Direktori : /home/infra/BACKUP-FUSIONINVENTORY/lib/lazy.js-0.5.1/ |
Current File : //home/infra/BACKUP-FUSIONINVENTORY/lib/lazy.js-0.5.1/CHANGES.md |
Lazy.js Changelog ================= This file includes at least a partial list of the major changes in each version. Unreleased ---------- - added public `equals()` method (#139) - added public `Lazy.curry` and `Lazy.curryRight` methods (#24) - added public `Lazy.createCallback` and `Lazy.createComparator` methods (#140) - added shallow option to `flatten()` (#125) - added equalityFn paramter to `indexOf`, `lastIndexOf`, and `contains` - fixed bug with return value from `consecutive()` not being reusable (#212) - fixed bug with `concat()` unexpectedly flattening results (#127) v0.5.0 ------ - sequences now support ES6 [iterable protocol](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols) (#186) - added support for ES6 [Set](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Set) and [Map](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Map) objects - `memoize().get` no longer iterates entire sequence (#191) - fixed bug causing failure on `defaults().defaults()` (#183) - fixed bug with setting encoding in `Lazy.readFile` (#160) v0.4.3 ------ - added `push` and `unshift` to `ArrayLikeSequence` (#173) - changed behavior of `min` and `max` to return `undefined` for empty sequences (#194) - made `zip` and `intersection` communicative (#196 and #197) - fixed bug w/ shuffling empty array returning `[undefined]` (#198) - added support for non-string delimiters in `join` (#193) - fixed bug w/ missing return value in full iteration of `groupBy` (#179) - fixed bug w/ ignoring delimiter in `values().join` (#184) - fixed behavior of `ObjectLikeSequence.keys` (#164) - fixed broken `DomEventSequence.each` (#163) - fixed handling of falsey values in `get` (#170) - changed behavior of `ObjectLikeSequence.each` (see #165) v0.4.2 ------ - dropped support for node 0.8 - Lazy is now exposed as a UMD module - added value transform function to `groupBy`/`indexBy` ([#97](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/pull/97)) - fixed biased implementation of `shuffle` (see [#142](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/pull/142)) - fixed bug where `split` couldn't be called on `StringSegments` (see [#123](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/pull/123)) - fixed `merge` to better handle arrays, dates, and other object types (see [#154](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/pull/154)) v0.4.0 ------ - now `Lazy.AsyncHandle` implements the Promises/A+ specification! (see [#71](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/issues/71)) - made `Sequence#get` available to all sequences, not just `ArrayLikeSequence`s (see [#106](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/issues/106)) - made `ObjectLikeSequence#filter` return an `ObjectLikeSequence` (see [#75](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/issues/75)) - fixed issue with `Sequence#shuffle` always putting first element last ([#113](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/issues/106)) - fixed issue with `Sequence#join` skipping empty strings ([#115](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/issues/115)) - fixed issue with `Lazy.range` sometimes providing one value too few ([#119](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/issues/119)) v0.3.3 (abandoned) ------------------ - fixed `Sequence#groupBy` to work for async sequences (see [#72](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/pull/72)) - fixed `StreamLikeSequence#split` to split properly across chunks (see [#70](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/pull/70)) - changed `Sequence#filter` so it passes a simple incrementing index with each element (like Underscore/Lo-Dash) - added `Lazy.clone` to create a shallow copy of an object or array - added `Sequence#sort`, which can accept a 2-arity function for more customized sorting (see [#65](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/issues/65)) - both `Sequence#sort` and `Sequence#sortBy` now accept a `descending` argument - added `Sequence#indexBy` v0.3.2 ------ - added `Sequence.createWrapper` (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20959394) - added `Sequence#memoize` and `Sequence#none` - fixed `Sequence#reject` to accept a string or object (like other methods involving predicates) - fixed bug in `Sequence#all` - `AsyncSequence#getIterator` now throws an error (see [#63](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/issues/63)) v0.3.1 ------ - added `Sequence#apply` (see [#61](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/issues/61)) and `Sequence#size` (see [#56](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/issues/56)) - added `ObjectLikeSequence#merge` (see [#55](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/issues/55)) - added `Sequence#toStream` to create an actual `stream.Readable` in Node, to interact w/ stream-based libraries (see [#53](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/issues/53)) v0.3.0 ------ - now these methods on `AsyncSequence` return a promise-like `AsyncHandle`, allowing you to do something w/ the result once iteration is complete (using `onComplete`, which is aliased as `then`): - `reduce` - `min` - `max` - `sum` - `find` - `indexOf` - `contains` - `toArray` - `toObject` - `join`/`toString` - added `Lazy(object).watch` to monitor changes to a property as a sequence (see [#49](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/issues/49)) - added `Sequence#chunk`, `Sequence#tap`, and `Sequence#ofType` - deprecated `Lazy.events` in favor of `NodeSequence#on` (note: I should probably rename `NodeSequence` to `DOMSequence`) v0.2.1 ------ - reverted change to `Lazy()` helper function, added `Lazy.strict()` to provide the stricter form (see [#44](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/issues/44)) - added `Lazy.parseJSON` method along with demo (see **experimental/** folder) - added `onComplete` to handle returned by `AsyncSequence#each` v0.2.0 ------ - updated `Lazy()` helper function to throw an error on `null` or `undefined` - changed behavior of `Sequence.define` -- `init` no longer must accept `parent` as a first parameter (see [#45](https://github.com/dtao/lazy.js/issues/45)) - added `ArrayLikeSequence.define`, `ObjectLikeSequence.define`, and `StringLikeSequence.define` - added `takeWhile`, `dropWhile`, and `consecutive` - implemented many string-specific methods for `StringLikeSequence`: - `indexOf`, `lastIndexOf`, and `contains` (all accept a substring) - `startsWith` and `endsWith` - `reverse` (returns a `StringLikeSequence`) - `toUpperCase` and `toLowerCase` - `charCodeAt` - `substring` - implemented array-specific methods for `ArrayLikeSequence`: - `pop` - `shift` - `slice` - added support for supplying `pluck`-style callbacks (strings) to `map`, `filter`, `sortBy`, `groupBy`, `countBy`, `any`, and `all` - now `groupBy` and `countBy` both return an `ObjectLikeSequence` - added value selector callbacks to `min`, `max`, and `sum` - fixed some cases where `each` did not pass along an index with each element - fixed `map().async()` - fixed handling of `NaN` in some cases - added `Lazy.noop` and `Lazy.identity` convenience methods v0.1.1 ------ - `flatten` can now flatten inner sequences (not just arrays) - added `Sequence#toString` - significant perf improvements for `uniq`, `union`, `intersection`, `concat`, `zip` - removed `Lazy.async` in favor of `Sequence#async` - added Bower and Component support - added `Lazy.readFile` and `Lazy.makeHttpRequest` (for Node) v0.1.0 ------ Initial release.