Direktori : /etc/brltty/Contraction/ |
Current File : //etc/brltty/Contraction/en-ueb-g2.ctb |
############################################################################### # BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in # text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display. # # Copyright (C) 1995-2023 by The BRLTTY Developers. # # BRLTTY comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # # This is free software, placed under the terms of the # GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details. # # Web Page: http://brltty.app/ # # This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <dave@mielke.cc>. ############################################################################### # BRLTTY Contraction Table - English (UEB, grade 2) # Created by Michael Curran <mick@kulgan.net> #This is by no means complete, but at least all the important ascii symbols and general grade 2 contractions are here. #I am trying to compress space as much as possible so a lot of syllable boundary rules havn't been included. #get the single character definitions from the grade 1 rules include en-ueb-g1.ctb #Largest contractions word a = word about 1-12 contraction ab word above 1-12-1236 contraction abv sufword according 1-14 contraction ac word across 1-14-1235 contraction acr word after 1-124 contraction af sufword afterward 1-124-2456 contraction afw sufword afternoon 1-124-1345 contraction afn word again 1-1245 contraction ag word against 1-1245-34 contraction agst word almost 1-123-134 contraction alm word already 1-123-1235 contraction alr word also 1-123 contraction al word although 1-123-1456 word alth = word altogether 1-123-2345 contraction alt word always 1-123-2456 contraction alw word as 1356 contraction as word be 23 contraction be word because 23-14 word bec = word before 23-124 word bef = word behind 23-125 word beh = word below 23-123 word bel = word beneath 23-1345 sufword beside 23-234 sufword bes = sufword between 23-2345 sufword bet = word beyond 23-13456 word bey = sufword blind 12-123 contraction bl sufword braille 12-1235-123 contraction brl word but 12 contraction b word can 14 contraction c sufword conceive 25-14-1236 contraction concv sufword conceiving 25-14-1236-1245 contraction concvg word could 14-145 contraction cd word cannot 456-14 sufword character 5-16 word children 16-1345 word chn = always day 5-145 always deceive 145-14-1236 contraction dcv always deceiving 145-14-1236-1245 contraction dcvg word declare 145-14-123 contraction dcl word do 145 contraction d word either 15-24 contraction ei lowword enough 26 contraction en word every 15 contraction e always father 5-124 always first 124-34 always fst = word from 124 contraction f always friend 124-1235 contraction fr word go 1245 contraction g always good 1245-145 contraction gd word great 1245-1235-2345 contraction grt word had 456-125 word have 125 contraction h always here 5-125 word herself 125-12456-124 contraction herf word him 125-134 contraction hm word himself 125-134-124 contraction hmf lowword his 236 word i = sufword immediate 24-134-134 contraction imm word it 1346 contraction x word its 1346-234 contraction xs word itself 1346-124 contraction xf word just 245 contraction j word knowledge 13 contraction k always know 5-13 sufword letter 123-1235 contraction lr word like 123 contraction l word little 123-123 contraction ll sufword lord 5-123 word more 134 contraction m sufword mother 5-134 sufword much 134-16 contraction mch word must 134-34 contraction mst word myself 134-13456-124 contraction myf sufword name 5-1345 sufword necessary 1345-15-14 contraction nec word neither 1345-15-24 contraction nei word not 1345 contraction n word ourselves 1256-1235-1236-234 contraction ourvs word paid 1234-145 contraction pd word people 1234 contraction p always perceive 1234-12456-14-1236 contraction percv always perceiving 1234-12456-14-1236-1245 contraction percvg word perhaps 1234-12456-125 contraction perh sufword quick 12345-13 contraction qk word quite 12345 contraction q always question 5-12345 word rather 1235 contraction r always receive 1235-14-1236 contraction rcv always receiving 1235-14-1236-1245 contraction rcvg always rejoice 1235-245-14 contraction rjc word said 234-145 contraction sd word shall 146 contraction sh always should 146-145 contraction shd word so 234 contraction s always some 5-234 always spirit 456-234 word still 34 contraction st word such 234-16 contraction sch word that 2345 contraction t word this 1456 contraction th word thyself 1456-13456-124 contraction thyf word today 2345-145 contraction td word tomorrow 2345-134 contraction tm word tonight 2345-1345 contraction tn word themselves 2346-134-1236-234 contraction themvs always their 456-2346 always there 5-2346 word these 45-2346 always through 5-1456 always together 2345-1245-1235 contraction tgr word those 45-1456 word upon 45-136 word us 136 contraction u always under 5-136 word very 1236 contraction v lowword was 356 word which 156 contraction wh word will 2456 contraction w lowword were 2356 always where 5-156 always with 23456 always word 45-2456 word whose 45-156 always work 5-2456 always would 2456-145 contraction wd always world 456-2456 word you 13456 contraction y always young 5-13456 word your 13456-1235 contraction yr word yours 13456-1235-234 contraction yrs word yourself 13456-1235-124 contraction yrf word yourselves 13456-1235-1236-234 contraction yrvs #Smaller contractions midendword ance 46-15 midendword ence 56-15 always ever 5-15 always for 123456 midendword ful 56-123 midendword ing 346 midendword ity 56-13456 midendword less 46-234 always many 456-134 midendword ment 56-2345 midendword eness 15-56-234 midendword iness 24-56-234 midendword ness 56-234 midendword ong 56-1245 midendword ound 46-145 midendword ount 46-2345 always ought 5-1256 always part 5-1234 always right 5-1235 midendword sion 46-1345 always the 2346 always time 5-2345 midendword tion 56-1345 #Smallist contractions always and 12346 always ar 345 midword bb 23 midword cc 25 always ch 16 midword ea 2 always ed 1246 always en 26 always er 12456 midword ff 235 midword gg 2356 always gh 126 always in 35 word o = always of 12356 always one 5-135 always ou 1256 always ow 246 always sh 146 always st 34 always th 1456 always wh 156 #Disambiguation always ear 15-345 endword 'd 3-145 endword 'll 3-123-123 endword 'm 3-134 endword 're 3-1235-15 endword 's 3-234 endword 't 3-2345 endword 've 3-1236-15 # inline contraction of emoji descriptions emoji en