 1.0=qm, version 2.0(=zJxHCrunch compressed texture:x{%u xx|%u=}, DXT1=~, DXT3=, DXT5=�, DXT5 CCxY=�, DXT5 xGxR=�, DXT5 xGBR=�, DXT5 AGBR=�, DXn XY=�, DXn YX=�	, DXT5 Alpha=�
, ETC1>�, %u images>�, %u faces =�qoifQOI image dataimage/x-qoiqoix�%uxx�%u,=
�s=�RGB=�RGBAx�x�*bad channels %u*=
�(linear alpha)=
�=�RGB=�RGBA=
�(all channels linear)x
�*bad colorspace %u* =GDSTGodot 3 texture:image/x-godot-stexstexx
"%u xx

(,!)�has mipmaps,=*lossless encoding=+  lossy encoding=,0=.-godot-pixel-format =6GST2Godot 4 textureimage/x-godot-stexstexx9v%u:x
(:%u xx
*;%u=.<godot-rescale-display-w=.=godot-rescale-display-hx
>,>,?%u mipmaps,=.0@godot-pixel-format=$A, embedded PNG image=$B, embedded WebP image=$C, Basis Universal =oRIX3ColoRIX Image=
.prix-header =rRIX7ColoRIX Slideshow =�Z��Intel serial flash for ICH/PCH ROM <= 5 or 3400 series A-step =�Z��Intel serial flash for PCH ROM =�OPSInterleaf saved data =:ISPLispellx;hash file version %d,x<lexletters %d,x=lexsize %d,x>hashsize %d,x?stblsize %d =IsZ!ISO Zipped filex, header size %ux, version %ux	, serial %u>, password protected =
�����Java KeyStoreapplication/x-java-keystore =�������Java JCE KeyStoreapplication/x-java-jce-keystore = MJJava jmod module version 1.0application/x-java-jmod =%������Java module image (big endian)>&, version %dx'.%dapplication/x-java-image =*������Java module image (little endian)>
+, version %dx
,.%dapplication/x-java-image =�������JPEG-LS image dataimage/jlsjls=.jpeg =nhsi1JPEG image data, HSI proprietaryimage/x-hsihsi/jpg =�Q�O�����JPEG 2000 codestreamimage/x-jp2-codestreamjpc/j2c/j2k =٢�����Keepass password database=e�K�����1.x KDB>0
, %d groups>4, %d entries=, SHA-256=, AES=, RC4=, Twofish>x, %d key transformation rounds=g�K�����2.x KDBX =,Kerberos Keytab file=.-keytab_entry =lectDEC SRC Virtual Paper Lectern file =dLinux/i386 impure executable (OMAGIC)=, stripped =dLinux/i386 pure executable (NMAGIC)=, stripped =dLinux/i386 demand-paged executable (ZMAGIC)=, stripped =�dLinux/i386 demand-paged executable (QMAGIC)=, stripped =Linux-8086 impure executable!not stripped = Linux-8086 executable!not stripped =!��Linux-8086 object file =#Minix-386 impure executable!$not stripped =% Minix-386 executable!&not stripped ='Minix-386 NSYM/GNU executable!(not stripped =1LILOLinux/i386 LILO boot/chain loader =��������Linux kernel=��Loadingversion 1.3.79 or older=��Loadingfrom prehistoric times =�MOOOUser-mode Linux COW file<�, version %d>�, backing file %s>�, version %d> �, backing file %s =��������Linux=��SKLEELKS Kernel!��SKLEstyle boot sector =$�(oLinux kernel ARM boot executable zImage!0�(little-endian)img/bin=0�(big-endian) =$�(oLinux kernel ARM boot executable zImage (big-endian) =8�ARMdLinux kernel ARM64 boot executable Image^�, little-endian&, big-endian&, 4K pages&, 16K pages&, 32K pages =�����������Linux-Dev86 executable, headerless=.>	, libc version %s =�������Linux-8086 executable!, unmapped zero page=
 , impure! !, A_EXEC!, A_PAL!, A_NSYM!, A_STAND!@, A_PURE!��������, A_TOVLY!, not stripped=%.>$, libc version %s =!=�SYSLINUX' LSS16 image dataimage/x-lss16x
$, width %dx
%, height %d ='OOOMUser-Mode-Linux's Copy-On-Write disk imagex(version %d =,��|�����SE Linux policyx-v%d=.MLSx/%d symbolsx0%d ocons =bSnApLVM Snapshot (CopyOnWrite store)!c- valid,=d- invalid,xeversion %d,xfchunk_size %d =i��|�����SE Linux policyxjv%d=kMLSxl%d symbolsxm%d ocons =	����locale archivex%d strings =�N+�����Linux Software RAIDxversion 1.2 (%d)=	.linuxraid =�N+�����Linux Software RAIDxversion 1.1 (%d)=	.linuxraid =*$1Eiproute2 routes dump =+"6Giproute2 addresses dump =0CVTCRIU image file v1.1 =1@YUCRIU service file =211XCRIU inventory =FҋvpCLISP memory image data =Gpv�����CLISP memory image data, other endian =J����MIT scheme (library?) =llvmLLVM byte-codes, uncompressed =CPCHLLVM Pre-compiled header file =�LLVM bitcode, wrapper=x86_64=i386=ppc=ppc64=arm =BC��LLVM IR bitcode =LuaLua bytecode,=#version 2.4=%version 2.5/3.0=1version 3.1=2version 3.2=@version 4.0=Pversion 5.0=Qversion 5.1=Rversion 5.2=Sversion 5.3=Tversion 5.4 =/SIT!StuffIt Archive (data)application/x-stuffitSIT!SIT!x2: %s =3SITDStuffIt Deluxe (data)x4: %s =�������SPSS Portable Filex(�%s =�$FL2SPSS System Filex�%s =�$FL3SPSS System Filex�%s =>��magic binary file for file(1) cmdapplication/x-filemgcxB(version %d) (little endian) =C��magic binary file for file(1) cmdapplication/x-filemgcxG(version %d) (big endian) =8x�>"Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF)application/vnd.ms-tneftnef/dat!@, 1st level %#2.2x!B�, 1st id %#8.8x=C�!E, TnefVersion length %x!G, version %#8.8x!
I, checksum %#4.4x!K, level %#2.2x=M�, OEM codepage=OxQ%u!"Sand %ux
&U(checksum %#x)!(W, level %u=)Y�, MessageAttributex
-^"%s" =iJAMJAM message area header file>
j(%d messages) =	.FITFIT Map data=
x#, unit id %dx', serial %ux+L�%, %sx
/, manufacturer %d=
/ (garmin)x
1, product %dx5, type %d=5 (Device)=5 (Settings)=5 (Sports/Cycling)=5 (Activity)=5 (Elevations)=5
 (Totals) =BKpGrGarmin update!
Ed, version %ux
Fd.%u=.Hgarmin-entry	x
J=.Kgarmin-entry	x
MxN=.Ogarmin-entryx
:UGARMIN BITMAP= image/x-garmin-exeexex)Xx:Z= application/x-garmin-rgnrgn=:^KpGrdx)_=:aPKx)b =[$Maple something=`EAn old revision=aRThe latest save =
HG10Mercurial changeset bundle=UN(uncompressed)=GZ(gzip compressed)=
BZ(bzip2 compressed) =�zMirage Assembler m.out executable =qMDMPMini DuMP crash reportapplication/x-dmpdmp/mdmp!w����, version %#4.4xxy, %d streams!{ , %#8.8x RVA!}, CheckSum %#8.8xx, %sx�, %#x type =ͫ������MLSSA datafile,x
algorithm %d,x
%d samples =MMDF mailbox =BRMD1raw modem data>C(%s />Dcompression type %#04x) =*�����`Atari ST M68K contiguous executablex+(txt=%d,x,dat=%d,x
-bss=%d,x.sym=%d) =/�����`Atari ST M68K non-contig executablex0(txt=%d,x1dat=%d,x
2bss=%d,x3sym=%d) =!PKMozilla archive omni.jaapplication/x-zipja =@ۥ-Microsoft WinWord 2.0 Documentapplication/msword = @ۥ-Microsoft WinWord 2.0 Documentapplication/msword =-s=x>zLotusapplication/vnd.lotus-1-2-3????L123=
�1-2-3 CoNFiguration, version 2.x (PGRAPH.CNF)cnf=
�1-2-3 CoNFiguration, version 2.4Jcnf=
�1-2-3 CoNFiguration, version 1-2.1cnf=
�Symphony CoNFigurationcnf=
�1-2-3 CoNFiguration, version 2.2cnf=
1-2-3 CoNFiguration, version 2.3-2.4cnf=
�1-2-3 CoNFiguration, version 3.xcnf=
�P1-2-3 CoNFiguration, version 4.xcnf=
�1-2-3 WorKSheet, version 1wks=
�Symphony WoRksheet, version 1.0wrk/wr1=
�1-2-3/Symphony worksheet, version 2wk1/wr1=
�1-2-3 WorKsheet, version 1.xJwj1=
�1-2-3 worksheet, version 2.4Jwj3=
��1-2-3 ForMaTting data, version 2.xfmt/fj3=
��1-2-3 FoRMatting data, version 2.0frmx�unknown worksheet or configurationcnfx
�, revision %#x=.�lotus-cells=.

�lotus-cells =�@	Windows metafile=.�wmf-head =�DCU1Borland Delphi .DCU file =�pkTurboC BGI file =�PKTurboC Font file =�PMCCWindows 3.x .GRP file(=*4DH4DOS help filex+, version %-4.4s =U@ISc(InstallShield Cabinet archive data=V�����`version 6,!W�����`version 4/5,x(X%u files =�MSVC .bsc =@KSCCKSS music file v1.03==, soundchips: AY-3-8910, SCC(+)=, soundchip(s): SN76489=stereo=, YM2413=, Y8950 =@KSSXKSS music file v1.20= ������=!@, 60Hz="@@, 50Hz=#, soundchips: AY-3-8910, SCC(+)=$, soundchips: SN76489=%stereo=&,='YM2413=(YM2413, Y8950=)YM2413+Y8950 pseudostereo=*, Majyutsushi DAC =RSRCNational Instruments,=LVLabVIEW File,=
SBCode Resource File, data=
INVirtual Instrument Program, data=
ARVI Library, data=LMNULBVWPortable File Names, data=rscResources File, data =VMAPNational Instruments, VXI File, data =9����a.out NetBSD/i386 demand paged=.:netbsd-4096 =<����a.out NetBSD/i386 pure=.=netbsd-pure =?����a.out NetBSD/i386=
.@netbsd-normal =B���G�a.out NetBSD/i386 core=.Cnetbsd-core =E����a.out NetBSD/m68k demand paged=.F^netbsd-8192 =H����a.out NetBSD/m68k pure=.I^netbsd-pure =K����a.out NetBSD/m68k=.L^netbsd-normal =N���G�a.out NetBSD/m68k core=.O^netbsd-core =Q����a.out NetBSD/m68k4k demand paged=.R^netbsd-4096 =T����a.out NetBSD/m68k4k pure=.U^netbsd-pure =W����a.out NetBSD/m68k4k=.X^netbsd-normal =Z���G�a.out NetBSD/m68k4k core=.[^netbsd-core =]����a.out NetBSD/ns32532 demand paged=.^netbsd-4096 =`����a.out NetBSD/ns32532 pure=.anetbsd-pure =c����a.out NetBSD/ns32532=
.dnetbsd-normal =f���G�a.out NetBSD/ns32532 core=.gnetbsd-core =i���G�a.out NetBSD/powerpc core=.jnetbsd-core =l����a.out NetBSD/SPARC demand paged=.m^netbsd-8192 =o����a.out NetBSD/SPARC pure=.p^netbsd-pure =r����a.out NetBSD/SPARC=.s^netbsd-normal =u���G�a.out NetBSD/SPARC core=.v^netbsd-core =x����a.out NetBSD/pmax demand paged=.ynetbsd-4096 ={����a.out NetBSD/pmax pure=.|^netbsd-pure =~����a.out NetBSD/pmax=
.netbsd-normal =����G�a.out NetBSD/pmax core=.�netbsd-core =�����a.out NetBSD/vax 1k demand paged=.�netbsd-4096 =�����a.out NetBSD/vax 1k pure=.�netbsd-pure =�����a.out NetBSD/vax 1k=
.�netbsd-normal =����G�a.out NetBSD/vax 1k core=.�netbsd-core =�����a.out NetBSD/vax 4k demand paged=.�netbsd-4096 =�����a.out NetBSD/vax 4k pure=.�netbsd-pure =�����a.out NetBSD/vax 4k=
.�netbsd-normal =����G�a.out NetBSD/vax 4k core=.�netbsd-core =��ECOFF NetBSD/alpha binary=

�not stripped=

�stripped =����G�a.out NetBSD/alpha core>�from '%s'! �(signal %d) =�����a.out NetBSD/mips demand paged=.�^netbsd-8192>�not stripped =�����a.out NetBSD/mips pure=.�netbsd-pure =�����a.out NetBSD/mips=
.�netbsd-normal =����G�a.out NetBSD/mips core=.�netbsd-core =�����a.out NetBSD/arm32 demand paged=.�netbsd-4096 =�����a.out NetBSD/arm32 pure=.�netbsd-pure =�����a.out NetBSD/arm32=
.�netbsd-normal =����G�a.out NetBSD/arm core=.�netbsd-core =���ʏNetBSD kernel core file=��, Unknown=��, sun 68010/68020=��, sun 68020=��d, 386 PC=���, i386 BSD=���, m68k BSD (8K pages)=���, m68k BSD (4K pages)=���, ns32532 BSD=���, SPARC/32 BSD=���, pmax BSD=���, vax BSD (1K pages)=���, alpha BSD=���, mips BSD (Big Endian)=���, arm6 BSD=���, m68k BSD (2K pages)=���, sh3 BSD=���, ppc BSD (Big Endian)=���, vax BSD (4K pages)=���, mips1 BSD=���, mips2 BSD=���, m88k BSD=���, parisc BSD=���, sh5/64 BSD=���, SPARC/64 BSD=���, amd64 BSD=���, sh5/32 BSD=���, ia64 BSD=���, aarch64 BSD=���, or1k BSD=���, Risk-V BSD=���, hp200 BSD=��,, hp300 BSD=��, hp800 HP-UX=��, hp200/hp300 HP-UX=������, CPU=������, DATA=������, STACKx
�, (headersize = %dx
�, segmentsize = %dx�, segments = %d) =
BINetscape Communicator address book =D)zNeWS bitmap font =	G)zNeWS font family =
P)zscalable OpenFont binary =Q)zencrypted scalable OpenFont binary =E+zX11/NeWS bitmap font =
H+zX11/NeWS font family =X
n+1NIfTI-1 neuroimaging data,image/x.niftinii=.
nifti1 =Xni1NIfTI-1 neuroimaging data header,image/x.niftihdr=.nifti1 =NPFFNItpicker Flow FilexV%d.x%dx		started: %sx	

stopped: %sxBytes: %uxBytes1: %ux
Flows: %uxPkts: %u =OLFOLF=invalid class=32-bit=64-bit=invalid os=OpenBSD=NetBSD=FreeBSD=4.4BSD=Linux=SVR4=esix=Solaris=	Irix=
SCO=Dell=NCR=invalid byte order= LSB=
!no file type,=
$shared object,=
'core file>8�(of '%s'>8)(signal %d),&
+no machine,=
,AT&T WE32100 - invalid byte order,=
-SPARC - invalid byte order,=
.Intel 80386,=
/Motorola 68000 - invalid byte order,=
0Motorola 88000 - invalid byte order,=
1Intel 80486,=
2Intel 80860,=
3MIPS R3000_BE - invalid byte order,=
4	Amdahl - invalid byte order,=
MIPS R3000_LE,=
6RS6000 - invalid byte order,=
7PA-RISC - invalid byte order,=
<&�������Alpha,==invalid version=>version 1=$?MathCoPro/FPU/MAU Required>@(%s)=AMSB=Bno file type,=Crelocatable,=Dexecutable,=Eshared object,=Fcore file,>8�Gof '%s'>8H(signal %d),&I�������processor-specific,=Jno machine,=KAT&T WE32100,=LSPARC,=MIntel 80386 - invalid byte order,=NMotorola 68000,=OMotorola 88000,=PIntel 80486 - invalid byte order,=QIntel 80860,=RMIPS R3000_BE,=S	Amdahl,=T
MIPS R3000_LE - invalid byte order,=URS6000,=VPA-RISC,=WnCUBE,=XVPP500,=YSPARC32PLUS,=ZPowerPC or cisco 4500,=[cisco 7500,=\cisco SVIP,=]cisco 7200,=^$cisco 12000,=_&�������Alpha,=`invalid version=aversion 1=$bMathCoPro/FPU/MAU Required =��~OpenFst binary FST datax
, fst type: %sx
, arc type: %sx	, version: %dx
, num states: %lld>, num arcs: %lld =
\QVOpenFst binary FAR data, far type: stlistx, version: %d =\�~OpenFst binary FAR data, far type: sttablex, version: %d =	$Oric tape,=
BASIC,=��������memory block,>autorun,x

"%.15s"(=��wWarpIN Installerapplication/x-os2-wpiwpix�, created by %sxF�, '%s'x��, URL %s =��OSF/Rose object =<�zTXTA GutenPalm zTXT e-book>�"%s"=N�xN�(v0.%02d)=N�xN�(v1.%02d)>N
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, Microsoft PCM>
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Sparc64=MIPSel=ARM=
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<svgSVG Scalable Vector Graphics imageimage/svg+xmlsvg = �JQDOS executablex
	!�'%s' =&�JQL plugin-ROM data,=
	(�named: %s =RTSSNetMon capture filex
- version %dx.%d=
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(Token Ring)=
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,H(Token Ring)=
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Scorpion ZS-256=�ZX Spectrum SE=�Timex Sinclair TS2068=�
Pentagon 512=�Pentagon 1024=�48k ZX Spectrum (NTSC)=�ZX Spectrum 12Ke=�(alternate timings) =+�������������MySQL ISAM index filex,Version %d =-�������������MySQL ISAM compressed data filex.Version %d =/�������������MySQL MyISAM index filex0Version %dx1, %d key partsx2, %d unique key partsx3, %d keysx4, %lld recordsx$5, %lld deleted records =6�������������MySQL MyISAM compressed data filex7Version %d =8�������	������MySQL Maria index filex9Version %d =:�������
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, compressed =TX��Ultrix core file>Xfrom '%s' =gmonGNU prof performance datax- version %d = �HRBHarbour HRB filex
!version %d =#�HBVHarbour variable dump filex
$version %d =,~�ST40 component image format>-, name '%s' =o�VAX single precision APL workspace =n�VAX double precision APL workspace =
a.out VAX demand paged (first page unmapped) pure executable>not stripped =�@COWDVMWare3=�disk imagex �(%d/x$�%d/x(�%d)=�undoable disk image> �(%s) =�@VMDKVMware4 disk image =�@KDMVVMware4 disk image =�@QFI�QEMU QCOW Imageapplication/x-qemu-diskx�(v%d)>�, has backing file (>�path %s>	�, mtime %s)x�)x�, %lld bytes=$�, AES-encrypted=�(v2)>, has backing file>	(path %s)x
, %lld bytes= , AES-encrypted=
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MS Outlook Nickfileapplication/x-ms-nickfilenk2/dat/bakxK, probably version %uxM.%uxO, %u itemsxQ, %u entriesx
S, value type %#4.4xx
U, entry type %#4.4x=
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�"%s"=�!SRCDIR, variable names:�x
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version %#02xx, created %s<

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, source: "%s"<����x
, target_ns: "%s" =
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eLarge Text&
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	version %d,=

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#! /usr/bin/env pythonPython script text executabletext/x-script.python@=+#! /usr/local/bin/rubyRuby script text executabletext/x-ruby@=+#! /usr/bin/env rubyRuby script text executabletext/x-ruby@=+�\setuppagenumbering[ConTeXt document text@=+#!/usr/bin/env rubyRuby script text executabletext/x-ruby@=+` #import=a^#import[[:space:]]+["<]Objective-C source texttext/x-objective-c@=+�#! /usr/bin/pythonPython script text executabletext/x-script.python@=+v\setupinteraction[ConTeXt document text@=+�\setupfootertexts[ConTeXt document text@= 	


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Applesauce A2R 1.x Disk Image=2�

Applesauce A2R 2.x Disk Image=3�

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Apple ][ WOZ 1.0 Disk Image='2�

Apple ][ WOZ 2.0 Disk Image=(INFO=), 5.25 inch=*, 3.5 inch=+, write protected=,, cross track synchronizedx- , %.32s =���'=�KWAJMS Compress archive data, KWAJ variantapplication/x-ms-compress-kwaj??_x
�, %u methodx

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�, %#x flags&
�x�, original size: %u bytes&
�x�, %-.8s&
�x�, %-.8sx�.%-.3s&
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5, original size: %u bytes =I��'=JSZ MS Compress archive data, QBasic variantapplication/x-ms-compress-sz??$>M, original size: %u bytes =�RNC=�PRO-PACK archive data (compression 1)=�PRO-PACK archive data (compression 2) =

MonoGame/XNA processed assetsxnb=
w, for Windows=
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i, for iOS=
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d, for DesktopGL=
X, for MacOSX=
W, for WindowsStoreApp=
n, for NativeClient=
M, for WindowsPhone8=
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5, for PlayStation5=
O, for XboxOne=
S, for Nintendo Switch=
G, for Google Stadia=
b, for WebAssembly and Bridge.NET=
m, for WindowsPhone7.0 (XNA)=
p, for PlayStationMobile=
v, for PSVita=
g, for Windows (OpenGL)= 
l, for Linuxx!
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@, LZ4 compressedx
, decompressed size: %d bytes =�HVL<�Hively Tracker Song=�v1 module data=�v2 module datax�TRK: %ux
�TRL: %ux�SMP: %ux
�SS: %u=�CHN: 4>�CHN: 4+%ux�Title: "%.128s" =�GDM=���������General Digital Music.>�title: "%s">$�musician: "%s"=D�

=F�=G�GMFSVersionxK�%d.xL�%02d=M�(2GDM vxO�%d.xP�%d) =�MO3<�MOdule with MP3=�Version	0	(With MP3 and lossless)=�Version	1	(With ogg and lossless)=�Version 2.2=�(With no LAME header)=�Version 2.4 =�AON=�"ArtOfNoiseby Bastian Spiegel(twice/lego)"=.�NAMEArt of Noise Tracker Song<�9=�4(4 voices)=�8(8 voices)>6�Title: "%s" =�FAR=,�
=.�=���������Farandole Tracker Songx1�Version %d.x1�%02d>�, title: "%s" =PSF==
====!="=#=A=PSFPortable Sound Formataudio/x-psf=(Sony PlayStation)=(Sony PlayStation 2)=(Sega Saturn)=(Sega Dreamcast)=(Sega Mega Drive)=!(Nintendo 64)="(Game Boy Advance)=#(Super NES)=A(Capcom QSound) =4�=6@�=	@8@@_�I_�==	:@_� _�x;RAP 1.%d Batch (TD.32, Returned Account Procedure),x<TAP 3.%d =?�=A@_�DRAP Acknowledgement (TD.32, Returned Account Procedure)@
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gentoo-manifest =�HP3=�8HP 38=�9HP 39=�Binbinary=�AscASCII=�A(Directory List)=�B(Zaplet)=�C(Note)=�D(Program)=E(Variable)=F(List)=G(Matrix)=H(Library)=I(Target List)=J(ASCII Vector specification)=K(wildcard) =
HP3=8HP 38=9HP 39=
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k, %dxx

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7�, unused %ux
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Yanagisawa PIC image file,
=model: X68000,
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=model: Generic,
=colors: 16
=colors: 256
=colors: 4096
=colors: 32768
=colors: 65536
>colors: %d-bit =�LZXLZX compressed archive (Amiga) =uSMKRAD Game Tools Smacker Multimediaxvversion %c,xw%d xxx%d,xy%d frames =ObjApache Avroxversion %d =ORCApache ORC =RCFApache Hive RC filexversion %d =
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�TRL: %ux�SMP: %ux
�SS: %ux�Title: "%.128s" =�AMFAMF Module>�Title: "%s" =,RRoRAMUSIC Adlib Tracker =TJCHEdLib =aDFMDFM Song =�MP+Musepack audio (MP+)audio/x-musepack=���������, SV pre8=�, SV 6=�, SV 8=�, SV 7=������.0=������.1=�����������.15=
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(negative integer)<`>?(byte string)<
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2	%d sectors,x
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��'%s'=�!�", 2nd command %#4.4x (short even)=�!�", 2nd command %#4.4x (short odd)=�!��, partition flag %#4.4xx��, parameter length %u (long)x
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"Device independent bitmap graphicimage/x-ms-bmp????BMPpdibx&, %d xx'%d xx
(%d>-, %u compressionx/, image size %u>1, resolution %d xx2%d px/m>$6, %u important colors =ZBM=\�=]=
.lbitmap-bmp =-IC=/��OS/2 iconimage/x-os2-icoicox5, cbSize %ux
7, hotspot %uxx
:, bits offset %u =>CI<@AOS/2image/x-os2-icoico=E1.x color iconx
G%u xx
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[%ux], cbSize %ux
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degas-bitmap�=2B}=.degas-bitmap�=2�}=.degas-bitmap�=2"�=.degas-bitmap =!�=2!"}=.#degas-bitmap�=2%B}=.'degas-bitmap =)=+�=.=.0degas-bitmap!2	x5
!:���=<�=>�=.@degas-bitmap
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SGrayscale,=
TJPEG Compressed,=
Vversion %d,xW%d frames,x0X%dxx4Y%d(=
�v%x compressed texture:=�ETC1S=�UASTC 4x4>����, %u slices>����, %u images=
�, Y-flipped =
'L=.)display-coff =
/>3=.4display-coff&
6=.7display-coff =
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P�>Q�=(S����>UxV�v8 bytecode, external reference table size: %u bytes,=Wx�K�version,=X��version 5.5.372.43,xYsource size: %u bytes,xZcpu features: %#08X,x[flag hash: %#08X,x\%u reservations,x]payload size: %u bytes,x ^checksum1: %#08X,x$_checksum2: %#08X=axb�v8 bytecode, external reference table size: %u bytes,=c���Tversion 6.2.414.46,=d��}version 6.2.414.54,=e.�5version 6.2.414.77,=f��version 6.2.414.78,=g`$�version 6.6.346.32,=h`pu+version,=i�G�	version,=j����version,=k&��version,xlsource size: %u bytes,xmcpu features: %#08X,xnflag hash: %#08X,xo%u reservations,xppayload size: %u bytes,x qchecksum1: %#08X,x$rchecksum2: %#08X= t����>vxw�v8 bytecode, external reference table size: %u bytes,=x'��!version,=y���version,=z���`version,={�^fOversion 7.6.303.29,=|���version,=}�dversion,=~.O��version,=$S�:version,=���R�version 7.9.317.25,x�source size: %u bytes,x�flag hash: %#08X,x�%u reservations,x�payload size: %u bytes,x�checksum1: %#08X,x�checksum2: %#08X=�x��v8 bytecode, external reference table size: %u bytes,=���%�version 8.1.307.30,=���	version 8.1.307.31,=���r�version,=�0]\�version 8.4.371.23,=��'��version 8.4.371.19,=�B�{�version 8.6.395.16,x�source size: %u bytes,x�flag hash: %#08X,x�%u reservations,x�payload size: %u bytes,x�payload checksum: %#08X= �x��v8 bytecode, external reference table size: %u bytes,=�o�version,=�]'version,=��u�Nversion,=�y���version,=�eo�Uversion,=��u��version,=����version 9.3.345.16,=�7Y)version,=�%��version,=��dݬversion,=��Lk�version,=�xEμversion,=�w��version,=�5�version,=���version,=�R#c�version,x�source size: %u bytes,x�flag hash: %#08X,x�payload size: %u bytes,x�payload checksum: %#08X =
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(=+%^(defun|defvar|defconst|defmacro|setq|fset)Emacs v18 byte-compiled Lisp dataapplication/x-elcEMAxTEXTelc=,^(put|provide|require|random)Emacs v18 byte-compiled Lisp dataapplication/x-elcEMAxTEXTelc@=#! /usr/local/bin/luaLua script text executabletext/x-lua =�DB=�<$�Macintosh HFS dataapplication/x-apple-diskimage????devihfs/dmg=�KL(bootable)&
�(spared blocks)&
�(unclean)=|�+H(Embedded HFS+ Volume)x�block size: %d,x�number of blocks: %d,x
$��volume name: %s =
.&garmin-map =
45==(^[0-9]{5})[acdnp][^bhlnqsu-z]MARC21 Bibliographicapplication/marc=(^[0-9]{5})[acdnosx][z]MARC21 Authorityapplication/marc=(^[0-9]{5})[cdn][uvxy]MARC21 Holdingsapplication/marc=(^[0-9]{5})[acdn][w]MARC21 Classificationapplication/marc=(^[0-9]{5})[cdn][q]MARC21 Communityapplication/marc=(^.{21})([^0]{2})(non-conforming)application/marc(=
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�iHDreamWorldx�i !"T.!$�c��t�]�!2'"}raw G3 (Group 3) FAX, byte-paddedimage/g3faxg3 =.=0	x2!z4����raw G3 (Group 3) FAXimage/g3faxg3 =
VBrooktrout 301 fax image,x
	W%d xx
Y�, fine resolution=
Zd, normal resolution=[, G3 compression=\, G32D compression =5@MZ<
m@=<qNEWindows Icons Library 16-bitimage/x-ms-iclicl=<uLX=
.<vlx-executable=<yPEx<|MS-DOS executable, MZ for MS-DOSapplication/x-dosexecexe/com/vlm/drv=<�PEPEapplication/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable=
<�32 executable=
<�32+ executable=
<�ROM imagex<�Unknown PE signaturex
<� (DLL)=
<�Microsoft compiled help format 2.0)hxs!
<�Control Panel Item)cpl=
<� (native)dll/sys=
<� (native)exe/sys=
<� (GUI)dll/cpl/tlb/ocx/acm/ax/ime=
<� (GUI)exe/scr=
<� (console)dll/cpl/tlb/ocx/acm/ax/ime=
<� (console)exe/com=
<\�(Unknown subsystem 4)=
<\�(Unknown subsystem 6)=
<� )dll=
<� )exe=
<\�	(Windows CE>
<� )dll=
<� )exe=
(EFI application)efi=
<\�(EFI boot service driver)efi=
<\�(EFI runtime driver)efi=
(EFI ROM)efi=
<\�(Unknown subsystem 15)=
<\�(Windows boot application>
<� )dll=
<� )efi/exe>
<\(Unknown subsystemx
<LIntel 80386=
<fMIPS R4000=
<	hMIPS R10000=
<�Hitachi SH3=
<�Hitachi SH3 DSP=
�Hitachi SH5=
<iMIPS WCE v2=
<�Hitachi SH4=
<�ARM Thumb=
<�ARMv7 Thumb=
<�Matsushita AM33=
<�PowerPC with FPU=
<�PowerPC (big-endian)=
<Intel Itanium=
<hMotorola 68000=
<fMIPS16 with FPU=
<�EFI byte code=
<2PRISC-V 32-bit=
<dPRISC-V 64-bit=
< (QRISC-V 128-bit=
<!2bLoongArch 32-bit=
<"dbLoongArch 64-bit=
<#A�������Mitsubishi M32R=
<&������MSILx<(Unknown processor typex
<*(stripped to external PDB)>
<+system file=
<,><�-Mono/.Net assembly=
<.><�/Mono/.Net assembly=
332STUB, 32rtm DOS extender!
432STUB, for MS Windows=<�5UPX0, UPX compressed=<�6@PEC2, PECompact2 compressed=<�7@UPX2=�����8PK, ZIP self-extracting archive (Info-Zip)=<�9@.idata=�����:PK, ZIP self-extracting archive (Info-Zip)=�����;ZZ0, ZZip self-extracting archive=�����<ZZ1, ZZip self-extracting archive=<�=@.rsrc=�����>a\, WinHKI self-extracting archive=�����?Rar!, RAR self-extracting archive=�����@0MSCF, InstallShield self-extracting archive=�����A Nullsoft, Nullsoft Installer self-extracting archive=<�B@.data=CWEXTRACT, MS CAB-Installer self-extracting archive=<�D@.petite, Petite compressedx<�E=�����F!sfx!, ACE self-extracting archive=<�G@.WISE, WISE installer self-extracting archive=<�H@.dz, Dzip self-extracting archive=<�I_winzip_, ZIP self-extracting archive (WinZip)=<�JSharedD, Microsoft Installer self-extracting archive=0KInno, InnoSetup self-extracting archive>
<N, %u sections>
T?!<XPEMS-DOS executable=<[NE, NEapplication/x-ms-ne-executable=<6�for OS/2 1.0 or MS Windows 1-2=<6�for OS/2 1.x=<6�for MS Windows 3.x=<6�for MS-DOS=<6�for Windows 386=<6�for Borland Operating System Services=<6���������for MS-DOS, Phar Lap DOS extender, OS/2=<6���������for MS-DOS, Phar Lap DOS extender, Windowsx<6�	x<6�(unknown OS %#x)	x<?�(%ux<>�.%u)=
<���������������(DLL or font)dll/drv/3gr/cpl/vbx/fon/fot=
<��������(EXE)exe/scr=
$�ARJSFX, ARJ self-extracting archive=<p��WinZip(R) Self-Extractor, ZIP self-extracting archive (WinZip)=<�LX, LXapplication/x-dosexec<
�(unknown OS)=
�for OS/2=
�for MS Windows=
�for DOS>
�(unknown OS)=<���(DLL)><�(device driver)=<�(GUI)<<��(console)=
�emx, emxx�%s=T�arjsfx, ARJ self-extracting archive=<�W3, W3 for MS Windowsapplication/x-ms-w3-executablevxd/exe=<�W4, W4 for MS Windowsapplication/x-ms-w4-executablevxd=<�LE, LE executableapplication/x-dosexec=
�=@�DOS/4Gfor MS-DOS, DOS4GW DOS extender=@�WATCOM C/C++for MS-DOS, DOS4GW DOS extender=@�CauseWay DOS Extenderfor MS-DOS, CauseWay DOS extender=@�@PMODE/Wfor MS-DOS, PMODE/W DOS extender=@�@STUB/32Afor MS-DOS, DOS/32A DOS extender (stub)=@��STUB/32Cfor MS-DOS, DOS/32A DOS extender (configurable stub)=@��DOS/32Afor MS-DOS, DOS/32A DOS extender (embedded)<$�P=L���WATCOM=�3�f�, 32Lite compressed=
for MS Windows=
for DOS=
for MS Windows (VxD)vxd/386/pdr/mpd=|&UPX, UPX compressed=TUNACE, ACE self-extracting archive>< !

L, MZ for MS-DOSapplication/x-dosexecexe/com!<

LE�!BW!<LX!<"PE, MZ for MS-DOSapplication/x-dosexec=
$LE, LE=@%DOS/4Gfor MS-DOS, DOS4GW DOS extender=
)BW=@*DOS/4G, LE for MS-DOS, DOS4GW DOS extender (embedded)!@+DOS/4G, BW collection for MS-DOS=

.L, COFFapplication/x-dosexec=
0go32stubfor MS-DOS, DJGPP go32 DOS extender=
1emxx2for DOS, Win or OS/2, emx %sxB3=&4UPX, UPX compressed=,6�.text<7 >8`, 32lite compressed=
:$WdX, WDos/X DOS extender=5B����Ju��3��0, aPack compressed=�CLH/2 Self-Extract \b, %s=DUC2X, UCEXE compressed=EWWP , WWPACK compressed=FRJSX, ARJ self-extracting archive=Gdiet, diet compressed=HLZ09, LZEXE v0.90 compressed=ILZ91, LZEXE v0.91 compressed=Jtz, TinyProg compressed=KCopyright 1989-1990 PKWARE Inc.Self-extracting PKZIP archiveapplication/zip=NPKLITE Copr.Self-extracting PKZIP archiveapplication/zip= Q�aRJsfX, ARJ self-extracting archive= RAIN=#S2, AIN 2.x compressed<#T2, AIN 1.x compressed>#U2, AIN 1.x compressed=	$VLHa's SFX, LHa self-extracting archiveapplication/x-lha=	$XLHA's SFX, LHa self-extracting archiveapplication/x-lha=$Z $ARX, ARX self-extracting archive=$[ $LHarc, LHarc self-extracting archive= \SFX by LARC, LARC self-extracting archive=@]aPKG, aPackage self-extracting archive=
d^W Collis, Compack compressed=z_Windows self-extracting ZIP, ZIP self-extracting archive=�`@@=�aMSCF, WinHKI CAB self-extracting archive=fb-lh5-, LHa self-extracting archive v2.13S=�xcRar!, RAR self-extracting archivex
i=jPK, ZIP self-extracting archive=kRar!, RAR self-extracting archive=l!, AIN 2.x self-extracting archive=m!, AIN 2.x self-extracting archive=n!, AIN 1.x self-extracting archive=o!, AIN 1.x self-extracting archive=p�**ACE**, ACE self-extracting archive=
q�UC2SFX Header, UC2 self-extracting archive=
u PKSFX, ZIP self-extracting archive (PKZIP)=��zy���v�, CODEC archive v3.21=
��{, 1 file>
��|, %u files =�@LX=�=
.�lx-executable=�=.�^lx-executable =R@��=Uw� �=XW�=[UPX!FREE-DOS executable (COM), UPXapplication/x-dosexec=^FONTcompressed DOS code page fontcpx!`FONTcompressedcomx
e, uncompressed %u bytes =x�!!y��������COM executable for DOSapplication/x-dosexeccom =
}�!!~�!COM executable for DOSapplication/x-dosexeccom =��!>� <�~x�COM executable for MS-DOS	application/x-dosexeccom =5?


�BMSX OPX Music file=�Cv1.5>D, title: %s=�Ev2.4>F, title: %s(=z��<

�@=��	<
Q�@	=

=��MSX BIOS+BASIC<-�. version=MSX%d=-�, version=MSX2+=-�, version=MSX Turbo-R>-�, version=Unknown MSX %d versionx�, VDP.DR=%#2xx�, VDP.DW=%#2x=+�, charset=Japanese=+�, charset=International=+�, charset=Korean>+�, charset=Unknown id:%d=+�p, date format=Y-M-D=+�p, date format=M-D-Y=+�p , date format=D-M-Y=+��, vfreq=60Hz=+���, vfreq=50Hz=,�, keyboard=Japanese=,�, keyboard=International=,�, keyboard=French=,�, keyboard=UK=,�, keyboard=German=,�, keyboard=Unknown id:%d=,�, keyboard=Spanish>,�, keyboard=Unknown id:%d=,��, basic=Japanese=,��, basic=International>,��, basic=Unknown id:%d=.�, built-in MIDI =�@CD>
�@	=��
�@MSX2/2+/TR SubROM =�@AB=
�, init=%#4x>
�, stahdl=%#4x>
�, devhdl=%#4x>
�, bas=%#4x=
�, init=%#04x>
�, stahdl=%#04x>
�, devhdl=%#04x>
�, bas=%#04x=
�, init=%#04x>
�, stahdl=%#04x>
�, devhdl=%#04x>
�, bas=%#04x =�@AB>
��=�	>

�?�MSX ROM=�YZKonami Game Master 2 MSX ROM=�CD, Konami RC-x�%dx�%dx�%d=�EF, Konami RC-x�%dx�%dx�%dx
�, init=%#04x>
�, stahdl=%#04x>
�, devhdl=%#04x>
�, bas=%#04x=
�MSX BASIC program in ROM, bas=%#04x =@�@AB>
@�MSX ROM with nonstandard page orderx
@�, init=%#04x>
@�, stahdl=%#04x>
@�, devhdl=%#04x>
@�, bas=%#04x =��@AB>
��MSX ROM with nonstandard page orderx
�, init=%#04x>
�, stahdl=%#04x>
�, devhdl=%#04x>
�, bas=%#04x =�@AB=�MSX MegaROM with nonstandard page orderx
�, init=%#04x>
�	, stahdl=%#04x>
, devhdl=%#04x>
�, bas=%#04x(=
(	=)=*=+   =#,=%->.0</ZKonami King's Valley-2 custom stage, title: "%-8.8s"<0 , theme: %d ==Pi=>
=@Yanagisawa Pi 16 color picture,xAsystem ID: %cxB%cxC%cxD%c,
E%dxxF%d
=GYanagisawa Pi 256 color picturexHsystem ID: %cxI%cxJ%cxK%c,
L%dxxM%d =
!DXPDP-11 UNIX/RT ldp =#!=^#!.*/bin/perl([[:space:]].*)*$Perl script text executabletext/x-perl =�SP=
�^([0-9]{1,5})=.�hpgl =�BP=.�hpgl =�PA=�^([-]{0,1}[0-9]{1,5})=.�hpgl =�NP=.�hpgl =�
Byte-compiled Python module forapplication/x-bytecode.python<
CPython 3.7,x�<
CPython 3.8,x�<
CPython 3.9,x�<
CPython 3.10,x�<
CPython 3.11,x�CPython 3.12 or newer,=
��Byte-compiled Python module for PyPy3.7,application/x-bytecode.python=
�Byte-compiled Python module for PyPy3.8,application/x-bytecode.python=
�PByte-compiled Python module for PyPy3.9,application/x-bytecode.python=
.�pyc-pep552@="�ha:pcb-rnd-board-v[0-9]+[ 	
]*[{]pcb-rnd board file (lihata)@="�li:cschem-buffer-v[0-9]+[ 	
]*[{]sch-rnd/cschem buffer content (lihata) =h=[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$=s SCCS v4 archive data=V6,sum=SCCS v6 archive data ='=^[0-78][0-9.]{4}Sendmail frozen configurationfc>- version %s =
$�B>|&��������!|(|�SYMMETRY i386 standalone executable>)not stripped>|*version %d@=+F&<head>HTML document texttext/html@=+I%<head HTML document texttext/html@=+R&<html>HTML document texttext/html@=+U%<html HTML document texttext/html =

T=.Unovell-lanalyzer =
W=.Xnovell-lanalyzer =��������>SoftQuad DESC or font file binary - version %d(=
���=�=
.midi-sysex@=	#! /usr/local/bin/tclTcl script text executabletext/x-tcl =
> =^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9.][^|]*Compiled terminfo entry "%-s"application/x-terminfo => =^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9.][^|]*Compiled 32-bit terminfo entry "%-s"application/x-terminfo2 =
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dVAX COFF executable, sections %dx, created %s>, not stripped>
, version %d =
dVAX COFF pure executable, sections %dx, created %s>, not stripped>
 , version %d(=�

=.�ini-file(=���=�J8END CATEGORY=.�windows-admx�=�����	��=� [=�ersion]Windows setup INFormationapplication/x-setupscriptinf=�trings]Windows setup INFormationapplication/x-setupscriptinf=�ourceDisksNames]Windows setup INFormationapplication/x-setupscriptinfx�=� 
[=�ersion]Windows setup INFormationapplication/x-setupscriptinf =
�	>@@=.PreCompiledInf(=�=pMicrosoft Works 1-3 (DOS) or 2 (Windows) documentx%sapplication/vnd-ms-works????AWWPwps(=D>
P	>

VStarOffice Gallery themeapplication/x-stargallery-thmthmx
^, %u object!
`s	>
d, 1st %s =
	=��=��===aXilinx BIT datax
- from %s=bx
- for %s=cx
- built %s	=d
 (%s)="ex$- data length %#x =
RCOFF DSP21k&executable,^	&
static object,^relocatable object,&stripped^
not stripped =
ALAN game data<
version 2.6%d =
0420 Alliant virtual executable& common library>not stripped =0421 Alliant compact executable& common library>not stripped =
�����Amiga Workbench==0disk icon=0drawer icon=0tool icon=0project icon=0garbage icon=0device icon=0kickstart icon=0workbench application icon>icon, vers. %d =cAmigaOS outline font =A����������������MPEG ADTS, layer II, v1audio/mpeg=D�����,  32 kbps=E����� ,  48 kbps=F�����0,  56 kbps=G�����@,  64 kbps=H�����P,  80 kbps=I�����`,  96 kbps=J�����p, 112 kbps=K�������������, 128 kbps=L�������������, 160 kbps=M�������������, 192 kbps=N�������������, 224 kbps=O�������������, 256 kbps=P������������, 320 kbps=Q�����������, 384 kbps=S, 44.1 kHz=T, 48 kHz=U, 32 kHz=W��������, Stereo=X��������@, JntStereo=Y����������������, 2x Monaural=Z����������������, Monaural =��������������MPEG ADTS, layer III, v2audio/mpeg=������,   8 kbps=������ ,  16 kbps=������0,  24 kbps=������@,  32 kbps=������P,  40 kbps=������`,  48 kbps=������p,  56 kbps=��������������,  64 kbps=��������������,  80 kbps=��������������,  96 kbps=��������������, 112 kbps=��������������, 128 kbps=�������������, 144 kbps=������������, 160 kbps=�, 22.05 kHz=�, 24 kHz=�, 16 kHz=���������, Stereo=���������@, JntStereo=�����������������, 2x Monaural=�����������������, Monaural =��������������MPEG ADTS, layer II, v2audio/mpeg=������,   8 kbps=������ ,  16 kbps=������0,  24 kbps=������@,  32 kbps=������P,  40 kbps=������`,  48 kbps=������p,  56 kbps=��������������,  64 kbps=��������������,  80 kbps=��������������,  96 kbps=��������������, 112 kbps=��������������, 128 kbps=�������������, 144 kbps=������������, 160 kbps=�, 22.05 kHz=�, 24 kHz=�, 16 kHz=���������, Stereo=���������@, JntStereo=�����������������, 2x Monaural=�����������������, Monaural =�����������������MPEG ADTS, layer I, v2audio/mpeg=������,  32 kbps=������ ,  48 kbps=������0,  56 kbps=������@,  64 kbps=������P,  80 kbps=������`,  96 kbps=������p, 112 kbps=��������������, 128 kbps=��������������, 144 kbps=��������������, 160 kbps=��������������, 176 kbps=��������������, 192 kbps=�������������, 224 kbps=������������, 256 kbps=�, 22.05 kHz=�, 24 kHz=�, 16 kHz=���������, Stereo=���������@, JntStereo=�����������������, 2x Monaural=�����������������, Monaural =���������������MPEG ADTS, layer III,  v2.5audio/mpeg=������,   8 kbps=������ ,  16 kbps=������0,  24 kbps=������@,  32 kbps=������P,  40 kbps=������`,  48 kbps=������p,  56 kbps=��������������,  64 kbps=�������������,  80 kbps=�������������,  96 kbps=�������������, 112 kbps=�������������, 128 kbps=������������, 144 kbps=�����������, 160 kbps=, 11.025 kHz=, 12 kHz=	, 8 kHz=��������, Stereo=��������@, JntStereo=
����������������, 2x Monaural=����������������, Monaural =3�������������MPEG ADTS, AACaudio/x-hx-aac-adts&5, v2^6, v4&8�������� LTP=9�������� Main=:��������@ LC=;���������������� SSR==<, 96 kHz=><, 88.2 kHz=?<, 64 kHz=@<, 48 kHz=A<, 44.1 kHz=B<, 32 kHz=C<, 24 kHz=D<, 22.05 kHz=E< , 16 kHz=F<$, 12 kHz=G<(, 11.025 kHz=H<,, 8 kHz=J�@, monaural=K��, stereo=L��, stereo + center=M�, stereo+center+LFE=N�@, surround=O��, surround + LFE&P�, surround + side =X�������VMPEG-4 LOASaudio/x-mp4a-latm=[������@=\<, single stream=]<, 2 streams=^<, 3 streams&_, 4 or more streams&` , 8 or more streams=a��������=bx, single stream=cx, 2 streams=dx, 3 streams&e , 4 or more streams&f@, 8 or more streams =v�Squeezed (apple ][) data =�q������byte-swapped cpio archiveapplication/x-cpiocpio=.�cpio-bin-be =
0m�������very old 16-bit-int little-endian archive =1m�������very old 16-bit-int big-endian archive =
5e�������old 16-bit-int little-endian archive=	6__.SYMDEFrandom library =7e�������old 16-bit-int big-endian archive=	8__.SYMDEFrandom library =7QuArk archive data =YCYAC archive data =X1X1 archive data =(v�NSQ archive data =��@Sky archive data =�LGArhangel archive data =�UBHIT archive data =4�Logitech Compress archive data =�pNPPMN archive data =�3AIN archive data =�3AIN archive data =
[`�����ARJ archive data =
B������PRCS packaged project =
XASony PlayStation Audio =VAX-order 68K Blit (standalone) executable =VAX-order2 68k Blit mpx/mux executable =VAX-order 68k Blit mpx/mux executable =��8C64 PCLink Image =

C3Clarion Developer (v2 and above) data file&
, locked&

, encrypted&
, memo file exists&
, compressed&
@, read onlyx, %d records =
M3Clarion Developer (v2 and above) memo data =
�IClarion Developer (v2 and above) help data =}CLIPPER COFF executable (VAX #)= (impure)=!(5.2 compatible)="	(pure)=#(demand paged)=$#(target shared library)>%not stripped>&- version %d ='CLIPPER COFF executable=(xC1 R1=)xC2 R1=*xC3 R1=+xxTEST=,(impure)=-(pure)=.	(separate I&D)=/(paged)=0#(target shared library)>1not stripped>2- version %d=03alignment trap enabled=44-Ctnc=45-Ctsw=46-Ctpw=47-Ctcb=58-Cdnc=59-Cdsw=5:-Cdpw=5;-Cdcb=6<-Csnc=6=-Cssw=6>-Cspw=6?-Cscb@=� $!DCL command file =�compress'd dataapplication/x-compressLZIVZIVUZ>��������block compressedx%d bits =�packed dataapplication/octet-streamz>�, %d characters originally=�, %d character originally =�old packed dataapplication/octet-stream =��compacted dataapplication/octet-stream =��compacted dataapplication/octet-stream =�������huf outputapplication/octet-stream =��vsqueezed data,x�original name %s =��vcrunched data,x�original name %s =��vLZH compressed data,x�original name %s =��frozen file 2.1 =��frozen file 1.0 (or gzip 0.5) =��SCO compress -H (LZH) data =��Quasijarus strong compressed data =�I|DRAGEN ORA file,�=�I|with metadata:�x}�NB reads: %llu,�xm�NB bases: %llu.�=��File contains interleaved paired reads =
)�Alpha compressed COFF =
*�Alpha u-code object =9locale data table=:$for MIPS=;@for Alpha =	wATSC A/52 aka AC-3 aka Dolby Digital stream,audio/vnd.dolby.dd-raw=
��������48 kHz,=��������@44.1 kHz,=����������������32 kHz,=����������������reserved frequency,=, complete main (CM)=, music and effects (ME)=, visually impaired (VI)=, hearing impaired (HI)=, dialogue (D)=, commentary (C)=, emergency (E)=� , voiceover (VO)>� , karaoke=������1+1 front,=LFE on,=������ 1 front/0 rear,= LFE on,=!������@2 front/0 rear,=#Dolby Surround not indicated=$not Dolby Surround encoded=%Dolby Surround encoded=&reserved Dolby Surround mode='LFE on,=(������`3 front/0 rear,=)LFE on,=*��������������2 front/1 rear,=+LFE on,=,��������������3 front/1 rear,=-LFE on,=.��������������2 front/2 rear,=/LFE on,=0������������3 front/2 rear,=1LFE on,=3>, 32 kbit/s=4>, 40 kbit/s=5>, 48 kbit/s=6>, 56 kbit/s=7>, 64 kbit/s=8>
, 80 kbit/s=9>, 96 kbit/s=:>, 112 kbit/s=;>, 128 kbit/s=<>, 160 kbit/s==>, 192 kbit/s=>>, 224 kbit/s=?>, 256 kbit/s=@>, 320 kbit/s=A>, 384 kbit/s=B>, 448 kbit/s=C> , 512 kbit/s=D>", 576 kbit/s=E>$, 640 kbit/s =
Vk�����old-fs dump file (16-bit, assuming PDP-11 endianness),xWPrevious dump %s,xXThis dump %s,>

YVolume %d,=
Ztape header.=
[beginning of file record.=
\map of inodes on tape.=
]continuation of file record.=
^end of volume.=
_map of inodes deleted.=
`end of medium (for floppy). ==``Dyalog APL transfer =	TEncore=
executable=pure executable=demand-paged executable=
unsupported executable>not stripped>- version %d=- =UEncore unsupported executable>not stripped>- version %d=- =
8�S�����LinuxxL�rev %dx
>�.%d^\�ext2 filesystem data^
:�(mounted or unclean)&\�<`�@<d�ext3 filesystem data>d�ext4 filesystem data>`�?ext4 filesystem dataxh�, UUID=%08xxl�-%04xxn�-%04xxp�-%04xxr�-%08xxv�%04x>x�0, volume name "%s"&`�(needs journal recovery)&
:�(errors)&`�(compressed)&`�@(extents)&`��(64bit)&d�(large files)&d�(huge files) =
G�Linux old jffs2 filesystem data little endian =H�Linux old jffs2 filesystem data big endian =
I�Linux jffs2 filesystem data little endian =J�Linux jffs2 filesystem data big endian =Berkeley vfont data =byte-swapped Berkeley vfont data =ufsav macro virus signatures>
�<GTA2 binary mission script (SCR), Residential area (ste)(=
�[GTA2 binary mission script (SCR), Downtown area (wil)(=
�iGTA2 binary mission script (SCR), Industrial area (bil) =RDI Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) =z�������GPG encrypted datatext/PGP =*�Apollo m68k COFF executable^+@not stripped>,- version %d =-�apollo a88k COFF executable^.@not stripped>/- version %d =�hp200 (68010) BSD=impure binary=read-only binary=demand paged binary = ,hp300 (68020+68881) BSD=!impure binary="read-only binary=#demand paged binary =_370 XA sysV executable>not stripped>- version %d>- 5.2 format =Z370 XA sysV pure executable>not stripped>- version %d>- 5.2 format =X370 sysV pure executable>not stripped =Z370 XA sysV pure executable> not stripped =!]370 sysV executable>"not stripped =#_370 XA sysV executable>$not stripped =%YSVR2 executable (Amdahl-UTS)>&not stripped>'- version %d =(\SVR2 pure executable (Amdahl-UTS)>)not stripped>*- version %d =+XSVR2 pure executable (USS/370)>,not stripped>-- version %d =.]SVR2 executable (USS/370)>/not stripped>0- version %d =�executable (RISC System/6000 V3.1) or obj module>not stripped =shared library =ctab data =�������structured file =�64-bit XCOFF executable or object module=not stripped =O:Solitaire Image Recorder format=MGI Type 11=MGI Type 17 =�yzMGR bitmap, modern format, 8-bit aligned =�zzMGR bitmap, old format, 1-bit deep, 16-bit aligned =�xzMGR bitmap, old format, 1-bit deep, 32-bit aligned =�yxMGR bitmap, modern format, squeezed =�Award BIOS Logo, 136 x 84image/x-award-bioslogoepa =�	Award BIOS Logo, 136 x 126image/x-award-bioslogoepa =�	Award BIOS Logo, 128 x 126image/x-award-bioslogoepa(=
�R�RLE image data,x
�%d xx
�, lower left corner: %d>
�, lower right corner: %d=
�, clear first=
�, no background=
�, alpha channel=
�, comment>�, %d color channels>�, %d bits per pixel>
�, %d color map channels(=�SGI image data=, RLE=, high precisionx, %d-Dx, %d xx%dx
, %d channel!
s>P 0, "%s"(=FPEX Binary Archive(=
��Atari ATR image(=
8BS image,x
Version %d,x
Quantization %d,x
(Decompresses to %d words)(=�Zebra Metafile graphic=
(version 1.x)=
(version 1.1x or 1.2x)=
(version 1.49)=
(version 1.50)x(comment = %s) =
Bbasic-16 executable>not stripped =
Cbasic-16 executable (TV)>not stripped =
Hx86 executable>not stripped =
Ix86 executable (TV)>not stripped =
JiAPX 286 executable small model (COFF)>not stripped =
RiAPX 286 executable large model (COFF)>not stripped =
���������������little endian ispell=
hash file (?),=3.0 hash file,=3.1 hash file,=hash file (?),=
8-bit, no capitalization, 26 flags=
7-bit, no capitalization, 26 flags=
8-bit, capitalization, 26 flags=
7-bit, capitalization, 26 flags=
8-bit, no capitalization, 52 flags=
7-bit, no capitalization, 52 flags=
8-bit, capitalization, 52 flags=
7-bit, capitalization, 52 flags=
8-bit, no capitalization, 128 flags=
	7-bit, no capitalization, 128 flags=

8-bit, capitalization, 128 flags=
7-bit, capitalization, 128 flags=
8-bit, no capitalization, 256 flags=

7-bit, no capitalization, 256 flags=
8-bit, capitalization, 256 flags=
 7-bit, capitalization, 256 flags>
!and %d string characters ="���������������big endian ispell=#hash file (?),=$3.0 hash file,=%3.1 hash file,=&hash file (?),='8-bit, no capitalization, 26 flags=(7-bit, no capitalization, 26 flags=)8-bit, capitalization, 26 flags=*7-bit, capitalization, 26 flags=+8-bit, no capitalization, 52 flags=,7-bit, no capitalization, 52 flags=-8-bit, capitalization, 52 flags=.7-bit, capitalization, 52 flags=/8-bit, no capitalization, 128 flags=0	7-bit, no capitalization, 128 flags=1
8-bit, capitalization, 128 flags=27-bit, capitalization, 128 flags=38-bit, no capitalization, 256 flags=4
7-bit, no capitalization, 256 flags=58-bit, capitalization, 256 flags=67-bit, capitalization, 256 flags>7and %d string characters =
������Java serialization data>, version %d =��
JPEG XL codestreamimage/jxljxl@=16FKernel ConfigurationLinux make config build file =
<6Linux/i386 PC Screen Font v1 data,==256 characters,!>512 characters,=?no directory,!@Unicode directory,>A8x%d =��������Macintosh MFS data=�KL(bootable)&
��������(locked)x���%|created: %s,>���%|last backup: %s,x�block size: %d,x�number of blocks: %d,x
$��volume name: %s =�+HApple HFS Plus=.�hfsplus =�XHApple HFS Plus Extended=.�hfsplus =`MIPSEB ECOFF executable=(impure)=	(swapped)=
(paged)>not stripped=strippedx
- version %dx.%d =bMIPSEL-BE ECOFF executable=(impure)=(swapped)=(paged)>not stripped=strippedx- version %dx.%d =`MIPSEB-LE ECOFF executable=(impure)=(swapped)=(paged)>not stripped=strippedx- version %dx .%d ="bMIPSEL ECOFF executable=#(impure)=$(swapped)=%(paged)>&not stripped='strippedx(- version %dx).%d =-cMIPSEB MIPS-II ECOFF executable=.(impure)=/(swapped)=0(paged)>1not stripped=2strippedx3- version %dx4.%d =6fMIPSEL-BE MIPS-II ECOFF executable=7(impure)=8(swapped)=9(paged)>:not stripped=;strippedx<- version %dx=.%d =?cMIPSEB-LE MIPS-II ECOFF executable=@(impure)=A(swapped)=B(paged)>Cnot stripped=DstrippedxE- version %dxF.%d =HfMIPSEL MIPS-II ECOFF executable=I(impure)=J(swapped)=K(paged)>Lnot stripped=MstrippedxN- version %dxO.%d =S@MIPSEB MIPS-III ECOFF executable=T(impure)=U(swapped)=V(paged)>Wnot stripped=XstrippedxY- version %dxZ.%d =\BMIPSEL-BE MIPS-III ECOFF executable=](impure)=^(swapped)=_(paged)>`not stripped=astrippedxb- version %dxc.%d =e@MIPSEB-LE MIPS-III ECOFF executable=f(impure)=g(swapped)=h(paged)>inot stripped=jstrippedxk- version %dxl.%d =nBMIPSEL MIPS-III ECOFF executable=o(impure)=p(swapped)=q(paged)>rnot stripped=sstrippedxt- version %dxu.%d =w�MIPSEB Ucode =x�MIPSEL-BE Ucode =
��ID tags data>version %d =Pmc68k COFF^	object&
executable>not stripped=�.lowmemApple toolbox=
(impure)=(pure)=(demand paged)=(standalone) =Qmc68k executable (shared)>not stripped =Rmc68k executable (shared demand paged)>not stripped =l68K BCS executable =m88K BCS executable =!S0Motorola S-Record; binary data in text format =6`Atari 68xxx executable,x7text len %u,x8data len %u,x
9BSS len %u,x:symboltab len %u,=;&<fastload flag,&=may be loaded to alternate RAM,&>malloc may be from alternate RAM,x?flags: %#X,=@no relocation tab!A+ relocation tab=BSFX[Self-Extracting LZH SFX archive]=&CSFX[Self-Extracting LZH SFX archive]=,DZIP![Self-Extracting ZIP SFX archive] =FdAtari 68xxx CPX filexG(version %04x) =
%fMS Windows COFF MIPS R4000 object file =
'�MS Windows COFF Alpha object file =
)hMS Windows COFF Motorola 68000 object file =
+�MS Windows COFF PowerPC object file =
-�MS Windows COFF PA-RISC object file =l�!COM executable for DOSapplication/x-dosexeccom =p�!COM executable for DOSapplication/x-dosexeccom =t�!COM executable for DOSapplication/x-dosexeccom =
��!COM executable for DOSapplication/x-dosexeccom =��!COM executable for MS-DOSapplication/x-dosexeccom =��!COM executable for MS-DOSapplication/x-dosexeccom =F��!COM executable for DOSapplication/x-dosexeccom =�@LZMS-DOS executable (built-in) =
�Tower/XP rel 2 object>not stripped=executable=
pure executable>- version %d =�Tower/XP rel 2 object>not stripped=executable=pure executable>- version %d =�Tower/XP rel 3 object>not stripped=executable=pure executable>- version %d =�Tower/XP rel 3 object>not stripped=executable=pure executable>- version %d =�Tower32/600/400 68020 object>not stripped= executable=!pure executable>"- version %d =#�Tower32/800 68020&$ w/68881 object&%@compatible object&&`object='executable=(pure executable>)not stripped>*- version %d =+�Tower32/800 68010&,@compatible object&-`object=.executable=/pure executable>0not stripped>1- version %d =͇������OS9/6809 module:=!non-executable="machine language=#BASIC I-code=$Pascal P-code=%C I-code=&COBOL I-code='Fortran I-code=)�����program executable=*����� subroutine=+�����0multi-module=,�����@data module=.�������������system module=/������������file manager=0�����������device driver=1����������device descriptor =5�JOS9/68K module:=8����������������re-entrant=9@@ghost=:  system-state=>machine language=?BASIC I-code=@Pascal P-code=AC I-code=BCOBOL I-code=CFortran I-code=Hprogram executable=Isubroutine=Jmulti-module=Kdata module=Ltrap library=Msystem module=N
file manager=Odevice driver=Pdevice descriptor =
ui386 COFF object =������Ί������PARIX=	�������������T800=
�������������T9000=executable=object=
not stripped =*"compact bitmap" format (Poskanzer) =
PDP-11 executable>
not stripped>
- version %d =
PDP-11 old overlay =
PDP-11 pure executable>
not stripped>- version %d =
	PDP-11 separate I&D executable>
not stripped>- version %d =
 PDP-11 kernel overlay =
#PDP-11 demand-paged pure executable>
$not stripped =
&PDP-11 overlaid pure executable>
'not stripped =
)PDP-11 overlaid separate executable>
*not stripped@=
eval "exec /bin/perlPerl script texttext/x-perl@=eval 'exec /bin/perlPerl script texttext/x-perl =	�������PGP encrypted datatext/PGP =Ymumps avl global>	(V%d)>
with %d byte name>and %d byte data cells =Zmumps blt global>
(V%d)>- %d byte blocks=- P/D format=- P/K/D format=- K/D format>- Bad Flags =%!PostScript document textapplication/postscriptASPSTEXT=	PS-Adobe-conforming>DSC level %.3s=
EPS, type %s=Query, type %s=
ExitServer, type %s=�%%LanguageLevel: >, Level %s@=!�li:pcb-rnd-conf-v[0-9]+[ 	
]*[{]pcb-rnd configuration (lihata)@=!�li:pcb-rnd-font-v[0-9]+[ 	
]*[{]pcb-rnd vector font (lihata)@=!�li:sch-rnd-conf-v[0-9]+[ 	
]*[{]sch-rnd configuration (lihata)@=!�li:cschem-group-v[0-9]+[ 	
]*[{]sch-rnd/cschem group or symbol (lihata)@=!�ha:cschem-sheet-v[0-9]+[ 	
]*[{]sch-rnd/cschem schematic sheet (lihata) =�8interLaced eXtensible Trace (LXT) file>�(Version %u) =
�SYMMETRY i386 .o>not stripped>|version %d =
�"SYMMETRY i386 executable (0 @ 0)>not stripped>|version %d =
�2SYMMETRY i386 executable (invalid @ 0)>not stripped>| version %d =e�������disk quotas file =IRIS Showcase file=I-x- version %d =&IRIS Showcase template=c-x- version %d =
, %d sections>, not stripped =�������QDOS objectx
�'%s' ="�JQDOS executablex
	#�'%s' =�������Compiled PSI (v1) data =�������Compiled PSI (v2) data>(%s) =X SoftQuad troff Context intermediate=495for AT&T 495 laser printer=hpfor Hewlett-Packard LaserJet= imprfor IMAGEN imPRESS=!psfor PostScript =�������MySQL table definition filexVersion %d=
, type UNKNOWN=, type DIAM_ISAM=, type HASH=, type MISAM=, type PISAM=, type RMS_ISAM=, type HEAP=, type ISAM=, type MRG_ISAM=	, type MYISAM=
, type MRG_MYISAM=, type BERKELEY_DB=, type INNODB=
, type GEMINI=, type NDBCLUSTER=, type EXAMPLE_DB=, type CSV_DB=, type FEDERATED_DB=, type BLACKHOLE_DB= , type PARTITION_DB=!, type BINLOG=", type SOLID=#, type PBXT=$, type TABLE_FUNCTION=%, type MEMCACHE=&, type FALCON=', type MARIA=(, type PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA=), type DEFAULTx3*, MySQL version %d@=#! /usr/bin/env wishTcl/Tk script text executabletext/x-tcl ='SVr2 curses screen image, big-endian =)SVr3 curses screen image, big-endian =*SVr4 curses screen image, big-endian =
,SVr2 curses screen image, little-endian =
-SVr3 curses screen image, little-endian =
.SVr4 curses screen image, little-endian =��TeX generic font data =�YTeX packed font data>(%s) =TeX font metric dataapplication/x-tex-tfm>!(%s) =TeX font metric dataapplication/x-tex-tfm>!!(%s)@=+'.\"troff or preprocessor input texttext/troff@=+^\.[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9][ 	]troff or preprocessor input texttext/troff =,@�very old (C/A/T) troff output data =
�Perkin-Elmer executable =zamd 29k coff noprebar executable =
zamd 29k coff prebar executable =�����amd 29k coff archive =unicos (cray) executable =UUVISX image file=(zero)=(unsigned char)=	(short integer)=
(float 32)=(float 64)=(signed char)=
(ascii text)=(image segments)=d(image set)=e(unsigned char vector)=f(short integer vector)=g(float 32 vector)=h(float 64 vector)=i(signed char vector)=j(bit plane vector)=y(feature vector)=z(feature vector library)=|(chain code)=~(bit vector)=��������(graph)=��������(adjacency graph)=��������(adjacency graph library)= .VISIX(ascii text) =
0e�������x.out=	1__.SYMDEFrandomizedx2archive =
3Microsoft a.out=
4Middle model&
@�������V3.0&A86&B186&C	286&D
386<E@small model=FHlarge model=GIhuge model&
Iobject file&
J@Large Text&
K Large Data&
L Huge Objects Enabled>Mnot stripped =
O@old Microsoft 8086 x.out&Pseparate&Qpure&Rexecutable^Srelocatable>Tnot stripped =
i�XENIX 8086 relocatable or 80286 small model =-:=.>ttcomp =-C=.Ittcomp =-U�![���=.\ttcomp@=#! /usr/bin/env luaLua script text executabletext/x-lua@= �ha:pcb-rnd-log-v[0-9]+[ 	
]*[{]pcb-rnd message log dump (lihata)@
=+, def =.-^[[:space:]]*def [a-z]|def [[:alpha:]]+::[a-z]=&.^[[:space:]]*end([[:space:]]+[;#].*)?$Ruby script texttext/x-ruby@=+1%<!doctype htmlHTML document texttext/html@=
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D=F=H<J=	.Kadobe-aco=M>O=	.Padobe-aco!R<T<V=	.Wadobe-aco=Y=[=	.\adobe-aco(<
6�90Bio-Rad .PIC Image File>
�%d x>
�1 image in file>
�%d images in file(>��<�<�=�x�DOS 2.0 backup id file, sequence %d@@@=��, last disk@=/"#! a�x %s script text executable =/	B#! a�x
 %s script executable (binary data) >]<^=	_ATARI7800Atari 7800 ROM imageapplication/x-atari-7800-rom>a: "%.32s"=9c(NTSC)=9d(PAL)=6e(POKEY)(<{!|!}>=�����=�� �=�>� =��	
�=�	>�
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=.�foxpro-memo-print	<�@
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��	=.�dbase4-memo-print(>A	=C��=EDESIGNPanorama databaseKASXZEPDpanx
J�, "%s"(<�=.�diy-thermocam-checkerx�(Lepton 3.x),=.� diy-thermocam-parser(<�%#=.�%$diy-thermocam-checkerx�%%(Lepton 2.x),=.�%&diy-thermocam-parser x�@=�=�=���������zlib compressed dataapplication/zlib@!-d^[^Cc 	].*$=	d^[Cc][ 	]FORTRAN program texttext/x-fortran@!p=^package[ 	]+reqTcl script=
-ladf-rootblock!n, type %u!p, header_key %u!r, high_seq %u!tH, hash table size %#x!8v��������, bitmap flag %#x!�x, bitmap extension block %#x>
�z�, "%s"!�|, directory cache block %#x!�~, sec_type %#x=	-�PIT-entry=���������!$�>$�%-.32s=�+RWx�(%#x)>D�"%-.64s"=-#bikx%, %dx&x%dx', %d framesx (at rate %d/>)%d=(*, no audio!(+, %d audio track!(,sx
0.%dHz=3/ mono!30 stereo=-=apple-driver-map!>x@, driver start block %uxB, size %uxD, type %#x=	-Tapple-apm=UMPApple Partition MapxW, map block count %uxY, start block %uxZ, block count %u>[0, name %s>0\0, type %s>x^0, processor %s>�`0, boot arguments %s&Xb, valid&Xc, allocated&Xd, in use&Xe, has boot info&Xf, readable&Xg , writable&Xh@, pic boot code&Xi�, chain compatible driver&Xj, real driver&Xk, chain driver&Xm@, mount at startup&Xo�, is the startup partition=-�apple-dfont	x�Mac OSX datafork font,application/x-dfontdfont	=�tnfsTrueType	=�TNOF'FONT'	=�TNFN'NFNT'	=�TSOPPostScript	=�DNOF'FOND'	=�srev'vers'=	-�apple-rsr	=�tnfs=.�apple-dfont	=�TNOF=.�apple-dfont	=�TNFN=.�apple-dfont	=�TSOP=.�apple-dfont	=�DNOF=.�apple-dfont	=�srev=.�apple-dfontx�Apple HFS/HFS+ resource forkapplication/x-apple-rsrrsrc/rsr!�, data offset %#xx�, map offset %#xx�, map length %#xx�, data length %#x!�, at 16 %#8.8x!�, nextResourceMap %#x!�, fileRef %#x!�, attributes %#xx�, list offset %#xx�, name offset %#x>�, %u type>�sx�, %#xx�'%-.4s'x"�* %d	x$�resource offset %#x=
-�appleworks=�����AppleWorks CWK Document=�����ClarisWorks CWK Documentx�x�AppleWorks/ClarisWorks CWK Documentx�, version %dx�, %dx �x%dcwk=-apt-cache-64bit-be=, dirtyx(
, %llu packagesx0, %llu versions=-apt-cache-32bit-be=, dirtyx(, %u packagesx,, %u versions=-apt-cache-be=, dirtyx, %u packagesx, %u versions=-*tar-file!+ustar=-=�0LGNU tar archiveapplication/x-gtartar/gtar=�3MGNU tar archiveapplication/x-gtartar/gtar=�6VGNU tar archiveapplication/x-gtartar/gtarx�9tar archive (V7)application/x-tartar!?tar archive (old)application/x-tartar=Custar=F  rPOSIX tar archive (GNU)application/x-gtartar/gtar=J00rPOSIX=�Lg.1-2001=�Mx.1-2001x�Ntar archiveapplication/x-ustartar/ustar=Rrtar archive (ustar)application/x-ustartar/ustarxVtar archive (unknown ustar)application/x-ustartar/ustarx�[=�\, file=�]0, file=�^1, hard link=�_2, symlink=�`3, char device=�a4, block device=�b5, directory=�c6, fifo=�d7, reserved=�eL, long path=�fM, multi volume=�gV, volume=�hg, global=�ix, extensionx�j, typex�k'%c'>m%-.60s>do, mode %-.7s>lq, uid %-.7s>ts, gid %-.7s<|u8>|v, size %-.12s>|x�, size 0x!|y�%2.2x!}z�%2.2x!~{�%2.2x!|�%2.2x!�}�%2.2x!�~�%2.2x!��%2.2x!���%2.2x!���%2.2x!���%2.2x!���%2.2x!���%2.2x>��, seconds %-.11s>��, linkname %-.40s=�ustar>	�, user %-.32s>)�, group %-.32s!I���������xI�, devmaj %-.7s!Q���������xQ�, devmin %-.7s>Y�, prefix %-.155s!�ustar=��tar>�, padding: %-.40sx��>�, comment: %-.40s=-�tar-cbtx�Comic Book archive, tar archiveapplication/vnd.comicbookcbt>�, 1st image %-.60s=-�tar-ovax�Open Virtualization Format Archiveapplication/x-virtualbox-ovaova>�, with %-.60s=-�cpio-binx
�; device %ux
�, inode %ux
�, mode %ox
, uid %ux

, gid %u>
, %u links>
, device %#4.4xx	, modified %sx, %u bytesx"%s"=-cpio-bin-bex; device %ux, inode %ux, mode %ox, uid %ux
, gid %u>, %u links>, device %#4.4xx	, modified %sx, %u bytesx"%s"=-^ttcompx`TTComp archive dataapplication/x-compress-ttcomp$xe/$ts/pi1/__d=e, binary=f, ASCII=h, 1K=i, 2K=j, 4Kxkdictionary=-�dc42-floppyx
��Apple DiskCopy 4.2 image %sapplication/x-dc42-floppy-imagedCpydImgimage/dc42/imgx@�, %u bytes>D�, %#x tag size=P�, GCR CLV ssdd (400k)=P�, GCR CLV dsdd (800k)=P�, MFM CAV dsdd (720k)=P�, MFM CAV dshd (1440k)>P�, %#x encodingxQ�, %#x format=-�edi-packx�EDI LZSS packed "%-.13s"application/x-edi-pack-lzss??$/?$x�, data %#16.16llx...=-�edi-lzsx�EDI LZSSLib packedapplication/x-edi-pack-lzsslzsx�, data %#16.16llx...=-�arj-archivex
�ARJ archiveapplication/x-arj=&��=�.arjdataarj�x�&dataa01/a02^data, SFX multi-volumee01/e02x, v%d!, minimum %u to extract&, password-protectedx (v%u)&, ANSI codepage&, multi-volume&, recoverablex"(factor %u)&, slash-switched&! , backup&#@, secured,&%��������, dual-name!	'!	(, security version %u!
*, file type %ux,, created=.-dos-date!
B, security envelope length %#x!!D, last chapter %ux"F, original name:<"Hx&I%s>"K
x"L%s=N, os: MS-DOS=O, os: PRIMOS=P, os: Unix=Q, os: Amiga=R, os: Macintosh=S, os: OS/2=T, os: Apple ][ GS=U, os: Atari ST=V, os: NeXT=W	, os: VAX/VMS=X
, os: WIN95=Y, os: WIN32=
-�lharc-file=�-=�-<�=#�^(lh[0-9a-ex]|lz[s2-8]|pm[012]|pc1) application/x-lzh-compressed????LHA=�-lz lzs=�-lzsLHa/LZS archive data=�^lz[45]LHarc 1.x archive data=	�^lz[2378]LArc archive=�-lh=�^lh[01]LHarc 1.x/ARX archive data=�-lh1 lha/lzh/ice=�^lh[23d]LHa 2.x? archive data=�^lh[7]LHa (2.x)/LHark archive data=�^lh[456]LHa (2.x) archive data=�-lh5 lha/lzh/rom/bin=�^lh[89a-ce]LHa (Joe Jared) archive=�-lhxLHa (UNLHA32) archive!
�^(lh1|lh5) lha/lzhx�LHa (unknown) archive=�^pm[012]PMarc archive datapmax�[%3.3s]=.�lharc-header=-�lharc-headerx�=�<�!, %#x OS>� , '%c' OS=�<�!, %#x OS>� , '%c' OS<�>�, withx
��"%s"=- rar-file-header=!, v1.5=", v2.0=#, v4=$, os: MS-DOS=%, os: OS/2=&, os: Win32=', os: Unix=(, os: Mac OS=), os: BeOS=-+rar-archive-header>
,�, flags:&
2 Authenticated&
5FirstVolume=-ariaxaria2 control file, version %uapplication/x-ariaaria2!, infoHashCheck %#x!, %#x bytes info hashx
, piece length 0x%xx, total length %llu!!, upload length %#llxx#, %#x bytes bitfield	!"%%#llx...=-asf-name=1
�3�������I�=1�)���5��4��I�ASF_Index_Object=1����dL�*/zԌASF_Media_Object_Index_Object=1�?�<JH�=�"�ASF_Timecode_Index_Object=1�ܫ�G����� Se=1�ܷ������ Se=1@�i�M[����_\D+, Audio Media (x
NCodec Id %dx
P, Number of channels %dxR , Samples Per Second %dxV!, Average Number of Bytes Per Second %dxZ", Block Alignment %dx
^#, Bits Per Sample %d=1%���M[����_\D+, Video Media (xN&Encoded Image Width %dxR', Encoded Image Height %dx]), Image Width %dxa*, Image Height %dx
g,, Bits Per Pixel Count %dx3, Error correction type=.(4asf-namex5)=17��_.����� Se=19@Rц1�����H�=1:0�b�����H�ASF_Script_Command_Object=1;͇�Q����� SeASF_Marker_Object=1<�)���5��4��I�ASF_Bitrate_Mutual_Exclusion_Object=1=5&�u�f����b�lASF_Error_Correction_Object=1?3&�u�f����b�l=1E@���������^�PASF_Extended_Content_Description_Object=1F��"#������U�nASF_Content_Branding_Object=1G�u�{�F���`�ɢ�ASF_Stream_Bitrate_Properties_Object=1H��"#������U�nASF_Content_Encryption_Object=1I�)"&L�5��~�(�ASF_Extended_Content_Encryption_Object=1J��"#������U�nASF_Digital_Signature_Object=1Lt���	E����˖��=1M˥�r�2C���iR[ZASF_Extended_Stream_Properties_Object=1N�I��uGpF�n55uf�ASF_Advanced_Mutual_Exclusion_Object=1O@ZF�yZ8C��k���IASF_Group_Mutual_Exclusion_Object=1P[��ӈOE���\E��$ASF_Stream_Prioritization_Object=1Q�	��{Q����O��ASF_Bandwidth_Sharing_Object=1R�FC|��K�)9>�A\�ASF_Language_List_Object=1S��ů[wH�g��D�L�ASF_Metadata_Object=1T�#D���I�ANEpTASF_Metadata_Library_Object=1U�)���5��4��I�ASF_Index_Parameters_Object=1V�; k?�H���a=�ϧASF_Media_Object_Index_Parameters_Object=1WmI^���]K��`M���$ASF_Timecode_Index_Parameters_Object=1X]��&�E�G�_eR�ASF_Compatibility_Object=1Y3�C�i�I�t�ˆՌASF_Advanced_Content_Encryption_Object=1Z���Y�Y�����H�ASF_Command_Media=1[��N[����_\D+ASF_JFIF_Media=1\�}�5����_\D+ASF_Degradable_JPEG_Media=1],"���zI�mZ�k��ASF_File_Transfer_Media=1^�e�:�G�@�,p�
q�CASF_Binary_Media=1_�Wbw'��A��z�@�ASF_Web_Stream_Media_Subtype=1`k�Y�P@��8��[�ASF_Web_Stream_Format=1aW� U[����_\D+ASF_No_Error_Correction=1bP�ÿ�a������ ASF_Audio_Spread=1c�ӫ������ SeASF_Reserved_1=1d��z��N�ʑӍ��ASF_Content_Encryption_System_Windows_Media_DRM=1fARц1�����H�ASF_Reserved_2=1g��K�����H�ASF_Reserved_3=1h �L�u����I�ASF_Reserved_4=1i*���5��4��I�ASF_Mutex_Language=1j*���5��4��I�ASF_Mutex_Bitrate=1k*���5��4��I�ASF_Mutex_Unknown=1l�``��Q����O��ASF_Bandwidth_Sharing_Exclusive=1m�``��Q����O��ASF_Bandwidth_Sharing_Partial=1n압9g�-N�ۘ�L�lASF_Payload_Extension_System_Timecode=1o�e���E��%��⎛ASF_Payload_Extension_System_File_Name=1p ܐռlC�����ASF_Payload_Extension_System_Content_Type=1qT���K�7kt�ĸASF_Payload_Extension_System_Pixel_Aspect_Ratio=1rP����I���y!�3�ASF_Payload_Extension_System_Sample_Duration=1sN��f�
.zasf-object=-/nintendo-wii-brstm-fields=0HEAD:x1�xH2�=3PCM, signed 8-bit,�=4PCM, signed 16-bit,�=5THP ADPCM,�!6looping,�=7mono�=8stereo�=93 channels�=:quad�>;%u channels!<%u Hz=-Knintendo-3ds-bcstm-fields=LINFO:=NPCM, signed 8-bit,=OPCM, signed 16-bit,=PDSP ADPCM,=QIMA ADPCM,!Rlooping,=Smono=Tstereo=U3 channels=Vquad>W%u channels! X%u Hz=-unintendo-3ds-bcwav-fields=vINFO:=xPCM, signed 8-bit,=yPCM, signed 16-bit,=zDSP ADPCM,={IMA ADPCM,!|looping,x}stereo!~%u Hz=-�c64-exex
�Commodore C64=���2061program, probably PUCrunch archive dataapplication/x-compress-pucrunchprg/pck!���2061programapplication/x-commodore-execprg/!
�, start address %#4.4x=
.�basic-line	x
��!�, no EOL=%#x=��ELF-E�TRACTING-�IP	x
.�basic-line�!�, 3 last bytes %#2.2x�x�%4.4x=-�c64-prgx
�Commodore C64 BASIC programapplication/x-commodore-basicprg/bas/!
, start address %#4.4x=
.basic-line	x
�!, no EOL=%#x=
.basic-line�!	, 3 last bytes %#2.2x�x%4.4x=-)c128-prgx
*Commodore C128 BASIC programapplication/x-commodore-basicprg!
., start address %#4.4x=
.0basic-line	x
2�!3, no EOL=%#x=
.5basic-line�!7, 3 last bytes %#2.2x�x9%4.4x=-;c128-exex
<Commodore C128 programapplication/x-commodore-execprg/!
@, start address %#4.4x=
.Bbasic-line	x
D�!E, no EOL=%#x�!I, 3 last bytes %#2.2x�xK%4.4x=-gc16-exex
hCommodore C16/VIC-20/Plus4 programapplication/x-commodore-execprg/!
l, start address %#4.4x=
.nbasic-line	x
p�!q, no EOL=%#x�!u, 3 last bytes %#2.2x�xw%4.4x=-yc16-prgx
zCommodore C16/VIC-20/Plus4 BASIC programapplication/x-commodore-basicprg!
~, start address %#4.4x=
.�basic-line	x
��!�, no EOL=%#x=
.�basic-line�!�, 3 last bytes %#2.2x�x�%4.4x=-�vic-prgx
�Commodore VIC-20 +8K BASIC programapplication/x-commodore-basicprg!
�, start address %#4.4x=
.�basic-line	x
��!�, no EOL=%#x=
.�basic-line�!�, 3 last bytes %#2.2x�x�%4.4x=-�vic-exex
�Commodore VIC-20 +8K programapplication/x-commodore-execprg/!
�, start address %#4.4x=
.�basic-line	x
��!�, no EOL=%#x�!�, 3 last bytes %#2.2x�x�%4.4x=-�pet-prgx
�Commodore PET BASIC programapplication/x-commodore-basicprg!
�, start address %#4.4x=
.�basic-line	x
.�basic-line�!�, 3 last bytes %#2.2x�x�%4.4x=-�pet-exex
�Commodore PET programapplication/x-commodore-execprg/!
�, start address %#4.4x=
.�basic-line	x
��!�, no EOL=%#x�!�, 3 last bytes %#2.2x�x�%4.4x=
�, offset %#4.4x=
�x�, data %#4.4xx�%4.4xx�%16.16llxx%16.16llx...>
, line %ux, token (%#x)=
�REM>%s=�PRINTx%s=�POKE=	^[0-9, ]+%s�=:x"%s"=�SYS=^[0-9]{1,5}%s=#�GOSUB>%%s=
rIntergraph raster image=
s	, Run-Length Encoded 1-bitimage/x-intergraph-rlerel=
v, CCITT Group 4 1-bitimage/x-intergraph-citcit=
y, Adaptive RLE RGBimage/x-intergraph-rgbrgbx|x
}, Type %uimage/x-intergraph!
�, ApplicationType %ux��, %u xx��%ux��, orientation&��right^��left&��down^��top&��horizontal^��vertical>��, DesignFile %-.66s>�, DatabaseFile %-.66s>Z�, ParentGridFile %-.66s>��, FileDescription %-.80s=-display-coff=
LIntel 80386=
Hitachi SH big-endian=
PHitachi SH little-endian=
#Intel ia64=
$d�Intel amd64=
)�ARM Thumb=
*�ARMv7 Thumbx-x
.type %#04xx
1object fileapplication/x-coffo/obj/lib&
9, no relocation info&
;, no line number info&
=, stripped^
>, not stripped<
I, %u section>
J, %u sections>M, symbol offset=%#x>P, %d symbols>
R, optional header size %u>T, created %s=
Yx[, 1st section name "%.8s"=	-cgzip-info<e, reserved method>f, unknown method&g, ASCII&h, has CRC&i, extra field=jx
k, was "%s"&l, has comment&m , encrypted>n, last modified: %s=o, max compression=p, max speed=	q, from FAT filesystem (MS-DOS, OS/2, NT)=	r, from Amiga=	s, from VMS=	t, from Unix=	u, from VM/CMS=	v, from Atari=	w, from HPFS filesystem (OS/2, NT)=	x, from MacOS=	y, from Z-System=	z	, from CP/M=	{
, from TOPS/20=	|, from NTFS filesystem (NT)=	}, from QDOS=	~
, from Acorn RISCOS=-8zstd-dictionary-id&: , Dictionary ID:=;None=<x=%u=>x
?%u=@xA%u^C , Dictionary ID:=DNone=ExF%u=Gx
H%u=IxJ%u=-nes-rom-image-ines=(NES 2.0)x: %ux16k PRGx, %ux8k CHR=[4-Scr]=	[H-mirror]=	[V-mirror]=[SRAM]=[Trainer]=[PC10]=[VS]==
, RP2C03B=
, RP2C03G=
, RP2C04-0001=
, RP2C04-0002=
, RP2C04-0003=
 , RP2C04-0004=
!, RP2C03B=
", RP2C03C=
#, RP2C05-01=
$	, RP2C05-02=
, RP2C05-03=
&, RP2C05-04=
', RP2C05-05x)]=+=,[NTSC]=-[PAL]=.[NTSC+PAL]=-Mnintendo-fds-disk-info-block!NFMC-=OFSC-xP%.3sxQ, mfr %02XxR(Rev.%02u)=-�sega-mega-drive-header> � > �: "%.16s"< �!>P�: "%.16s">��(%.14s>�, %.16s=��>�(%.16sx�)=- sega-genesis-smd-headerx!%dx16k blocks=", last in series or standalone>#, split ROM=-;sega-master-system-rom-header==�����0Sega Master Systemapplication/x-sms-rom=?�����@Sega Master Systemapplication/x-sms-rom=A�����PSega Game Gearapplication/x-gamegear-rom=C�����`Sega Game Gearapplication/x-gamegear-rom=E�����pSega Game Gearapplication/x-gamegear-romxGSega Master System / Game Gearapplication/x-sms-romxIROM image:=K�����1=L����� 2=M�����03=N�����@4=O�����P5=P�����`6=Q�����p7=R�������������8=S�������������9=T�������������10=U�������������11=V�������������12=W������������13=X�����������14=Y����������15![�����x
(8 KB)=c(16 KB)=d(32 KB)=e
(48 KB)=f(64 KB)=g(128 KB)=h(256 KB)=i(512 KB)=j(1 MB)=-|sega-saturn-disc-header>`}: "%.32s"> ~(%.10s>*, %.6s)=*�)=-�sega-dreamcast-disc-header>��: "%.32s">@�(%.10s>J�, %.6s)=J�)=-Xxbox-360-xex-execution-idxY(%cx
Z%cx[-%04u, media ID:x\%08X)=-_xbox-360-xex-region-code=`����, all regions!a����>b(regions:=c��USA=dJapan=eChina=f��Asia=g��PAL=h��PAL [except AU/NZ]=i�AU/NZ=j��Other>k)=-�xbox-360-packagex`�(%cxa�%cxb�-%04u, media ID:xT�%08X)xD�, content type:=D�Saved Game=D�Marketplace Content=D�Publisher=D�Xbox 360 Title=D� IPTV Pause Buffer=D�@Installed Game=D�POriginal Xbox Game=D��Avatar Item=D�Profile=D�Gamer Picture=D�Theme=D�Cache File=D�Storage Download=D�Xbox Saved Game=D�Xbox Download=D�Game Demo=D�	Video=D�
Game=D�Installer=D�Game Trailer=D�
Arcade Title=D�XNA=D�License Store=D�Movie=D� TV=D�0Music Video=D�@Game Video=D�PPodcast Video=D�`Viral Video=D�Community Game=-mnintendo-gcn-disc-commonx n"%.64s"xo(%.6s>p=q, Disc 2=r, Disc 3=s, Disc 4xt, Rev.%02u)=u��]=`v (Unencrypted)=wNKIT (NKit compressed)=-nintendo-3ds-version-codex

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, %dxx%d dpixx, %dxx|
%d pixelsx�%d bits/colorx�%d bits/pixel=�ColorOrder=Chunky=�ColorOrder=Banded=�ColorOrder=Planar=�ColorSpace=gray=�ColorSpace=RGB=�ColorSpace=RGBA=�ColorSpace=black=�ColorSpace=CMY=�ColorSpace=YMC=�ColorSpace=CMYK=�ColorSpace=YMCK=�ColorSpace=KCMY=�	ColorSpace=KCMYcm=�
ColorSpace=GMCK=�ColorSpace=GMCS=�ColorSpace=WHITE=� 
ColorSpace=GOLD=�!ColorSpace=SILVER=�"ColorSpace=CIE XYZ=�#ColorSpace=CIE Lab=�$ColorSpace=RGBW=�%ColorSpace=sGray=�&ColorSpace=sRGB=�'ColorSpace=AdobeRGB=
-�xbase-type<�>�=�FoxBaseapplication/x-dbf=�FoxBase+/dBase IIIapplication/x-dbf=dBase IVapplication/x-dbf=dBase Vapplication/x-dbfdbf=	Apolloapplication/x-dbf=
/FoxBase+/Dbase III plus, no memoapplication/x-dbf=0Visual FoxProapplication/x-dbf=1Visual FoxPro, autoincrementapplication/x-dbf=2Visual FoxPro, with field type Varcharapplication/x-dbf=CdBase IV, with SQL tableapplication/x-dbf= bdBase IV, with SQL table=${dBase IV, with memoapplication/x-dbf=(�dBase IV, with SQL system=,�FoxBase+/dBase III, with memo .DBTapplication/x-dbf=0�VISUAL OBJECTS, with memo fileapplication/x-dbf=4�FoxBase+/dBase III, with memo .DBT=8�dBase IV, with memo .DBTapplication/x-dbf=<�dBase IV, with SQL tableapplication/x-dbf=@�Flagshipapplication/x-dbf=D�dBase IV with memo .DBT=H�dBase IV with SQL table, with memo .DBTapplication/x-dbf=L�Clipper SIX with memoapplication/x-dbf=P�dBase IV, with SQL table, with memo=S�FoxPro with memoapplication/x-dbf=W�Apollo, with SQL table with memoapplication/x-dbfx_xBaseapplication/x-dbfxa(%#x)=
>n>o<p xq<sd %.2d>uc %dxv-%dxw-%d=-�dbase3-memo-printx�dBase III DBTapplication/x-dbtdbt!�, version number %u!�, next free block index %u!
�, block length %u>�, 1st item "%s"=-�dbase4-memo-printx�dBase IV DBTapplication/x-dbtdbt>� >
�> of %-.8s.DBF!=?, blocks size %u>
, block length %u!
, next free block index %u>
x�=.dbase4-memofield-print=-dbase4-memofield-print!��x, next free block %ux, next used block %u=��x, field length %d>, 1st used item "%s"=-foxpro-memo-printx FoxPro FPTapplication/x-fptfptx$, blocks size %u!', next free block index %u<), field type %u=+>,, field length %d>-, 1st item "%s"=-Fxbase-indexxGxBaseapplication/x-dbase-index&I@compound indexcdx/dcx^L@indexidx!P, root pointer %#x!R, free node pointer %#x!W, reserved counter %#x!
, key length %#xx], index options (%#x&^, unique&_, has FOR clause&`, bit vector (SoftC)&a , compact format&c�, structurexd)!f, index signature %u!h, at 16 reserved %#llx!�i, at 492 reserved %#llx&m@x
�o, sort order %u!
�q, expression length %u!
�s, FOR expression pool length %#x!
�u, at 0x508 reserved %#x!
�w, key expression pool length %#x!y, key expression pool %#llx=-certinfo=0seq=0	set=0
seq=0obj_id3=550406=	0prt_str=x, countryName=%s=0
0utf8_str=x, stateOrProvinceName=%s=0set=0seq=0obj_id3=55040a=
0utf8_str=x, organizationName=%s=0set=0seq=0obj_id3=550403=
0utf8_str=x, commonName=%s=0seq=-;diff-unified=<L++++ ==
=?@@ -unified diff output texttext/x-diffdiff/patch/dif/pch/rej!E--- xF, 1st line "%s"xG, 2nd line "%s"xH, 3rd line "%s"=-new-dump-bex		This dump %s,x	
Previous dump %s,>Volume %d,=�Level zero, type:>�
Level %d, type:=tape header,=beginning of file record,=map of inodes on tape,=continuation of file record,=end of volume,=map of inodes deleted,=end of medium (for floppy),>�Label %s,>�Filesystem %s,>�Device %s,>8Host %s,>xFlags %x=-old-dump-be>Volume %d,=�Level zero, type:>� Level %d, type:=!tape header,="beginning of file record,=#map of inodes on tape,=$continuation of file record,=%end of volume,=&map of inodes deleted,='end of medium (for floppy),>�(Label %s,>�)Filesystem %s,>�*Device %s,>8+Host %s,>x,Flags %x=-.ufs2-dump-bex�/This dump %s,x�0Previous dump %s,>1Volume %d,=�2Level zero, type:>�3Level %d, type:=4tape header,=5beginning of file record,=6map of inodes on tape,=7continuation of file record,=8end of volume,=9map of inodes deleted,=:end of medium (for floppy),>�;Label %s,>�<Filesystem %s,>�=Device %s,>8>Host %s,>x?Flags %x=
-	dwarfsversionx
, version %dx.%d=-dwarfscompression=
, uncompressed=
, LZMA compression=
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, LZ4 compression=
, LZ4HC compression=
, BROTLI compression=-vimnanoswap=C=kx, pid %d>, user %s>D, host %s>l, file %s=�U, modified=-elf-mips=��MIPS-I=��MIPS-II=�� MIPS-III=��0MIPS-IV=��@MIPS-V=��PMIPS32=��`MIPS64=��pMIPS32 rel2=�������MIPS64 rel2=�������MIPS32 rel6=�������MIPS64 rel6=	-!elf-sparc="��V8+ Required,=#��Sun UltraSPARC1 Extensions Required,=$��HaL R1 Extensions Required,=%��Sun UltraSPARC3 Extensions Required,=&total store ordering,='partial store ordering,=(relaxed memory ordering,=-*elf-pa-risc=
.(LP64)=	-0elf-riscv=1RVC,=2RVE,=3soft-float ABI,=4single-float ABI,=5double-float ABI,=6quad-float ABI,=-8elf-le=
9no file type,application/octet-stream=
?${x?pie executable:shared object},application/x-${x?pie-executable:sharedlib}=
Bcore file,application/x-coredump=E�������=
N��������PlayStation 2 IOP module,application/x-sharedlib!
Rno machine,=
SAT&T WE32100,=
UIntel 80386,=
VMotorola m68k,=W&$X68000,&$Y�CPU32,=$Z68020,=
[Motorola m88k,=
\Intel 80486,=
]Intel 80860,=
aMIPS,=b&$c N32=
MIPS,=e&$f N32=
n	Amdahl,=
MIPS (deprecated),=
yFujitsu VPP500,=
zSPARC32PLUS,=|=	.$}elf-sparc=
~Intel 80960,=
PowerPC or cisco 4500,=
�64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500,=0�Unspecified or Power ELF V1 ABI,=0�Power ELF V1 ABI,=0�OpenPOWER ELF V2 ABI,=
�IBM S/390,=
�Cell SPU,=
�cisco SVIP,=
�cisco 7200,=
�$NEC V800 or cisco 12000,=
�%Fujitsu FR20,=
�&TRW RH-32,=
�'Motorola RCE,=
�*Renesas SH,=
�+SPARC V9,=�=	.0�elf-sparc=
�,Siemens Tricore Embedded Processor,=
�-Argonaut RISC Core, Argonaut Technologies Inc.,=
�.Renesas H8/300,=
�/Renesas H8/300H,=
�0Renesas H8S,=
�1Renesas H8/500,=
�3Stanford MIPS-X,=
�4Motorola Coldfire,=
�5Motorola M68HC12,=
�6Fujitsu MMA,=
�7Siemens PCP,=
�8Sony nCPU,=
�9Denso NDR1,=
�;Toyota ME16,=
�=Tinyj emb.,=
�?Sony DSP,=
�@DEC PDP-10,=
�ADEC PDP-11,=
�CST9+ 8/16 bit,=
�DST7 8 bit,=
�ISGI SVx or Cray NV1,=
�JST19 8 bit,=
�KDigital VAX,=
�LAxis cris,=
�MInfineon 32-bit embedded,=
�NElement 14 64-bit DSP,=
�OLSI Logic 16-bit DSP,=
�QHarvard machine-independent,=
�RSiTera Prism,=
�SAtmel AVR 8-bit,=
�TFujitsu FR30,=
�UMitsubishi D10V,=
�VMitsubishi D30V,=
�WNEC v850,=
�XRenesas M32R,=
�YMatsushita MN10300,=
�ZMatsushita MN10200,=
�]Synopsys ARCompact ARC700 cores,=
�^Tensilica Xtensa,=
�_Alphamosaic VideoCore,=
�`Thompson Multimedia,=
�aNatSemi 32k,=
�bTenor Network TPC,=
�cTrebia SNP 1000,=
�dSTMicroelectronics ST200,=
�eUbicom IP2022,=
�fMAX Processor,=
�gNatSemi CompactRISC,=
�hFujitsu F2MC16,=
�iTI msp430,=
�jAnalog Devices Blackfin,=
�kS1C33 Family of Seiko Epson,=
�lSharp embedded,=
�mArca RISC,=
�nPKU-Unity Ltd.,=
�oeXcess: 16/32/64-bit,=
�pIcera Deep Execution Processor,=
�qAltera Nios II,=
�rNatSemi CRX,=
�sMotorola XGATE,=
�tInfineon C16x/XC16x,=
�uRenesas M16C series,=
�vMicrochip dsPIC30F,=
�wFreescale RISC core,=
�xRenesas M32C series,=
��Altium TSK3000 core,=
��Freescale RS08,=
��Cyan Technology eCOG2,=
��Sunplus S+core7 RISC,=
��New Japan Radio (NJR) 24-bit DSP,=
��Broadcom VideoCore III,=
��Seiko Epson C17 family,=
��TI TMS320C6000 DSP family,=
��TI TMS320C2000 DSP family,=
��TI TMS320C55x DSP family,=
��TI Programmable Realtime Unit=
��STMicroelectronics 64bit VLIW DSP,=
��Cypress M8C,=
��Renesas R32C series,=
��NXP TriMedia family,=
��Intel 8051 and variants,=
��STMicroelectronics STxP7x family,=
��Andes embedded RISC,=
��Cyan eCOG1X family,=
��Dallas MAXQ30,=
��New Japan Radio (NJR) 16-bit DSP,=
��M2000 Reconfigurable RISC,=
��Cray NV2 vector architecture,=
��Renesas RX family,=
��MCST Elbrus,=
�Cyan Technology eCOG16 family,=
�NatSemi CompactRISC,=
�Freescale Extended Time Processing Unit,=
�Infineon SLE9X,=
�Intel L1OM,=
�Intel K1OM,=
�ARM aarch64,=
�Atmel 32-bit family,=
�STMicroeletronics STM8 8-bit,=
	�Tilera TILE64,=

�Tilera TILEPro,=
�Xilinx MicroBlaze 32-bit RISC,=
�NVIDIA CUDA architecture,=

�Tilera TILE-Gx,=
�Synopsys ARCv2/HS3x/HS4x cores,=
�Renesas RL78 family,=
�Renesas 78K0R,=
�Freescale 56800EX,=
�Beyond BA1,=
�Beyond BA2,=
�Microchip 8-bit PIC(r),=
�KM211 KM32,=
�KM211 KMX32,=
�KM211 KMX16,=
�KM211 KMX8,=
�KM211 KVARC,=
�Paneve CDP,=
�Cognitive Smart Memory,=
�iCelero CoolEngine,=
�Nanoradio Optimized RISC,=
�CSR Kalimba architecture family=
 �Zilog Z80=
!�Controls and Data Services VISIUMcore processor=
"�FTDI Chip FT32 high performance 32-bit RISC architecture=
#�Moxie processor family=
$�AMD GPU architecture=
%�UCB RISC-V,='=	.$(elf-riscv=*=	.0+elf-riscv=
,�Lanai 32-bit processor,=
-�CEVA Processor Architecture Family,=
.�CEVA X2 Processor Family,=
0�Graphcore Intelligent Processing Unit,=
1�Imagination Technologies,=
2�Netronome Flow Processor,=
3�NEC Vector Engine,=
4�C-SKY processor family,=
5�Synopsys ARCv3 64-bit ISA/HS6x cores,=
6�MOS Technology MCS 6502 processor,=
7�Synopsys ARCv3 32-bit,=
8Kalray VLIW core of the MPPA family,=
9WDC 65816/65C816,=
;ChipON KungFu32,=
<WAVR (unofficial),=
=YMSP430 (unofficial),=
>#Adapteva Epiphany (unofficial),=
?0%Morpho MT (unofficial),=
@03FR30 (unofficial),=
A&4OpenRISC (obsolete),=
B�FInfineon C166 (unofficial),=
CATCygnus FRV (unofficial),=
D�ZDLX (unofficial),=
EPvCygnus D10V (unofficial),=
FvvCygnus D30V (unofficial),=
G�������Ubicom IP2xxx (unofficial),=
Hr�������OpenRISC (obsolete),=
I%�������Cygnus PowerPC (unofficial),=
J&�������Alpha (unofficial),=
KA�������Cygnus M32R (unofficial),=
L��������Cygnus V850 (unofficial),=
M��������IBM S/390 (obsolete),=
Nǫ������Old Xtensa (unofficial),=
OE�������xstormy16 (unofficial),=
P��������Old MicroBlaze (unofficial),,=
Q������Cygnus MN10300 (unofficial),=
R�������Cygnus MN10200 (unofficial),=
����Toshiba MeP (unofficial),=
T��������Renesas M32C (unofficial),=
U��������Vitesse IQ2000 (unofficial),=
V��������NIOS (unofficial),=
W������Moxie (unofficial),xXx
Y*unknown arch %#x*=Zinvalid version=[version 1=-partid=Unused=12-bit FAT=XENIX /=	XENIX /usr=
16-bit FAT, less than 32M=extended partition=16-bit FAT, more than 32M=
OS/2 HPFS, NTFS, QNX2, Adv. UNIX=AIX or os, or etc.=	AIX boot partition or Coherent=
O/2 boot manager or Coherent swap=32-bit FAT=32-bit FAT, LBA-mapped=
7XXX, LBA-mapped=16-bit FAT, LBA-mapped=extended partition, LBA-mapped=OPUS=OS/2 DOS 12-bit FAT=Compaq diagnostics=OS/2 DOS 16-bit FAT <32M=OS/2 DOS 16-bit FAT >=32M=OS/2 hidden IFS=AST Windows swapfile=Willowtech Photon coS=hidden win95 fat 32=hidden win95 fat 32 lba= hidden win95 fat 16 lba=! Willowsoft OFS1="!reserved=##reserved=$$NEC DOS=%&reserved=&1reserved='2Alien Internet Services NOS=(3reserved=)4reserved=*5JFS on OS2=+6reserved=,8Theos=-9Plan 9, or Theos spanned=.:Theos ver 4 4gb partition=/;Theos ve 4 extended partition=0<PartitionMagic recovery=1=Hidden Netware=2@VENIX 286 or LynxOS=3APReP=4Blinux swap sharing DRDOS disk=5Clinux sharing DRDOS disk=6DGoBack change utility=7EBoot US Boot manager=8FEUMEL/Elan or Ergos 3=9GEUMEL/Elan or Ergos 3=:HEUMEL/Elan or Ergos 3=;JALFX/THIN filesystem for DOS=<LOberon partition==MQNX4.x=>NQNX4.x 2nd part=?OQNX4.x 3rd part=@PDM (disk manager)=AQDM6 Aux1 (or Novell)=BRCP/M or Microport SysV/AT=CSDM6 Aux3=DTDM6 DDO=EUEZ-Drive (disk manager)=FVGolden Bow (disk manager)=GWDrive PRO=H\Priam Edisk (disk manager)=IaSpeedStor=JcGNU HURD or Mach or Sys V/386=KdNovell Netware 2.xx or Speedstore=LeNovell Netware 3.xx=MfNovell 386 Netware=NgNovell=OhNovell=PiNovell=QpDiskSecure Multi-Boot=Rqreserved=Ssreserved=Ttreserved=UuPC/IX=Vvreserved=WwM2FS/M2CS partition=XxXOSL boot loader filesystem=Y�MINIX until 1.4a=Z�MINIX since 1.4b=[�Linux swap or Solaris=\�Linux native=]�OS/2 hidden C: drive=^�Linux extended partition=_�NT FAT volume set=`�NTFS volume set or HPFS mirrored=a�Linux Kernel AiR-BOOT partition=b�Legacy Fault tolerant FAT32=c�Legacy Fault tolerant FAT32 ext=d�Hidden free FDISK FAT12=e�Linux Logical Volume Manager=f�Hidden free FDISK FAT16=g�Hidden free FDISK DOS EXT=h�Hidden free FDISK FAT16 Big=i�Amoeba filesystem=j�Amoeba bad block table=k�MIT EXOPC native partitions=l�Hidden free FDISK FAT32=m�Datalight ROM-DOS Super-Boot=n�Mylex EISA SCSI=o�Hidden free FDISK FAT16 LBA=p�Hidden free FDISK EXT LBA=q�BSDI?=r�IBM Thinkpad hibernation=s�HP Volume expansion (SpeedStor)=t�HP Volume expansion (SpeedStor)=u�HP Volume expansion (SpeedStor)=v�386BSD partition type=w�OpenBSD partition type=x�NeXTSTEP 486=y�Apple UFS=z�NetBSD partition type={�Olivetty Fat12 1.44MB Service part=|�Apple Boot=}�SHAG OS filesystem=~�Apple HFS=�BootStar Dummy=��reserved=��reserved=��reserved=��reserved=��BSDI BSD/386 filesystem=��BSDI BSD/386 swap=��Boot Wizard Hidden=��Solaris 8 partition type=��Solaris partition type=��CTOS=��DRDOS/sec (FAT-12)=��Hidden Linux=��Hidden Linux swap=��DRDOS/sec (FAT-16, < 32M)=��DRDOS/sec (EXT)=��DRDOS/sec (FAT-16, >= 32M)=��Syrinx (Cyrnix?) or HPFS disabled=��Reserved for DR-DOS 8.0+=��Reserved for DR-DOS 8.0+=��Reserved for DR-DOS 8.0+=��DR-DOS 7.04+ Secured FAT32 CHS=��DR-DOS 7.04+ Secured FAT32 LBA=��CTOS Memdump=��DR-DOS 7.04+ FAT16X LBA=��DR-DOS 7.04+ EXT LBA=��REAL/32 secure big partition=��Old Multiuser DOS FAT12=��Old Multiuser DOS FAT16 Small=��Old Multiuser DOS Extended=��Old Multiuser DOS FAT16 Big=��CP/M 86=��CP/M or Concurrent CP/M=��Hidden CTOS Memdump=��Dell PowerEdge Server utilities=��DG/UX virtual disk manager=��STMicroelectronics ST AVFS=��DOS access or SpeedStor 12-bit=��DOS R/O or Storage Dimensions=��SpeedStor 16-bit FAT < 1024 cyl.=��reserved=��reserved=��BeOS=��GPT Protective MBR=��EFI system partition=��Linux PA-RISC boot loader=��SpeedStor or Storage Dimensions=��DOS 3.3+ Secondary=��reserved=��SpeedStor large partition=��Prologue multi-volumen partition=��reserved=��pCache: ext2/ext3 persistent cache=��Bochs x86 emulator=��VMware File System=��VMware Swap=��Linux RAID partition persistent sb=��LANstep or IBM PS/2 IML=��Xenix Bad Block Table=-,DOS-filename>.�x/%c>0�x1%c>2�x3%c>4�x5%c	>6�
x7%c>8�x9%c
>:�x;%c><�x=%c>?�.x@%c>	A�x	B%c>
D%c=-G2xDOS-filenamexI=.JDOS-filenamexK+=.LDOS-filename=-Ppartition-table=.Spartition-entry-test=.Tpartition-entry-test=. Upartition-entry-test=.0Vpartition-entry-test=-Xpartition-entry-test>Z=\=.]partition-entry>_=.`partition-entry=-bpartition-entry>d; partition=
hU�������4xi: ID=%#x=j��, active>k�%#xxl, start-CHS (=
.mpartition-chsxn), end-CHS (=
.opartition-chsxp), startsector %uxq, %u sectors=
-spartition-chsxu0x=v�@1=w��2=x��3xy%xx{,%ux}?,%u=-)ntfs-sector2<
+=V-����x/bootstrap %-5.5s=
1x2%-2.2s=-@ffsv1x� Alast mounted on %s,x  Clast written at %s,x� Dclean flag %d,x$ Enumber of blocks %d,x( Fnumber of data blocks %d,x, Gnumber of cylinder groups %d,x0 Hblock size %d,x4 Ifragment size %d,x< Jminimum percentage of free blocks %d,x@ Krotational delay %dms,xD Ldisk rotational speed %drps,=� MTIME optimization=� NSPACE optimization=-Zffsv2x�[last mounted on %s,>�\volume name %s,x0]last written at %s,x�^clean flag %d,x�_readonly flag %d,x8`number of blocks %lld,x@anumber of data blocks %lld,x,bnumber of cylinder groups %d,x0cblock size %d,x4dfragment size %d,x�eaverage file size %d,x�faverage number of files in dir %d,xPgpending blocks to free %lld,xXhpending inodes to free %d,x�isystem-wide uuid %0llx,x<jminimum percentage of free blocks %d,=�kTIME optimization=�lSPACE optimization=-�cdrom!��NSR0ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem dataapplication/x-iso9660-imageiso/iso9660=��NSR0UDF filesystem dataapplication/x-iso9660-imageiso/udf=��1(version 1.0)=��2(version 1.5)=��3(version 2.0)>��3(unknown version, ID %#X)<��1(unknown version, ID %#X)=
��U�������(DOS/MBR boot sector)>(�� '%.32s'=��CD001EL TORITO SPECIFICATION(bootable)=-MsquashfsxNversion %d.xO%d,=Puncompressed,=Qzlib=Rlzma=Slzo=Txz=Ulz4=Vzstd>Wcompressed,<XxY%d bytes,>Z<[x?\%lld bytes,>]x(^%lld bytes,x`%d inodes,<ax bblocksize: %d bytes,>c<dx3eblocksize: %d bytes,>fxgblocksize: %d bytes,<hx	'icreated: %s>jx	kcreated: %s=-M	SaveDskFxO	floppy image data (IBM SaveDskFapplication/x-ibm-dskdsk=U	X, old)=V	Y)=W	Z, compressed)!Z	�, Media descriptor %#x!\	, upper byte of media type %#x!
^	, Bytes/sector %u>
`	, sectors/cluster %u>c	, cluster shift %u>
f	, reserved sectors %u!
i	, FAT>
k	sx
l	%u!
n	�, root entries %u!

p	!, 1st cluster at sector %ux
r	, %u clusters!t		, sectors/FAT %u!
v	, root directory at sector %uxx	, checksum %#8.8x!
z	P, %u cylinders!
}	, heads %u!
�	, sectors/track %u!�	, at 0x1E %#xx
"�	, sectors %u	!
$�	>
&�	)x
$�	, at %#xx
$�	"%s"!
&�	, 1st sector at %#x!�	Z=
&�	, 1st sector at 0x200 (0)=	-�	tc-floppyx�	TransCopy disk imageapplication/x-floppy-image-tctc/img>�	%.32s>"�	"%.32s"!�	�, disk type %ux�	, cylinder!�	start=%ux�	end=%u!�	, %u sides!�	, track increment %u=-
, size %dx
, label %s=
, type file=m
, type symlink=n
, type root or directory=o
, type hardlink=p
, type special=
, v1 root directory!
, object entryx
(name: "%s")=-
swf-details=F=��������Macromedia Flash dataapplication/x-shockwave-flashx, version %d=��������Macromedia Flash dataapplication/x-shockwave-flashx, version %d=Macromedia Flash dataapplication/x-shockwave-flashx, version %d=�������� Macromedia Flash dataapplication/x-shockwave-flashx, version %d=������0Macromedia Flash dataapplication/x-shockwave-flashx, version %d=> /<	! Macromedia Flash dataapplication/x-shockwave-flashx#, version %d=%C=&xMacromedia Flash data (compressed)application/x-shockwave-flashx(, version %d=*Z=+]Macromedia Flash data (lzma compressed)application/x-shockwave-flashx-, version %d=	-�gdos-fontx
�GEM GDOS fontapplication/x-font-gdosfnt/gtfx�%.32sx
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>:�x<, name offset %#x
<>�x?xA�xH, %d names�=W, Unicode�=X, Macintosh�=Y, Microsoft>[, language %#x>^, type %d string
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x4, 1st line "%s"x5, 2nd line "%s"=7
x8, 2nd line "%s"x9, 3rd line "%s"=
-'garmin-mapx(Garminapplication/x-garmin-map!+, %#x XORed	x@-=/DLLINFO TXTmap (Voice Processing)vpm!6DLLINFO TXTmapimg!9, zeroes %#xx;v%ux	=.%.2uxI?%.20s>eA %.31sxC, updated>DbxEd20%.2u<FcxG20%.2ux
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WksSSWorkBook: Microsoft Works 6-9 spreadsheetapplication/vnd.ms-works????AWSSxlr=��Workbook!
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��__CollDataStm: Microsoft Outlook Send Receive Settingsapplication/x-ms-srssrs=��Category: Microsoft Clip Art Galleryapplication/x-ms-cagMScgCGdbcag/=�StrIndex_StringTable: Windows temporarily installerapplication/x-ms-rrarra=�DestList: Windows jump listapplication/x-ms-jumplistautomaticDestinations-ms=��256_: Windows thumbnail database 256application/x-ms-thumbnaildb=��96_: Windows thumbnail database 96application/x-ms-thumbnaildb=�Catalog: Windows thumbnail databaseapplication/x-ms-thumbnaildb=
��Control000: Microsoft old Systeminfoapplication/x-ms-infonfo=��Header: Microsoft sysinternals AutoRuns data, version 14application/x-ms-arnarn=
��TemplateID: Microsoft Access wizard templateapplication/x-ms-mdzmdz=	��Thumbnail: Corel PrintHouse imageapplication/x-corel-cphcph=	�Thumbnail: Corel PrintHouse imageapplication/x-corel-cphcph=�_INFO_: Corel Galleryapplication/x-corel-galgal=	�TplHeader: Ulead iPhoto Templateimage/x-ulead-tpltpl=
FileHeader: Hancom HWP (Hangul Word Processor) file, version 5.0application/x-hwphwp=�dd2: StarOffice Gallery viewapplication/x-star-sdvsdv=�Current User: SoftMaker=SMNativeObjData=
PowerPointPowerPoint presentation or templateapplication/vnd.ms-powerpointppt/pps/pot=
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