Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /etc/veeam/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : //etc/veeam/veeam.ini

# veeam.ini, v6.1.2.1781 2024-04-30 19:17:54
# This is the veeamservice system-wide configuration file.
# The strategy used for options in the default veeam.ini shipped with
# Veeam Agent for Linux is to specify options with their default value where
# possible, but leave them commented. Uncommented options override the
# default value.

# Extra amount of RAM equal to GPT BIOS boot partition size is consumed during backup. This key sets the upper limit (MiB):
# biosBootPartitionLimit = 32

# Ignore inactive LVM logical volumes during backup
# ignoreInactiveLvm = false

# Backup cluster alignment logarithm
# clusterAlign = 3

# Verbose logging of device enumeration
# verboseDevEnumLogging = false

# CPU priority for veeamagents, from 0 to 19
# priority = 10

# IO rate limit, from 0.01 to 1.0
# ioRateLimit = 0.9

# Object storage immutability generation in days
# objectStorageImmutabilityGenerationDays = 10

# Bit mask size, bytes
# bitMaskSize = 536870912

# BitLooker timeout per device, ms
# timeout = 900000

# Enable BitLooker
# enabled = true

# Use fsmap BitLooker algorithm
# fsmap = true

# Exclude the specified devices from BitLooker processing (e.g. /dev/sda1, /dev/sdb3)
# exclude = 

# Use native BitLooker algorithm
# native = false

# Logging level: 3 - errors, 4 - warnings, 6 - info, 7 - debug
# loglevel = 6

# Skip kernel compatibility check for el9 kmod blksnap modules
# kmodAnyKernel = true

# The limit of the maximum number of trackings blocks
# trackingBlockMaximumCount = 2097152

# The power of 2 for the trackings block size minimum
# trackingBlockMinimumShift = 16

# The minimum allowable size of the difference storage in sectors
# diffStorageMinimum = 2097152

# The limit of the maximum number of chunks in cache
# chunkMaximumInCache = 16

# The power of 2 for the chunk size minimum
# chunkMinimumShift = 19

# The power of 2 for the limit of the maximum number of chunks
# chunkMaximumCountShift = 40

# Do not backup system-generated BTRFS snapshots
# skipSystemSnapshots = true

# Run BTRFS version compatibility check
# versionCheck = true

# Prefer reflinks for data duplication
# useReflinks = true

# Clean up orphaned snapshots every N seconds
# snapshotCleanupPeriod = 86400

# Kerberos ticket renewal timeout (minutes)
# kerberosTicketRenewInterval = 300

# HTTP proxy password
# httpProxyPasswd = 

# Contact CA if OCSP stapling fails
# useOcspDirect = false

# HTTP proxy login
# httpProxyLogin = 

# Require Root CA Cert in a local trusted storage
# requireRootCert = false

# Check certificate revocation using OCSP stapling
# useOcspStapling = false

# Enable CRL check for Cloud Connect
# crlCheckMode = 1

# HTTP proxy URL for CRL checks
# httpProxyUrl = 

# Allow authentication via NTLM protocol
# isNtlmEnabled = true

# Update CRL every N hours
# crlLiveTime = 168

# Allow non secure S3 compatible protocol
# allowNonSslS3compat = false

# Maximum count of archived log files
# logsMaxAgesNum = 10

# Path to directory with logs
# logsFolder = /var/log/veeam

# Maximum log file size, bytes
# logsMaxSize = 15728640

# Logs rotation period, days
# logsRotateDays = 14

# Enable recursive traversal of root directory and its nested mountpoints (excluding remote FS) for file-level backup.
# rootRecursion = false

# Display warnings for skipped files backup process: 0 = Disable, 1 = Partial, 2 = Full
# skippedFilesWarnings = 1

# Back up extended attributes.
# xattrBackup = true

# Display warnings for extended attributes backup process: 0 = Disable, 1 = Partial, 2 = Full
# xattrWarnings = 1

# Job queue maximum capacity
# JobQueueCapacity = 3

# Custom Veeam Recovery ISO URL
# customRecoveryIsoUrl = 

# Force FUSE mount on kernels 4.0.0-4.1.33 (for file level restore)
# ignoreFuseBug = false

# Root folder path for mount backup disks
# backupDisksMountFolder = /tmp/veeamflr

# Fail session if meta inconsistent
# MetaCheckerEnabled = false

# Enable FIPS mode
# fipsMode = true

# Root folder path for mount file systems of backup disks
# backupDisksFsMountFolder = /mnt/backup

# Enables asynchronous reading from disk
# AsyncRead = true

# Local CA certificates stores paths, comma separated. Example: ca-trust-stores=/path1,/path2
# caTrustStores = 

# Maximum allowed path length for deduplication appliances
# AgentManagementMaxFileNameLength = 0

# File system ea_inode extension: 0 = Off, 1 = On, 2 = Auto. Do not forget to run full backup after change!
# useEAInode = 2

# Retry all errors, set to 'false' to enable retries only for 'snapshot overflow'
# retryAllErrors = true

# New job default retries count
# retriesCount = 3

# Job retry delay interval (seconds)
# retriesInterval = 600

# File system block size in bytes: 0 = Auto, 4096, 65536
# blockSize = 4096

# Sets MySQL unix socket path
# socketName = 

# Sets MySQL client library name
# libraryName = 

# MySQL lock strategy (Auto,LockAll,NoLock)
# lockStrategy = Auto

# MySQL lock timeout value, in seconds (from 1 to 31536000 seconds).
# lockWaitTimeout = 600

# Check for direct-to object storage credentials updates not less than every N hours (0 - disabled)
# syncIntervalHours = 24

# Oracle AAIP temporary directory
# tmpDir = /tmp/veeam_oraclelogs

# Exclude databases from processing by SID. Example: excludeSids = db1,db2
# excludeSids = 

# catchall discovery updates every N minutes
# discoveryInterval = 1440

# Check for configuration updates no more often than once in N minutes
# jobInterval = 360

# If a job is idle, check for configuration updates every N minutes
# scheduleInterval = 360

# Local time in minutes to start the discovery
# catchAllDiscoveryStartTimeMin = -1

# Reconnect attempts timeout, ms
# overallTimeout = 1800000

# Enable reconnect
# enabled = true

# Time to wait before each reconnect attempt, ms
# attemptInterval = 5000

# Mount backups as read-write during restores
# mountRW = true

# FLR session timeout in seconds
# inactiveFLRSessionTimeout = 1800

# Ignore freeze and thaw scripts result
# ignoreFreezeThawFailures = false

# Timeout for freeze and thaw scripts, sec
# timeoutFreezeThaw = 600

# Timeout for pre- and post-backup scripts, sec
# timeoutPrePost = 600

# LVM logical volume snapshot size. Example: /dev/vgName/lvName:100M;/dev/vgName/lvName2:1G
# lvSnapSpaceAssign = 

# Lifetime limit in days for btrfs snapshots
# lifetimeDays = 14

# Percent of free space on block device can be used for snapshot data allocating
# limitFreePercent = 50

# Snapshot data type, can be 'stretch' (default) or 'common'
# type = 

# Location folder for snapshot data, only for 'stretch' and 'common' snapshot
# location = 

# Minimal possible snapshot data size, not for stretch snapshot
# minSize = 536870912

# Maximum possible snapshot data size, not for stretch snapshot
# maxSize = 21474836480

# Stretch snapshot data portion
# portionSize = 1073741824

# Enable change tracking
# enableChangeTracking = true

# Skip kernel compatibility check for el7 and el8 kmod veeamsnap modules
# kmodAnyKernel = true

# Kernel log logging level. 7 - list all messages as an error, 4 or 0 - all messages as a warning, 2 - all message as a trace (use only if veeam works perfectly on your system)
# debuglogging = 0

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0